Capricorn 2020: Crisis Cycles. 4 Freedoms. Thought Control. Conspirituality. Media. Cyber Pandemic. Jupiter-Saturn.

Capricorn the mountaintop of initiation. (The Old Man of Storr, Skye, Scotland. A Lord of the Rings-esque metaphor for 2020.)1
Capricorn Keynote
“Lost am I in light supernal and on that light I turn my back.”
(Full Moon: Dec.30, 2020. UT 03.28)
The Crisis-Causing 7-Year Cycles of 2015 and 2022
Success of the Capricorn NGWS Festival Dec.2019
Criticism of Esoteric Astrologer Newsletter
Thought Control by Dominating Groups
___ Schisms of Thought in Science
2020 Hindsight: The Great Global Disturbance and “Conspirituality”
___9/11 Parallels
___The Media is a Major Problem
___Astral Consciousness
Cyber Pandemic? WEF, Schwab and the “Great Reset” (Part II)
___2021: Uranus in Taurus square Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius
___The Four Freedoms and the Atlantic Charter
Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse: Antares, Aldebaran and the USA
Sagittarius Solar Eclipse on USA’s Mars
Alice Bailey Will Return as a Sagittarian
Jupiter- Saturn in Aquarius (Part III): The Star of Bethlehem
Uranus in Taurus Square Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius: The Year 2021
Christmas greetings one and all! This is an extra long newsletter, as have been several recent missives. There is alot of news to synthesise and understand in this critical cycle of world affairs. It is impossible to understand the current intricacies and complexities without exploring perspectives that lay outside of the daily diet of mainstream media. So don’t be too daunted by all the reading – consider it a large overview synthesis, some Christmas holiday reading – over some weeks!
May peace prevail on Earth, may there be greater sharing and goodwill among all of Humanity. Thankyou for your support throughout 2020 and I look forward to sharing with you some more in 2021.
Phillip Lindsay
The Crisis-Causing 7-Year Cycles of 2015 and 2022
“This training in decision is given by forcing the Master to make basic decisions within His Ashram affecting world work and involving all within the Ashram. It is given by His admission to the conclave of the Masters, meeting every seven years.
At that conclave They make decisions which concern all forms of life in all the kingdoms in the three worlds and their evolutionary progress; it is put to the test in group form when the entire Hierarchy meets at Its centennial conference [2025] and – at that time – decides what form of crisis, on what level of consciousness, and involving what group of lives, must be implemented and presented to humanity, though the other kingdoms of nature will be necessarily implicated.
The reason for this is that the meeting of such a planned crisis will hasten certain realisations. Forget not that humanity grows through the presentation of moments of crisis. These moments of crisis, based on past karma, conditioned by the point in evolution already achieved, and on the presence in the three worlds of certain appropriate ray forces, are brought to the point of precipitation by united decision in the conclave of the Masters.
These decisions do not affect man’s free will, for the Hierarchy does nothing to condition man’s approach to the crisis and, occultly speaking, Their “attitude is deliberately turned to other things” during the period of man’s decision; thus the potency of Their thinking does not affect the human mind.
Once the precipitation of the crisis is complete, and humanity has begun to take action of some kind, then the full attention of the Masters, working through Their Ashrams, is committed to the giving of full assistance to all those who are seeking to guide humanity along correct lines – a relative few among the countless millions of the ignorant.”2

The Decision Initiation is closely related to the sign Libra – weighing the balance using the judicial mind.
Let us discuss this phrase above, “Meeting every seven years”. The centennial conclave of the Masters has been discussed frequently in these newsletters, Their imminent decision in 2025 – to choose a date to externalise their ashrams among humanity, probably over the next several decades.
This centennial or 100-year cycle has within it, two 49-year cycles related to Their “Great Decision”. Within a 49-year cycle there are 7 x 7-year cycles. The last Decision Initiation was in 2001 and the next one will be in 2050.
The year 2025 is the midpoint of this 49-year cycle. Hence, counting from 2001, the 7-year cycles unfold: 2008, 2015, 2022, 2029 etc. (See the author’s essay: Decision Initiation 2001: The Masters and the 49 Year Cycle.)
These 7-year cycles are related to Saturn the Lord of Karma, whose 7-year cycles approximate the Saturn return cycle 4 x 7. Uranus is also involved, with 12 zodiac signs x 7-year cycle = 84 years, the Uranus return.
The crisis of 2020 is related to the 7-year cycle of 2015 – that was immediately activated in 2016 by the US election and UK’s Brexit crises, among other events. Since that year, the world has been dealing with the effects generated, leading up to the 2020 Covid-19 crisis.
This Covid-19 crisis/fiasco will build up to 2022 – the next 7-year cycle where another crisis will most likely precipitate (as a result of the previous 7-year cycle crises), leading a few years later to the centennial conclave of 2025. In the above passage, one might ask the question – what is it that, “humanity must begin to take action of some kind”?
The answer appears obvious – Humanity must stand up for itself in the face of the Materialistic Forces using the Covid-19 virus as a pretext for “protecting humanity” – when in fact their agents are seeking to dominate, control and enslave.
This choice by Humanity as a whole, must take place as a global response to the current crisis in the next few years; it is a great test which the Hierarchy have most likely foreseen and allowed to happen. They cannot interfere with human free will, only guide and inspire.
Hierarchy await Humanity to exercise its own free will one way or the other – so that decisions can be made at the Centennial Conclave in 2025 – on fixing a date for the beginning of the Externalisation process. (See further in the text where this theme is elaborated under the heading: Uranus in Taurus Square Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius.)
Success of the NGWS Festival Dec. 2019
Almost one year ago, The New Group of World Servers week in Dec.21-28, 2019 was a potent once-in-a-7-year event on the Capricorn solstice, encompassing a new moon solar eclipse – with Sun, Moon and four planets passing through Capricorn – the sign of manifestation and initiation.

New moon eclipse, Capricorn 2019. (Note Venus in Aquarius will be powerfully activated in 2021 by transiting Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus.)
Little were most people aware, that the Covid-19 virus was already loose at that time and the world situation changed radically just a few weeks and months later. In fact, China belatedly announced the virus to the world a few days later on Dec.31, 2019.
Some observers have suggested that the hate, separation, isolation, arrest of human activity and lockdown in 2020 – were due to the preparations, meditations and spiritual gatherings that culminated during NGWS festival week in Dec. 2019.
This, as a result of spiritual law working out, where higher invoked forces inevitably stir up a corresponding opposition. Capricorn is one of the most spiritual and material signs of the zodiac – hence the NGWS, working from the spiritual pole in Dec. 2019, attracted or accelerated its material opposite.
This was already occurring, given the long term transits of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto through Capricorn – plus the gradual precipitation of the Hierarchy closer to Humanity. But there is no doubt that NGWS week was a major catalyst, esoterically considered. As Capricorn is one of the main signs of initiation, if not the main sign – that seed point of the Dec. 2019 solar eclipse has opened the door to the first initiation for millions.
“Capricorn is … the sign in which is inaugurated a new cycle of effort, whether this effort is in connection with the individual man or with the initiate. Effort, strain, struggle, the fight with the forces native to the underworld, or the strenuous conditions entailed by the tests of discipleship or initiation—these are distinctive of experience in Capricorn.”3
The eclipse horoscope is set for London – the throat chakra of the Fifth Rootrace. Hence, whatever is “thought” in that city has an influence on the whole Western world, for better or worse. The ascendant in Scorpio with its ruler Mars conjunct, is a very powerful combination concerning the theme for “ordinary humanity” – “Let maya flourish and deception rule”.
The “flourishing of maya” has certainly occurred and is still controlling, with regard to media propaganda about Coronavirus – as distinct from Scorpio’s higher expression for disciples on the path – “Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant!” The world is still in the thick of that battle – but “emerging triumphant” from this global illusion, is still somewhere on the horizon.
Yes, Covid-19, whether human-manufactured or not, can cause death, statistically no more than the common flu. (Please note the author’s extensive reports on this subject.) But the real point of this author’s repeated admonitions during 2020, is that Covid-19 is being used as a pretext to usher in extraordinary control mechanisms around the world – that are not for humanity’s ultimate benefit.
To re-state again, this is not “conspiracy theory” – if aspirants and disciples on the Path cannot see this, then they are still caught in the web of deceit and manipulation – along with the majority of humanity.
Similarly, in the Dec. 2019 solar eclipse horoscope, the stellium of planets in Capricorn has encouraged its lower expression through the materialistic forces gaining control of almost the entire population of the planet – dictating lockdowns, censorship and limiting free speech.
It is ironic that two signs of initiation – Scorpio and Capricorn, are so prominent in the solar eclipse horoscope, a perfect storm – in their lower expression, for disguising the truth and bullying the public into fear and panic.

The CDC – Centre for Disease Control in the USA. Protect the elderly but don’t lockdown the rest!
But it is also a powerful combination for those who are awakened and awakening. The NGWS must esoterically absorb the blow and neutralise the evil reaction that has occurred in 2020 from these forces – to protect humanity from this attempted Materialist takeover. Members of the NGWS must try to emulate Hierarchy:

Mind (Alex Grey)
“The Hierarchy achieve its results by the power of united sustained mental attention. It is in fact their perfection of the mental achievement and the wielding of mental energy which is the essential factor of their effectiveness”.4
Since the end of WWII – when the “door where evil dwells” was “sealed”, these material forces started reorganising very quickly, refining and consolidating their position to a more powerful level than before that war.
These shadowy forces have taken the best of The Great White Brotherhood’s plans, twisting them to selfish material ends – such as internationalism, globalisation, disarmament, the corruption of the United Nations, climate change etc. In 2020 – for those with eyes to see, their hand has been revealed quite starkly, via various stated agendas.
Now Humanity must recognise the situation of their own free will and accord and, aided by the NGWS – utterly reject the forceful impositions of this “covert Covid” assault. Humanity has been conned, deceived, misled and confused. As a co-worker opines,
“A thought-form was created to act as a wall of protection for their evil intents, it became a living entity (if people could see it), built with kama-manasic [desire-mind] substance, planned to neutralise all evidence of reality, that tries to appear through the fogs of glamour and unveil the truth.
This entity is programmed to prevent any diversity of thought and gives to the ones influenced by it, the sense that they are smarter, cleverer, better – that they see the truth, and all who see differently are seeing fake things [or are believers in “conspiracy theory”] only those under the control of this gigantic entity believe they know the truth.” (Anonymous)
Criticism of Esoteric Astrologer Newsletter
This author has received much criticism lately from students of the ageless wisdom for, “sounding like various “conspiracy groups” – for being “irresponsible” in influencing thousands of newsletter readers.
This reaction was anticipated, yet, “sounds like” or “smells like” is not the same as the author’s researched and synthesised view – that has no attachment to “being right”, but simply to convey the best interpretation of events thus far this year. He makes no apology for that and stands by his findings – if he is proved wrong, he will be the first to admit it.
The reader may note that since Jan.2020 (Coronavirus parts I-VII), the author has held consistent views, through extensive, painstaking research – that continue to verify as events unfold.
Even as little as one year ago, what was derided as “conspiracy theory”, is rapidly coming true. For the past twenty years, this author’s writing has always attempted to analyse world events astrologically and arrive at the truth – whose discernment is based upon two factors:
1. Information analysed and synthesised from diverse sources. This takes a great deal of time (which most people do not have) – to not only read and discriminate, but to also reflect upon philosophically. (Philo-Sophia =Lover of Wisdom)
2. To meditate, reflect and ponder upon all that the mind has gathered, invoking the intuition – that “direct knowledge” that emanates through the higher self: The outcome is a synthesis of mind and intuition, my best view thus far, based upon this approach.
There are pockets of truth across the entire news spectrum left to right, high to low. One of the problems that must be considered by those in the spiritual community, is exaggerations and distortions of the truth through the astral bodies of not-quite-developed thinkers – and even by those who might consider themselves “spiritually advanced” – who are battling to transcend duality and balance opposites upon the mental plane.
There are groups within the world spiritual community who dismiss outright what they label as “fake news”, accepting the mainstream media and government narrative unquestioningly, without discrimination and not bothering to do deeper research on the matter. Those groups are revealing their spiritual laziness and deeply conservative attitudes. (It’s a lot of work, to sift through and weigh up all the evidence that is out there!)
Thought Control by Dominating Groups
We are living in an age where independent thinking is emerging from mass consciousness – and many of those individuals have good intuition. Yet, there can be a tendency for some to coat their discoveries in a kind of, “thick, astral substance” – (“kama manas” or desire-mind, where most of humanity is polarised) – the result of distorted perception.
Because of perceived outrages, they tend to self-righteously demonise others, at the expense of clear, balanced thought; unfortunately, this contributes to the general confusion and other competing propagandas. This is where awakening Humanity is right now.
More developed minds like Bill Gates (see earlier analysis), might be a misguided idealist who believes in eugenics and many technological solutions – that his motives are for humanity’s “good”. Or he might be as “evil” as some demonise him to be. It’s a very fine line to distinguish an individual’s sincere motive sometimes, but Gates is undoubtedly disingenuous.
Gates and others like the WEF’s Klaus Schwab are looking through their particular lenses, according to their soul groups – conditioned by the “rays of mind” 1, 3, 5, 7 – and a soul evolution that is far from rounded-out.
These individuals are of course, not completely devoid of compassion – it’s just difficult for many to see past their imperfect personalities. Especially when their practice of “venture philanthropy” is dubious or selfishly motivated.
It is also true to say that these individuals have deliberately lied, misled or exaggerated the facts – in order to force an implementation of their plans – “for the human good”. Gates has now assumed undue media authority through his power and wealth. (See this recent CNN interview with Gates.)
But the Hierarchy of Masters do not condone the rule of force by powerful individuals or groups, Humanity must make decisions and choices of its own free will. As continually referenced in these missives, today the 1930’s is happening all over again, with similar astrological influences:
“The basic goal is the freedom and the liberation of mankind, but the spiritual workers are handicapped by the fact that [wo]men themselves must make free choice and decision in order to be free; they can only be liberated when they – as individuals and later as groups – liberate themselves from the expressed thought-control of the powerful dominating groups and from the fears which these groups intentionally engender.
… it is the imposition by force and by a police state of an ideology, and its use by powerful men or groups for their own benefit, plus the keeping of the people in blind ignorance so that no free choice is theirs—which is fundamentally wicked and evil.
… Freedom can never be conferred through totalitarian methods; liberation cannot come through a dictator or dictating groups … the totalitarian methods of cruelty, spying, murder, suppression and the lack of freedom. What they [world disciples before WWII] are doing in truth is fighting the abominable methods of imposing the rule of a few evil and ambitious men upon the ignorant masses …
They are fighting the technique of exploiting the ignorant through misinformation, organised lying and limited education. They are fighting against the sealing up of nations within the confines of their own territory, against the police state, the lack of free enterprise and the reduction of men and women to automatons.
This is the true imprisonment of the human spirit. What they [Nazis] are doing in truth is fighting the abominable methods of imposing the rule of a few evil and ambitious men upon the masses ….”5
The parallels to that 1930’s period – that have emerged in 2020 are obvious, stark and disturbing.
Schisms of Thought in Science
Related to the foregoing is the problem of a major schism in the scientific community, each of which other divided groups in the world subscribe, depending upon their beliefs. This division, divisiveness – is called the “great heresy of separativeness”:
“… our race is controlled by the great heresy of separativeness. Through these cleavages … the fires of destruction may emerge and end our civilisation, as the Atlantean civilisation was ended, unless the conscious sons of God can build those bridges and develop that understanding which will offset this law, thus bringing into functioning activity the law which governs the coming race.
The work that the disciples of the world must seek to do is analogous to that which they as individuals have to do in their own private development: build the antahkarana, which will bridge the gap between the human consciousness and the spiritual, and make the race eventually as intuitional as it is, today, intellectual.”6
“Science” has recently assumed far too much influence in world affairs – it should not be granted some unquestionable authority. Science and mind can be, “easily divorced from common sense and morality” – scientists and tech experts can arrogantly blind the undeveloped masses with their “superior” knowledge.
This schism of thought, along with Nazism-fascism, constitutes part of the Fifth Rootrace’s “Dweller on the Threshold” or shadow, the duality of balancing the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane. In fact, it was this great schism that led to the World Wars of last century.
The reader may recall USA’s Operation Paperclip where, “more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians … were taken from Germany to the United States, for U.S. government employment, primarily between 1945 and 1959. Many were former members, and some were former leaders, of the Nazi Party.”7
One might speculate how much this transference affected/infected the USA with a creeping fascism that has spread through all Western nations – a paradox, given its role in defeating Nazism in WWII. Later the work of the WEF and Klaus Schwab will be examined in light of a new kind of “national socialism”, a global socialism.
“Nazism or national socialism is a form of fascism, with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system.”8
2020 Hindsight: The Great Global Disturbance and “Conspirituality”
“2020 Hindsight: Knowledge of what one should have done, because it is easier to clearly re-evaluate past actions or decisions than when they are being made or done. A reference to the visual acuity of normal eyesight (20/20 vision).”9
One could add to the phrase, “re-evaluate past actions or decisions” with the word, “events” – the outer phenomenon of the inner noumenon – causes that created those actions and decisions, leading to the actual events.
Life on the Path is about the attempt to live in the moment and be present here and now – rather than being attached to the past or too concerned with the future. None of us are yet Zen masters, so we mostly learn after the fact – in retrospect. This may be what happens in the next few years for many millions, after this climactic year of 2020.
As discussed in the author’s most recent newsletters for 2020, current causes, undoubtedly and factually emanate from such bodies as the Rockefeller Foundation, the WEF, WHO in working relationship with Big Tech, Pharma and Wall St. – juggernaut entities that were never democratically elected, that have assumed the role of dictating measures on how to deal with Covid-19 – to all world governments.
This, in the face of thousands of medical experts who have railed and rallied against this totalitarian imposition, based upon the mainly technological vision of a minority of wealthy individuals.

Subtle ways to demonise “spiritually oriented people” as being naive or idiots, both of which are true to some degree of course!
Again, this is not “conspiracy theory” or “fake news”, terms used to deride critical or independent thinkers who challenge the status quo – but has been laid out plainly by all these bodies in their respective manifestos and stated ideals. (Restated consistently in newsletters throughout 2020.)
Thus we enter the territory of “conspirituality”, where the universal “conscious” spiritual community (whoever they might be!) – is as equally divided as the rest of Humanity, in interpretation of global events. There is a portion of this group (that appear to be a majority) – who are happy with the “official” narrative – its instructions and dictates; another portion recognises many errors, contradictions, lies and blatant agendas.
Remember, this debacle has only just unfolded over the past 12 months, the “penny may not drop” for quite a while, before the world understands what has happened – and gain true 20/20 vision. But will it be too late by then, when liberties have become so badly eroded, and control of vast populations has resulted in global imprisonment?
9/11 Parallels to 2020
This period of time during 2020 has been compared to the severe disruptive and deceptive influence of 9/11 – the effect it had upon the entire planet.
Not only has Covid-19 been a disruptive influence, it has all the hallmarks of another mass deception. Encouragingly, almost twenty years later, a majority of Americans do not believe the official narrative of what occurred on that fateful day:
“A 2016 study from Chapman University in California, found more than half of the American people believe the government is concealing information about the 9/11 attacks. This is in part because, large sections of the official US government report were redacted for years – and is still missing to this day.”10
There is much evidence that 9/11 was a mass, staged deception, backed up by evidence from thousands of professionals and researchers in the aviation, demolition and media industries. A mass/massive cognitive dissonance occurred then, that is being repeated in 2020.
The author recalls uneasily going along with the official 9/11 narrative, before finally perceiving the truth a few years later – shocked at being blinded by conditioning and gullibility through media.
When realising the reality, one’s immediate thoughts at that time were, how could anyone conceive of such an evil plot perpetrated from within the nation, “by their very own” – that blamed other nations for the atrocity. Like something out of a movie thriller – in fact, The Medusa Touch (1978) with Richard Burton.
How naïve! And likewise now in 2020, a majority are scoffing and dismissing as “fake news” the suggestion – how could/why would a small group of selfishly-minded individuals and powerful groups, perpetrate a similar deception? One has to engage in painstaking research and reflection before arriving at the truth. True intuition also provides an instantaneous “direct knowledge”. (See author’s 2013 article: The Glamour of 9/11: Imminent Revelation of the Truth.)
The 9/11 lies of WMD’s (weapons of mass destruction) – were a pretext for the invasion of Iraq, now well disproved in the mainstream through various investigations – but still, the 9/11 mythology persists! Back in 2003, the detractors and critics of WMD’s were called “conspiracy theorists”!
If the reader wishes to research the 9/11 subject, these authors have done enormous ground breaking research and books: Nobel Prize nominee, Dr. David Ray Griffin and investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn, to name two of many.
9/11 was the first great public hoax of the 21st century – a manufactured “Pearl Harbour” attack that gave a false pretext to invade oil-rich Middle Eastern nations – a plan that had been no secret before, or after the event. 9/11 also gave governments the excuse to exercise unprecedented powers that intruded upon the privacy of citizens, and now in 2020 – the same thing is happening and planned, to a truly appalling extent.
Now, Covid-19 is the second big hoax of the 21st century – amplified many times globally. The same or similar forces that were behind 9/11 are behind this global lockdown, under the pretext/pretence of “protecting” humanity from a dangerous virus by way of ludicrous lockdowns, social distancing (separation), mass vaccinations, “health/immunity passports”, identity cards and masque-rades.
Today, the author witnesses a similar blindness experienced on 9/11, around Covid-19 – in the esoteric or spiritual community/Humanity as a whole. Part of the blindness on 9/11, or need for many to suspend judgement, was simply not having enough information, to be sure of what was fact and what was propaganda. Similarly now, people have been “caught short”, barely having time to catch on to what has been happening.
Another aspect is that it is not unusual for the spiritual community to be out of touch with what is happening in the world, due to deep immersion in esoteric matters, their mystical idealism – living in the proverbial bubble.
And, like the rest of humanity, it has tended to accept what it has been fed through the mainstream TV channels; it has most certainly succumbed to glamour of fear as well. After all, the “programming” has been going on for decades! What might have been relatively innocuous on local TV 30-40 years ago, is now full-on, pre-digested fast-food propaganda.
Then there is the factor of patriotism that is felt or promoted with an almost religious fervour, especially given that the USA is a sixth ray personality and that many aspirants on the path are influenced by the sixth ray.
Those who are blinded by their patriotism could never conceive that their nation would betray them with such a dastardly deed – but it did! It has happened before and is happening again NOW – globally.
Spiritual groups have been accused of spiritual laziness or apathy – holding (ironically) extremely conservative views – not meant in the political sense.
This conservativism might be borne from a fear of bucking the system, a certain timidity that likes to be told what to do by authority, not question or engage in critical thought – and hence preserve a comfortable lifestyle or way of being.
These attributes describe the sign Cancer – the urge to conserve, preserve and protect, prominent in USA’s 1776 horoscope (sun sign) and as personality ruler of Washington. Cancer is also the personality expression of Scandinavia where these traits are marked in the inhabitants of some of those nations. Cancer is also a sign of mass consciousness, ruled by Neptune, ruler of the sixth ray and in its lower expression – glamour!
Crime of the Century
(Supertramp, 1974)
Now they’re planning the crime of the century
Well what will it be?
Read all about their schemes and adventuring
It’s well worth a fee
So roll up and see
How they rape the universe
How they’ve gone from bad to worse
Who are these men of lust, greed and glory?
Rip off the masks and let see
But that’s not right oh no, what’s the story?
But there’s you and there’s me
That can’t be right …
Media is a Major Problem in the 2020’s
Whether one is a dedicated student of any particular spiritual philosophy, or is engrossed in working to survive, raising a family etc – most barely have the time to absorb any news beyond the mainstream media – through radio and television.
These vast global networks are now concentrated in the hands of a few media barons and hence diversity of thought and opinion is limited – unless one wades through reams of information on internet articles and video.
The internet is where lies the freedom to explore other ideas, yet now that option is being severely censored by Big Tech companies like Facebook, Google, YouTube and Wikipedia. Twitter has just declared that it will remove any posts that say vaccines are harmful!
It is truly extraordinary how today, the world’s main media misinform, distort and spin, to feed various agendas. Their assault upon truth is relentless and the real horror is that many people are oblivious to the tainted news.
Hence, we see how easily many succumb to a mono-culture narrative and how it has shaped the majority of viewpoints about the so-called Covid-19 pandemic. Thanks to Neptune in Pisces, this strange, hypnotic phenomenon has occurred in 2020 – where the majority of the world’s population has accepted the MSM narrative unquestioningly, uncritically and unreservedly:
“At a time in human history when so much is at stake, why is it so difficult to engage most people in anything resembling a thoughtful investigation, consideration and analysis of what is taking place? Why is it that more people do not question what they are told, what they read and what they are shown? In short, why is it that most people do not seek out the evidence for themselves rather than simply believing what is presented to them?
In one sense, the answer to this question might seem simple. People are daily bombarded with ‘information’, in various guises, and a lifetime of submissively accepting what they are told leaves few with any inclination, or energy, to question anything. In an early book on propaganda written in 1928 by Sigmund Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays, he opened with this paragraph:
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”
As Bernays makes clear from the outset, his preoccupation is the manipulation of people to do the bidding of others: clearly, a debased and cynical view of the human individual on which many of humanity’s less morally committed characters have capitalized since Bernays wrote the book.
For example, Joseph Goebbels [5 planets in Scorpio – “let maya flourish”!], Nazi Minister of Propaganda from 1933 to 1945 and an avid reader of Bernays’ work, observed that ‘Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will.’
I predicted the globalists [WEF etc.] would be very open in revealing their agenda the moment they believed themselves “untouchable”. For the freedom loving public this suggests that in 2020 going into 2021 that the elites must think there is nothing that can be done to stop the machine; they are so blatant in their calls for the global “reset”, a cashless society, totalitarian lockdowns and a surveillance state that no one in their right mind can claim these notions are “conspiracy theory” anymore.” (Why Do Most People Believe Propaganda & False Flag Attacks?, by Robert J. Burrowes.)
When Joe Public is exposed to something that contradicts the mainstream narrative, s/he often reacts immediately with a knee-jerk response, labelling it “conspiracy theory” or “fake news” – just as it has been taught to respond from the MSM – without caring to read, watch or ponder upon other possibilities.
Astral Consciousness of Humanity
Humanity (perhaps up to 80%), still dwell in “Atlantean consciousness”, i.e. are astrally polarised, still mentally developing – they do not have the discrimination or discernment to tell the real from the unreal; this is not meant as a criticism or a condescending put-down, it’s simply an exoteric/esoteric fact that the majority still slumber, spiritually speaking.
This is why ordinary Humanity is easily taken advantage by the unscrupulous, more mentally developed, who have imbalances because they lack the development of compassion. Yet thankfully, recent events of 2020 are rapidly changing that situation and millions are waking up and heading toward the first initiation – where there is a realisation of the soul within.
Humanity already lives within the veils of maya, glamour and illusion – occultly speaking, illusion upon the physical, astral and mental planes respectively. Over many lifetimes, each individual has eliminated this “substance” to some degree, depending upon their stage of soul evolution.
However, in 2020, that cloud of maya has been deliberately supercharged by a well-organised and massive media propaganda campaign, successfully compounding the existing situation.
Deliberately? Courtesy of the Material Forces, in order to block the long-planned and imminent Externalisation of the Hierarchy – for some of us, this stupendous event may occur in our lifetimes. Preceding that event, there is unfolding a “stepping up” in consciousness for the whole of “ordinary humanity” – aspirants, disciples, initiates and even the Masters of Wisdom – who must make special preparations and sacrifices to come back in contact with Humanity upon the physical plane.
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Cyber Pandemic? WEF, Schwab and the “Great Reset” (Part II)
Parallel to the awakening of “ordinary humanity” is the aforementioned, small but powerful group who form part of the critical mass of intelligentsia in this Fifth Rootrace – quite mentally advanced, but who lack compassionate evolution. Could these individuals be the ones referred to in the following passage?
“They are a group a good deal more advanced than the earlier classes but need much to develop the second petal. [love petal of heart lotus] With them the first and the third petals in the first circle are opening, but the middle petal is yet shut.
The middle tier [love tier] also shows no signs of vitality. Owing to conditions in their emanating planet, their development has been one-sided, and hence their entering on a wave of energy into this scheme in order to “round” themselves out, as it is called.
They may be seen in the purely intellectual selfish scientific type. They are responsible for much of the advanced application of mechanical science to the needs of men, and for the introduction of certain types of machinery; they work largely in connection with the energy of the mineral kingdom.”11
Wherever their origin, this current group is dictating and determining their vision of “how to help humanity” (exploit) – and most world governments are going along with it. This is not some luddite fantasy, it is the shadow of the Aquarian Age where advanced technologies are selfishly used by powerful groups to exploit the masses.
When we are confronted by so-called “conspiracy theories” – about the implementation of a global totalitarian plan, the public (just like on 9/11), would naturally and incredulously ask – how could a small group of selfishly or “evil” people perpetrate such a devious plot?
Yes, it is a nasty virus and people die from it, but there is no doubt that Covid-19 is being used to push a social engineering agenda, openly stated by such people as the WEF founder Klaus Schwab, using nice catch-phrases such as, “fairness, inclusion, and equality”:
“The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a unique opportunity to think about the kind of future we want… to share ideas for how to transform the way we live and work. The COVID-19 crisis has shown us that our old systems are not fit anymore for the 21stcentury.
It has laid bare the fundamental lack of social cohesion, fairness, inclusion, and equality. Now is the historical moment, the time, not only to fight the virus but to shape the system … for the post COVID era … In short, we need a Great Reset!” (Klaus Schwab, WEF founder.).
Note that phrase/meme, “great reset” – popping up increasingly through political speeches and media; it is pitched to sound very nice, idealistic and appealing – but is far from it!
This is not “paranoid speculation” – all these plans have been stated openly in missives such as the UN’s sustainable development goals in Agenda 2021, Agenda 2030 and Rockefeller plan from 2010. The United Nations is the hope of Humanity – but has been deeply corrupted and exploited by other interests, both private and public.
The World Economic Forum, its founder Klaus Schwab and other adherents such as Al Gore, Christine Lagarde, Laurence Fink and Prince Charles – are dictating their vision for a future world, to a confused and non-consenting public. WEF has never made a secret of its intentions, yet some of its ideals are clothed in language that does not appear immediately obvious.
Let there be no ambiguity here, the WEF dictates its policy to WHO (World Health Organisation) and its major funder Bill Gates, who with other groups, have in turn dictated medical policy to 193 world governments on how to deal with Covid-19.
Many other public and private bodies such as the United Nations, and behemoth companies of staggering wealth – such as Google, are involved in funding. In other words, a relatively small group of powerful people (the 1%) seek to enforce their vision upon all world governments, in spite of the protests of thousands of medical experts and doctors globally.
Klaus Schwab has also made no secret of the fact that he is fan of AI (artificial intelligence), nano-chipping the world population, de-population, eugenics, compulsory vaccination and the elimination of cash.
Given the fact that these ideas have been aired in public for years, it appears that the United Nations “Agenda 2030” is being executed ruthlessly and with haste, taking advantage of the fear and panic that appears to have been deliberately created during 2020.
Everything that Schwab has talked about thus far, is being implemented and hence there is no reason to doubt another hint that he has dropped, the video presentation below, which uses emphatic, forceful language and much fist clenching:
“… the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack … to the power supply, hospitals, transportation … our society as a whole … the Covid-19 crisis would be seen as a small disturbance in comparison … to use the Covid-19 crisis as a timely opportunity to reflect on the lessons of cyber security … and improve our preparedness for a potential cyber pandemic.” (
These kind of statements from Schwab and WEF managing director Jeremy Jurgens, are known as “predictive programming” – creating more fear and speculation, making it easier to push through their programs. Schwab is framing his statement as a potential attack from some unknown source, boogeyman, nation etc.
And that certainly might be a possibility – it has been speculated for years, and has been carried out in small ways upon nuclear facilities in Iran, public utilities such as electricity or even a steel manufacturing plant. Schwab appears to be suggesting that this “comprehensive” attack would shut down most of the planet or large blocs such as Europe or the USA.
However, some have asked, not unreasonably – given their track record, what if this supposed cyber threat is part of a WEF strategic plan to control humanity en masse, aided and abetted by Tech giants? – that Schwab is “preparing the field” for its occurrence, similar to past stated intentions by the WEF some years ago about a virus? Already in the past week, a major cyber attack has been alleged in the USA, blaming Russia.
Could there be a deliberate disruption that would finish off businesses destroyed or weakened already in 2020, leading to easy control by the corporate juggernauts? Already well noted this year is that whilst big corporations increased their wealth by an average of 27%, 42 million people filed for unemployment benefits in the USA alone. Further aspirations of Schwab include,
“Another key aspect to “The Great Reset,” or the “fourth industrial revolution” as Schwab calls it, is merging man with machine. “What the fourth industrial revolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity,” Schwab told the Chicago Council on Global Affairs …
… In the book, Schwab explains with excitement how upcoming technology will allow authorities to “intrude into the hitherto private space of our minds, reading our thoughts and influencing our behavior.” He goes on to predict that this will provide an incentive for law enforcement to implement Minority Report-style pre-crime programs.
No violation seems to go too far for Schwab, who dreams of “active implantable microchips that break the skin barrier of our bodies”, “smart tattoos”, “biological computing” and “custom-designed organisms”.
He is delighted to report that “sensors, memory switches and circuits can be encoded in common human gut bacteria”, that “Smart Dust, arrays of full computers with antennas, each much smaller than a grain of sand, can now organize themselves inside the body” and that “implanted devices will likely also help to communicate thoughts normally expressed verbally through a ‘built-in’ smartphone, and potentially unexpressed thoughts or moods by reading brain waves and other signals”.12

“Transhumanism advocates for the transformation of the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies able to greatly modify or enhance human intellect and physiology.”
… As capabilities in this area improve, the temptation for law enforcement agencies and courts to use techniques to determine the likelihood of criminal activity, assess guilt or even possibly retrieve memories directly from people’s brains will increase. Even crossing a national border might one day involve a detailed brain scan to assess an individual’s security risk. [!]
… the arrival of “implanted devices (that) will likely also help to communicate thoughts normally expressed verbally through a ‘built-in’ smartphone, and potentially unexpressed thoughts or moods by reading brain waves and other signals.”
… in other words, the “fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity” relates to the transhumanist singularity and a future where people have their every movement tracked and every thought read by an implantable microchip.””13
Obviously, the concept of Transhumanism flies in the face of consciousness evolution, a combination of the inextricably paths of mind and heart. Transhumanism might boost intellectual capacity, but will be a cold “dead thing” with regard to the understanding of the wisdom of the heart.
Given the consistency of WEF stated aims, their implementation and relentless reiteration by Gates and WEF board members, this scenario is feasible. And the astrology of such an event confirms such – to engineer an economic recession, as detailed in the following:
2021: Uranus in Taurus square Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius
A. Economic crash.
B. Schwab’s transits.
C. Cyber Pandemic.
A. Economic crash.
(Incidentally, Schwab is a highly qualified economist and financial expert.) In the Scorpio 2020 newsletter, A Recession-Depression for 2021?, there is a discussion of the possibility of a financial crash during the square of Saturn and Uranus – that stays in orb from Feb.17 through to Dec.2021. It has been noted by some astrologers that the most frequent combination for stock market crashes is when Saturn and Uranus are in hard aspect to one another.
Revolutionary Uranus will be seeking to overturn the status quo of Saturn, its traditions and structures – to implement something radical, and in that process, a restraint (Saturn) of the money flow may eventuate. But if these “revolutionary forces” are selfishly motivated, it may be at the expense of Humanity and to the benefit of a few – consolidating their even larger ill-gotten gains.

WEF is an Aquarian sun, that through its rulership by Uranus, the planet of exoteric science, predisposes it to the widespread use of technology.
Transiting Uranus has been squaring WEF’s Sun in Aquarius and progressed midheaven for the past two years. When Jupiter and Saturn move into Aquarius, they will conjoin WEF’s Sun/Prog.MC from Dec.21, 2020 to Jan.24, 2021. That four-week period should be quite eventful!
B. Schwab’s transits.
As mentioned in a recent newsletter, Schwab has Jupiter in Aquarius with this sign’s exoteric ruler Uranus, placed in Taurus conjunct Mars. Hence, Schwab is coming up to his 84 year Uranus return – that begins in mid-May 2021, continues to mid-Dec.2021 and finally mid-Mar.2022, just weeks before his 84th birthday.
Schwab must be feeling his age and is most likely very keen to implement his ideas before his transition – which may not be for decades yet. This is further borne out by the 50-year cycle of Chiron in Aries conjunct his Sun and Saturn for all of 2021 – a forceful and emphatic drive for the ultimate achievement of ideas. The 27-year cycle of the progressed moon is also passing through Aries across his Sun-Saturn in Aug.2021.
The date of Feb.17 has the moon in Taurus conjunct Schwab’s Uranus-Mars, heralding the beginning of his Uranus return in May 2021. (Just a few weeks after the WEF’s Jupiter-Saturn transits.) In other words, the possibility of a global financial “reset”/crash coincides perfectly with Schwab’s horoscope – the implementation of his ideas/ideals – based largely upon the position of Jupiter in Aquarius and its ruler Uranus in Taurus, but also the driving force of those four placements in Aries!
Also on that Feb.17 date, transiting Venus is conjunct his Jupiter, whilst the end of March sees the beginning of his seventh Jupiter return (12 x 7 = 84 years), which completes by Sept/Oct. 2021. Mars-Uranus in Taurus can be very forceful – it is a sign of dictators such as Hitler, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein.
“… Hitler. No matter what may be our personal opinion of him, there is no question that he has unified, produced fusion and blended together the various elements in the German race. This activity is Aquarian in nature but in its lowest and most undesirable aspect.”14
Without (again) wishing to demonise Schwab (very difficult to resist!), there are parallels on a global scale, attempting to fuse and blend but not necessarily using the higher and more “desirable” qualities of Aquarius, the position of the WEF sun.
The Aquarian shadow can express as selfish groups and organisations embodying the point of least resistance (such as Tech Giants Amazon, Google, Facebook), reflected by the (lower) Leo polarity in its selfish expression/exploitation – at the outset of this new Aquarian Age.

Cool threads! Is he a member of some elite, galactic federation? Note green is the colour of the third ray, so obviously present in Schwab’s ray structure.
“Klaus Schwab … is well aware of the Forum’s image problem. “It’s very easy to say that Davos is a rich man’s club or a club of the powerful and construct a kind of conspiracy of people committed completely to shareholder principles and ruthless organization against humanity,” he acknowledges.
But he [Schwab] insists: “It’s just the contrary. What we want to show is that ruthless organization or thinking about business – without taking into consideration social dimensions, in the end is self-destructive … Our job in Davos to a certain extent, if not to a large extent, is to confront business with the mirror of social expectation.”15
Also influencing are Schwab’s obvious rays of three and five – active intelligence and science, perhaps also the first ray of will-power which is easily invoked through his Aries stellium.
Here is the “odd ray” line 1,3,5,7 with scientific Uranus and the seventh ray – offering Schwab’s prescription for humanity – AI, nano-chipping the world population, de-population, eugenics, compulsory vaccination and the elimination of cash.

Davros from Davos? Davros was the villain in the long running Dr. Who series. He bears an uncanny resemblance to the outcome of Transhumanism.
Famed scientist, Dr. Carl Sagan – made some prophetic remarks many years ago. Amusingly, he makes a reference to the superstitious nature of astrology and crystals:
“I have a foreboding of [a] time when … awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness.
The dumbing down… is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media… but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance … The plain lesson is that study and learning – not just of science, but of anything – are avoidable, even undesirable.
We’ve arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements … profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces.” (Carl Sagan)
Cold science and efficiency but not much compassion. Humanity is being condescendingly treated, as if it does not know any better, so best have someone who thinks they do – to dictate terms. The following is a disturbing summary of WEF’s recent business “white paper” at the end of October 2020:
- An acceleration of digitized work processes, leading to 84% of all work processes as digital, or virtual/video conferences.
| - Some 83% of people are planned to work remotely – i.e. no more interaction between colleagues – absolute social distancing, separation of humanity from the human contact.
| - About 50% of all tasks are planned to be automated – in other words, human input will be drastically diminished, even while remote working.
| - Accelerate the digitization of upskilling/reskilling (e.g. education technology providers) – 42% of skill upgrading or training for new skills will be digitized, in other words, no human contact – all on computer, Artificial Intelligence (AI), algorithms.
| - Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/reskilling programs – 35% of skills are planned to be “re-tooled” – i.e. existing skills are planned to be abandoned – declared defunct.
| - Accelerate ongoing organizational transformations (e.g. restructuring) – 34% of current organizational set-ups are planned to be “restructured’ – or, in other words, existing organizational structures will be declared obsolete – to make space for new sets of organizational frameworks, digital structures that provide utmost control over all activities.
| - Temporarily reassign workers to different tasks – this is expected to touch 30% of the work force. That also means completely different pay-scales – most probably unliveable wages, which would make the also planned “universal basic salary” or “basic income” – a wage that allows you barely to survive, an obvious need. [Hence also the elimination of cash.] – But it would make you totally dependent on the system – a digital system, where you have no control whatsoever.
| - Temporarily reduce workforce – this is projected as affecting 28% of the population. It is an additional unemployment figure, in disguise, as the “temporarily” will never come back to full-time.” Etc.16
Obviously some of these suggestions might benefit humanity, but to use technology wisely and not let it dictate or turn humans into useless drones:
“The “Lock Step Scenario” … we are living it now. Hardly protesting it – the entire world – 193 UN member countries – has been co-opted or coerced into following this abject human rights abuse on a global scale.
What either report, The Great Reset and the “Resetting the Future of Work Agenda” fails to mention, is who is going to enforce these draconian new rules? – They are supposedly the same forces which now are being trained for urban warfare and for suppressing riots and social unrest – they are the police and the military.”17
Another researcher sums up the following points about Schwab and the WEF:
1. The Covid crisis is being used to bypass democratic accountability, to achieve the Great Reset (because the climate change narrative didn’t work).
2. Schwab’s perspective may be termed a ‘technocratic fascist vision’ that relies on transhumanism, the merging of humans with machines.
3. The key element is to reshape humanity to suit capitalism (we would rephrase that as suiting the interests of monopoly capitalism or predatory capitalism, since it is only corporations whose capitalist interests are being promoted, not the smaller entrepreneur).
4. The state is used entirely to protect and advance the interests of the wealthy elite – and humans are merely secondary participants in a massive commercial enterprise.
5. Everyone lives and operates in relative isolation, connected to the net, living under new forms of surveillance which in turn shape our behaviour.
6. Technological devices of one sort of another will be implanted into us (think: vaccines are an obvious delivery method).
7. Relentless propaganda and narrative-creation are the means to advance it.
8. It’s an end to natural human life and community.
9. “Stakeholder capitalism” is described by Forbes business magazine as “the notion that a firm focuses on meeting the needs of all its stakeholders: customers, employees, partners, the community, and society as a whole”. A Forbes article notes, it means that “firms can go on privately shoveling money to their shareholders and executives, while maintaining a public front of exquisite social sensitivity and exemplary altruism”.
10. The WEF describes itself on its own website as “the global platform for public-private cooperation”, with admirers describing how it creates “partnerships between businessmen, politicians, intellectuals and other leaders of society to ‘define, discuss and advance key issues on the global agenda’.”
11. The “partnerships” which the WEF creates are aimed at replacing democracy with a global leadership of hand-picked and unelected individuals – whose duty is not to serve the public, but to impose the rule of the 1% on that public with as little interference from the rest of us as possible.”18
C. Cyber Pandemic.
This article from the WEF expands upon the theme, discussing how to “prepare for the inevitable global cyber attack”. Note that phrasing, “the inevitable” – almost a “done deal”?
On the same day that Schwab made his statement about a cyber pandemic, WEF Managing Director Jeremy Jurgens stated:
“I believe that there will be another crisis,” “It will be more significant. It will be faster than what we’ve seen with Covid. The impact will be greater and, as a result, the economic and social implications will be even more significant.”
A cyber attack “pandemic” would be a disaster for humanity creating utter chaos, given that almost the entire planet relies on the internet for banking, public utilities, road management, earning income etc. The WEF article above continues:
“If cyber-COVID [note, it already has a designated name!] mirrored the pathology of the novel coronavirus, 30% of infected systems would be asymptomatic and spread the virus, while half would continue functioning with performance severely degraded … 15% would be “wiped” with total data loss … 5% would be “bricked” – rendering the device itself inoperable. The end result: millions of devices would be taken offline in a matter of days.
The only way to stop the exponential propagation of cyber-COVID would be to fully disconnect all vulnerable devices from one another and the internet to avoid infection. The whole world could experience cyber lockdown until a digital vaccine was developed. All business communication and data transfers would be blocked.
Social contact would be reduced to people contactable by in-person visits, copper landline, snail-mail or short-wave radio. A single day without the internet would cost the world more than $50 billion. A 21-day global cyber lockdown could cost over $1 trillion.”19
One might view a “cyber pandemic” as pointless speculation that generates unnecessary paranoia. Yet based upon the earlier explanations of how this global plan is being implemented thus far, it is not unreasonable to take Schwab and others at their word.
Encouragingly, many people do not buy into this dystopian fantasy of the future, yet because of enormous power and wealth, this small group has the capacity to force their plan upon Humanity. One history professor states with optimism,
“If the great reset tells us anything about political reality, it’s that corporate elites can’t win legitimacy through vacuous initiatives. People recoil, it turns out, at being treated like buggy hard drives that can be reset from above.
Changing the conditions of people’s lives and the causes of political alienation will take far more than the WEF’s tone-deaf video about the opportunities of a pandemic, fronted by the royal family.”20
The Four Freedoms and the Atlantic Charter
“This goal of freedom is in reality the main incentive to tread the Path of Return. One of the most spiritually exciting things taking place in the world today is the use, in every country, of the word FREEDOM; it was that great disciple, F. D. Roosevelt, who “anchored” the word in a new and more universal sense.”21
The Four Freedoms are goals that were articulated by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt on January 6, 1941, in a State of the Union address. The Four Freedoms speech, (11 months before the bombing of Pearl Harbour and USA’s late entry into the war), proposed four fundamental freedoms that people “everywhere in the world” ought to enjoy:
In 2020, the stark diminishment, or disposal of all these freedoms has occurred with regard to the Coronavirus “pandemic”. The influence of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn has bought this about, particularly Saturn in its lower expression, creating restraints, control, draconian laws and fear:
1. Freedom of Speech has been curtailed or banned around the world, whether it is participating in a peaceful street march, or being censored online by Facebook, YouTube, Google or Wikipedia.
2. Freedom of Worship Worship according to one’s faith has also been discouraged, minimised or banned. Weddings and funerals have had severe restrictions imposed – people are not able to express their joy or grief.
3. Freedom from Want Billions have suffered financially from the unnecessary Coronavirus restrictions – to the point where people are going hungry, using their last resources to buy food – whilst other are dying from starvation. Others are dying because of not being able to undergo elective surgery, or being discouraged to come to hospitals for “fear of catching the virus.” The number of deaths from these conditions far exceed those from Covid-19.
4. Freedom from Fear Probably the most extreme transgression of the four fundamental freedoms in 2020. The world has witnessed the cultivation of fear by the WEF, WHO, media, governments and health “experts”. Governments around the world have taken advantage of the so-called pandemic, to introduce new laws that are heavy on surveillance and restrictions. The fear and paranoia generated in 2020 has created chaos and confusion – but also a corresponding anger and resentment that must surely express itself in 2021.
(The rest of this article is paraphrased or quoted directly from the author’s essay “Liberation of the Nations: The Role of Sirius, Aquarius and Uranus”, in The Destiny of the Races and Nations I (2005))
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) was a “disciple of Shamballa”:
“…disciples and initiates who are working under the direction of the Master M … These freedoms have been voiced for us in the words of that great first ray disciple, Franklin D. Roosevelt.22
… In politics there are great and wise statesmen who are endeavouring to guide their people wisely but have as yet too much with which to contend; of these Franklin D. Roosevelt was an outstanding modern example, for he gave of his best and died in the service of humanity”23
The Four Freedoms (FF) echoed earlier tenets laid down in all previous declarations in the past 2,000 years, establishing a potent thought-form of resistance to the prevailing one of Nazism during the WWII period:
1. The Life of Christ. (33 AD)
2. The signing of the Magna Charta. (1215)
3. The Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. (1776, 1791)
4. The founding of the French Republic. (1789-1792)
5. The Emancipation of the Slaves. (Lincoln, US Civil War.1863)
6. The Atlantic Charter and the Four Freedoms. (1941)
7. The Liberation of Humanity by the United Nations. (1945)
The Four Freedoms was also an act that affirmed America’s guaranteed involvement in WWII, if she was to defend the principles of her own constitution, which are also Humanity’s.
Roosevelt worked “long into the night on New Year’s Day” 1941 (Capricorn), surrounded by some close aides. He took a long time deliberating over what he was to say, and when he finally relayed it to his stenographer, the words just rolled off his tongue. Not a word of the original was changed on January 6, 1941 when it was presented to the 77th Congress.
The Four Freedoms horoscope has been set for 6.00 am on New Year’s Day when FDR first “received” the new proclamation. The chart has Sagittarius rising, the same as USA’s 1776 horoscope, with FF’s Venus in Sagittarius closely conjunct USA’s ascendant. Sagittarius is about orientation and enunciating a vision.
The Moon in Aquarius (close to USA’s moon in Aquarius and FDR’s Mercury in Aquarius) – is at the apex of a T-square to Uranus in Taurus opposite Mars in Scorpio – the spiritual warrior. A very intense focus, reflecting how the Four Freedoms (FF) are a fortifying foundation built into mental body of Earth.
The “Uranus return” to the FF’s horoscope will occur in the next few years. Currently, transiting Uranus has been conjunct FF’s Jupiter-Saturn in Taurus, shaking up that which was laid down nearly 84 years ago – and demanding urgent review; this is occurring right on the eve of another imminent conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius (Dec.21, 2020.) – both of which will square FF’s Jupiter-Saturn in early 2021. (See further on, Uranus in Taurus Square Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius.)
Aligned with these transiting and natal Moon placements in Aquarius – is FDR’s Mercury at the same degree and his progressed Moon opposite. Mercury is of course the scribe and Lord of Speech and Communication – and ruler of his Virgo Ascendant. Therefore, the time of writing these Four Freedoms indicated a direct alignment with these Aquarian factors, most apt, for the USA as an Aquarian soul.
Also, FDR was an Aquarian Sun, having another Aquarian “signature” of Uranus conjunct his Virgo Ascendant. FDR had another outstanding alignment with his Moon in Cancer, at the precise degree of America’s Jupiter, ruler of the Second Ray, soul ray of that nation. The conjunction of Jupiter -Saturn in Taurus at the time, fell on FDR’s Saturn – at his second Saturn return.
The Atlantic Charter
The Atlantic Charter was another reinforcing affirmation by the Allies around the theme of Liberty. Several months after the Four Freedoms, FDR collaborated with Winston Churchill in August 1941 to draw up the Atlantic Charter.
It was released as a joint statement to the world on August 14, 1941. This was the start of the four-month period where the Hierarchy was uncertain as to which way the war was going to go. (See essay “Nazi Germany: The Forces of Taurus-Scorpio and Capricorn.”)
“The joint statement … outlined the aims of United States and the United Kingdom for the post-war world: no territorial aggrandizement, no territorial changes made against the wishes of the people (self-determination), restoration of self-government to those deprived of it, reduction of trade restrictions, global cooperation to secure better economic and social conditions for all, freedom from fear and want, freedom of the seas, and abandonment of the use of force, and disarmament of aggressor nations. The adherents to the Atlantic Charter signed the Declaration by United Nations on 1 January 1942, which was the basis for the modern United Nations.”24
FDR and Churchill began to hammer out (Vulcan) the Atlantic Charter from Aug. 9-12, just two days after the Leo full moon festival (Aug.7). Hence, plans for this meeting were already in train before the full moon – it was a major piece of Hierarchical work effected by two outstanding disciples. Leo is connected with liberation via the forces of the star Sirius:
“August, which is ruled by Leo, is the month of the Dog-star, or of Sirius, which thus brings Sirius into close relation to Leo. Leo, in the cosmic sense (and apart from our solar system altogether) is ruled by Sirius.25 …
… The principle of freedom is a … divine principle … an aspect of the influence which Sirius exerts on our solar system and particularly on our planet … Sirius … gives the incentive towards the “culture of freedom” or of liberation which motivates the work of the Masters of the Wisdom.”26
Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse: Antares, Aldebaran and the USA
At this extraordinarily vulnerable time in the USA and around the world, it is notable that the full moon in Sag-Gemini (Nov.30, 2020), fell right on Uranus in Gemini – in USA’s 1776 Declaration of Independence horoscope. Bear in mind that this chart is Sagittarius rising and Washington is a Sagittarius personality.
The American War of Independence (1775–1783) was also known as the Revolutionary War, literally the offspring of radical Uranus, discovered in 1781 – making its appearance in human consciousness. In other words, USA’s horoscope is very much about the spirit of Uranus, ruler of the Aquarian soul of the nation.
Hence, the potent activation of unconventional Uranus on the Sag.2020 full moon – with fixed stars Antares and Aldebaran activated, promises in the next 6-12 months) some radical upset that puts USA back on its soul track. Bear in mind the passage above,
“The Aldebaran-Antares axis is indicative of political systems, their people, and their opposing politics. Aldebaran holds and radiates vision for ideal physical logistics for authorities to put in place so as to aid the peoples of the Earth through evolutionary process and transition.”
Whilst eclipses magnify the effects of the full moon festivals, conjunctions to major fixed stars are doubly significant. In this case Antares and Aldebaran are powerfully activated along the Sagittarius-Gemini axis of the full moon Sun-Moon positions:
“… other streams of energy which definitely play upon and affect our planetary life, such as those coming from that great star, Betelgeuse, or from Antares and other stupendous suns and solar systems which are related to the constellations of the zodiac and whose force reaches us through these constellations and not directly.”27
Antares is known as one of the “royal stars of Persia” – its archangelic name is Oriel – “The Watcher of the West”. “It can bring great success but also undoing if an individual goes to excess or becomes obsessive. Obsession leads to a downfall. However, by keeping a balance between success with one’s goals and the quality of life, the potential downfall is avoided.”28
Antares is placed in Sagittarius in the tropical zodiac, but in the sidereal zodiac, Scorpio. Antares is called the Heart of the Scorpion, hence blends the intensity of Scorpio and its warring Mars nature, with the one-pointed orientation of Sagittarius. It is said that Ant-ares means “anti-Aries”, another sign that Mars rules, suggesting conflict and strife.
In the fixed star firmament, the Centaur of Sagittarius points his arrow straight to the heart of the scorpion, Antares. In the Scorpio tradition, this star is associated with deep pain and emotional intensity, bringing death and rebirth – themes of Pluto, co-ruler of Scorpio.
Opposite Antares is Aldebaran, another of the “royal stars of Persia”, The Watcher of the East, “promising great success as long as certain conditions are fulfilled. The issue for Aldebaran is one of integrity. If the individual strives to achieve without compromising their integrity, then there can be great success. However, they will be tempted to compromise themselves and if they succumb, this is their downfall.”29
The late Nick Anthony Fiorenza30 says,
“Directly opposite Antares in the sidereal center of Taurus is Aldebaran, eye of the Bull. The Aldebaran-Antares axis is indicative of political systems, their people, and their opposing politics. Aldebaran holds and radiates vision for ideal physical logistics for authorities to put in place so as to aid the peoples of the Earth through evolutionary process and transition.
Antares ensures that the current and accepted approaches and visions do not become static or antiquated. Antares ensures growth, evolution and change. If the Scorpion meets those bull-headed and stuck in their antiquated modality of life, the Scorpion’s sting is not far off ~ hence its classical association with rebellious and destructive forces.
Antares keeps the vision of Aldebaran up-to-date by challenging authoritarian powers. When there are rebellious or terrorizing forces assaulting the established order, this reflects the need to realize that the established order is no longer supporting in ways truly nourishing to the needs of the people, and requires some type of reform ~ reform that if denied, may result in some level of, otherwise unneeded, destruction.
From an embracing transcendent perspective, Antares is the administrative seat directing the education of the incarnate souls regarding application of raw creative power. Antares oversees and stimulates the use of raw creative forces and use of power so that we can learn what is required for our true incarnational freedom and to become responsible creators of it. Antares is not a negative force or evil star, nor does it harbour any negative extra-terrestrial faction, as is sometimes erroneously believed.”31
Sagittarius Solar Eclipse on USA’s Mars
The Dec.14, 2020 new moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius, fell opposite USA’s troublesome Mars in Gemini – in USA’s 1776 horoscope. This is an oft-commented-upon position by the author – Mars as a source of many of the nation’s problems, related to the ongoing integration of its personality – the 6th ray of Idealism and Devotion.
Mars and Neptune are the rulers of the 6th ray, and are in square to one another in the 1776 horoscope. Hence this eclipse will stimulate that square – catalysing another step in this nation’s personality maturing process.
As also pointed out numerous times, USA’s Mars is conjunct Donald Trump’s Gemini Sun – aligning him with and expressing USA’s personality. In fact, this eclipse also falls upon his Sagittarius moon opposite.
Hence, on the eclipse day of the much-anticipated Electoral College vote (result thus far in favour of Biden), subsequent conflict within the nation is indicated – following on the heels of the recent full moon lunar eclipse on USA’s Uranus in Gemini. Eclipses usually have their “triggers” six months later in the solar opposition, or when a prominent transit passes over the eclipse point.
On the Dec.14 new moon eclipse, Mars in Aries harmoniously aspected the Sun-Moon in Sagittarius and Trump’s sun. The Sabian Symbol for Mars’ degree is most appropriately, “A pugilist entering the ring.”
Mars also falls exactly upon 1776 Chiron in Aries, in the 4th house of home and family – opposing progressed Mars in Libra, the peacemaker. Hence, themes of the homeland and its protection from internal and external forces is writ large.
All these events occur prior to USA’s Chiron return in 2024 – the last time this planetoid was in Aries was 1968-1977, a period of extraordinary growth in the USA. And so the cycle comes around again, aided by the renovating forces of Uranus in Taurus, that will soon be square to Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius.
Alice A. Bailey Will Return as a Sagittarian
The recent date of Dec.15, marks the passing of Alice A. Bailey (AAB) in 1949:
“The birth month indicates the day of opportunity. The door stands open. The particular month in which a soul comes into incarnation is indicated to that soul by the month in which it passed out of incarnation in a previous life cycle.
If it, for instance, died in the month governed by the sign Leo, it will return into incarnation in the same sign, picking up the thread of experience where it left it, and starting with the same type of energy and the peculiar equipment with which it passed away from earth life, plus the gain of thought and conscious onlooking. The quality of the energy and the nature of the forces to be manipulated during life are indicated to the soul in this way.”32
Given that AAB passed in 1949 whilst the sun was in Sagittarius, one might speculate that she would be back in incarnation by now – in a male or female body, with the Sun in Sagittarius. The following points arise:
1. When did the soul who was AAB, reincarnate? There is a passage from Foster Bailey in his introduction to Mary Bailey’s book “A Learning Experience”, written in 1971. It states that AAB was still working on the inner planes in the ashram of KH, “actively preparing for her next incarnation which will be soon.” (See photo of passage below.)
If re-embodiment took place in the 80’s, 90’s or 00’s “AAB” might be between 5 to 40 years of age. Yet, for all we know, AAB may be still disincarnate, waiting for some time after 2025 and the planning for Externalisation – taking the exalted 4th degree in that next incarnation?
2. Some students concur that AAB took the 3rd degree in that life:
“AAB was certainly a disciple of high degree and from all available evidence, at least an initiate of the third degree, well into the process of renunciation—the fourth degree.” – Michael D. Robbins.”

“She is actively preparing for her next incarnation which will be soon and which is carefully planned.”
This author speculates that AAB “came in” as a second degree initiate and took the third degree in that life. Will this soul be the disciple who will return “early in the century” to continue the collaboration with Djwhal Khul – and the third prophesied phase of the Teachings?
“In the next century and early in the century, an initiate will appear and will carry on this teaching. It will be under the same “impression,” for my task is not yet completed and this series of bridging treatises between the material knowledge of man and the science of the initiates has still another phase to run.”33
Presumably, “early in the century” means sometime before 2025. Perhaps that process has already begun or about to begin through a chosen amanuensis, just one century after AAB’s first contact with DK in 1919. Maybe there will be another soul who will serve as Master DK’s next amanuensis …
(For more reading, see Alice A. Bailey : The Case for Leo Rising – Phillip Lindsay)
Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius (Part III): The Star of Bethlehem
This subject has already been discussed in earlier installments, all three can be found in one essay here. There has been a lot of buzz created around this 20-year conjunction in Aquarius – a great nexus point that will usher in the Aquarian Age, which does not astronomically begin until the year 2,117.
This series of 20-year conjunctions in the “airy trigon” every 20 years – leading up to that date in just under 100 years – is highly significant. However, the conjunction does not promise some magical salve that will cure all of Humanity’s woes overnight!
People tend to project all their hopes and fears onto a much-anticipated or hyped astrological event, without really knowing what sort of energies are involved. It’s this kind of somewhat superstitious attitude that contributes toward public criticism of astrology.
But this conjunction in Aquarius offers the opportunity to break out of old crystallised patterns, to bring about a reformation in many areas of human endeavour. Especially as Aquarian ruler Uranus is going to be activating these planets in 2021! The opportunity presented is two-fold, according to the two planets involved.
Saturn used to be the ruler of Aquarius before Uranus was discovered; its ancient rulership is connected to the fact that it rules the first decanate of Aquarius, providing opportunity for greater mental discipline.
This is something Humanity as a whole lacks, because the majority (60-70%?) is still mainly polarised in astral or Atlantean consciousness. Here is the challenging part of the Saturn in Aquarius equation – it will be a steep learning curve for many.
Aquarius is a “mental” air sign ruled by “scientific” Uranus. The mental challenges of Saturn in Aquarius during 2021, will be compounded by the ongoing square of Aquarius ruler Uranus – to Saturn and Jupiter.
There will be great tensions to break through here – an economic crash is on the cards, starting around Jan-Feb. at the first exact square that continues through most of 2021. Saturn is the ruler of the throat chakra, anchoring point for the mental body – the combination of Saturn and Aquarius is formidable:
“During the Aquarian age … during the first decanate, esoterically considered, the vitalising of the human centre … will be increasingly seen. This will be due to the work and influence of Saturn, which is governed by the third ray [active-intelligence].
This planet is … opportunity, of discipleship and of testing – and the race can look for an increasing expression of Saturnian activity as that great divine Life continues His beneficent task.”34
… “For the first time in its history, humanity is beginning to mount the Fixed Cross of the disciple, thus reversing its progress upon the circle of the Zodiac. Humanity—as a whole and owing to the large proportion of aspirants and thinking idealists—is entering Aquarius, via the open door of Saturn. At the same time, a very large number of men are in the non-thinking instinctual stage and their consciousness is predominantly Atlantean.”35
In this respect, Saturn will help to bring about a stabilisation of the warring pairs of opposites that are raging upon the mental plane currently. The schism of thinking in medical science is one good example (See earlier), where balanced thought has been compromised – or rationalised by greed and money.
Jupiter is the esoteric ruler of Aquarius, symbolising the waters of Love-Wisdom – the second ray that Jupiter rules, also ruler of the heart centre. The world server of Aquarius pours forth generously and heartily from the urn upon their shoulder: Here is the large-hearted philanthropist, humanitarian, healer or teacher.
The key to Jupiter in Aquarius is brotherhood, group co-operation and a focus on the “greater good”, as opposed to the individual selfishness of polar opposite Leo, in its lower aspect.
Saturn and Jupiter together represent a blend of the compassionate mind and considerate heart. A synthesis of the second ray of love-wisdom (Jupiter) and the third ray of active-intelligence (Saturn).
The Star of Bethlehem
“We have seen his star in the East and are come to worship him.” (St. Matthew II.2.)
The Star of Bethlehem (or “Christmas star”), was followed by the Magi, the three wise men (Initiates/astrologers) – leading them to the birth of Jesus, the chosen “vehicle” to be over-shadowed by The Christ.
It is a contentious subject amongst scholars and astronomers, but the main argument is that this “star” was actually an exact conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces, on May 29, 7 BC.
After much research decades ago, the author finds the Zipporah Dobyns chart the most appealing one for Jesus – Sept.5, 7 BC. (Virgo – “born of the Virgin”.) This means that the exact conjunction on May 29 was just a few months before the Sept.5 birth. Jupiter and Saturn stayed in close conjunction from May onward and were only just over 1 degree apart on Sept.5.
Just as that conjunction heralded the Avatar of the Age of Pisces, so the conjunction in Aquarius 2020 heralds the return of an Aquarian Christ in the same role. Probably not as immediate as the 7 BC date, but leading to a series of conjunctions (mentioned in earlier segments of this essay) – perhaps closer to another conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius in 2080.
Nevertheless, such an auspicious Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on the deeply symbolic solstice of 2020, would be an ideal time for an initiate or Master to incarnate, to be conceived by normal means or, to initiate the building of a new body via the method of “mayavirupa” – a “body of illusion”. (See this footnote for more detail.)36
Usually those who hold the Office of the Christ do so for lesser cycles, but at this time at the “dawning of the Age of Aquarius”, it is regarded as a highly unusual exception, because of unfinished business:
“The Christ stands in patient silence, attentive to the effort that will make His work materialise on earth and enable Him to consummate the effort He made 2,000 years ago in Palestine …37 … He will bring with Him some of the great Angels, as well as certain of the Masters.
The angels have ever been active in Biblical history, and will again enter into the lives of human beings with more power than has lately been the case. The call has gone out for them again to approach humanity, and with their heightened vibration and superior knowledge, unite their forces with those of the Christ and His disciples – for the helping of the race.”38
A very close conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius – has not occurred for almost 800 years, since March 5, 1226 – at the dawn of Europe’s “early Renaissance”. (Another very close conjunction happened in 1623 in Leo.) Hence, a new renaissance or rebirth is imminent – needing many renaissance men and women to lead the charge!
Astronomers have said that this conjunction of 2020 will make its closest approach, on Dec.21 and will look like a double planet, “separated by only 1/5th the diameter of the full moon.” Not quite a “Christmas star”, but very close. This “Great Conjunction” will take place on the solstice, and will be visible from all around the world.
Uranus in Taurus Square Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius: The Year 2021
The potency of Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius on the solstice is powerful in itself, yet will be magnified many times by Aquarius ruler Uranus, squaring those planets throughout 2021. Whereas 2020 has felt like prison for many (Saturn in its lower register), Uranus will be all about Jailbreak! (“All in the name of liberty”.)
Uranus is the planet of radical revolution – reforming the previous sign Capricorn, that represents the status quo – where Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto have been for all of 2020. Uranus is the ruler of the seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic, of Organisation, a ray which is coming into stronger activity on its new cycle that began in 1945; this ray will supplant the outgoing the religious sixth ray of devotion and idealism. During the overlap of these ray forces, Humanity is literally “at 6’s and 7’s” with itself!
These Uranus squares will upset the proverbial apple cart in 2021 – jarring and jolting in two main ways: Firstly, the ongoing manipulation of Humanity through Big Tech and Money, the lower aspects of Uranus and Aquarius. Secondly, through a rising up and rebellion by millions against the impositions laid down in 2020 – the Uranian urge for liberation.
The clarion cry will be “enough is enough”! As Peter Finch enjoins, “Lean out your windows and shout, I’m a human being godammit, my life has value. I’m as mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore!” (The movie Network.)
Mid-January to mid-Feb./March sees the first exact squares of Uranus to Saturn and Jupiter, whilst Uranus and Saturn track each other in a square holding pattern for the entire year. With Uranus and Saturn in square to one another, there will be a tug-o-war between that which has been and that which is to come; between that which is crystallised and out of date, and the new consciousness that seeks precipitation.
Another factor to consider is that Saturn rules the throat centre, whilst Uranus rules the polar opposite chakra, the sacral – or sexual centre. Uranus ruling the sacral is the “seed of mind” buried in this lower centre, awaiting its raising to the higher centres eventually – from procreativity to creativity, for Humanity as a whole.
Hence, the challenge of this square in 2021 will be to block the collective anti-Christ, the false Aquarian Tech magicians that seek to keep humanity enslaved, materially polarised or unduly sexually focussed; for humanity to break free and rise up to a polarisation within the throat centre, whereby independent critical thought can flourish – birthing discernment, right choices and subsequently initiation.
Transiting Moon and Mars in Taurus will be aiding Uranus around Jan.20-1, 2021 – just as the Sun enters Aquarius on its annual cycle. Here is a trigger that could set off a chain of events, creating chaos and confusion – even violent anarchy.
Bear in mind the aforementioned Four Freedoms chart and the position of Saturn-Jupiter in Taurus – that will be activated in 2021. This Taurus combination squares USA’s north node in Leo – relating to leadership of the nation. Jan.20 is of course Inauguration Day and the USA is an Aquarian soul.
World governments may find themselves with massive protests and civil disobedience against imposed health restrictions, mandatory vaccine programs, “health passports” etc.
Large corporate bodies like WEF, WHO, Big Tech, Media and Pharma, Wall St. may all be plunged into the thick of battle between themselves and the public, amongst themselves or with governments:
“Given that the previous pattern established in 2020 revolved around fear and negative expectations about the future, the impact of Uranus in early 2021 is sure to burst the bland bubble of persistent pessimism promoted by dire governmental figures intent on terrifying the public into submission.”39
The revolt will be against restrictions, rules and laws that have been autocratically imposed during 2020. Humanity must invoke Uranus in 2021 and carpe diem – “seize the day, gather these rosebuds while ye may” – if it is to avoid a stultifying, beige future of government control and obedience to corporate overlords.
These approaching frequencies of Uranus and Aquarius have a “scent of the 60’s” – exciting change, new music and rhythms that will replace those of the dying age of Pisces. The urge for freedom and liberation will be so strong, that nothing could contain this unstoppable tsunami that Humanity must ride out:
“While before there was patient tolerance and even tacit acceptance from a world population that largely and naively thought that world governments had their best interests at heart, now going into 2021, that docile indulgence of governments bent on practicing stringent control methods is likely to evaporate rather abruptly.
At the same time, the autocrats will feel the touch of modern and technological planet Uranus, too, attempting to use every advanced method of electronic information gathering and analysis ever yet imagined (and some not yet imagined), to subdue and dominate the people.
Even so, they will be met with a world population which no longer is willing to let
all decisions about the present and future be made at some distant location behind heavily guarded and exclusive closed doors.
Without a doubt, those who want to push advanced technological medical treatments and electronic surveillance on the world population will continue to harp on what they see as the euphoric result of connecting the human soul, brain, and body to the internet of their maniacal, hegemonical dreams. More and wilder propositions for the application of advanced technologies are thus sure to emerge. But at the same time, the Uranian power will work in the masses to awaken the spirit of Humanity.”40
There are parallels here with the French Revolution – that occurred near the years when Uranus was discovered in 1781 – and when Pluto was transiting through Aquarius (Pluto will enter again in 2023). Then, the aristocracy knew no tomorrow, submerged in their luxurious lifestyles and alienated from their fellow citizens:
“In 1789 … France was one of the richest and most powerful nations in Europe …The Ancient Régime in France was brought down partly by its own rigidity in the face of a changing world and partly by the ambitions of a rising bourgeoisie, allied with aggrieved peasants, wage-earners and various individuals of all classes influenced by the ideas of the Enlightenment.
As the revolution proceeded and power devolved from the monarchy to legislative bodies, the conflicting interests of these initially allied groups would become the source of conflict and bloodshed.”41

Many meditators from around the world will be tuning into to a Sacred Solstice Ceremony taking place at Uluru on Dec.21.
Here is a national microcosm of today’s global macrocosm. 221 years later, there need not be bloodshed – but conflict will be unavoidable. Humanity is conditioned by the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict, also known as the ray of Art, Beauty and Music.
The fourth ray cycle is immanent (maybe already influencing world affairs), awaiting its return in 2025 – for which, “… the date in all probability will be set for the first stage of the Externalisation of the Hierarchy.”42
Phillip Lindsay © 2020.
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Stripe is supported in many countries. Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Kris Kinosis. Photo by Juuso HD [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.393. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.159. [↩]
- Changing Esoteric Values, Foster Bailey. p.38-9. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey, p.743-5 [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.378. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- [↩]
- PaulCraigRoberts [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.841. [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.285. [↩]
- [↩]
- ca [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- Quinn Slobodian is an associate professor of history at Wellesley College, Massachusetts [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice a. Bailey. p.687. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.578. [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.174. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.299. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. pp.416-7. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.15. [↩]
- Solar Fire Astrology Program, Esoteric Technologies. [↩]
- Solar Fire Astrology Program, Esoteric Technologies. [↩]
- The Lunar Planner [↩]
- The Lunar Planner. Thanks also to [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.436. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.255. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.138. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.283. [↩]
- Some of the Masters will create what is called in the language of the East the “mayavirupa”—a vehicle of expression which is built of atomic physical and astral substance and of concrete mental substance.
This They can create at will, use at will and cause to vanish at will; Their problem is not, therefore, so acute in the matter of appearing and of reappearing as is that of the initiate who cannot thus create to suit his purpose and his service. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.697. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.751. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.508. [↩]
- The Starfire Messenger #146, Maureen T. Richmond. [↩]
- The Starfire Messenger #146, Maureen T. Richmond. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.530. [↩]
Hello people,
I just want to share that until now, I worked for a US State Government office, in the Department of Health, on the Covid 19 response team with the mission “to stop the spread”. The person hired to lead us, has no experience in health care. Rather, she is a military professional with a background in intelligence, including the CIA. The response team is controlled by a massive software system that is recording and storing information gleaned from every Covid 19 related contact. I can’t say I understand the forces behind this. I can only say that I stopped having real time contact with co-workers in March 2020, and there has been no sanctioned place to discuss our work or experiences. Something is dreadfully wrong. I’ve seen it with my own eyes, and it made me physically, emotionally, and mentally unwell. I didn’t want to believe the facts of “lock step” that Phillip discusses. However, my state government barely even paused in March when Covid really took hold; the switch to this controlling and invasive use of technology took hold so quickly it made my head swim. I have a Pisces moon, so that’s not new for me, and it’s taken a while to put two and two together. Take heed.
Dear Phillip, I am still reading your Capricorn Newsletter 2020. It is absolutely fascinating, how you elaborate your Newsletters, sharing your wisdom. They are really of universal interest. Thank you so much.
Very interesting newsletter, thank you!
I am intrigued that you read the stars to conclude that the virus is a hoaxed or hyped. My daughter works for doctors, many of whom have been in hospital and very ill with covid. One doctor´s mother has had amputations because of sepsis caused by this virus. It is all very well to compare deaths listed with those of normal flu, but it is not statistically correct.
The flu does not occur to many people all at once and flood hospitals with cases. I can accept that TPTB and the media could organize to amplify the situation, but not the emergency doctors. And wearing a mask may just protect others as well as oneself. I would rather err on the side of caution while inwardly keeping an open mind. The lockdowns may or may not work, nobody knows for certain and to claim otherwise is not logical. I am not a political animal. Music is my only calling, ie Bach et al-I have been very hard hit by the lockdowns, no money at all and would have had to leave this plane if not for the kindness of my daughter and her half sister, so I am not speaking from any position of privilege.
Many people are erring on the side of caution Noelle, which tends to enable those who are taking political advantage of the situation. I am not going to argue your other points, they have been extensively covered in the newsletters all year here:
My dear brother Phillip,
Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts which is the purpose of every newsletter. Sharing doesn’t mean oppose an opinion.But on the contrary it is a contribution to the tank of point of views of million of brothers and sisters, in order to approach the Truth. Please continue sharing the results of your researches, not because I agree with all of them, but because you give us another point of view worth considering (at least) ! Each one of us, is an adult, responsible for the way he is going to think after reading or hearing an opinion of another BROTHER or SISTER. We should never forget the brotherhood that is our bond! ( Share it if you want )
Dear Phillip,
We write to express our gratitude to you and offer a bit of good cheer at this difficult time. We know you are coming under attack by some students of the ageless wisdom. We appreciate very much your willingness to stand for truth, honesty and integrity no matter the cost. We are appalled and very disappointed by the lack of spiritual and energetic discernment being displayed by so-called esoteric and occult groups and individuals, many of whom claim to participate in the New Group of World Servers yet have fallen prey to propaganda and under the sway of mass deception and are unconsciously(?) aiding and abetting totalitarianism, human rights abuses and other evils in our time. Fundamentalist Christians in our country are showing more common and spiritual sense than many foolish new agers who seem to be completely out of touch and unaware of what’s really going on and prefer to spend time criticizing you. Thank you for your courageous stand and all that you do. It is being noticed and making a difference.
I ditto the comments made by Estela – Dec 24/20. I am a lone wolf in my community and family. The precautions that everyone is taking is based on fear and the propaganda that has influenced their thinking. How should we, as disciples act? What should we do? The mental approach and meditation is one that I have maintained. Besides that, what is suggested?
Dear Philip, thank you for your once again in depth astrological analysis. Years ago my metaphysical teacher cautioned us to look for the least personality contaminated information available, such as the Bailey material. I find your work to also be of that quality. He also cautioned us to use our 2D’s when reading/ learning..they are discernment and discrimination. To discern (to look deeply) and after looking deeply to discrimate (choose wisely) truth from falsehoods. While your information isn’t always what my personality wants to believe as it’s difficult that there can exist such cruelty and manipulation by others on this planet, there is much to ponder in your writings. I agree that we all MUST Put our personality wishes aside and use our 2 D’S at this time and look deeply in order to find the kernels of truth that is wrapped so tightly in lies. And the truth may sometimes be hard to digest. Thank you for so willingly sharing your analysis and life’s work with us.
Dear Phillip, this is a profound newsletter again. You address so many valuable points in such an erudite and well-thought fashion. I surely hope that at least the ageless wisdom community will take due notice of all being said, and that the one’s who naively and much to my surprise quite sullen follow the mainstream media narrative will wake up. If we don’t who will? And what will be the consequence for 2025, a year we all are looking forward to full of expectance? Do we think that Humanity will be ready for the externalization if we aren’t?
Hail Philip, Do not relent. I too have dedicated (with baited breath) hours and years to this research; beginning with Calleman’s Galactic Underworld in 1999. That’s the year I was (led) to Theosophy and never turned back. AAB is my gal,along with many honored teachers, many no longer with us. My files are bulging with names , dates and photos(THE evidence). With a sun at 29 degrees Scorpio, very occult, but Ascendant in Gemini, and moon in Capricorn, you could say I have been conflicted all my life. Those who have controlled us from the shadows will soon be revealed. KARMA coming, off to the trash bin of the Universe. I scale your every word. Thanks
Happy New Year Phillip, Thank you for the great analysis and research on all the subjects. I have been doing my own research as well and it is good to see that others can see the bigger plan at play. I will be re-reading this one during January as so important. It helps to be opened and break those crystalized ideas that keeps us back. Seeing a bigger Reality so important and be without fear. Thanks!
Google translation.Thank you dear Phillip for such an extraordinary article. What people do not understand and neither does the spiritual community, is that what you report with so much dedication, research and very intelligent analysis and vision, is the plan that is in progress and that this group of the New World Order has been carrying out for decades, which are generating the New Totalitarian Regime. I have personally been investigating these events for some years now, and I know that the classified and sensitive information that you provide is real and is a very small part of what is really happening in the dark, and that they are not assumptions, but real plans and events, that unscrupulous are manifested in their web pages, speeches and interviews, something that anyone can investigate if they wanted. So it is real.
It is necessary to take the time to inform yourself through unconventional means to have a clear vision of what is happening in the international geopolitical panorama. It is very important to be clear about this reality, no matter how much it weighs us, because it is the only way to be able to counteract this great nefarious mental form created by this power elite, and it is through the work of the NGWS, through its group meditations, creation of mental forms of light, study of causes and their solutions at the mental level, etc. etc. That is going to help the Hierarchy enormously to fulfill its plans through us and all the intelligent and good-will people that exist in all the countries of the world, which are many millions of people.
Now, we know this is the plan, but let’s see if they can carry it out. The question arises: to what extent will it be possible for them to carry it out ¿? In what period of time ¿? How long will they be able to sustain it? These and other questions must be considered in light of humanity’s rising group consciousness. The great battle between good and evil is coming to an end, but there is still much to do and there are the millions of awakened people and those who are quickly awakening, those of us who are going to counter the balance of the materialistic forces or the Dark Lodge. That is written in the mind of God.
The good has already won. What the Hierarchy of Masters wants is that the damage that this unscrupulous group that has the power can cause, be the least possible. We know that they are working on that and that they need the help of all of us in different ways. For that we have to be informed and aware of what is happening. We have to wake up and help wake up others. Google translation