10 Responses to Aries 2024: Three Festivals. Mercury. Easter. The Christ & Hierarchy. 1860 in History. USA’s Amazing Solar Eclipse. The End of Pisces.

  1. Steven Chernikeeff says:

    Agree the real meaning of “Lucifer” but Alice quickly realised that it would be misunderstood, obviously, and changed her groups name to Lucis. I believe it was a monumental mistake for her to use Lucifer – in our genre we have enough misunderstandings already. Regretfully it is there in black and white and cannot be changed and it will continuously be used by the ignorant.

  2. Erik Hansen says:

    Yes, Lucifer seems an unfortunate choice, even H. Blavatsky caller her magazine by that name. It begs the question, would not hierarchy have foreseen the possible confusion and potential injury to the esoteric cause?

    1. If you read the article, it states the reasons why both women chose to use the name – as rebellion against the distortions of “Churchianity”.

      1. Students may also want to consider the references in AAB’s writings to Lucifer or Venus:

        “Sanat Kumara is not on the Sirian line but—to speak in symbols, not too deeply veiled—Lucifer, Son of the Morning, is closely related, and hence the large number of human beings who will become disciples in the Sirian Lodge. This [Page 416] is the true “Blue Lodge,” and to become a candidate in that Lodge, the initiate of the third degree has to become a lowly aspirant, with all the true and full initiations awaiting him “within the sunshine of the major Sun.”

        1. SHAMBALLA Will or Power Planetary Head Centre
        The Holy City Purpose..Plan spiritual pineal gland

        Life Aspect
        Ruler: Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World
        the Ancient of Days

        2. THE HIERARCHY Love-Wisdom Planetary Heart Centre
        The New Jerusalem Unity At-one-ment

        Group Consciousness
        Ruler: The Christ
        The World Saviour

        3. HUMANITY Active Intelligence Planetary Throat Centre
        The City, standing
        foursquare Creativity

        Ruler: Lucifer
        Son of the Morning
        The Prodigal Son

  3. Vicki L Naas says:

    Dear Phillip,

    These were inspired words: was it you, Mercury, HPB, AAB or the Tibetan? It was a very lovely colloquy of inspired insights. In view of world events, it hit the mark [Sun and Mercury in Aries]. Regardless of the source, I was uplifted and redirected.

  4. Carlos Urtasun says:

    As unfortunate as it may seem, the use of “Lucifer”, also separates the wheat from the chaff, as the saying goes. Meaning, that when encountered by it, it tells you how ready, or not, one is to proceed into the teachings – depending on one’s emotional reaction to the name Lucifer. And the will to overcome them.

    1. Indeed, how ready one is to go beyond cultural conditioning and delve deeper into the meaning of the word – and the motives of those who deliberately used it, AAB and HPB.

  5. Let us all help to bring into manifestation Aquarian ideals, often expressed
    by musicians. E.g. John Lennon – Imagine all the people living in peace,
    a brotherhood of man, where we live as one. Bob Marley. We are
    One Love, One Heart, Let us come together and feel all right. Elvis – If I
    can dream of a better land where all my brothers walk hand in hand, why
    oh why can’t my dream come true. Michael Jackson – I feel in my heart
    you are all my brothers.

  6. Michael Harding says:

    I recently watched a video interview with the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s. Here it is. Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s interview to Jackson Hinkle, March 2024 – YouTube Very interesting. They know exactly what is going on and are begging the world to listen to reason. Yes, this is a continuation of the war that started in Atlantean times and wasn’t finished at World War II.


  7. SethD says:

    Thank you Philip, I enjoyed your Aries reading on the Easter Holiday. I was told Jesus represented and/or taught the power of the open heart, which allowed understanding of the true source vibration “But the moment one turns to the Lord with an open heart, the veil is lifted and they see.” “A” or “Ahhhh” represents this dimension of the universe, and is the source for inspiration (“Ah-ha!”) Sounding out this vibration takes one immediately to the heart, and is part of the hidden code of “Yah-weh” actually I A O U E the five dimensions, the tetragrammaton… Blessings on this first of three Festivals!

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