One Response to Capricorn (Jan.) 2018: Saturn. Sirius. Santa. Haley. Kushner. USA-Israel. Nationalism. Mars in Scorpio.

  1. RMM says:

    The Russian equivalent to Santa Claus is the mythological figure of “Grandfather Frost”. As for St. Nicholas, he is still the most venerated saint. The Russians borrowed his relics were borrowed from Bari (Italy) for a “visit” in May through July 2007: they were venerated in Moscow (including by Putin: and St. Petersburg by over 2,3 million people from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and other countries. … People stood in hours-long lines…
    The Russians have two separate feast days for him: “Winter Nicholas” (with a bishop’s mitre – December 19) and “Spring Nicholas” (May 27), a grandfatherly figure – as in the icon above.
    “In the church,” a Russian reminisces, “I liked the Winter Nicholas – it was more majestic. But at home I liked our Spring Nicholas, with his high forehead and receding hairline and the dear features of his face.”

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