12 Responses to Capricorn 2020: Crisis Cycles. 4 Freedoms. Thought Control. Conspirituality. Media. Cyber Pandemic. Jupiter-Saturn.

  1. Wendy USA says:

    Hello people,
    I just want to share that until now, I worked for a US State Government office, in the Department of Health, on the Covid 19 response team with the mission “to stop the spread”. The person hired to lead us, has no experience in health care. Rather, she is a military professional with a background in intelligence, including the CIA. The response team is controlled by a massive software system that is recording and storing information gleaned from every Covid 19 related contact. I can’t say I understand the forces behind this. I can only say that I stopped having real time contact with co-workers in March 2020, and there has been no sanctioned place to discuss our work or experiences. Something is dreadfully wrong. I’ve seen it with my own eyes, and it made me physically, emotionally, and mentally unwell. I didn’t want to believe the facts of “lock step” that Phillip discusses. However, my state government barely even paused in March when Covid really took hold; the switch to this controlling and invasive use of technology took hold so quickly it made my head swim. I have a Pisces moon, so that’s not new for me, and it’s taken a while to put two and two together. Take heed.

    1. Heidi Kunkler says:

      Dear Phillip, I am still reading your Capricorn Newsletter 2020. It is absolutely fascinating, how you elaborate your Newsletters, sharing your wisdom. They are really of universal interest. Thank you so much.

  2. Noelle Castro says:

    Very interesting newsletter, thank you!

    I am intrigued that you read the stars to conclude that the virus is a hoaxed or hyped. My daughter works for doctors, many of whom have been in hospital and very ill with covid. One doctor´s mother has had amputations because of sepsis caused by this virus. It is all very well to compare deaths listed with those of normal flu, but it is not statistically correct.

    The flu does not occur to many people all at once and flood hospitals with cases. I can accept that TPTB and the media could organize to amplify the situation, but not the emergency doctors. And wearing a mask may just protect others as well as oneself. I would rather err on the side of caution while inwardly keeping an open mind. The lockdowns may or may not work, nobody knows for certain and to claim otherwise is not logical. I am not a political animal. Music is my only calling, ie Bach et al-I have been very hard hit by the lockdowns, no money at all and would have had to leave this plane if not for the kindness of my daughter and her half sister, so I am not speaking from any position of privilege.

  3. Many people are erring on the side of caution Noelle, which tends to enable those who are taking political advantage of the situation. I am not going to argue your other points, they have been extensively covered in the newsletters all year here: https://esotericastrologer.org/esoteric-astrology/esoteric-astrology-general/#cor

  4. Vasilis Haramaras says:

    My dear brother Phillip,
    Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts which is the purpose of every newsletter. Sharing doesn’t mean oppose an opinion.But on the contrary it is a contribution to the tank of point of views of million of brothers and sisters, in order to approach the Truth. Please continue sharing the results of your researches, not because I agree with all of them, but because you give us another point of view worth considering (at least) ! Each one of us, is an adult, responsible for the way he is going to think after reading or hearing an opinion of another BROTHER or SISTER. We should never forget the brotherhood that is our bond! ( Share it if you want )

  5. Estela says:

    Dear Phillip,
    We write to express our gratitude to you and offer a bit of good cheer at this difficult time. We know you are coming under attack by some students of the ageless wisdom. We appreciate very much your willingness to stand for truth, honesty and integrity no matter the cost. We are appalled and very disappointed by the lack of spiritual and energetic discernment being displayed by so-called esoteric and occult groups and individuals, many of whom claim to participate in the New Group of World Servers yet have fallen prey to propaganda and under the sway of mass deception and are unconsciously(?) aiding and abetting totalitarianism, human rights abuses and other evils in our time. Fundamentalist Christians in our country are showing more common and spiritual sense than many foolish new agers who seem to be completely out of touch and unaware of what’s really going on and prefer to spend time criticizing you. Thank you for your courageous stand and all that you do. It is being noticed and making a difference.

  6. Eva Smith says:

    I ditto the comments made by Estela – Dec 24/20. I am a lone wolf in my community and family. The precautions that everyone is taking is based on fear and the propaganda that has influenced their thinking. How should we, as disciples act? What should we do? The mental approach and meditation is one that I have maintained. Besides that, what is suggested?

  7. Betty Holcomb says:

    Dear Philip, thank you for your once again in depth astrological analysis. Years ago my metaphysical teacher cautioned us to look for the least personality contaminated information available, such as the Bailey material. I find your work to also be of that quality. He also cautioned us to use our 2D’s when reading/ learning..they are discernment and discrimination. To discern (to look deeply) and after looking deeply to discrimate (choose wisely) truth from falsehoods. While your information isn’t always what my personality wants to believe as it’s difficult that there can exist such cruelty and manipulation by others on this planet, there is much to ponder in your writings. I agree that we all MUST Put our personality wishes aside and use our 2 D’S at this time and look deeply in order to find the kernels of truth that is wrapped so tightly in lies. And the truth may sometimes be hard to digest. Thank you for so willingly sharing your analysis and life’s work with us.

  8. Dear Phillip, this is a profound newsletter again. You address so many valuable points in such an erudite and well-thought fashion. I surely hope that at least the ageless wisdom community will take due notice of all being said, and that the one’s who naively and much to my surprise quite sullen follow the mainstream media narrative will wake up. If we don’t who will? And what will be the consequence for 2025, a year we all are looking forward to full of expectance? Do we think that Humanity will be ready for the externalization if we aren’t?

  9. Christine A. MOHR says:

    Hail Philip, Do not relent. I too have dedicated (with baited breath) hours and years to this research; beginning with Calleman’s Galactic Underworld in 1999. That’s the year I was (led) to Theosophy and never turned back. AAB is my gal,along with many honored teachers, many no longer with us. My files are bulging with names , dates and photos(THE evidence). With a sun at 29 degrees Scorpio, very occult, but Ascendant in Gemini, and moon in Capricorn, you could say I have been conflicted all my life. Those who have controlled us from the shadows will soon be revealed. KARMA coming, off to the trash bin of the Universe. I scale your every word. Thanks

  10. Gisele Hall says:

    Happy New Year Phillip, Thank you for the great analysis and research on all the subjects. I have been doing my own research as well and it is good to see that others can see the bigger plan at play. I will be re-reading this one during January as so important. It helps to be opened and break those crystalized ideas that keeps us back. Seeing a bigger Reality so important and be without fear. Thanks!

  11. Google translation.Thank you dear Phillip for such an extraordinary article. What people do not understand and neither does the spiritual community, is that what you report with so much dedication, research and very intelligent analysis and vision, is the plan that is in progress and that this group of the New World Order has been carrying out for decades, which are generating the New Totalitarian Regime. I have personally been investigating these events for some years now, and I know that the classified and sensitive information that you provide is real and is a very small part of what is really happening in the dark, and that they are not assumptions, but real plans and events, that unscrupulous are manifested in their web pages, speeches and interviews, something that anyone can investigate if they wanted. So it is real.

    It is necessary to take the time to inform yourself through unconventional means to have a clear vision of what is happening in the international geopolitical panorama. It is very important to be clear about this reality, no matter how much it weighs us, because it is the only way to be able to counteract this great nefarious mental form created by this power elite, and it is through the work of the NGWS, through its group meditations, creation of mental forms of light, study of causes and their solutions at the mental level, etc. etc. That is going to help the Hierarchy enormously to fulfill its plans through us and all the intelligent and good-will people that exist in all the countries of the world, which are many millions of people.

    Now, we know this is the plan, but let’s see if they can carry it out. The question arises: to what extent will it be possible for them to carry it out ¿? In what period of time ¿? How long will they be able to sustain it? These and other questions must be considered in light of humanity’s rising group consciousness. The great battle between good and evil is coming to an end, but there is still much to do and there are the millions of awakened people and those who are quickly awakening, those of us who are going to counter the balance of the materialistic forces or the Dark Lodge. That is written in the mind of God.

    The good has already won. What the Hierarchy of Masters wants is that the damage that this unscrupulous group that has the power can cause, be the least possible. We know that they are working on that and that they need the help of all of us in different ways. For that we have to be informed and aware of what is happening. We have to wake up and help wake up others. Google translation

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