Aquarius 2023: Truth. Technocracy. ChatGPT. Schwab-WEF-UN-WHO-Davos. Russia & USA. Shostakovich & Leningrad.
Aquarius Keynote
“Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty men.”
(Full Moon Feb.5, 2023. 18:28 UT.)
Aquarius New Moon 2023, A Powerful Seed
Triumph of Truth: The Crumbling Narrative
___The Light of Truth
___Truth Bombs
___Uranus & the Fixed Cross of Light
___The New Group of World Servers
The Technocracy Reset: Aquarius & the 5th Ray
___Aquarius and the 5th/7th Rays
___Klaus Schwab & the WEF
___ The Third Ray and Business
___Blackrock: Money Market Manipulator
___WEF, UN & WHO
___Schwab’s Plans Unravelling?
___ Tax Us Now, Say the Ultra Rich
Chat GPT: Technology Cannot Replace Human Creativity
___Nick Cave’s Response to Fans
___OpenAI Horoscope
Aquarian Souls: USA and Russia
___Aquarius Rulers: Uranus & Jupiter
___Moscow, Taurus, NATO
___How to Invoke USA’s Aquarian soul?
Aquarius Rising Shostakovich: The Leningrad Symphony
Aquarius Webinar
Aquarius New Moon 2023, A Powerful Seed
The new moon in Aquarius on Jan.21 was a powerful seed for the Aquarius full moon festival. Placed in early Aquarius, the Sun-Moon conjoined power planet Pluto in late Capricorn. Hence, the transformative and often destructive potency of the lord of the underworld will be invoked – Pluto will reveal more of what is hidden or unconscious – personally and collectively.
The period towards the end of the waning moon and the early new moon can be when people succumb to depression – from which few can escape:
“It is like a miasma, a fog which environs the man and makes it impossible for him to see clearly, walk surely, and cognise Reality. It is part of the great astral illusion … the cause of it is either astral or physical and incident to a world situation or a personal situation.”1
At a mass level, depression can,
“… sweep through a race or a nation, through a period or a cycle of years, and produces conditions of profound depression and of mutual distrust. It causes a sad self-absorption and this we term a panic or a wave of unrest.
The fact that the working out may be military, economic, social or political, that it may take the form of a war, of a religious inquisition, of financial stringency or international distrust is incidental. The causes lie back in the blue prints of the evolutionary process and are governed—even if unrealised—by the good Law.”2
The events of the past few years have created a high incidence of depression and suicide, hence Humanity is quite susceptible to cycles where it can be magnified. Nevertheless, Aquarius is a sign of mental detachment and objectivity – which can certainly help deal with any latent depression. The Sun moved into Aquarius on Jan.20, closely coinciding with the new moon – a new beginning, following after the last traditional sign of the year, Capricorn.
At the seed-point new moon, the innovative, non-conformist or rebellious qualities of Uranus-ruled Aquarius can be harnessed, to create a year very different from the last. Especially in terms of networking groups resisting the lower Aquarian expression of Big Tech/Biz/Media – seen annually at the recently concluded Davos gathering.
Over the past few years of medical/political dictatorship, globalists did not count on an unplanned effect – the spawning of thousands of groups who have said no thanks, “we don’t need no thought control”. These new communities are the true seeds of the Aquarian Age, held together by a common goal of nurturing spiritual values, practicing real science, building an wholistic foundation of mutual cooperation and community.
These might sound like idealistic platitudes to some, but are worth continuous re-enunciation – as a magical mantra. Magic is closely aligned with Aquarius through its ruler Uranus, also ruler of the seventh ray of Ceremonial Order or Organisation. The last few years has seen the worst of the Material Magicians tapping into Uranus, to manipulate humanity – using the 7th ray to create an extremely well organised coup.
But they will not and cannot succeed, especially now – as so many people are waking up and becoming proactive in demonstrations, refusing to toe the line and exercising their right to public disobedience.
Yet the globalists who seek to enslave Humanity will not give up, even increase their assault in the next few years. Hence, vigilance, alignment, perseverance and the invocation of the spiritual Will – are required by all who consciously serve the Planetary Plan.
Esoteric Horoscope Readings
Phillip Lindsay has been a practicing astrologer since 1988.
(Client Testimonials)
An astrologer’s job is to help bring the archetypal “idea” of the soul into awareness, looking at all the talents and skills that you have brought in – as well as major challenges. In soul-centered astrology – using esoteric rulerships, the Rising Sign assumes great importance as it is a quality that the soul is seeking to unfold in any incarnation.
What is your great gift or soul purpose? How are you going to contribute that, and when? What is it that you have come here to do? Are you to be a healer, artist, scientist, psychologist, musician or astrologer?
For new or for existing clients, there is the birth chart reading plus a transit/progression analysis for the next couple of years. To make the booking/payment for a reading, please visit this link.
Triumph of Truth: The Crumbling Narrative
“He Who shows the light and gives the water . . . Aquarius”.
The avalanche of lies and propaganda for the past few years, buried the truth for a short while. But now in its aftermath can be seen many new green shoots pushing up through the rubble and filth. Here is a reminder of Hercules’ task to cleanse the Augean stables in his eleventh Aquarian labour:
“Standing firm and unmoved, no matter what occurs. Your feet may be bathed in the mud of earth, but your head may be bathed in the sunshine of the higher regions. Recognition of the filth of earth involves not contamination.”3
The recent discovery of an ancient statue of Hercules in the sewers of Rome, on the famed Appian Way (“the queen of the long roads”), is most symbolic of the task for the New Group of World Servers. The imagery of the sewers is inescapable – does it mean that the World Hercules is already at work – or is about to really commit to a much deeper cleansing effort now?
The Light of Truth
“Aquarius —The Light that shines on Earth, across the sea. This is the light which ever shines within the dark and cleansing with its healing rays that which must be purified until the dark has gone.”4
The light of truth is now starting to dispel the spell of darkness that has been cast upon the world. But the fight is far from over – in this greatest spiritual battle since WWII – if only the majority of humanity realised it.
Everywhere can be seen mounting, undeniable and indisputable evidence of not only the harm and millions of deaths inflicted upon the world, but that the entire exercise was a planned scam from the outset.
There is so much evidence now available in the public domain – from government and private statistics – that it is difficult to know where to start, to “count the ways”.
A small percentage of this information is starting to percolate through mainstream media (Dr. Aseem Malhotra on the BBC) – who are desperately trying to maintain the narrative as if it was 2020! But millions are not buying it anymore and are waking up from the nightmare. The following links are just a few of thousands that can be found, because most of mainstream media still refuses to cover these stories.
Truth Bombs
- The latest bombshell – US Dept. of Defence (DoD) was behind the execution of the pandemic. Sasha Latypova, a pharmaceutical executive for over 30 years, blows the lid off! (Women leading the charge!) Another Latypova interview here. (Redacted’s Clayton Morris here.)
/ - A brilliant overview with great schematics about the DoD’s role behind the Also covers Biden’s classified docs, Ukraine, censorship, Davos and digital currency.
/ - Proofs of an extraordinarily high death toll – millions of vaccine injuries and deaths, immediately or within two years of vaccination. Intelligent, hopeful interview with author Ed Dowd – analytical and dispassionate statistics.
/ - British MPs call for probe into massive spike in deaths Nearly 3,000 more Britons are dying than average on a weekly basis, and it’s not Covid-19 that’s responsible.
/ - Sports people in their prime, dropping dead on the pitch, in unprecedented numbers – from heart attacks. Over the past 2 years (2021-22), more than 1,650 pro. and amateur athletes have collapsed due to cardiac events and 1,148 of them proved fatal: Are Athletes Dropping Dead From the COVID Jab?
(Mercola)1653 Athlete Cardiac Arrests Or Serious Health Issues, 1148 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection Rollout.
/ - Thousands of people dying well before their time, including celebrities such as Lisa Marie Presley at 54 – a keen advocate of vaccination. (Daughter of Elvis and Priscilla Presley.)
/ - Calling excess deaths in adults SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome), glosses over the phenomenon, authorities deliberately not connecting the dots to vaccine injuries – an insult to the victims and their families.
/ - Peer-reviewed study: 217,000+ Americans killed by the COVID vaccines in just the first year alone!
/ - Proofs of collusion and corruption between Big Pharma and Big Gov.
/ - See the Kaufman Institute’s send-up video on death “by coincidence”. It would be funny if it was not so tragic.
/ - The FAA has very quietly tacitly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer normal. A tacit admission from US gov. that the COVID vaccine damaged the hearts of pilots. Not just a few pilots. A lot of pilots and a lot of damage.
/ - Big Pharma executives can see the writing on the wall – many looming lawsuits being issued – are resigning in droves, like rats jumping off a sinking ship.
/ - Australia, as a microcosm of vaccinated nations, has released figures that show correlation between vax status (how many shots) and the likelihood of getting Covid. The more shots you receive, the more likely to get Covid. Government decided to remove all details on vax status from future health reports in 2023, hence no official record of how many Covid shots, the people who are sick and hospitalised with COVID have had.
Neil Oliver nails many issues – on vaccines, censorship and hypocrisy – in a recent commentary.
Uranus & the Fixed Cross of Light
“Where the light of truth is called in, glamour automatically disappears.”5
From where does this “light of truth” currently emanate? Perhaps from several astro-rayological sources – yet Aquarius ruler Uranus (in Taurus), appears to be the major influence:
“Uranus, the planet of the hidden mystery and one of the most occult of the planets “falls” in this sign … The task of Uranus, hidden in the depths, is to awaken and evoke the intuitive response of Taurus to an ever-increasing light until such time that full illumination is achieved and also the development of the spiritual consciousness—substituting these higher soul aspects for the lower form reactions.”6
Not only is Uranus associated with the light of truth, but Taurus is known as “The Mother of Illumination”. In discussing how the light of truth must reach the masses,
“It is surely easier to swing the masses into step and give them the newer light of truth if that light is poured on to familiar ground. All must be given the chance to see and hear, and be offered the opportunity to weigh and judge the significance of reality.
It is not just the two or three of supreme importance, or who have the nerve to take the needed forward steps, who must receive prime consideration, but the truth must be stepped down and adapted in such a way that the advanced minds, the enquiring minds, and the reactionary masses may have opportunity proffered them, to the measure of their receptivity.”7
Indeed, “the reactionary masses” are the billions of lambs that the wolves have preyed upon in these last few years – duped, hoodwinked, cajoled, threatened and bullied.
The New Group of World Servers
Hence, the task of the New Group of World Servers is to broadcast more intensely this Light of Truth – incandescently! The NGWS is ruled by Taurus and is the “bull’s eye” through which Sanat Kumara views the world:
“The initiate sees the New Group of World Servers brought under the illuminating power of Taurus, with the rest of humanity still under the influence of Pisces [in this current cycle.] …
… you have all the needed illumination and light upon all the coming problems, waiting to precipitate itself through the New Group of World Servers under the influence of Taurus, the nurturer of all illumination … You have, therefore, a condition of great spiritual promise …”8
Over the next few years, the Forces of Materialism will continue their relentless attempt to dim the light of Humanity, hence the responsibility of all those who count themselves as members of the NGWS, to stand as a beacon of hope – as a lighthouse in the storm: The Ark of Humanity must make safe passage to the New World.
Taurus is one of the four signs of the fixed cross – “the cross of light”. The following passage has two keynotes for each sign, the first one at the unevolved stage, the second at the evolved level:
“1. Taurus —The Bull of Desire. The light of aspiration and knowledge.
2. Leo —The Lion of Self-assertion. The Light of the Soul.
3. Scorpio —The Agent of Deception. The Light of Liberation.
4. Aquarius —The Chalice of Self-service. The Light of the world.”9
Uranus is connected to all four signs: Falls in Taurus. Hierarchical ruler of Leo. Exalted in Scorpio. Exoteric ruler of Aquarius: On the fixed cross, Aquarius generically rules the third initiation, a goal that lays on the distant horizon for Humanity:
“In Aquarius. The third initiation has been undergone and the light of the personality has been “put out” or dimmed by the light of the subjective Sun, influencing the soul.”10
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The Technocracy Reset: Aquarius & the 5th Ray
(See also: Technocracy and Mass Psychosis/Formations
and Shamballa, Technocracy. 84-Year Cycle of Uranus 2021)
“Critics describe the WEF as a “fanatical political organization masquerading as a neutral entity” with the goal of “centralising power into the possession of hand-picked global elites” and for operating with no public input or accountability …
… WEF’s annual meeting “acts as the go-to in-person, invite-only, closed to ideological outsiders policy and ideas shop for the global ruling class.” Statements emerging from this year’s meeting have done little to quell concerns about the WEF’s real agenda.”11
Aquarius is a sign connected to science in two ways:
1. Via the fifth ray of science or knowledge, the only ray to pass through this sign.
2. Via its exoteric ruler Uranus – the “planet of science”:
“Uranus, the occult planet, stands for exoteric science which penetrates into the hidden side of form life.”12
When considering Aquarius esoteric ruler Jupiter – also ruler of the second ray of love-wisdom – emerges themes of humanitarian and philanthropic endeavours, the greater good of global community, altruism, service. During the coming Aquarian Age, mighty Jupiter will help bring through,
“… group consciousness – which is the first and immediate revelation of the ever present Christ consciousness on a large scale in humanity.”13
But for now, it is the 5th and 7th rays that will be examined here.
Aquarius: 5th and 7th Rays
The fifth ray of Science or Knowledge, is the only ray to pass through Aquarius but is also associated with the seventh ray of Organisation (or Ceremonial Magic) because Uranus is the exoteric ruler of Aquarius – and rules the seventh ray.
The fifth and seventh rays working together, have created opportunities for the organisation of knowledge on a massive scale – through technology, the internet and the amassing of data.
The fifth ray has reached is apotheosis at the peak of this Fifth Rootrace (5.5.5), the fifth mental plane of consciousness, accelerated by the fifth ray’s recent “short incarnation” toward the end of the 20th century. Speaking around the year 1947 – The Tibetan stated,
“RAY V — This ray has been in manifestation for nearly seventy years [1947-70= 1875]. It will pass out (by special and unique arrangement) in another fifty years [1947+50 = 1997/2000], thus breaking into its own normal cycle, because it is deemed that the needed special impulse has been adequate and that the impetus given to the human “spirit of discovery” has served its purpose.
Any further intensification of the mental processes just now (except through the general pervasive effect of the third ray) might prove disastrous. The ray cycles are usually set and determined, but, in collaboration with each other and because of the imminent spiritual Crisis of Approach, the Lord of the Fifth Ray and the Lord of the World [Sanat Kumara] have decided temporarily to withdraw this type of force. It will take about fifty years to do this.”14
Elsewhere, the fifth ray is stated as being “in manifestation” since 177515, a seeming contradiction – this date might refer to the fifth ray’s incipient presence that did not pick up to full strength until around 1875. This initial phase of the 1775 fifth ray cycle presided over the Industrial Revolution that began in 1760 through to around 1840.
Aquarius ruler Uranus – is also important here, as its “discovery” six years after 1775 = 1781, heralded its emergence into human consciousness (US and French revolutions), as well as the force of Uranus-ruled seventh ray of Organisation. These dates could well be considered as the beginning of the 500-year cusp of the Aquarian Age’s 2,160 year cycle.
As a brief aside, 1875 was an extraordinarily important date:
– In 1875 the third ray occultly “completed its outgoing cycle and began to “curve upon itself, and thus return”. The third ray worked closely with the fifth and seventh rays during the Industrial Revolution.
– The period of the interplay of Leo, Capricorn and Pisces and their focussed potent effect upon Earth began in 1875.
– Group service on the astral plane started also since 1875.
– In 1875, H.P.B. formed the Theosophical Society, proclaimed the existence of the Masters of the Wisdom and made her first publication as an amanuensis – Isis Unveiled.
– Master Djwhal Khul took the fifth initiation in 1875.
Returning to the fifth ray statement above, “Any further intensification of the mental processes just now … might prove disastrous.”
Indeed – rays 1,3,5,7 are upon the “will line” and can considerably strengthen the lower will/lower mind.
The fifth ray of knowledge has been a major catalyst for human evolution and the expansion of consciousness. Humanity has acquired greater knowledge and a more powerful intellect, but has not yet learnt to apply it entirely wisely.
In other words, intellect and knowledge cannot be equated with wisdom. Wisdom is only developed over a long period of lives through reflecting upon acquired knowledge.
Klaus Schwab & the WEF
Hence, the world is witnessing today a mighty Promethean pride proclaiming that God is not needed – “we are gods” and can create accordingly. Ambitious humanity is attempting to take the shortcut up to the mountain top of initiation, glimpsing a goal that certainly lies far ahead in human evolution, but attempting to “steal fire” now:
“Now humans are developing even bigger powers than ever before – we are really acquiring divine powers of creation and destruction, we are really upgrading humans into gods, we are acquiring the power to re-engineer life.” (Yuval Harari, the ideological voice of the WEF, profiled here.)
“Hubris Harari”16 has Venus and Mercury in Aquarius, WEF founder Klaus Schwab has Jupiter there (fake philanthropy), whilst the WEF has Aquarius Sun and rising sign, with moon’s node. (See astro bi-wheel below.)
Note the prominence of Schwab’s Uranus in Taurus on the midheaven, dominating this (speculated) Leo rising horoscope. Schwab certainly expresses the lower and higher keynotes of Taurus: The Bull of Desire and The light of aspiration and knowledge.
Hence, though demonised as the devil of Davos, the evil Spectre genius etc, is he (like Bill Gates) simply a misguided idealist – driven by the “light of aspiration and knowledge”? Or are they both total control freaks whose ambitions have run off the rails?
With Schwab’s grandiose plan of “The Great Reset”, the WEF has led the Technocracy charge – with much knowledge and idealism but little wisdom. Cold science unalloyed with compassion. Again, resounds the phrase where the fifth ray, “might prove disastrous”. The world has come very close to disaster through the misuse and abuse of technology – via one group of technocrats exploiting and controlling the rest of humanity.

Inner wheel: Schwab. Outer wheel: WEF. Note WEF’s extraordinary stellium in Sagittarius, the fire of aspiration and idealism. Harari’s Venus-Mercury in Aquarius are conjunct the WEF sun in Aquarius.
“The [WEF’s] Fourth Industrial Revolution is about controlling data – hence your mind – and your body. One of capitalism’s contradictions is that labour is used to add value in the production process but using labour to add value entails squeezing the cost of labour to maximise the return on owners’ capital.”17
Knowledge driven by a strong will, blended with fanaticism of the sixth ray of idealism – to put it politely; less politely, driven by selfish – even evil intention. A smug and self-satisfied billionaire class – out of touch with the people, to whom they wish to dictate and exploit.
When knowledge is mixed with a fervent idealism, then fundamentalism is the outcome – religious scientism. As the chart wheel above shows, WEF’s horoscope has a prominent stellium in Sagittarius (Commented upon in another newsletter) – a sign of high idealism and the sixth ray which finds its strongest expression in this sign: Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Venus, Moon and midheaven – all in this sign!
Don Quixote is a classic figure related to the excesses of the imagination and idealism that the author examines here: Don Quixote: Tilting at Windmills: The WEF is a modern day Don Quixote:
“All that is ordinary takes on grandiose interpretations in the imagination of Don Quixote, so that even windmills become “giants” worthy of attack by his horse and lance; hence the phrase “tilting at windmills”, captivated or trapped by one’s illusions.
All events that unfold are “chivalrous quests” that are compounded by Quixote’s meddling in affairs that do not concern him. (A classic feature of the 6th ray of idealism, that finds its strongest expression in Sagittarius.)
Don Quixote is an idealist who dreams of a golden age of humanity where there is no such thing as property [you will own nothing and be happy!] and peace prevails on Earth. The story of Don Quixote also has a more serious, philosophical theme about self-deception and illusion.
… Although fire is a symbol of the mind or manas, Sagittarius is the most emotionally enthusiastic or effusive of the fire signs, especially when it comes to ideas. This is where Sagittarians often come unstuck because of their undiscriminating emotional adherence to ideas that result in a narrow tunnel vision.”18
Many WEF “graduates” have close synastry with WEF’s Sagittarius planets, creating an fanatical adherence to serve those ideals. PM’s Macron, Trudeau and recently-resigned Jacinda Ardern are outstanding examples. German foreign minister Annalena Baerbock, an extreme example of Sagittarius fanaticism (Sun, Neptune, Mercury.)
Schwab: “Ve haf penetrated ze cabinets of ze major democracies” 1’ video.
And it has not finished yet, today’s turmoil is a spiritual battle between selfish materialism and the will to good: “The will-to-good of the world knowers is the magnetic seed of the future.”
Humanity is not yet “out of the woods” regarding disastrous outcomes from technology – whether it is through the insidious attempts at mass digital control, damage from electronic radiation or the deliberate precipitation of nuclear war.
The Third Ray and Business
However, it is not only the fifth ray working here, but the third ray of Active-Intelligence which conditions many of the money and corporate players. The 3rd ray is the ray of business – and the art of Machiavellian manipulation, as reflected in the following:
“In its own words, the WEF’s project is “to redefine the international system as constituting a wider, multifaceted system of global cooperation in which intergovernmental legal frameworks and institutions are embedded as a core, but not the sole and sometimes not the most crucial, component.
While this may sound fairly benign, it neatly encapsulates the basic philosophy of globalism: insulating policy from democracy by transferring the decision-making process from the national and international level, where citizens theoretically are able to exercise some degree of influence over policy, to the supranational level, by placing a self-selected group of unelected, unaccountable “stakeholders” — mainly corporations — in charge of global decisions concerning everything from energy and food production to the media and public health.
The underlying undemocratic philosophy is the same one underpinning the philanthro-capitalist approach of people such Bill Gates, himself a long-time partner of the WEF: that non-governmental social and business organisations are best suited to solve the world’s problems than governments and multilateral institutions.”19
All these trends have come about within a long cycle of the third ray – parent to two lesser third ray cycles, all of them running concurrently. Hence, similar to the fifth ray, the knowledge-intelligence factor is amplified and materialised.
Like the third sign Gemini, the third ray is related to mass media. One of the aims of the recent Davos meeting was to tackle “clear and present danger of misinformation and disinformation”. But of course, their concerns are really about losing control of the narrative. Another was, “Will Tuberculosis be the next pandemic scare?” – perhaps laying the groundwork for the “real disease” that is currently rife in Ukraine’s soldiers (see later).
The third ray is the “mother” or “matter aspect”, and without wisdom (despite it being the ray of philosophy), is only concerned with control (“lower” Saturn as ruler of the third ray) – and the bottom line of profit, whilst pretending to be for the “public good”:
“There is little doubt as to which interests Schwab’s brainchild is actually promoting and empowering: the WEF is itself mostly funded by around 1,000 member companies — typically global enterprises with multi-billion dollar turnovers, which include some of the world’s biggest corporations in oil (Saudi Aramco, Shell, Chevron, BP), food (Unilever, The Coca-Cola Company, Nestlé), technology (Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple) and pharmaceuticals (AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna).
The composition of the WEF’s board is also very revealing, including Laurence D. Fink, CEO of Blackrock, David M. Rubenstein, co-chairman of the Carlyle Group, and Mark Schneider, CEO of Nestlé.”20
Here we are reminded again of the staggering size of these corporate bedfellows, their unified Aquarian networks (in its lower sense) – reminding us of a statement mentioned regularly in these missives:
“In every nation, such men and organizations—responsible for the capitalistic system—are to be found. The ramifications of their businesses and their financial grasp upon humanity were, prior to the war [WWII], active in every land and though they went underground during the war, they still exist.
They form an international group, closely interrelated, working in complete unity of idea and intention and knowing and understanding each other. These men belonged to both the Allied Nations and the Axis Powers; they have worked together before and through the entire period of the war through interlocking directorates, under false names and through deceptive organizations, aided by neutrals of their own way of thinking.
Today, in spite of the disaster which they have brought upon the world, they are again organized and renewing their methods; their goals remain unchanged; their international relationships remain unbroken; they constitute the greatest menace mankind faces today.”21
Blackrock: Money Market Manipulator
At the top of the pile is the ubiquitous Blackrock that manages trillions in assets. On Feb.20, 2021, WHO director Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a press conference he was,
“… concerned that the chance to contain the coronavirus outbreak was “closing … I believe the window of opportunity is still there, but that the window is narrowing”22
This announcement came just a few weeks before Tedros falsely declared a global pandemic on March 11 (technically it was a lesser epidemic), but the Feb.20 announcement had already set off,
“The fastest fall in global stock markets in financial history, and the most devastating crash since the Wall Street Crash of 1929. The alleged cause of the financial crash was “The Virus”, (according to prominent “analysts”) namely, the “massive spread” of the epidemic outside China. But that was an outright lie, refuted by official WHO data. Media disinformation played a key role in spearheading the fear campaign.”23
Bear in mind, early 2020 was when the pre-planned Covid crisis was just “taking off” after the Gates-organised Event 201 a few months before in October 2019.
In Jan.2020 – just weeks before Tedros’ announcement, Larry Fink of Blackrock (who is on the WEF board), announced a radical departure for corporate investment – money would “go green”, citing fictitious climate change – and that his fund would begin to disinvest in oil, gas and coal.
Here is another example of how there has been a planned conspiracy for several years – by a handful of people using the veneer of a “green” doctrine – “good for humanity”.
Fink gave these “orders” to Presidant Biden who willingly stepped into line, appointing Blackrock’s Brian Deese as assistant to the President and Director of the National Economic Council.24
In 2023, the world is staggering under the economic burden that these financial manipulations have created, one of a many-pronged attack that they will continue to try and implement over the next few years. Even a possible “financial reset” in 2023.
Over past decades, the WEF has insidiously inserted itself into the United Nations (UN), further compromising an already corrupted body, distorting its original intentions that directors such as Dag Hammarskjold so nobly upheld:
“Perhaps the most symbolic example of the WEF’s globalist push is the controversial strategic partnership agreement the organisation signed with the UN in 2019, which many view as having drawn the UN into the WEF’s logic of public-private cooperation.
According to an open letter signed by more than 400 civil society organisations and 40 international networks, the agreement represents a “disturbing corporate capture of the UN, which moved the world dangerously towards a privatised global governance”.
The provisions of the strategic partnership, they note, “effectively provide that corporate leaders will become ‘whisper advisors’ to the heads of UN system departments, using their private access to advocate market-based profit-making ‘solutions’ to global problems while undermining real solutions embedded in public interest and transparent democratic procedures”.”25
This is where the world finds itself today, as the closely affiliated, Gates-funded WHO is attempting to push through changes to a treaty (by 2024) that would give it global control over human health – as part of the WEF’s Great Reset agenda.
This push was temporarily halted in May 2022, but is still a burning ambition that would give them an inordinate amount of power to make decisions in sovereign countries – as to how people live and how they deal with pandemics, from lockdowns to mandates over vaccine treatment.
The reason why the Plannedemic was so successful is because WHO’s 194 member nations have been signing up as members since 1948, committing to international agreements. But since that time WHO has become more controlling and dictatorial (Sun in Aries) – hence through the respectable veneer of “international law”, was able to dictate to the world a course of action.
It’s interesting to note that Schwab and WHO share an Aries sun and a Pisces moon! WHO’s Jupiter in Sagittarius has close synastry with WEF’s Sagittarius stellium. Lest we forget, WHO is a private body that was set up by Rockefeller Foundation, detailed in this newsletter.
In the following interview, A coup is being prepared by using WHO –Catherine Austin Fitts discusses the need for continual pushback if Humanity is to avoid “digital concentration camps”.
Schwab’s Plans Unravelling?
As it appears more WEF strategies are being unleashed, so too many are unravelling. The WEF is itself wrought by inner conflict: Mutiny erupts among WEF staff over role of ‘Mr Davos’:
“A group of current and former WEF staff members … said the 82-year-old Schwab was a law unto himself and had surrounded himself with “nobodies” who were incapable of running the organisation he founded in the early 1970s.
“Klaus has been at the helm of the WEF for 52 years. When he was born [in 1938] 122 of the 195 states in the world right now did not even exist. He is completely unaccountable to anyone inside and outside the organisation,” the group said.
“We are a group of current and former employees of the WEF. We want to play our role in fostering debate about the role this organisation plays in the world.” The group said it wanted to remain anonymous. “We are hesitant to come forward as Klaus is very well connected and can make life very difficult for us even after we leave the WEF.””26
A “law unto himself” refers to the fact that mein fuhrer has several dictatorial tendencies in his horoscope – notably Leo rising with a controlling Sun-Saturn in Aries. Both Aries and Leo are conduits for the first ray of will-power, which may also be in his ray structure. (Schwab’s native Germany is a first ray personality.)
With Mercury in Aries square to Pluto in Cancer, Schwab has great powers of persuasion – perhaps even hypnotically. Cancer’s ruler the Moon is placed in Pisces –giving an understanding of the subtleties of mass consciousness and suggestion. The moon is also in grand trine to Pluto in Cancer and north node in Scorpio – the mesmerist or “agent of deception”.
Since early 2020 when Uranus was conjunct Schwab’s midheaven (close to his 84-year Uranus return), he has gained notoriety – the outer public face for several invisible cabals. In many ways it appears Schwab totally plays up to his image as “Dr. Evil”, giving many talks on his visions, which are really exercises in mass gaslighting.
The recent Jan. 21 new moon in Aquarius, fell opposite Schwab’s progressed midheaven – indicating a possible change in his fortunes. Added to which, transiting Saturn was opposing his Leo ascendant, forcing him to reconsider his relationships with everyone.
“This year’s [2023] forum featured the new state of the world: divided, resentful, and grim,” Gal Luft, director of the Washington-based Institute for the Analysis of Global Security … “Davos has become the dressing room of the West and is more divorced than ever from the rest.
It no longer represents the real concerns of most of the world’s population. Its obsession with climate change, social justice, gender and other forms of wokeness has made it a laughing stock and target of disdain for most of the world.”27
In conclusion, it is obvious that the world is moving into closer co-operation, with cultural and business ties between nations and that many of these associations are natural and inevitable.
Yet, the motive for many of these associations must be closely scrutinised and transparent to the rest of Humanity. Decisions made by the few who are attempting to hijack the Planetary Plan cannot be allowed to happen – Humanity must wrest back control of its destiny. May we all keep cultivating a broader awareness of this subject, in our role as budding global citizens!
See also:
WEF, Klaus Schwab, Great Reset – Nov. 2020 (1)
WEF, Klaus Schwab, Great Reset – Dec. 2020 (2)
WEF, Klaus Schwab, Great Reset – Jan. 2021 (3)
WEF, Klaus Schwab, Great Reset – Jan. 2022 (4)
wpanchor id=”#tax”]Tax Us Now, Say the Ultra Rich
Encouragingly, at the latest Davos summit of Jan.2023, more than 200 members of the super-rich elite have called upon governments around the world to “tax us” in order to help billions of people struggling with the cost of living crisis. (‘Tax us now’: ultra-rich call on governments to introduce wealth taxes)
A disingenuous, hollow gesture with strings attached – or genuine and generous?
“A meeting of the ‘global elite’ in Davos to discuss ‘cooperation in a fragmented world’ is pointless if you aren’t challenging the root cause of division,” they said in an open letter published on Wednesday. “Defending democracy and building cooperation requires action to build fairer economies right now – it is not a problem that can be left for our children to fix.
The development charity Oxfam found that the best-off had pocketed $26tn (£21tn) in new wealth up to the end of 2021. That represented 63% of the total new wealth, with the rest going to the remaining 99% of people.”28
Chat GPT: Technology Cannot Replace Human Creativity
Further in the vein of Uranian, Aquarian technology – it is timely to consider this new sensation:
“In less than a month, the chatbot ChatGPT has been a dazzling success. From academics to techies to the general public, the artificial intelligence (AI) of the ChatGPT tool blows minds.
Social networks and press articles in different languages are full of examples of the more than impressive results of those who have tested ChatGPT. The conclusion is unanimous: breathtaking. You can ask ChatGPT to write a film script, the plan of a thesis, or computer code. In short, it is a completely “generalist” robot.”29
This new technology is currently all the rage but serious concerns have been raised. Will it make people mentally lazy, not giving any understanding to knowledge Already authorities are banning ChatGPT in universities. How are people supposed to learn deeply with this kind of technology? Will students pass exams without really understanding anything, without using their intellect or critical reasoning processes?
“ChatGPT has been causing alarm among educational institutions for its ability to evade plagiarism detection tools. On Tuesday, a lecturer at Deakin University in Australia revealed that bots had been detected in one-fifth of assessments, sparking concerns that artificial intelligence is being used widely to cheat in exams.”30
Already the coming generations are becoming steeped in a culture of lying and cheating. Students gaining fake qualifications – not through their own learning, but AI – how are they going to apply this “knowledge” in their chosen profession? This technology has great potential to dumb down humanity even further, for standards in education to fall – and to set up humanity for even greater control by Big Tech:
“But its algorithms also have many people worried. Elon Musk, one of the creators of OpenAI in December 2015, has just been alarmed by the fact that ChatGPT refuses to answer questions on very specific subjects, and in particular, relating to the environment.

Vibrant vector illustration is showing a teacher and adult students in the middle of the process of facilitating learning.
It all started with philosopher and energy expert Alex Epstein, who explains that he received a refusal from ChatGPT after asking it a question about fossil fuels.
“Alarm: ChatGPT by @OpenAI now *expressly prohibits arguments for fossil fuels*. (It used to offer them.),” Epstein wrote on Twitter on December 24. “Not only that, it excludes nuclear energy from its counter-suggestions. @sama, what is the reason for this policy?””31
Similarly, other controversial subjects such as vaccines, already have set algorithms that align with a distorted mainstream narrative. A co-worker says,
“The thinker is the soul, humanity is still learning how to think. Intellectual activity is not soul expression, but “bright matter”, esoterically speaking the soul is not there.”
After having a fan send him a ChatGPT generated song, “in the style of Nick Cave”, the Aussie musician was incensed, calling it “bullshit … a grotesque mockery of what it is to be human”.32
Indeed, Cave’s songs emerged from his soul, from gritty life experience, hence in the chatbot version “the soul is not there”. Cave continues, really nailing the AI problem philosophically:
“The singer wrote back … saying that “dozens” of fans, “most buzzing with a kind of algorithmic awe”, had sent him songs produced by ChatGPT.
“Suffice to say, I do not feel the same enthusiasm around this technology,” he wrote. “I understand that ChatGPT is in its infancy but perhaps that is the emerging horror of AI – that it will forever be in its infancy, as it will always have further to go, and the direction is always forward, always faster.
“It can never be rolled back, or slowed down, as it moves us toward an utopian future, maybe, or our total destruction. Who can possibly say which? Judging by this song ‘in the style of Nick Cave’ though, it doesn’t look good, Mark. The apocalypse is well on its way. This song sucks.”
He called ChatGPT an exercise in “replication as travesty”.
“Writing a good song is not mimicry, or replication, or pastiche, it is the opposite,” he wrote. “It is an act of self-murder that destroys all one has strived to produce in the past. It is those dangerous, heart-stopping departures that catapult the artist beyond the limits of what he or she recognises as their known self.”
“This is part of the authentic creative struggle that precedes the invention of a unique lyric of actual value; it is the breathless confrontation with one’s vulnerability, one’s perilousness, one’s smallness, pitted against a sense of sudden shocking discovery; it is the redemptive artistic act that stirs the heart of the listener, where the listener recognizes in the inner workings of the song their own blood, their own struggle, their own suffering.”33
Bear in mind that all aspects of AI are the big dream and special province of the WEF. AI is not “evil”, like anything – it can be used or abused, it’s all about the motive that lies behind.
Several high profile Big Tech companies and individuals are associated with OpenAI – such as Microsoft, Infosys, Peter Thiel and Elon Musk. Concerns about the misuse of AI have been around for some time:
“Some scientists, such as Stephen Hawking and Stuart Russell, have articulated concerns that if advanced AI someday gains the ability to re-design itself at an ever-increasing rate, an unstoppable “intelligence explosion” could lead to human extinction.
Musk characterizes AI as humanity’s “biggest existential threat.” OpenAI’s founders structured it as a non-profit so that they could focus its research on making positive long-term contributions to humanity.
Musk and Altman have stated they are partly motivated by concerns about the existential risk from artificial general intelligence. OpenAI states that “it’s hard to fathom how much human-level AI could benefit society,” and that it is equally difficult to comprehend “how much it could damage society if built or used incorrectly””34
The ghost of AI robot – Hal, returns from the darkly predictive 1968 movie, 2001: A Space Odyssey (see newsletter), “I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that” (video 3’). The horoscope for OpenAI is most informative. As the time is unknown, a speculative Aquarius ascendant has been assigned.
OpenAI was “born” seven years ago – close to the new moon, with several placements in Sagittarius – Sun, Moon and Saturn. Sagittarius, the sign of spiritual philosophy, but also through its ruler Jupiter – the massive expanse of knowledge, of all that there is to know on Earth and the universe. (And perhaps, the aforementioned idealism/fanaticism of the WEF horoscope.)
The Sun-Moon conjunction squares Sagittarius ruler – Jupiter in Virgo, the sign of mental discrimination, scholarship and attention to minute details. The challenge of this square appears to be, how to harvest knowledge on a large scale without compromising ethics and principles (Sagittarius).
This appears to be particularly so, now that transiting Saturn is about to enter Pisces and will be squaring natal Saturn in Sagittarius.
Mental planet Venus is in intuitive Scorpio, in exact trine to Neptune in Pisces, bringing a very magical charisma to this product. And indeed it is – typing a sentence in the bot and receiving a 20-page essay, movie script or coded app – in a few seconds, is amazing!
If Aquarius is the correct ascendant, then its ruler “scientific” Uranus is most important, placed in the sign of pioneering new ideas – Aries, which it rules hierarchically. Uranus is in turn, almost exactly opposite Mars the god of war – in Libra the peacemaker, indicating some conflict and controversy around this product. Uranus also make an harmonious trine to the Sun-Moon in Sagittarius, playing an important role in linking soul purpose (if it has one!), to outer personality expression.
Mercury the mind, the messenger, is in Capricorn, an excellent place for organisation of knowledge and shrewd business dealings. Mercury is virtually unaspected to any other planet, except for a wide conjunction to the Moon in Sagittarius. An unaspected planet can be either very weak or very strong – the latter most likely!
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Aquarian Souls: USA and Russia
(See also, Triangle of the Aquarian Age: Britain, Russia and the USA 2021.)
Disclaimer: The author must re-state that he is neither “pro-Putin” nor a “Russian apologist”. As an astrologer, one attempts to remain apolitical and analyse dispassionately. May we all cultivate tolerance and understanding in this current world tension!
When the Sun is on its annual passage through Aquarius, repetition is always worthwhile, especially during this coldest time of winter (Jan-Feb.2023], when Russia is strategically poised for a full scale invasion that might even take place over the Aquarius full moon period of Feb.5. (Uncannily, the degree of the sun-moon opposition straddles the rising sing of Russian composer, Shostakovich – see later.)
Again, as must be repeated, 99% of the Western media is not giving a clear picture of what is happening in Ukraine. The situation always has a positive spin in Ukraine’s favour, when in fact the opposite is true. Retired US Colonel Douglas MacGregor recently stated,
“Washington’s proxy war with Russia is the result of a carefully constructed plan to embroil Russia in conflict with its Ukrainian neighbour. From the moment that President Putin indicated that his government would not tolerate a NATO military presence on Russia’s doorstep in Ukraine, Washington sought to expedite Ukraine’s development into a regional military power hostile to Russia.
The Maidan coup [2014] allowed Washington’s agents in Kiev to install a government that would cooperate with this project. [German] PM Merkel’s recent admission that she and her European colleagues sought to exploit the Minsk Accords to buy time for the military building in Ukraine confirms the tragic truth of this matter.” (“US Colonel explains America’s role in provoking Russia-Ukraine conflict.)
It should be noted that Germany has fallen under the heavy influence of the USA in recent years, carrying out its bidding obediently – shocking but true. Former chancellor Angela Merkel also recently stated in this very informative passage, that she and others had lied about the Minsk agreements:
“The 2014 Minsk Agreement was an attempt to buy time for Ukraine. Ukraine used this time to become stronger, as you can see today.” According to the ex-Chancellor, “it was clear for everyone” that the conflict was suspended and the problem was not resolved, “but it was exactly what gave Ukraine the priceless time.” (Tass News Agency)
Merkel has been sharply criticized for admitting that she and the other western leaders deliberately deceived Russia about their true intentions vis a vis Minsk. The fact is, they had no intention of pressuring Ukraine to comply with the terms of the treaty and they knew it from the very beginning.
What we know for a fact is that neither Merkel nor her allies were ever interested in peace. Second, we now know that they maintained the fraud for 7 years before she spilled the beans and admitted what they were really up-to.
And finally, we now know from Merkel’s comments that Washington’s strategic objective was the opposite of the Minsk agreement. The real goal was to create a heavily-militarized Ukraine that would prosecute Washington’s proxy-war on Russia. That was the primary objective, war on Russia.
… They wanted a war, which is the same reason why [then British PM] Boris Johnson put the kibosh on an agreement that Zelenskiy had negotiated with Moscow in March. Johnson sabotaged the deal because Washington wanted a war.
But there is a price to pay for lying, and that price comes in the form of distrust, which is the pernicious erosion of confidence that makes it impossible to resolve issues of mutual concern. Russia’s deputy chair of the national Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, expressed his views on the matter just this week in the bitterest terms. He said:
“The behaviour of Washington and others this year “is the last warning to all nations: there can be no business with the Anglo-Saxon world [because] it is a thief, a swindler, a card-sharp that could do anything.
From now on we will do without them until a new generation of sensible politicians comes to power … There is nobody in the West we could deal with about anything for any reason.” (Ex-Russian President outlines timeline for reconciliation with the West)
“A thief, a swindler, a card-sharp” – Britain, USA and NATO all have the presence of “tricky Gemini” in their exoteric and esoteric horoscopes! Hence the back story that determines what unfolds in the next few months or even weeks (writing in late Jan.2023).
Press spokesperson – Maria Zakharova’s impassioned message to German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz.
“In Russian philosophy there is such a notion as “sobornost”. The English dictionary translates it as “conciliarity”. This word expresses the basic, deep vibration of the Russian multinational people:
“Sobornost is a symphony, a harmonious coherence, an omniscience.” L.P. Krasavin.
“Sobornost is the organic, indissoluble unity of ‘I’ and ‘you’ growing out of the primary unity of ‘we’.” S.L. Frank.
“Sobornost is an organic unity, the living beginning of which is the Divine grace of mutual Love”. S.A. Khomyakov.”35
Aquarius Rulers: Uranus & Jupiter
As Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and Jupiter at the personality and soul levels respectively – the current positions of these planets in Taurus and Aries will have an influence upon the actions taken by both nations.
Bear in mind that Russia is a Uranus-ruled 7th ray soul, the ray of organisation – reflected in their well organised army, contrary to Western reports. Taurus is a sign ruled esoterically by Vulcan – agent of the first ray of will or power.
This is why Taurus can be brutal in its use of power, employing the “hammer aspect” of Vulcan the Smithy: “He will be destructive because “bull-headed” and because the hammer aspect of Vulcan will be dominant.”36
(Hitler, who mounted a major offensive upon Russia, was a Taurus sun and answers well to this description above -especially through his book Mein Kampf, where he used “ceaseless repetition and argument”, to “hammer” his points home.)
Furthermore, Moscow is a Taurus soul,37 affirming Russia’s perseverance to follow through on its stated aims – since all attempts at negotiating with the West have been ignored – along with continued provocations on Russia.
NATO and the West must have a short memory of what occurred in Chechnya in 2000 – with Putin at the helm. In the winter months of Jan-Feb, Russia almost completely destroyed the city of Grozny and succeeded in putting Chechnya under direct control of Moscow by late April.38
Moscow’s Taurus soul is also reflective of Russia’s toughness, persistence and even stubbornness! Think the horrific Siege of Leningrad by the Nazis for two and a half years, spanning three freezing winters, starvation, a massive loss of lives – but eventual victory. (See later section on Dmitri Shostakovich.)
When Jupiter, the esoteric ruler of Aquarius is considered – its current placement in Aries does not soften the situation, even though Jupiter is the ruler of the 2nd ray of love-wisdom. Mars-ruled Aries is the sign of war and the 1st ray of will or power passes through this sign, along with the 7th ray that is Russia’s soul.
Jupiter in its exoteric expression in Aries can represent positive action and enthusiasm but also arrogance and an over-zealous, fanaticism, rash or impulsive. Of course this might apply to both sides of the conflict, but given Uranus in Taurus’ prodigious power, it could be magnified considerably by Jupiter in Aries.
NATO has several planets in Aries which very accurately portrays their aggressive attitude. Their Mercury in Aries was triggered in 2022 by transiting Jupiter – now poised to activate the entire stellium between Jan.26 to March 10. (See the author’s recent article: NATO: USA’s Aries Attack Dog (2022)
During that period, Jupiter will conjoin NATO’s Mars in its own sign of Aries – Feb.19-23, with a major danger day when the moon is in Aries on Feb.22.
Bear in mind that the “military operation” Russia began in Feb.2022, was quite restrained, hoping to bring Ukraine to peace talks and resolution. Putin’s Libran influence prevailed, amidst calls from many in Russia to go in much harder.
Now, after one year – Russia’s methodical plan has reached a point where full scale war is imminent – tactically, the ground is almost frozen solid. May there be a minimum of suffering on both sides – the last year has been particularly horrific for Ukrainians, with an extremely high casualty rate in their army – much higher than reported, estimated by some to be close to half a million:
“Ukrainian casualties are running at a rate of somewhere between 600 and 1,000 a day. One presidential adviser, Oleksiy Arestovych, told the Guardian this week it was 150 killed and 800 wounded daily; another, Mykhaylo Podolyak, told the BBC that 100 to 200 Ukrainian troops a day were being killed.”39
The pain and destruction that has been brought about in Ukraine will take decades to heal and rebuild. Already, the corporate vultures like Blackrock are circling, having made recent deals with President Zelenskiy. Former weapons inspector – Scott Ritter, recently stated,
“The casualty rates sustained by Ukraine, which at times reach more than 1,000 men per day, far exceed its ability to mobilize and train replacements … Russia … is in the process of finalizing a mobilization of more than 300,000 men who appear to be equipped with the most advanced weapons systems in the Russian arsenal.
When these forces arrive in full on the battlefield, sometime by the end of January [Sun in Aquarius], Ukraine will have no response. This harsh reality, when coupled with the annexation by Russia of more than 20 percent of Ukraine’s territory and infrastructure damage approaching $1 trillion, bodes ill for the future of Ukraine.
There is an old Russian saying, “A Russian harnesses slowly but rides fast.” This appears to be what is transpiring regarding the Russian-Ukraine conflict.”40
Russia and the USA are two Aquarian souls and sixth ray personalities. One must ask, which nation is fighting for its soul and which nation is stuck in the fanaticism of its sixth ray personality expression?
The other factor that adds much gravity to the situation, is that Saturn, the lord of karma is also in Aquarius, about to leave this sign and enter into Pisces, early March 2023.
Just before it does however, Saturn conjoins USA’s moon in Aquarius (the dweller) – in the exoteric 1776 horoscope, testing emotional strength and challenging the Aquarian superficiality that “puts all his wares into the window, and often in the room behind the window there is little to be found”.41
In other words, will all the huff and bluster displayed thus far toward Russia, evaporate into an humiliating backdown by the West, due to a successful Russian rout of Ukraine? This will occur Feb.1-14, where transiting Saturn can burden with a sense of guilt, shame, loss and separation. Just after this, transiting Jupiter makes its aforementioned conjunction to NATO Mars in Aries, hence the 3-4 weeks from late Jan. to the end of Feb.2023, will be the main danger period.
Tuberculosis Decimating Ukraine Army
Another recent report is that there is an epidemic of tuberculosis running through the Ukrainian army, already a problem in alll of Ukraine before the war. This is a very unfortunate development, and of course similar (but far worse) to the Covid virus respiratory disease.
As it is now winter, tuberculosis spreads more easily without, “the light of the sun and its prophylactic rays [that] can dispel the dread symptoms … Tuberculosis is the result of the misuse of the energy of the second ray.”42
Tuberculosis is an ancient Atlantean disease that was almost stamped out a century ago, but has made a recent resurgence. In this third and final stage of the World Wars, it is within the window of recapitulating the Atlantean era:
“There was a recurrence of pure Atlantean mischief and wickedness in the decadent days of the Roman Empire. [Nero et al] Life became tainted by the miasma of unadulterated selfishness and the very springs of life itself became polluted.
Men only lived and breathed in order to be in possession of the utmost luxury and of a very plethora of things and of material goods. They were smothered by desire and plagued by the dream of never dying but of living on and on, acquiring more and more of all that they desired.
… It is in this situation that we find the origin of tuberculosis. It originated in the organs whereby men breathe and live, and was imposed—as a penalty—by the Great White Lodge; the Masters promulgated a new law …
… “He who lives only for material goods, who sacrifices all virtue in order to gain that which cannot last, will die in life, will find breath failing him, and yet will refuse to think of death until the summons comes.””43
Ukrainian soldiers are not necessarily guilty of these Atlantean sins; most likely through unfit living conditions and poor nutrition, they have easily succumbed. TB is more likely related to the karma of their leaders in Kiev and general long term corruption within that nation.
It has been estimated by some that the $100 billion of US donations and weapons to Ukraine, about one third reached its target – the rest has disappeared into the hands of oligarchs, politicians and black marketeers. For all we know, a real epidemic may soon go around the world – tuberculosis, God forbid. Yet the globalists have been talking it up, as mentioned earlier – “Will Tuberculosis be the next pandemic scare?”
“The Russian victory in this war (and it is coming) will likewise send another shock through Europe, leading to the end of the present European order via the EU in Brussels, or at the very least the end of many of the technocratic leaders in most EU nations. The Ukrainian people have been duped by the West, seduced by their desire for and the lure of neoliberal capitalism, of riches, of membership in the EU and NATO.
The Western powers, especially the US, UK and Germany have used and are using Ukraine in a shameful, shocking and criminal manner in order to weaken and
hopefully dismantle the ‘Putin regime’, to either carve up (Balkanize) the Russian Federation or install another Yeltsin-like puppet in Moscow, the West would hope.”44 General MacGregor comments once again in this video.

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
How to Invoke USA’s Aquarian soul?
The Russia-Ukraine conflict has various dates for its origin, with which most are familiar – such as 2014, 2008, early 2,000’s and the 1990’s. In every date, especially with the most recent US-instigated coup of Maidan 2014, the USA and NATO have been blatantly interfering and reneging on past treaty agreements with Russia. Now, in this past year we have witnessed a reckless fanaticism from them, expressing the worst of USA’s sixth ray/Gemini personality – that appears to be utterly obsessed, if not possessed.
There have been many instances of the latter, (for those with eyes to see) in various leaders around the world in the past few years – at state and federal levels, in plain televised view. Possession by dark forces occurred with several Nazi leaders in WWII, Hitler of course – but many others:
“The Hierarchy makes a distinction between the bewildered mass, the wrongly educated youth and the obsessed leaders in all branches of the government.
The latter are “shells,” obsessed by evil entities and hence their dynamic, one-pointed potency, hence also their extreme skill and cunning, based on very ancient evil experience and hence also the well-nigh ludicrous falsity of their propaganda.
They are the spirit of materialism embodied, devoid of all true feeling and perception, lacking the light of love and understanding, but powerfully animated by the energy of substance itself.
It is time that men woke up to the nature of these beings who sought (under the present grouping of constellations) to enslave the race. The earthly influence of Capricorn made their activity possible; they themselves have been evoked out of their evil past by the material side of humanity itself and the potency of the massed selfishness of mankind.”45
As pointed out in the author’s essay, Nazi Germany: An Astro-Historical Analysis, five of the seven core members (“the initiatory seven”) – of Hitler’s inner circle – including Hitler, had the moon in Capricorn. Now – 80+ years later in 2023, similar predators are again prowling the Earth (they never really left), hence it is “time that men woke up to the nature of these beings”.
One of the problems of the past few years has been that most of Humanity could never have imagined that people like this exist. Short memory of history!
Of course, Russia also has a sixth ray personality and is capable of extremes – the “fanatical sixth ray cruelty” of the Stalinist purges, but its main expression at this stage appears to be a steadfast devotion to confronting the siege that has been brought to it in the 21st century – via Ukraine. (The irony of this “siege” instigated by the West, is brought out later in the profile Shostakvich and the Nazi siege upon Leningrad during WWII.)
Various meditation groups around the world have been attempting to invoke the national souls in the triangle of USA, Russia and Britain. Some believe that only Russia is maintaining any sanity or restraint in this situation – which of course goes against the entire propaganda narrative of the West. But whatever belief or knowledge the spiritual student holds, the greater good of harmonising this triangle must be maintained.
Because the USA currently has control over Britain and much of Europe, it appears that the main challenge is how can the soul of USA be invoked more potently: Aquarius-2nd ray love-wisdom soul?
All meditating groups are in a position to conduct a very simple regular meditation that invokes an harmonious flow within the triangle, invoking the Aquarian souls of Russia and the USA, plus the Gemini/2nd ray soul of Britain. A key component of this can be the visualisation of Geneva, the proposed planetary heart centre – as the “eye in the triangle”, especially as its “jurisdiction” covers all of Europe and Russia.
We are reminded of the practical esoteric measures that must be taken with some urgency, when watching interviews like the following with Chris Hedges, whose analysis of the USA and global hegemony is always pretty accurate.
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Aquarius Rising Shostakovich: The Leningrad Symphony
Originally the author had planned to write a profile on Beethoven, who is a good prospect for Aquarius rising. But due to a string of “coincidences”, Russian composer and pianist – Dmitri Shostakovich, will be the subject of an extraordinary story – especially during the current period of divisive propaganda and “cancel culture” of Russian arts!
“Shostakovich’s Seventh Symphony was written in 1941, primarily during the Siege of Leningrad by the Nazi forces. When it had its premiere in the war-torn city on 9th August 1942 – performed by the emaciated, surviving musicians of the Leningrad Radio Orchestra that was supplemented with military performers, before a starving but euphoric audience – it was hailed as a universal beacon of resistance to barbarism. The conductor, Karl Eliasberg, concluded that “in that moment, we triumphed over the soulless Nazi war machine.” ((The Saker))
Shostakovich has an horoscope (see below) of Aquarius rising (Rodden B rating), “proved” by several life-event transits that are examined later; hence he is a good subject to examine – individually, nationally and universally. The author’s interest in the musician came about recently when viewing a musical appreciation video by the great conductor and Shostakovich fan – Leonard Bernstein, whose parents incidentally were Ukrainian.
Shostakovich’s most famous wartime contribution was the Leningrad or Seventh Symphony – “Leningradskaia”. Leonard Bernstein called it “Shostakoich’s great Michelangelesque symphony”. The composer wrote the first three movements in Leningrad while it was under siege in 1941.
As Russia is also Aquarius rising, Shostakovich’s symphony can be considered as emanating from the soul of the nation or the “national angel” – during a period of agonising distress, created by Hitler’s vainglorious attempt to exterminate the Russians and take over the country. The Nazis’ three-pronged attack upon Leningrad, Stalingrad and Moscow – was called Operation Barbarossa:
“Operation Barbarossa was the largest military operation in history – more men, tanks, guns and aircraft were deployed than in any other offensive. The invasion opened up the Eastern Front, the war’s largest theater, which saw clashes of unprecedented violence and destruction for four years and killed over 26 million Soviet people, including about 8.6 million Red Army soldiers.
More died fighting on the Eastern Front than in all other fighting across the globe during World War II. Damage to both the economy and landscape was enormous, as approximately 1,710 Soviet towns and 70,000 villages were razed”46
Reflect upon this for a moment – 26 million is the current population of Australia! Bear in mind also – the previous decades where millions of Russians and Ukrainians died in self-inflicted wars and pograms.
The two and a half years siege upon Leningrad spanned three freezing winters, starvation and a massive loss of lives – but eventual victory. Casualties were around 1.1 million soldiers, around half a million each for Russians and Germans. Civilian deaths were over one million:47
“The citizens of Leningrad were subjected to heavy bombardment and a siege that would last 872 days [until 27 January 1944] and starve more than a million people to death, of whom approximately 400,000 were children below the age of 14.
The German-Finnish blockade cut off access to food, fuel and raw materials, and rations reached a low, for the non-working population, of four ounces (five thin slices) of bread and a little watery soup per day. Starving Soviet civilians began to eat their domestic animals, along with hair tonic and Vaseline. Some desperate citizens resorted to cannibalism.”48
Time and space does not allow to do the full story justice here, but there are many documentaries and movies about the assaults upon Leningrad and Stalingrad, found on YouTube. Shostakovich gained international recognition at the age of 20 for his first symphony. His music has been described as,
“… characterized by sharp contrasts, elements of the grotesque, and ambivalent tonality … violent dissonances and fierce contrasts of colour, texture and tempo; he was also heavily influenced by neoclassicism and by the late Romanticism of Gustav Mahler. His orchestral works include 15 symphonies and six concerti (two each for piano, violin, and cello).”49
From this description it is obvious that the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict (a.k.a. the ray of music, art and beauty) – was prominent in Shostakovich’s ray structure. The fourth ray is complimented by Shostakovich’s Mercury and Sun in Libra – the sign of balance, beauty and peace.
In 1941, at the age of 35, Shostakovich was head of the piano department at the Leningrad Conservatory, but was refused military service due to his poor eyesight. Yet he volunteered for the Home Guard, where he,
“… dug trenches and kept watch during the night air raids, while arranging light music to be played at the front. The following month he was reassigned to the fire-fighting brigade at the Leningrad Conservatory.”50
The German soldiers were told, “It is intended to decimate about 30 million Russians living in this strip through starvation, by removing all foodstuffs.”51
Thirty million – an ambitious and evil goal that was sadly achieved through the deaths of 26 million Russians! 23 days after the June 3rd invasion had begun,
“On 15th July 1941, impelled and galvanised by the ominous atmosphere of war and the great trepidation he felt for his motherland and his beloved city, Shostakovich began to work feverishly on the first movement of a composition that was to become his seventh symphony.
The first movement of the symphony was written during a relentless bombardment of the city. Shostakovich recalled: “Neither the savage raids, nor the German planes, nor the sinister atmosphere of the besieged city could hinder the flow. I worked with an inhuman intensity that I had never achieved before.”52
It is now timely to consider Shostakovich’s horoscope, Aquarius rising (soul purpose), Sun in Libra (personality expression) and Moon in Capricorn (the dweller). The moon is in the same 7th degree of Capricorn as Hitler’s moon – the Sabian symbol for which is ominously: “A veiled prophet of power”.
Here is the stark difference between how energy can be used, depending upon the spiritually unfolded phase of development – bearing in mind that Hitler was “an advanced personality”. Shostakovich’s moon was conjunct innovative Uranus and most likely “veiled” that planet – expressed in his music by “sharp contrasts, elements of the grotesque, and ambivalent tonality” – but also the ongoing tension between him and Stalin.
As exoteric ruler of his rising sign Aquarius, non-conformity found Shostakovich at odds throughout his life with the Stalinist regime and the communist party. In July 1941, Shostakovich was approaching his 35th birthday on Sept.25 – a critical age when the soul takes greater control:
“… in the case of those who are pledged disciples … [they are] faced with some determining choice which leads eventually to the distinctive nature of their life service. This usually takes place between the ages of twenty-five and forty, usually around the age of thirty-five.”53
“… The causal body begins to radiate the indwelling Light … The light is no longer under the bushel, but suddenly flames forth, and catches the eager eye of the Master.
This marks the period between twenty-eight and thirty-five in the life of the adult. It is the period wherein a man finds himself, discovers what his line of activity may be, what he can accomplish, and from the worldly standpoint, comes into his own.”54
The years 28-35 encompass the Saturn return between 28-30 years, the fully matured and relatively integrated adult. The next seven years toward 35 is when the soul starts to take possession of its “instrument” – the personality. Yet, Shostakovich found his calling from a young age:
“He displayed significant musical talent after he began piano lessons with his mother at the age of nine”55 – and had produced his first symphony by the age of 20, indicating that he was perhaps an “advanced soul”.
Before 1941 he had written six symphonies in total, hence well established as a composer. Although he had already found his soul’s calling, this period was another level that would stretch and strain him to the maximum, stepping into a role of serving his nation in a time of crisis. Here is Aquarius, the “world server”, pouring forth from the urn carried upon his shoulders:
“Aquarius-Leo.—Personality interests as an expression of the individual are submerged in the good of the whole. Selfish individual man becomes the world server. Heights of noted service are then reached in both signs.”56
Having an exact date for the writing of the symphony is “astrologer’s gold” and hence planetary movements may be examined for 15th July 1941 – starting with the short term transits (T). In the transit quadwheel, there were many oppositions:
1. T. Moon in Aries conjunct progressed moon in Aries and solar arc (SA) Saturn – a new pioneering venture.
2. T. Mars also in Aries – the god of war in his own sign, passes over the above points during the next three weeks.
3. T. Mercury in Cancer exactly opposite Moon in Capricorn, and the veiled Uranus (invention, innovation), exoteric ruler of Aquarius rising and esoteric ruler of his Libra sun.T. Mercury was also conjunct Jupiter in Cancer, the esoteric ruler of his Aquarius rising soul purpose, amplifying his vision considerably.
For the next 11 days, T. Mercury passed across Jupiter and Neptune in Cancer – the esoteric ruler of that sign – with a reputation for inspiration, imagination, intuition and vision.
But before that (!), T. Mercury had been going retrograde and direct over all of these positions – from June 3 to July 15.
During that time the Sun was also passing through Cancer, activating Jupiter and Neptune. It was in that six-week period that the seeds of inspiration must have been germinating, continuing to bring through the full weight of that initial inspiration for 11 days thereafter.
4. T. Sun in Cancer opposite progressed midheaven in Capricorn – rising to the occasion in his ongoing career/dharma.
5. T. Venus in Leo opposite Aquarius ascendant. Soul purpose stimulated by the goddess of beauty in courageous Leo, but also esoterically the mind. T. Venus is also square to natal Venus in Scorpio, arguably one of his most artistic sources – as the ruler of his Libran sun:
“Venus, the intelligent mind, has its power lessened in this sign because the intellect—having been developed and used—must now be subordinated to a higher power of the soul, the spiritual intuition.”57
Now to the long term progressions (P) and transits:
6. P. Sun in Scorpio square to Chiron, south node, SA Uranus in Aquarius. Scorpio, the Mars-ruled sign of conflict, emotional intensity and discipleship – in a high tension square to the themes of Aquarius: Brotherhood, sharing and community. Radical art that chafes against the status quo. Shostakovich had fallen out of favour with Stalin as early as 1936 – after one of his performances. He fell back into favour with his “brilliant” 5th Symphony.
7. P. Mars in Libra conjunct natal Sun. The god of war in the sign of peace, accentuating the opposites, demanding reconciliation. P. Mars was close to the sun in 1941, reaching its exact conjunction in Nov.1943, just several weeks before the siege finished on Jan.27, 1944.
8. P. Mercury in Scorpio opposite T. Saturn in Taurus. P. Mercury the messenger prominent once again, this time in Scorpio for which it is hierarchical ruler,
“The influence of Mercury as it relates Scorpio … is to inaugurate that final stage of consciousness which will place the soul within the form surely in the place of power, swinging the earlier achieved balance and control definitely into the realm of the soul. It is this which, in the Scorpio experience, produces the terrific experience of the disciple.”58
Mercury here represents ideas, the transmission of inspiration and intuition – whilst T. Saturn opposite in Taurus brings those ideas into form. Taurus rules the organs of speech and the ears – hearing divine music from on high, the “nada brahma”.
9. P. Venus in Sagittarius opposite P. Ascendant in Gemini (exact) and T. Jupiter in Gemini, hence a potent stimulation for expansive ideas expressed through the diversity of Gemini, as in composing the music for many instruments in an orchestra! On this Jupiter in Gemini theme, some Russian esotericists believe that Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) is ruled by Gemini:
“The opening of the head center is associated with the opening of the consciousness of the soul in form. And it is such a center that I would call St. Petersburg [crown chakra, Moscow the heart].
Whose founder Peter I [Peter the Great 1672-1725], was born with the sun in Gemini, the city itself is founded in Gemini and many bright thinkers, whose fate is associated with this city – are also Gemini … e.g. exponent of the Russian soul, Alexander Pushkin.”59
Hence, Jupiter’s transit through Gemini at the beginning of the siege was most timely – Jupiter the ruler of the second ray of love-wisdom, the only ray to pass through Gemini.
10. SA Moon in Aquarius conjunct south node. Reconnecting with the past in order to realise his Leo north node leadership in the field of music. Also as mentioned, T. Jupiter was trine to the Aquarius south node.
11. T. Pluto/Chiron in Leo square P. Sun in Scorpio for which it is co-ruler. T. Pluto “tracked” P. Sun until they were in an exact square by the end of the war in 1945.
Out of all the subjective influences inherent in a secondary progression, this was one of the most important – depicting Shostakovich and his nation’s descent into Pluto’s underworld – hell, the ghastly events that unfolded over the entire war. Scorpio is also a sign of discipleship, perhaps he went through a major initiation during that time.
12. Pluto/Chiron quincunx natal Uranus in Capricorn. Again, the exoteric ruler of his Aquarian ascendant is stimulated by powerful Pluto.
13. T. Neptune in Virgo in a T-square to SA Venus in Sagittarius and natal Pluto in Gemini. A very dynamic combination blending the artistic vision of Venus with the lord of the underworld, Pluto. Pluto had only been “discovered” 11 years earlier in 1930, between the two world wars and as esoteric ruler of the Pisces Age, was bringing the entire cycle to a purging conclusion.
14. T. Uranus in Taurus trine to the Sun and P. Mars in Libra. Uranus the esoteric ruler of Shostakovich’s Libra personality and exoteric ruler of his Aquarian soul purpose, acted as a bridge between the two. Bearing in mind that Uranus in Taurus connects to the Taurus soul of Moscow, and the Aquarian soul of Russia – T. Uranus was also conjunct the fixed star Alcyone in the last degree of this sign :
“Aquarius relates humanity to the Pleiades and therefore to Taurus in an unusual manner. The key to this relation is to be found in the word desire, leading, through the transmutative processes of life experience, to aspiration and finally the relinquishing of desire in Scorpio.
Aquarius, Alcyone and Humanity constitute a most interesting triangle of force. Alcyone is one of the seven Pleiades and is called the “star of the Individual” – and sometimes the “star of intelligence.””60
Another passage worthy of consideration, relates to Uranus-Jupiter as the exoteric-esoteric rulers of Aquarius, respective rulers of the seventh ray of Ceremonial Order – the soul of Russia, and the second ray of love-wisdom:
“Jupiter and Uranus—planets of beneficent consummation. The second ray of love and the seventh ray which fuses spirit and matter “to the ultimate glory” of the solar Logos – are in the fullest eventual cooperation.”61
There is the exhaustive (exhausting?) analysis for the first date of July 15, 1941. (The more you dig, the more you find!) Seven weeks later on Sept.2 – when the “Germans intensified their bombardment of the city, Shostakovich began work on the second movement. Working at high intensity in between dashes to the nearest bomb shelter, he completed it within two weeks.”62
Hence some transits are worth considering here too, bearing in mind that some of the long term progressions and transits from July were still in play.
T. Mercury was again prominent, this time in Virgo in which it functions powerfully – as the ruler of that sign. T. Mercury was in an exact T-square to SA Venus in Sagittarius, opposite T. Jupiter in Gemini. Over the next few days, T. Mercury joined with inspirational T. Neptune in Virgo, trining Saturn in Taurus.
Then T. Mercury passed over his P. Mars and natal Sun in Libra. Supporting this was T. Sun conjunct Mars in Virgo. No wonder he completed this movement in two weeks!
Virgo is a sign that excels in meticulous, scholarly detail, which Leonard Bernstein expressed through his Sun-Mercury in Virgo. Virgo the wordsmith, writing in the language of deeply esoteric musical scores!
On Sept.8, 1941 – the “official” German siege of Leningrad began, with Moon-Mars in warring Aries conjunct his P. Moon in this sign.
T. Jupiter in Gemini was at the point of a T-square to Neptune and the nodal axis in Virgo-Pisces. Again, Virgo ruler Mercury was prominent, as it was Shotakovich’s Mercury return on that day. One week later,
“On 16th September, the composer made a special radio broadcast (an excerpt of this broadcast) to encourage the soldiers at the front, saying: “An hour ago I completed the second part of my new work.
If I manage to complete the third and fourth parts of this composition, and if it turns out well, I shall be able to call it the Seventh Symphony …. Despite the war-time conditions, despite the danger which is threatening Leningrad, I have written the first two parts in a comparatively short time.
Why am I telling you this? I am telling you this so that listeners tuned in now should know that life in our city is normal. Despite the threat of invasion, things are going on as usual in our city.
All of us are soldiers today, and those who work in the field of culture and the arts are doing their duty on a par with all the other citizens of Leningrad … Soviet musicians, my dear, numerous comrades-in-arms, my friends! Remember that grave danger faces our art. Let us defend our music, let us work honestly and selflessly.”63
The most notable transit for this date was T. Jupiter opposite Shostakovich’s midheaven (the public) in Sagittarius, which Jupiter rules exoterically. Jupiter, the esoteric ruler of his Aquarius rising soul purpose – prominent again. In the next two weeks he embarked upon the third movement, completing in on Sept.29, exactly on his Venus return in Scorpio – and just a few days after his 35th birthday!
Then on Dec.27, 1941 – Shostakovich “experienced a renewed burst of energy … and in a matter of two weeks he brought the composition to a triumphant conclusion.”64
On that date, T. Neptune was conjunct his Libra sun and T. Venus was precisely conjunct his Aquarian ascendant – the Sabian symbol for which is, “A watchdog standing guard.” The Seventh Symphony had been achieved in just under six months, but the siege was to last much longer:
“The conditions in Leningrad during the 872 days of the Siege were horrific. Thousands of soldiers died gruesome deaths trying to defend the city, while its inhabitants succumbed to various diseases or famine. The city had become a living hell, with dead bodies littering the streets, since few people could spare the energy to give them a proper burial. In February, special teams removed over 1,000 corpses a day from the streets. Eyewitness reports told of people who had died of cold and starvation lying in doorways in stairwells.
On the battlefields, winter temperatures made it impossible to dig pits in the frozen ground, and congealed cadavers were used instead of logs to reinforce trench walls and shelter roofs.”65
No other description could suffice to describe this Plutonic hell of almost unimaginable proportions. In the next eight months of the siege – leading to early August 1942, Shostakovich got to work organising an orchestra to perform his Seventh Symphony:
“The city had been under siege for so long that, of the original 40 members of the Leningrad Radio Orchestra, only 15 remained in the city, the rest were dead or fighting on the frontlines. An order had to be issued to soldiers at the battlefront, calling for anyone with musical ability to join the orchestra.
… As most of the surviving musicians were suffering from starvation, rehearsing was arduous: many collapsed frequently during rehearsals, and three even died in that period. Ultimately, the orchestra was able to rehearse the symphony all the way through only once before the concert.
… Finally the big day arrived, and the half-starved musicians and their stalwart conductor Eliasberg gathered in Leningrad’s Grand Philharmonia Hall on 9th August 1942 for the grand premiere … not only hadn’t the Germans been able to enter the city, no German air raids interrupted the performance and not a single bomb fell on the Grand Philharmonia Hall on that night, although the building was illuminated.
“There were no curtains, and the light from inside the hall was pouring out of the windows into the night,” Trombonist Viktor Orlovsky recalled. “People in the audience were screwing up their eyes as they were no longer used to electric lights. Everyone was dressed in their finest clothes and some even had their hair done. The atmosphere was so festive and optimistic it felt like a victory.”66
August 1942 was during the time that Germany came very close to developing an atomic bomb – and the beginning of a four-month period when “members of the spiritual Hierarchy had made every possible arrangement to withdraw from human contact”.
But thanks to Humanity’s successful invocation of the Lords of Liberation, the war had been esoterically won – when the had “sun moved northward” – after the winter solstice in December 1942. It took another three years for inner event to match the outer reality in 1945.
On the performance day Aug.9, 1942, T. Sun in Leo was exactly opposite Shostakovich’s Aquarius ascendant – whose esoteric ruler T. Jupiter, was conjunct inspirational Neptune in Cancer. T. Jupiter also rules the natal midheaven in Sagittarius.
Leo is the personality sign of Russia, representing the national pride and courage to overcome extreme adversity. Self-determination. Aquarius is the personality of Moscow and the soul of the nation – hence in microcosm, Shostakovich’s horoscope expressed the national macrocosm:
“The performance was broadcast from loudspeakers around the perimeter of the city – both to hearten the Russian people and to convey to the Germans that surrender was out of the question. For the concert empty chairs were placed in the orchestra to represent those musicians who had died before the performance could be given.
“The halls were always packed – at every performance, which I thought was extraordinary … During the hardest period of the Siege, when people’s daily ration dropped to 125 grams of bread, some would exchange their daily meal for a ticket to our concert.”
Many Leningraders who didn’t have a radio at home would gather on the streets to listen to orchestral music coming from the loudspeakers. It was an affirmation, an opportunity to rise above one’s physical weakness, fear and starvation.”67
The sound of classical music over loudspeakers must have been a shock for the Germans – from a nation that has birthed some of the finest composers in the world! These Plutonic experiences were repeated all over Russia in WWII, such as the Battle of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) – fought during the time of the Leningrad siege. Germany also lost Stalingrad and a total of two million soldiers from both sides perished.
The presence of the first ray of will or power must be in the nation’s ray structure, most likely the physical body – the endurance factor for the entire nation was extraordinary. All these events are hardwired into the Russian DNA. Today, does the world think that Russia is going to back down, in the shadow of threats from NATO and the USA?
“Olga Prut, director of “The Muses Weren’t Silent”, a St. Petersburg museum exhibition focusing on the arts during the Siege, said the phenomenon of that colossal dedication to the arts during the blockade was much more than a simple distraction from fears, hunger and solitude.
No one listens to music with such depth as those close to death … Music performs a miraculous transformation on a concentration camp prisoner or the hopelessly ill, turning the slave into a free man. It is an emotional rebirth.”68
May sanity, peace and goodwill prevail upon Earth in 2023!
Dmitri Shostakovich, Symphony No. 7 in C major, Leningrad (1941). Conductor Valery Gergiev. (1 hr.18′)
Aquarian Wisdom Centre Retreat in Portugal
Zoom webinar for Aquarius 2023 will be Saturday, Feb.4 at 19.00 UT.
Meeting link on Aquarian Wisdom Centre website.
Phillip Lindsay © 2023.
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Safe and secure: Stripe is supported in most countries. Books by Phillip Lindsay
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.206. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.206. [↩]
- Letters on Occult Meditation, Alice A. Bailey. p.137. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.330. [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.145. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.400. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.503. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.229. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.293. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.330. [↩]
- [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.149. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.155. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.143. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.26. [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- Don Quixote: Tilting at Windmills [↩]
- How the Davos elite took back control. [↩]
- How the Davos elite took back control. [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.71. [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- How the Davos elite took back control. [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Many thanks to Svetlana Orlova, Russian teacher of the ageless wisdom. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.394. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.69. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.136. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. pp.60, 383. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.232. [↩]
- Malvin Artley, astrologer. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.544. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- The Saker [↩]
- The Saker [↩]
- The Saker [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.644. [↩]
- Letters on Occult Meditation, Alice A. Bailey. p.28. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.202. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.225. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.360. [↩]
- Svetlana Orlova, Russian teacher of the ageless wisdom. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.200. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.201. [↩]
- The Saker [↩]
- The Saker [↩]
- The Saker [↩]
- The Saker [↩]
- The Saker [↩]
- The Saker [↩]
- The Saker [↩]
Phillip, thank you for your honest and frank talk as always. Very great and necessary work!
I myself am from St. Petersburg (Leningrad) and I remember my parents’ stories of that terrible blockade, that terrible war. Indeed, everything was just as you described. Recently, on January 27th we celebrated the next anniversary of the breakdown of the siege of Leningrad.
By the middle of the war, the number of German divisions fighting on the Eastern Front against the USSR was about 80% of all other directions – hence the terrible number of Soviet victims. By the way, two-thirds (about four million out of six) of the Jews killed in WWII were from the USSR.
Thanks Denis, I had no idea that that Jan.27 was the anniversary of Leningrad – it was around this date that I was deeply immersed in writing about it!
Phillip there is a wrong information regarding the death of Lisa Marie Presley. It says Priscilla Presley is dead, which is wrong, she is alive!! the mother and Elvis ex wife, mother of Liza Marie the only daughter that recently died.
thanks very much for spotting this mistake Priscilla! The text has been changed.
I just want to say that’s an excellent and enlightening analysis. Thanks!
Great letter Phillip. Very moving. Thanks
Excellent work Felipe, I did not know Shostakovich’s Aquarian attitudes to alleviate the suffering of his city (nation). In truth, the quality of Aquarius is to liberate the suffering souls (Christ imprisoned) in Virgo.
With your permission I would like to reflect on the Souls of the USA and Russia.
It is clear that currently neither of the two nations is expressing the superior quality of their soul in Aquarius: “Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty men”
Rather we can see how the “dark forces” (no matter their nationality) have provoked, through the cruel sacrifice of the Ukrainian war, a confrontation between these two great nations. A conflict has brought out the worst in their sixth ray personalities; the egotistical ideals that these personalities believe should rule their country or even the world.
Geminis, (the ruling sign of the personality of USA), from the angle of the form or material egoism says: “let instability do its works” and isn’t it a dangerous instability that the United States is creating with its attitude?
Thanks to Ukraine, the United States has created a duality: Russia is the enemy, the excuse to foster NATO.
And on the other hand, the Russian personality is governed by the Lion, a sign that from the angle of the material form or egoistic aspect says: “Let other forms exist. I rule”. Isn’t it a fearsome sensation of power that Russia is creating with its attitudes?
Yes, The Lion is the King, but from the angle of the form it is the king because of the fear it causes.
Through Ukraine, authoritarianism in Russia becomes evident to us, how the political and judicial power subdues much of its own population and and how, through fear, they want to rule over all the small nations that were previously part of the USSR.
In truth, from the angle of the Soul, the light of Aquarius is the power to share, to nurture the needy without looking at their color and it is evident that neither of them is practicing said meaning.
The gift of this sign is written in the Lord’s Supper, the place where Love was shared or released. The place where the individual, (friend of Christ in Virgo), was released to share His truth with the world.
Thanks for sharing
thanks David, all nations certainly have their shortcomings but I do not agree with your assessment of Russia as “fearsome sensation of power”. That may be true to a degree but Russia is being forced to show power now – after years of restraint, only because it has been besieged by NATO and USA using Ukraine as a proxy. Russia’s stance has been defensive from the beginning, enduring numerous provocations from forces that had planned to Balkanise the country after “regime change” of Putin.
The ridiculous and fanatical plan failed miserably and those perpetrators will pay dearly for their foolish ideals which has resulted in the deaths and displacement of millions of Ukrainians. It is estimated that about 10 million Ukrainians have left the country, a quarter of its population. Much of Europe is now paying through the nose for fuel and food.
Everyone is still learning about Russia because there has been so much propaganda for decades now – misinformation, lies etc. There are one or two Russian students of the wisdom on the newsletter mailing list that may respond to your comments.
Thank you David, but let me take your thoughts a little further on the Leo and Aquarius influences on Russian life.
It is Leo that gives the aspirant (including the aspirant nation) the need “to know himself through true self-awareness”. That is, thanks to the influence of Leo, Russia should become one who is “aware of purpose, of a self-directed life and of a developed and definite life plan and programme”.
But in a political sense this implies complete sovereignty, which is what Russia is trying to acquire now. Yes, in doing so it successfully harnesses the fiery energy of Leo, which allows it to incinerate, to destroy all that impedes the expression of its soul. But, it is important to understand the fact that Russia is now eliminating its own, inner limitations first and foremost. It is fighting for its freedom to be itself, regardless of what the West thinks of it.
At the same time, Russia (and the Russian government too), for all the brutality of the war, is trying to preserve as much freedom of choice as possible for its own population as well as for the Ukrainian people. Russia also does not agree to isolation (it has already learned that lesson), nor does it want to rule by violence (it understands the sad experience of the USSR). Russia seeks to cooperate with those nations which strive to bring out their best qualities, both as souls and as individuals. And this is only possible in a free, multipolar world.
All this is already the influence of Aquarius energies.
Hello Svetlana, I had not seen your message, thanks for answering.
I understand your reference to Leo: “Russia is now eliminating its own, inner limitations first and foremost. It is fighting for its freedom to be itself, regardless of what the West thinks of it”.
As well as your reference to Aquarius when you say: “Russia seeks to cooperate with those nations which strive to bring out their best qualities”
If you allow me, Svetlana, your message shows a lot of love for your country and Love conquers all.
My intention is not to be critical of Russia, but from a Western perspective (of 2nd Ray if you want) we think that perhaps the pain of this war could have been avoided if Putin, or perhaps another type of politician, had reacted differently to the threat of NATO on Ukrainian territory.
I think that the reaction of the Lion has been too brave and this reaction does not allow the superior aspect of Aquarius.
But of course, Svetlana, this is my Western vision and when I speak of Western vision I am not talking about certain myths, (as Denis says), anti-Russian speeches or rhetoric, but rather I refer to a way of perceiving.
From the abstract mind we can understand it better, it is to understand how Aquarius should show that the 6ºR/Pisces has already expired to make way for the 7ºR.
That’s why now that we leave Pisces/6th Ray Russia and USA are so important, because they are Souls, that through Aquarius, must demonstrate that their 6ºR personalities are already expired.
For the USA it is to use Aquarius to better integrate their 6ºR/Geminis with their 2ºR Soul. I don’t know in Russia …, but in the west this link between the sixth and the second is well understood.
More and more of us know that feeling or devotion (thanks to altruistic perception) can be transmuted into understanding. This is our “faith” and a significant part of the Anglo-Saxon world, not so much of the Latin world, knows this is the way.
But what is difficult for us Westerners to understand is how the 6ºR/Leo in Russia will be, thanks to Aquarius, the expression of its 7ºR Soul.
Our dominant 2nd Ray and 6th Rays do not allow us to understand the rules of the 7th Ray, at best we understand your attitudes of the 6th Ray in Leo, but because they are personal we perceive them as aggressive.
Because of my esoteric knowledge, perhaps I can go a little further and say that Russia needs a certain organization to control its devotional/Leo excesses and express the magic (7ºR) of its Soul, so linked to Aquarius and the gift of serving. But I can’t say much more…, as I told you, it’s hard for us to understand this particular dynamic.
Svetlana, I will show you an example to finish, when we see Putin meet with his ministers or other leaders at those large marble tables and rooms, we inadvertently perceive emotional distance, coldness, as an egoism that organizes forms to appear power.
But of course, some of us, out of sensitivity or because we have read the Tibetan Master, know that in this apparent coldness the Russian Soul is written, the beauty of the form, the magic of its geometry, the divine respect expressed in the matter.
When you say “perhaps the pain of this war could have been avoided if Putin, or perhaps another type of politician, had reacted differently to the threat of NATO on Ukrainian territory” – this kind of statement completely ignores the history that led up to the current situation. As I have been at pains to enumerate in many newsletters I feel it almost futile to have to restate the facts, but to mention just a few:
1. Breaking the pact with Gorbachev in 1990, the infamous promise of “not one inch eastward” of NATO expansion.
2. 2014 and the US conspired Maidan uprising, followed by eight years of bombing by Ukraine of Russians in Donbass – 14,000 estimated deaths.
3. Continual olive branches, peace talks offered in the past few years by Russia to Ukraine, USA and NATO – outright ignored or dismissed.
Hence, to say that if “Putin had reacted differently” is a nonsense. Again we can consider the well known comparison of what if Russia or China had set up military bases in Mexico or Canada – would the US just allow that to happen? Russia has been besieged by NATO bases surrounding the nation. (Some good maps here:
I believe the Leonine assertion by Russia is to protect its national sovereignty as an Aquarian soul – whose vast territories cover a large part of Europe and the whole of North Asia. The Leo personality is not perfect of course, it has baggage and is not fully integrated.
The people who are instigating this attack upon Russia were brought up and educated in the Soviet cold war era – their ideology is stuck in that time and has not allowed for the evolution of Russia into its true being. Taking into account all of the above, the responsibility for this fiasco lies almost entirely with NATO, the USA and other Western nations such as Britain, France etc.
Hello Phillip, I hope you understand that these texts are questions to better understand how to relate the esoteric with the exoteric.
I perfectly understand Russia’s historical reasons and that NATO’s approach to its borders has crossed a red line that Russia warned through all channels that it was impassable.
In other words, I can understand that Russia’s attitude is not a mirage, an emotional reaction (6ºR) linked to the inferior self-affirmation in Leo, but that it also has reasons. Reasons linked with the right of its Soul to have influences on its environment, Europe included.
I also understand that the “universal” values that the US has been proposing for years are only valid for Europe and a few other countries that look at them and that these values need to be renewed to make them more inclusive. A renewal in which we are involved.
That said Phillip, for me, Russia’s direct and forceful aggression is not justified, from my perspective there were other alternatives. As I have told Svetlana, perhaps I am saying this because I do not understand the evolutionary keys for a Soul ruled by the seventh ray…
I ask myself questions to try to understand…, I remember that DK says:
“Jesus Christ died on the cross because he was a 2nd Ray Soul”
Meaning that a Soul with another type of Ray, especially odd Ray, would have sacrificed itself in a different way.
My questions are,
That a Seventh Ray Soul would have made in evangelic context?
What type of cross (sacrificial) does a 7ºR Soul need to continue evolving?
Maybe, Is this sacrifice similar to that of a first ray Soul?
What role does the matter aspect play, so important for the 7th R, for this type of sacrifice?
And the last and for me most important:
Knowing that Ukraine and Russia are brother countries and both being of Christian roots, ¿how should a 7th Ray Soul apply the meaning of the phrase?:
“I tell you, (you will forgive your brother), not just seven times, but seventy-seven times!”
Thanks for sharing
Thank you, David, unfortunately today Western people have limited access to information about Russia, so they are forced to collect it by bits and pieces and do not always manage to collect reliable information. Among Western esotericists there is a widespread opinion that the United States and Russia together are equally to blame for the confrontation with each other.
This is a myth that is actively promoted today in the West, either unintentionally – due to the inertia of thinking (transferring the realities of the USSR to modern Russia), or someone promotes this myth on purpose. But the truth is that since the collapse of the Soviet Union the only global aggressor, the world’s Evil, wreaking havoc and division throughout the world, today are the elites of the United States. To them we can add the British elite groups as a significant intellectual and vital (a form of elite ties endured over the centuries) addition. The rest of the West, and the rest of the world, is in varying degrees of subordination to them.
As for the Aquarian energies that carry the water of life, David, just through Russia these energies have flowed and are flowing in a full-flowing river. The thesis of “want to rule over all the small nations” which is also actively promoted in the West, is also a myth. Of course, Russia is an empire, but, as they say, “empire is not like empire”. It’s very easy to create a myth about your opponent if you base it on your own unsightly actions. Maybe you didn’t know that all 15 republics inside the USSR were artificially created by Bolsheviks roughly a hundred years ago.
Before that, Russia was a unified state, but even during the Soviet era, despite the “man-made” division, it remained more coherent than the United States is today. The collapse of the USSR was inspired by the US neocons, who have been stirring up hatred of small nations against central Russia for decades. Don’t you think it is necessary today to free oppressed small nations from the shackles of the U.S. and return Texas and California to Mexico?
In Soviet times, the soul of Russia was shown by the fact that central Russia subsidized almost all of the national republics, while living worse than most of them itself. This attitude towards the small nations has been evident since the time of the first Russian emperors. This is hard to understand for a Western mind, brought up inside the Maritime Empires, which for centuries exploited their colonies inhumanely. Most of the small nations joined Russia voluntarily, and the eastern part of Russia expanded thanks to the expulsion of the Tartar-Mongol invaders from there.
Today, the manifestation of Russia’s soul is visible to anyone who does not believe in the myths about Skripals, Navalny, and the Malaysian Boeing. They see that Russia today has far more freedoms than the West, they see that Russia has stood at the gates of the West with an olive branch all these thirty-five years after the collapse of the USSR (perhaps not the best idea), it has humbly endured the humiliation and kicking of the West toward it without responding to its constant aggressive attacks, it has never once committed aggression against other countries. Only thanks to Russia could the world free itself from the threat of the Islamic State, and only thanks to Russia was Syria (whose land was inhabited by the apostles of Christ) able to stand as a nation.
It was only when Russia’s very existence was at stake that it was forced to enter the hot phase of the war imposed on it by the global elites of the West back in 2014. The conclusion about the manifestation of the soul of Russia everyone can make for himself…
Hello, thank you Denis for your extensive and didactic answer, I will reflect on it…, it is very positive because it has a different perspective.
Your affirmations seem coherent and historically very real to me, but even so, when you says:
“Among Western esotericists there is a widespread opinion that the United States and Russia together are equally to blame for the confrontation with each other”.
I want to think that it is due to the 2nd Ray that rules the Soul of England and the United States.
Remember Denis that the esotericists of a nation are the representatives of the Soul of this nation and for the 2nd Ray, due to its need to be inclusive, the blame is always “shared”.
In truth Denis I only expose my more western perspective…, I think it is important. The truth (Love) of the Soul, the destruction of false myths, arises from the relationship between their complementary opposites or Gemini.
But basically in my answer to Phillip there is a question:
don’t you think we are missing “something important” if we only think about the negative aspect of the US?
Allow me to reflect:
As we (NGWS) know, the healing currents of esotericism move on the mental plane, inspired by the buddhic plane. The external plane is often deceptive, and many times it is a reflection of the destructive power that these new mental currents exert on expired matter. And this, because it is the entrance to a New Era, is valid for the entire world.
In truth, the main objective is that The Triangle, (Russia, Great Britain and USA), works and for this we (NGWS) have to be above the darkest and most concrete realities.
This does not mean that we close our eyes…, but that we place these realities in the place that they deserve.
Is this darkness real? Not for the NGWS, because we know that it is a temporary reality that veil the opportunity to better understand the functioning of The Triangle. It’s is a hope if you want but this is the best “water of life” that we can offer the world.
Thank you, David, for the positive attitude and understanding. Interesting point about the representatives of the 2nd Ray, who do tend to contain in their consciousness both all the good and all the bad, giving non-existent qualities to those who do not possess them. Apparently, this fact does give some impetus to the choice of such a stance by disciples and aspirants.
It seems to me that the influence of the Second Ray in this case is not even so much their involvement with the soul of humanity as their involvement (souls and personalities) with the group (not the Ashram) of the Tibetan who is the Second Ray Master. Still, at some point the mental distinction comes to such representatives of the Second Ray as well. On the eve of the disciple’s first initiation, he becomes more and more aware of his negative qualities, mental discernment begins to enter into his equipment, as we observe in humanity today.
A triangle on the level of the souls of the three nations could indeed be an important step toward a just peace and a new world order, but not just peace at any price. It would be good if those working to circulate the energies of the triangle understood the realities of the current situation and the personality motives of each of the three nations – otherwise wouldn’t their group meditations have the wrong effect on humanity?
As for the Evil within the U.S., it is certainly a terrible tragedy first and foremost for the U.S. itself, but David, I completely agree with you: while understanding and being aware of all the negatives, we would need to focus on the positive and nurture positive substitute qualities – for all our nations.
Hey Phillip,
I hope you are well. Did you see that Seymour Hersh has a new article out on his Substack claiming CIA bombed Nord Stream 2 Pipeline?
Something is rotten in Denmark. 🙂
Lots of dots to connect…
Adam, yes I did, the truth is spilling out everywhere at the moment!