16 Responses to Aquarius 2024: Pluto in Aquarius. Corporations & Conferences. Davos Man and the WEF. Japan Quake. Trutine of Hermes.

  1. Andrew says:

    Hello Philip,

    Your analysis is too much west centered. The ucranian experience and gaza genocid is the proof that west has lost the human values and the rest of the world is not more longer whith WEF. WEF represent only 15% of humanity whose decadence is in plain sight of everybody. Only these fanatics of WEF are continue living in a parallel world.

  2. Rossella Sofia says:

    Many thanks

  3. Vicki L Naas says:

    Hello Philip,

    This missive is very timely and prescient, touching a nerve in our current milieu. American fascism is on the march showing itself in disparate ways but primarily through its expression by the “alt-right” and its counterbalancing “Antifa”. It is alarming and dangerous, in my opinion, to our democracy. The misinformation campaigns are at a magnitude not seen since WWII. The propaganda was condemned by DK, because of its power to mislead and mobilize the masses.

    I have wondered again and again, why and where this current flare-up in fascism originated. You mentioned Project Paperclip where the US recruited thousands of former Nazi scientists after the war to immigrate to America and develop all our weapons of war. [There has to be serious karma for America due to that policy.] However, as a child we were never taught in school about American antisemitism and the Nazi movement in America. Rachel Maddow of MSNBC wrote a new book entitled “Prequel”. I was utterly shocked to learn about the prewar Nazi movement in the US wherein their propaganda was mailed out to citizens free of cost using congressional franking privileges. Maddow wrote that the movement was so successful that Hitler thought the US might enter the war on the German side at best and at worst remain neutral. Hitler had a picture of Henry Ford in his office and Henry Ford had a picture of Hitler in his office.

    So the current fascist expression in the US did not come out of nowhere. There are deep roots [Vulcan / Taurus] that go way back to pre-WWII. I recommend that fellow students listen to one of Maddow’s speeches on YouTube regarding her book “Prequel”. It looks like our citizenry will finally have to face-up to our policies of naturalizing former Nazis for purposes of building the American war machine via the military industrial complex. We are the ones who have been supplying most of the arms around the world used to perpetrate the Palestinian holocaust and other equally cruel conflicts. It is a devastating realization. Maddow points out that the Nazis never surrendered, they just moved in droves to North and South America.

    Thanks again for all your hard work and another thought-provoking analysis.

    P.S. I had forgotten about the Faulty Tower’s pic, “Don’t mention the war” as he goosesteps with a Nazi salute. The Brits mastered black humor and you’re a genius to have remembered that bit.

    1. Fascism is not confined to any one country or political party – it is the shadow of the Fifth Rootrace and the increasing first ray energy via Shamballa.

  4. Lyn says:

    Brilliant analysis of the WEF Phillip. Hopefully it will open some eyes in the esoteric community.

    It appears that the Nazis were just as much a creature of the US and UK as Germany. It is the shadowy group of international financiers / corporations with offices in many Western nations that financed and supported the Nazis to further the purposes of the Forces of Evil who had emerged from their “ancient lair” prior to the World War. These same dark forces seem to be responsible for much of what is transpiring today.

    Hopefully this time around, enough of the “spiritually minded people of the world”, as DK calls them, will awaken to the true nature of the impending danger to avert global nuclear war.

  5. Tony Harvey says:

    How do I unsubscribe please Philip. Your newsletters are extremely insightful and I have been reading them for many years but I am defintely a proponent of “socialism” (in an approximate 70% : 30% ratio to capitalism- far from what we have today in the “developed” world) and I definitely believe global heating and climate breakdown are extremely serious issues for humanity. I am a climate protester including breaking the law often (and getting charged for it) with protest movements. That is how strongly I feel about it. I don’t want to block your newsletters on my email account because doing so affects the automatic spam filters many email service providers use and may increase the likelihood of your newletters being labelled spam and not reaching new people’s inboxes which I don’t want to happen. Thank-you

    1. there is an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email you receive Tony. There is a middle way between all these polarisations we are currently experiencing. Unfortunately many will believe what they want to believe, whether it is about climate or covid, and no amount of evidence to the contrary will convince them. Some call this cognitive dissonance. Humanity has despoiled this planet with much pollution – which goes without saying, but it is not the prime reason for so called “climate change”. Climate cycles have been going for millions of years – ice core samples are one good scientific proof of these past epochs. But I am sure there are counter arguments for that too. When people say they “feel” strongly, I always urge them to “think” strongly. If anyone unsubscribes because they disagree with me on one issue or another, I also recommend to not “throw the baby out with the bath water”!

  6. david says:

    “… Pluto governs the death or cessation of old ideas and emotions, and its influence is therefore largely cerebral and in that you have the clue to its late discovery. Mankind is only on the verge of becoming mental”.

    It is interesting to observe how the Tibetan Master relates the brain with the mind through Pluto in this phrase.

    When the light of the Soul breaks into consciousness, that is, when the mind is illuminated, all attitudes (ideas and emotions) related to the personality or more material aspect (brain) of the manifestation are inevitably destroyed so that the path is free of obstacles, so that the sacred planets, especially Neptune and Uranus, can exercise their constructive function, the manifestation of the Soul in matter (matter previously purified thanks to Pluto).

    It is for this reason that we can think that the transit of Pluto through Aquarius implies a profound renewal of the meanings of the “water bearer”, a destruction of its old meanings related to Pisces (6ºR) so that a meaning can emerge superior. A substance more in line with the new meanings that the 7th Ray and the New Age of Aquarius bring with them.

    Thanks for sharing

    1. Pluto’s influence is “largely cerebal” yet it rules the base chakra, there is a conundrum! Not unlike Uranus the planet of science ruling the sacral chakra. The seeds of mind buried in the lower centres, awaiting their raising to the higher centres. Aquarius is a “mental” sign yet also emotional:

      “Astral energies emanating from the new sign of the zodiac into which we are now entering, the sign Aquarius. This sign, that of the water-carrier, is a living sign and an emotional sign. It will (through the effect of its potent force) stimulate the astral bodies of men into a new coherency, into a brotherhood of humanity which will ignore all racial and national differences and will [Page 314] carry the life of men forward into synthesis and unity.

      This means a tide of unifying life of such power that one cannot now vision it, but which—in a thousand years—will have welded all mankind into a perfect brotherhood. Its emotional effect will be to “purify” the astral bodies of men so that the material world ceases to hold such potent allure, and may in its later stages bring about a state of exaggeration as potent in the line of sentiency as that which we have undergone in the line of materiality!

      The final stages of all signs produce over-development of the factor on which they most potently work. At present the effect of this sign is constructive among the pioneers of the race, and destructive among the rank and file of humanity.” (TWM313)

      “The influence which emanates from the Pole Star and which is such a potent factor in our solar system reaches our planet via the sign Aquarius. The reasons will be noted if the student bears in mind the significance of water as a symbol of the emotions, which are but a lower manifestation of love-desire. Aquarius is a force centre from which the adept draws the “water of life” and carries it to the multitude. This force from the Pole Star, via Aquarius, is of special power at this time and the day of opportunity is therefore great. It is one of the agencies which make the coming of the Great Lord a possibility. ” (TCF1263.)

      1. david says:

        Hello Phillip, you are right, each chakra is a different mental space, surely for this reason each center has its miniature reflection in the brain.

        Uranus as ruler of the sacrum makes sense, because only the 7th Ray through Uranus can organize in matter (egg/sperm, atom/cell) the will of the soul that wants to be manifested.

        Thanks for sharing

  7. david says:

    Hello Phillip,

    Pluto’s influence is “largely cerebral”, but he rules the base chakra, there is a conundrum!

    Sorry, but I don’t understand why you say it’s a “conundrum”…, the base of spine is also the brain, right? It’s its lowest part, the part most connected to matter, “the darkest place”, Pluto’s favorite place. In fact, in the average man Pluto also rules the head centre, implying that destruction is not “sacred”, it is not conscious.

    In the initiate or disciple the head centre is already ruled by Vulcan because the destruction carried out by Pluto in the base of spine is already conscious, directed by the crown chakra ruled by Vulcan, the conscious will.

    In the initiate or disciple, as the mind is illuminated, the destructive process carried out in the matter/brain by Pluto is already conscious, that is, it is not governed by the karmic or unconscious mind of the common man.

    1. It is said that the “animal brain” is the solar plexus centre but there is some kind of consciousness in all the centres.

      DK states, “The solar plexus, directing and controlling certain aspects of the nervous system, and which is in large part the instinctual or animal brain.”

      “In the next root race, ray five will commence to pour its power into the animal kingdom, gradually stimulating the instinctual mind of the animal until it vibrates to the ray of the intellect, of knowledge. This will bring about an organising of the animal brain, and the transfer of the power of the solar plexus centre to the head centre, and consequently a shift in the animal polarisation and an added activity of the brain in the head.”

  8. Jason Orr says:

    We can only take comfort in the belief (faith) that the Hierarchy is working with, and through, useful instruments (useful idiots) to facilitate the realization of the Divine Pan. We know that at a higher level of reality, good and evil are merely a means, a construct of glamour, for externalizing, in our consciousness, the machinations of the Imponderable. But, on a day-to-day basis, it is challenging to remain mindful of the unfolding drama: “Let instability do its work.” As always, your analysis and insight is a clarion voice of sanity in a world that has truly gone mad. I fear that your interpretation of unfolding events on a world-scale is an accurate reflection of what has happened, and what is yet to happen.

  9. SethD says:

    Thank you Philip, you are an incredible resource!

    My fathers Japanese sensei taught him that Japan was part of the first spiritual human civilization, still reflected today in their culture and society.

    The germans helped create Israel through their genocide, its interesting the zionist bankers and British elite had planned for the state decades before the war, then – voila! A Hitler emerges and Jews are forced from Europe.

    Also interesting that many see British royals as descended from the lost Hebrew tribes, Williams recent wedding playing the hymn Jerusalem was illluminating..

    They spent 100’s of years trying to wrest this ground from the muslims and arabs, and so many years later, finally succeeded. Doubt they will give it up…

  10. Frida Juliusdottir says:

    Thank you very much, your newsletters always so interesting.

    I would love to know where in DK’s books he talks of New Moons being the seeding time as you mention in the letter. I believe I read it somewhere in the books but cannot find it again. I hope you will help me with that.

    1. I cannot find it either Frida! This passage is interesting however and applies to right now before the new moon:

      “The dark half of the moon, the period towards the end of the waning moon, and the early new moon. This, as you well know, affects the meditation work.
      d. Psychological factors and mass inhibitions due undoubtedly to forces external to the planet and to plans, obscure in their intent to ordinary humanity. These forces, playing upon the human race, affect the most sensitive; they in their turn affect their environment and gradually a momentum is established which sweeps through a race or a nation, through a period or a cycle of years, and produces conditions of profound depression and of mutual distrust. It causes a sad self-absorption and this we term a panic or a wave of unrest. The fact that the working out may be military, economic, social or political, that it may take the form of a war, of a religious inquisition, of financial stringency or international distrust is incidental. The causes lie back in the blue prints of the evolutionary process and are governed—even if unrealised—by the good Law.” (A Treatise on White Magic.)

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