Gemini 2020: Sirius. Telepathy. Aldous Huxley. Propaganda. Busiris Virus (Corona Pt. V). Fear of Death. Karmic Reapers. Bill Gates. Big Tech.

Leda and the Swan (Leonardo da Vinci). The story of Leda, the swan and the twins Castor and Pollux, is deeply symbolic of the mysteries of human Individualisation, astronomy and astrology – 21,600,000 years ago. Leda is Venus, esoteric ruler of Gemini – who is “raped” by Zeus, or Jupiter in his guise as a swan. Their progeny are the twins of Gemini, the “egg-born” of ancient Lemuria and the beginning of consciousness evolution.
Gemini Keynote
“I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self I grow and glow.”
World Invocation Day
(Full Moon: June 5, 2020. 19.12 UT.)
Gemini: Third of Three Spiritual Festivals
The Christ, Sirius and Venus
Gemini, Communications and Telepathy
Saturn Retrograde: The Lord of Lockdown
Jupiter Retrograde: The Lord of Love
Aldous Huxley: Gemini Rising Prophet
___Utopia-Dystopia – the Gemini Twins
The Gemini Busiris: False Teacher
The Busiris Virus of 2020 (Coronavirus Part V)
___Gemini Rules Mass Media Propaganda
___Gemini’s Twin Approaches to Covid-19
___Mental Gemini: Operation Mind Control
___Fear of Death Will Soon Cease
___ Saturn-Pluto, Karmic Reapers
___Bill Gates and Eugenics
___Some Nations and Statistics
_____S.E. Asia and Japan
_____Covid-19 Politics in Germany
_____Sweden and Britain, France, Italy, Germany
___The Role of Tech Giants
___The 2009 Swine Flu Hoax
Recent Video Presentations
___Astro-Rayology of the Global Crisis 2020
___An Aquarian Renaissance
Castor and Pollux: Gemini Twins
The keynote of Gemini: “I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self I grow and glow.” The soul recognises the “twin” of the personality and evolves through dominating the personality. Castor owes his immortality to Pollux – who sacrifices himself to Castor.
“The legend of Castor [personality] and Pollux [soul] is concerned with the mortal half of man, the personality, and the immortal part, the ego or spiritual individual. The personality has nothing in itself to survive and the other half which becomes immortal in its individuality by reason of its fifth principle [mind] being called to life by the Informing Gods [Lords of Flame], thus connecting the Monad [spirit] with this Earth. This is Pollux, while Castor represents the personal, mortal man an animal of not even a superior kind, when unlinked from the divine Individuality.”1
Gemini: Third of Three Spiritual Festivals
The interlude of Gemini is also called the Festival of Unification, Christ Festival, Festival of Humanity or Goodwill. The new impulse generated through two full moons in Aries this year, took root in earthy Taurus at the Wesak Festival and is distributed in the sign of Gemini.
Full moon periods are monthly cycles of high spiritual potential – to commune with the Spiritual Forces of the planet and participate in the great celebration of souls guiding – and being guided toward the light. The annual World Invocation Day is always at the date of the Gemini full moon – spanning 2½ days before and after the exact full moon time. Here is the opportunity to be extra mindful and reflective, to tune into the subtle but powerful forces pouring into the planet via the zodiac sign Gemini:
“The result of this solemn three days of invocation will be followed by a climaxing day wherein the Hierarchy will unitedly, and led by the Christ, pronounce the entire Invocation, prefacing each stanza with its appropriate keynote, again sounded in unison. These notes you cannot know, but if, for instance, a very large number of the New Group of World Servers were brought together, their united OM might approximate the appropriate keynote.”2
Gemini rules communications and The Great Invocation is a potent, globally transforming mantram that can be used every day – but especially at any full or new moon festival. As the second ray of Love-Wisdom is the only ray to pass through Gemini, this force is invoked and disseminated – in all its various expressions – via the spoken or written word, music (the universal language), art, acts of human kindness and even the internet.
Gemini also rules inner communications because of its association with the etheric body which is the medium of transmission for impulses from the soul via the mental body. Hence the quality of formlessness that Gemini expresses, making it a sign well suited to telepathic communication and inner work in general.
The first three festivals of the year are all connected to communication. Mercury the Messenger is the ruler of Gemini and the soul ruler of Aries, the first festival. Taurus rules the organs of speech and the “Taurian upon the way of liberation would do well to employ the method of directed and motivated speech of an outgoing and explanatory nature.”3
The Easter Aries festival celebrates The Christ, the Wesak Taurus festival celebrates the Buddha, whilst the Gemini festival of Goodwill celebrates The Christ again; this is because the One who currently holds the Office of The Christ (it’s an office, a post), will soon be taking over the role of the Buddha in this imminent Aquarian dispensation; this is a virtually unprecedented planetary event that coincides with large strides in human consciousness.
The Christ, Sirius and Venus
The Christ is an exemplar of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the predominant ray energy of our world and only ray transmitted through Gemini. The constellation Gemini is known as the Cosmic Christ and our Earthly Christ is recognised as a representative of the Sirian evolution – the main cosmic path for most of Humanity when they reach liberation. The star Sirius is located near the constellation of Gemini and astronomically, the “pillars” of Gemini, “form a point of entrance for cosmic energy from Sirius”.4
Sirius is the “higher self” to our solar system just as Venus plays the same role to planet Earth. Hence the greater Sirian Law is broadcast into this solar system to Earth, via Venus – the esoteric ruler of Gemini. Therefore, during Gemini full moon periods, there is an opportunity to align with the “Great White Lodge” on Sirius:
“Sirius … is the great star of initiation because our Hierarchy (an expression of the second aspect of divinity) is under the supervision or spiritual magnetic control of the Hierarchy of Sirius. These are the major controlling influences whereby the cosmic Christ works upon the Christ principle in the solar system, in the planet, in man and in the lower forms of life expression. It is esoterically called the ‘brilliant star of sensitivity.’”5
Gemini, Communications and Telepathy
Gemini is well known as the sign of communications and the dissemination of information, thereby transmitting the Christ principle through right speech, dialogue and communications of all kinds.
Like Libra, Gemini is a sign of relationships, of finding something in common and establishing a dialogue that leads to understanding and friendship. Venus, ruler of Libra, is the esoteric ruler of Gemini – fusing Gemini’s duality, blending The Twins in a marriage of opposites.
As stated earlier, Gemini rules inner communications because of its association with the etheric body – the medium of transmission for impulses from the soul via the mental body. Hence its suitability for telepathic communication and inner work.
Right speech and communication are of course the outflowing of what the mind has formulated, how it has clothed ideas in language. Gemini is a mental sign exoterically, an intuitive sign esoterically. When The Twins are not quarrelling (the conflict between the soul and personality), they seek to stay engaged – a term used when a couple plan to marry.
This engagement process for an individual, between individuals and groups, has infinite possibilities in its diverse expression and refinement, in how one stays engaged with the soul; not just through language and speech but other forms of communication such as music, visual arts, dance etc. Gemini the Juggler is capable of excelling in several areas of the arts at once.
Yet, all these forms of communication can be shrouded or clouded, because as soon as ideas emerge from the mental plane into outer expression, they become distorted to some degree, through imprecise and imperfect forms of communication. Hence, telepathy holds the promise of clearer, precise and instantaneous communication – direct from the highest source.
The etheric body is the mediating principle between all subtle bodies and between the soul and personality, a medium for the telepathic transmission of ideas. Each individual etheric body is connected to the planetary etheric web, linked indissolubly to every other life form; this fact underlies human communication with the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms:
“The function of the etheric body is to receive energy impulses and to be swept into activity by these impulses, or streams of force, emanating from some originating source or other. The etheric body is in reality naught but energy. It is composed of myriads of threads of force or tiny streams of energy, held in relation to the emotional and mental bodies and to the soul by their coordinating effect.
These streams of energy, in their turn, have an effect on the physical body and swing it into activity of some kind or another, according to the nature and power of whatever type of energy may be dominating the etheric body at any particular time.”6
All the bodies are conditioned by the rays, hence the etheric-physical might be on the seventh ray, whilst the mental body on the fifth ray and so forth. Other planetary and zodiac forces can also create a strong or weak etheric constitution, depending upon the individual and their karmic liabilities.
“Gemini … is related to the etheric body; it is the custodian of conditioning energy and the intermediary, as far as basic essentials are concerned, between soul and body. These are the two allied brothers. In the average person, the etheric vehicle is the transmitter of psychic energy, galvanising and coordinating the dense physical body and permitting, therefore, astral and mental control of the personality.
When the [wo]man is upon the Path of Discipleship and, therefore, upon the reversed wheel, leading to initiation, the etheric body becomes the transmitter of soul energy and not of personality force; the powerful effect of the second Ray of Love-Wisdom—working through the subjective six rays, according to ray type—begins steadily to dominate the vital body, producing consequently the shift of force and of intensity to the centres above the diaphragm.
The power of the personality lessens and wanes whilst that of the soul waxes and grows. There is much to be learned from the study of the dual activity—higher and lower—of the etheric body and its relation to and responsiveness to the constellation, Gemini.”7
Note the word “intermediary” used to describe the etheric body. Mercury as ruler of Gemini is the intermediary, a mediator, the winged messenger. The aspirant to The Mysteries draws upon Mercurial energy to build the antahkarana between personality and soul. The third house which derives its meaning from this third sign, rules the building of the antahkarana.
Mercury is quicksilver, a viscous liquid that is formless and inchoate, raw thought and ideas, before they are consolidated and organised into thought-forms by planets such as Saturn and Uranus. The formless nature of Gemini is partially why Gemini’s can be so scattered or disorganised!
Very briefly, there are three types of telepathy, depending upon the unfoldment of consciousness of each individual in their soul’s evolution: Instinctual, mental and intuitive. Instinctual is associated with the solar plexus centre, mental through the throat centre, and intuitive through the head and throat centre. It is said that the latter intuitive telepathy is one of the developments upon the Path of Discipleship, embodying the “fruits of meditation”. As Gemini in its lower expression rules the busy “monkey-mind”, distracted Gemini is sorely in need of concentration, the first stage of meditation.
Type | Centres | Groups |
Instinctual | Solar plexus | The masses. |
Mental | Throat with some heart | Educated classes. |
Intuitional | Throat and head | Disciples on the Path. |
Telepathy or The Science of Impression, is a large subject, requiring a thorough occult understanding of the subtle bodies and the centres.8
Saturn Retrograde: The Lord of Lockdown
Saturn went retrograde on May 11, 2020 – lasting for several months, right through to October, remaining stationary in the same degree – Sept, Oct. and Nov. That degree is within orb of Saturn’s historic conjunction to Pluto in early January, just after the Covid-19 virus was announced, hence it will continue to exert its restraining influence via the imposed lockdown upon most nations.
Even though many countries are tentatively bringing lockdown from level 4 to 3 or 2, fearful speculations about the virus mutating, reinfecting, second waves etc. – are keeping nervous governments on their toes, erring on the side of an “abundance of caution” – a classic phrase for Saturn. All of these actions, even in the face of evidence that lockdown lowers immunity, creates greater stress, causing economic and psychological suffering.
At one level, Saturn can be experienced as debilitating, onerous, pedantic – taking on more responsibilities, staying put – Saturn the jailer, condemning Humanity for crimes against mother nature – and one another. A sobering restraint on mindless behaviour or old habits. Like Mercury or any other planet that goes into a retrograde phase, these several months will be a timely interlude to review what has transpired since Covid-19 was announced in early January 2020.
Saturn is the mind, very much at home in its own rulership of Capricorn, and even in Aquarius as it is the ruler of the first decanate, offering opportunity. Saturn is the mind, ruling the throat centre, gateway to the mental body. The opportunity in Aquarius is not an easy one, as the world has experienced in the past several months. New forms of social interaction have been imposed upon everyone, creating mainly an acquiescence and obedience to restrictions, but also rebellion and a slow-burn, simmering resentment.
There is the nature of austere Saturn imposing the Law, that has given Humanity pause for thought with regard to undisciplined, selfish behaviours and lifestyles. Saturn in Aquarius offers the opportunity to think about the greater good, the welfare of others impacted by individual behaviour.
Therefore Saturn’s passage back through its own sign of pragmatic and thoughtful Capricorn (early July to Dec.20), offers everyone a review of the plethora of conflicting propagandas about Coronavirus – whether it is for instance, a gigantic global hoax and simply an exaggerated strain of flu.
Now that more time has elapsed and many nations have peaked in their mortality rates, retrospective, comparative and statistical analyses can be conducted more calmly, giving an opportunity for objectivity and less manipulation. Here is where Saturn retrograde can preside over that greater objectivity and analyses.
The other issues emerging during this period will be the Saturn-Capricorn theme of money, a possible recession or depression, as well as powerful forces trying to consolidate authoritarian or totalitarian dictates, endangering civil liberties and democracy itself. These forces include bodies of “authority” such as WHO, governments, Big Pharma and technology corporations.
Capricorn is the sign of authority and indeed, the “glamour of authority” where highly qualified scientific or technological people have projected ideas and recommendations (often with financial or political ulterior motives) – that the bulk of Humanity have accepted without too much discrimination, probing questions or independent research. The flavour of criticisms emanating from many observers on lockdown sound like, “Cowering in their homes like scared little sheep, obediently doing their nanny government’s bidding”, “The sheeple have drunk the Kool-Aid” etc.
2020 is crisis of discrimination that must lead to right choices, awakening and initiation. This year will be important for Humanity to reach a critical mass of balanced thought, enabling reclamation of its “squandered birthright” – leading to self-determination and civil liberties that are the bedrock of Democracy:
“Historically, the story of humanity has been the struggle between the free-thinking individual and structures of power controlled by elites that seek to dominate land, resources and people. The greatest threat to elites at any time – historically and presently – is an awakened, critically thinking and politically stimulated populace.”9

The Lord of Love (Svetoslav Roerich) A true high priest!
Jupiter Retrograde: The Lord of Love
Jupiter first entered Capricorn on its 12-year cycle in early Dec. 2019, and will finish its sojourn when it meets Saturn in Aquarius in Dec. 2020. Currently Saturn and Jupiter are engaged in a culminating dance that occurs with their 20-year conjunction: Saturn the Lord of Light, merges with Jupiter (Jove) the Lord of Love – these two planets regularly punctuate the unfoldment of human consciousness with their themes of mind and heart – and their eventual fusion.
The current tango between Jupiter and Saturn involves both planets turning retrograde during their passage through Capricorn. Saturn headed back to Capricorn from early Aquarius on May 11, whilst Jupiter retrograded a few days later on May 14, turning direct again by Sept. 14.
Hence, Jupiter offers four months of deep reflection and pondering on its major theme – Love. Jove-Love. Gigantic Jupiter is the ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the main conditioning ray of this solar system and the most common soul ray. Simply stated, our raison d’etre is learning to love – Jupiter’s decree is to share it generously and unconditionally with all we contact. Pass on the love virus!
Yet, love-wisdom Jupiter “falls” in comparatively dry and austere Capricorn, creating a conflict and eventual awareness of the difference between desire and love. Desire emanates from the “seat of desire” – the solar plexus centre, wherein the astral/emotional body is anchored. The goal of the evolution of consciousness is to redirect the forces from the lower centres to the higher: Solar plexus to heart, sacral to throat etc. Jupiter’s fall in Capricorn is discussed in the following oft-quoted passage:
“Jupiter in its lowest aspect gives the fulfilment of desire and satisfied demand, whilst in its highest Jupiter is the outgoing expression of love, which attracts magnetically to itself that which is desired—this time the good of the whole. In Capricorn, therefore, Jupiter reaches its lowest point of expression in the densest material aspect, and then—as love and selflessness triumph—this lowest aspect vanishes and disappears.
It is to the “fall” of the highest aspect that the symbolism refers, and then later to the fall or disappearance of all that is base and low. Love is fallen and blinded when desire is rampant; desire vanishes when love triumphs.”10
Jupiter in its lower expression in Capricorn can be pre-occupied with social status and material prestige, demand for satisfaction, over concern with the letter of the law, instead of its spirit, drive for power, status and wealth, self importance.
Some of these themes are similar to Saturn in Capricorn of course, so whilst these two planets are retrograde in Capricorn for approximately the same time in 2020, there will be a tug of war between their respective principles of Love versus Mind – the latter used selfishly, or altruistically under the influence of love. Humanists versus technocrats?
Specifically in Jupiter’s case however, there will be a struggle for Humanity between desire and love – the fears, doubts and selfishness of the solar plexus/emotional body, versus the selflessness and courage of an open heart. In 2020, the “fulfillment of desire and satisfied demand” may be the point of least resistance for the fearful masses experiencing loss of jobs, businesses, income, housing, freedom to move about etc. And also of course, for business, corporations and governments scrambling to simply survive and/or selfish exploitation using authoritarian methods.
Yet, personal reflection enforced by circumstances may lead millions to choose an “outgoing expression of love”, thereby “attracting magnetically that which is desired … for the good of the whole”. Love equals courage – is a profound formula that millions need to invoke in 2020, to make a stand for principles and the good of the greater whole.
Jupiter retrograde will also be turbo-charged by its three conjunctions with Pluto, occurring at the degree of the historic conjunction of Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn, Jan. 12, 2020. The Jupiter Pluto conjunctions were/will be April 4, June 30 and Nov. 12, all in parallel with Saturn’s passage back through Capricorn. Pluto’s breaking of crystallised forces will pave the way for a flow of Jupiter’s compassion and love-wisdom. By Jove, and for Love … !
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Aldous Huxley: Gemini Rising Prophet
Aldous Huxley (26 July 1894 – 22 November 1963) was an English writer, Oxford scholar and philosopher-mystic who wrote nearly fifty books – as well as essays, narratives, Hollywood screen plays and poetry. Befitting his prolific communications output, Huxley had Gemini rising with expansive Jupiter rising, straddling his ascendant! Huxley’s brother Julian observed this Jovian prodigy:
“His uniqueness lay in his universalism. He was able to take all knowledge for his province.”11 Huxley also had Neptune and Pluto in Gemini, a magnanimous Leo sun and down to earth Taurus moon.
Ascendant ruler Mercury is placed in impressionable and intuitive Cancer, at the point of a T-square to Mars in Aries opposite Saturn in Libra – both latter planets in the signs of their rulership and exaltation respectively. Saturn in Libra perceives relationships between many things, ruling the ninth house of religion and philosophy – the ageless wisdom.
Esoteric ruler of Gemini is Venus, placed also in Cancer and very close the ascendant, imparting warm relating skills. But esoterically, Venus is the mind and brings together the pairs of opposites on the mental plane, harmonising the warring brothers: “The power of Venus in this sign tends to make the mind the servant of the personality and this is aided by the forces of the third Ray of Active Intelligence.”12
Bear in mind that Britain is a Gemini soul – Huxley literally emerged from the nation’s soul. He studied at Oxford, another expression of the second ray soul of Britain – scholarship and higher learning. And he shared a tradition with so many other Oxford luminaries such as C.S. Lewis, George Orwell, J.R.R. Tolkien, Percy Shelley, Lewis Carroll and Oscar Wilde.
Huxley’s broad universalism drew him to investigate many disciplines:
“Huxley was a humanist and pacifist. He grew interested in philosophical mysticism and universalism, addressing these subjects with works such as The Perennial Philosophy (1945)—which illustrates commonalities between Western and Eastern mysticism—and The Doors of Perception (1954)—which interprets his own psychedelic experience with mescaline. In his most famous novel Brave New World (1932) and his final novel Island (1962), he presented his vision of dystopia and utopia, respectively.”13
Huxley knew many other writers of the period, George Orwell, D.H. Lawrence, philosopher Bertrand Russell. He was deeply drawn to Vedanta meditation and vegetarianism, striking a lifelong friendship with Krishnamurti.
Huxley’s dystopian novel has come into focus lately, as transiting Uranus in 2020 passes over his Taurus moon – some 60 years after his death! He wrote about, “the dehumanising aspects of scientific progress, most famously in Brave New World, set in a dystopian London – portraying a society operating on the principles of mass production and Pavlovian conditioning.”14
Many parallels have been drawn between Brave New World and where the world is today. Even Huxley said in the early 1950’s (after he wrote the book in 1932, during the rise of fascism in Germany), how he could see a creeping totalitarianism. In his utopian book Island, Huxley discusses the drug Soma,
“… the answer to all of life’s problems, intended to distract society from worry, tension, and pain – rationed by the government and consumed after a hard day’s work. In this utopian society, people choose to “know no pain” and instead of suffering, people fill their days with the mindless acts they were predestined to perform.
Safety and happiness are at an all-time high, and no one suffers from depression or any other mental disorders. There are no more wars, as peace and harmony spread to almost every corner of the world. There is no sickness, and people are predestined to be happy and content in their social class. But if anything wrong accidentally occurs, there is a simple solution to the problem, which is soma. The use of soma totally shapes and controls the utopian society described in Huxley’s novel Brave New World as well as symbolize Huxley’s society as a whole.” 15
The obvious modern day parallel is Big Pharma’s stranglehold on the various forms of modern “Soma” – the opiates like Vicodin, Oxycodone, heroin etc. Then there is the appalling range of hypnotic drugs – sleeping pills, psychoactive drugs, anti-depressants, mood alterants and other illicit substances.
USA and many other nations have a big opioid crisis, detailed in previous newsletters. Another soporific or “hypnotic” addiction is the cellphone with which many are engaged constantly, stimulating addictive dopamine activity – said to be more addictive than opioids. Hence, large swathes of the world’s population are already controlled by the Soma’s of technological distractions and drugs – legal or illegal! The people are easy to bend to the state’s will, often in poor economic circumstances due to addiction, or being immersed in a constant drugged state.
Big Pharma is by far the greatest funder (or should that be briber?), of members of US Congress, almost doubling their closest competition of Big Oil. Many observers such as Bernie Sanders have stated that Big Pharma “owns the US Congress”. Here we can gain a perspective of how invasive and insidious Big Pharma (the Big Brother of 1984 infamy), is in the lives of Humanity, controlling many aspects of human health – charging exorbitant prices for drugs that cost a fraction to produce.
An appalling example is insulin, now costing diabetics US$300 a dose, a 1,000% increase in price. See this heart-rending story of how diabetics try and survive a nightmare existence because of price-gouging and greed.
In the following fascinating interview with Aldous Huxley in 1958, he discusses how a new kind of techno fascism is the soft approach of totalitarianism, compared to that of the brutal state control of Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. (Orwell was tutored by Huxley at Oxford and had Mercury and Pluto in Gemini, plus wordsmith Virgo rising, opposing Jupiter in Pisces.)
This is a fascinating interview to study astrologically – Huxley’s elegant, dignified and authorative Leo personality, combined with a Gemini eloquence discussing his philosophies. Huxley explains,
“The future dictator’s subjects will be painlessly regimented by a corps of highly trained social engineers,” and he quotes one “advocate of this new science” as saying that, “The challenge of social engineering in our time is like the challenge of technical engineering fifty years ago.
If the first half of the twentieth century was the era of technical engineers, the second half may well be the era of social engineers.” Thus, proclaims Huxley, “The twenty-first century, I suppose, will be the era of World Controllers, the scientific caste system and Brave New World.
Today, we are faced, I think, with the approach of what may be called the ‘Ultimate Revolution’ – the ‘Final Revolution’ – where man can act directly on the mind-body of his fellows. Well needless to say some kind of direct action on human mind-bodies has been going on since the beginning of time, but this has generally been of a violent nature.
The techniques of terrorism have been known from time immemorial, and people have employed them with more-or-less ingenuity, sometimes with utmost crudity, sometimes with a good deal of skill acquired with a process of trial and error – finding out what the best ways of using torture, imprisonments, constraints of various kinds …
If you are going to control any population for any length of time, you must have some measure of consent. It’s exceedingly difficult to see how pure terrorism can function indefinitely, it can function for a fairly long time; but sooner or later you have to bring in an element of persuasion, an element of getting people to consent to what is happening to them.
Well it seems to me the nature of the Ultimate Revolution with which we are now faced is precisely this: that we are in process of developing a whole series of techniques, which will enable the controlling oligarchy – who have always existed and will presumably always exist – to get people to love their servitude. This is the ultimate in malevolent revolution …16
Dystopian scenarios notwithstanding, Huxley’s balanced Saturn in Libra offers a corresponding utopian vision that is enshrined in his book Island, the fictional Pala:
“Islanders engage in peaceful living, intellectual pursuits, and deep spiritualism that avoids superstition. The kingdom has no military and its inhabitants have cultivated a nearly utopian society by blending the most applicable elements from western science and eastern Mahayana Buddhism, also adopting a multiple-parents child-rearing strategy of mutual adoption clubs (MAC’s), as well as a bilingual culture of English and Palanese.
Palanese citizens strive to live always in the moment, to directly confront suffering and death, to meditate often, to engage shamelessly in coitus reservatus called maithuna, and to use moksha-medicine—a local psychedelic drug or entheogen—to help achieve these other goals.”17
Huxley’s Earth is in Aquarius (opposite his Leo sun), the most elevated planet in his horoscope, in the ninth house of philosophy and religion. Earth is also the highest or hierarchical ruler of his Gemini soul purpose and as an advanced soul, he no doubt was responding to its influence – a great reflector of his ideal utopia, blending the best of science and spirituality which he describes elsewhere:
“In this community, economics would be decentralist and Henry-Georgian, politics Kropotkinesque and co-operative. Science and technology would be used as though, like the Sabbath, they had been made for man, not (as at present and still more so in the Brave New World) as though man were to be adapted and enslaved to them. Religion would be the conscious and intelligent pursuit of man’s Final End, the unitive knowledge of immanent Tao or Logos, the transcendent Godhead or Brahman.
And the prevailing philosophy of life would be a kind of Higher Utilitarianism, in which the Greatest Happiness principle would be secondary to the Final End principle – the first question to be asked and answered in every contingency of life being: “How will this thought or action contribute to, or interfere with, the achievement, by me and the greatest possible number of other individuals, of man’s Final End?”18
Note this most Aquarian phrase, “the greatest possible number of other individuals”. The Utopian-Dystopian duality is the Gemini Twins – duelling brothers fighting for dominance, well expressed in James Cameron’s 2009 film, Avatar. Here again is the relation of Venus-ruled Libra to Venus-ruled Gemini – the province of Libra to weigh in the scales, using the judicial mind to make right choice.
When Huxley was on his deathbed due to advanced laryngeal cancer, he requested from his wife an intra-muscular injection of LSD – launching his last “trip”, lasting five hours before he passed on the afternoon of November 22, 1963. That was the day of JFK’s assassination, and also the death of fellow British writer and Oxford fellow, C.S. Lewis.
Quite an interesting coincidence, these three giants of literature and politics. Curiously, JFK was a sun-Venus in Gemini and C.S. Lewis was moon-Neptune in Gemini, opposite six placements in Sagittarius! Furthermore, the author stumbled across a book whilst researching these individuals: Between Heaven and Hell: A Dialog Somewhere Beyond Death with John F. Kennedy, C. S. Lewis & Aldous Huxley. The book’s spiel states how the author,
“… imagines their discussion as a part of The Great Conversation that has been going on for centuries. Does human life have meaning? Is it possible to know about life after death? What if one could prove that Jesus was God? With Kennedy taking the role of a modern humanist, Lewis representing Christian theism and Huxley advocating Eastern pantheism, the dialogue is lively and informative.”

The blind visionary: Huxley suffered a genetic condition known as “keratitis punctata” – an inflammation of the corneas that left him blind in his right eye.
Perhaps LSD was Huxley’s soma – he felt that the drug allowed him an even greater understanding of himself. Today, psychedelics are being promoted widely for psychotherapeutic purposes. Drugs release the astral consciousness – the use of Ayahuasca and LSD can put a person in direct contact with their inner heaven, or hell – a confronting or terrifying witnessing of the dweller on the threshold. Notably, Huxley’s mescaline book Doors of Perception is included in the same volume Heaven and Hell.
As the Atlantean civilisation was predominately astrally polarised, drugs were used more widely in those days to open up the consciousness. However, The Tibetan states that for this Fifth Rootrace and for disciples – drugs and alcohol are, “… astralism pure and simple and with this the true student of Raja Yoga has naught to do.”19
The 1960’s use of drugs was a recapitulation of the Atlantean cycle, following soon after the world wars which were also a recapitulation of that era.
Creative people such as writers and musicians are at times afflicted with blindness, a condition that forces them to access the inner sense of the intuition or direct knowledge. Huxley was nearly blind since his teenage years but recovered sufficiently to study at Oxford. Eye problems are associated with ajna centre and the right eye is related to buddhi or intuition, the left eye to mind or manas. Huxley contracted the disease at the age of 16, in 1911 – when transiting Pluto was conjunct his soul purpose Gemini rising – and progressed moon opposed it from Sagittarius.
“Because it [Gemini] is governed by Mercury and Venus, you have the light of the intuition and of the mind blended together into one illuminated whole, typical of the fusion of spirit-matter and the demonstration of their essential oneness … Their real nature as the “elder brother and the prodigal son” is revealed by the intuition when it takes hold of the mind. But it is the will to love which governs the relationship and which finally brings about divine synthesis.”20
When Huxley relocated from Hollywood to the high desert of Llano, California, his sight improved dramatically – with the purity of natural lighting in the southwest desert, aided by the Bates Method, subsequently writing a book, The Art of Seeing. Huxley was most likely a fourth ray personality and/or mind – the ray of art and beauty, ruled by Mercury the ruler of Gemini. His Mercury was placed in receptive Cancer, the same position for Alice A. Bailey who received thirty years of telepathic transmissions from the Master DK.
Huxley no doubt received many intuitive impressions throughout his life and expressed them through all his writings. Indeed, he once remarked: “Modern man’s besetting temptation is to sacrifice his direct perceptions and spontaneous feelings to his reasoned reflections; to prefer in all circumstances the verdict of his intellect to that of his immediate intuitions.”21
Finally, a short video of Huxley and his wife conversing during an LSD trip. Huxley volunteered for an unnamed company that was running experiments in LSD, perhaps an unwitting participant in the CIA’s MK Ultra program, as reported on NPR.
The Gemini Busiris: False Teacher
The twelve labours of Hercules depicted in myth and legend, are an astrological allegory for a soul’s journey through the zodiac signs. The third labour of Hercules, corresponding to the third sign Gemini – is to find the famed golden apples in the magical garden of The Hesperides.
Befitting dual Gemini, it is a two-part story – in the first part, Hercules meets failure by succumbing to the charms of Busiris, “the great arch-deceiver” who binds Hercules to an altar. Busiris was a “son of the waters and close kin to Poseidon”, indicating the glamours of the astral plane to which all seekers upon the Path are prone. Busiris’s influence,
“… brings delusion to the sons of men
through words of seeming wisdom.
He claims to know the truth
and with quickness they believe.
He speaks fair words saying:
“I am the teacher.
To me is given knowledge
of the truth and sacrifice for me.
Accept the way of life through me.
I know, but no-one else.
My truth is right. All other truth is wrong and false.
Hark to my words; stay with me and be saved.”22
Busiris is the shadow of Mercury and its lower kama-manasic (desire-mind) expression of Gemini – the thief, trickster, liar, deceiver or con-man. Busiris is the chameleon who knows all the right things to say and can present an appropriate face for any situation. When Hercules finally sees through Busiris, he hears the words:
“Truth lies within yourself.
There is a higher power
and strength and wisdom in yourself.
Turn inwards and there evoke the strength which is,
the power which is the heritage
of all the sons and daughters of God.”
The Busiris Virus of 2020
Now we arrive at the most contentious issue on Earth today – the Coronavirus pandemic that has created chaos, confusion and fear. Has our planet been conned by a global Busiris, the “arch deceiver”? Although most of Humanity are currently assenting to guidelines laid down by WHO and governments, there is a rising tide of dissent and delayed questioning in many countries.
Humanity has played along with imposed lockdown rules, yet there is still division between containment versus herd immunity approaches – with the latter option currently in the minority. There has been much criticism of continued lockdown or getting back to work, division of opinion between medical experts, contradictions and competing propagandas that spin one side of the story or another.
Contradictions and divisions, two theme words of Gemini. The world is split like the Gemini Twins, the “warring brothers” – that are Humanity weighing the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane. The Gemini brothers symbolise the World Soul that seeks to impress itself upon the resistant, untamed or unintegrated personality of Humanity as a whole. Currently, this global “personality” is being potently stimulated by astrological forces that are encouraging a movement in mass consciousness, an awakening that is paving the way for millions to take the first initiation.
Keen discrimination is needed to sort the wheat from the chaff, to use a Virgoan expression – another sign of the mutable cross of which Gemini is part. (Opposite signs and whole crosses of four signs are an important component of Esoteric Astrology.) Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo, expressing itself with more discernment in the latter sign.
Observers have noted that the current global coronavirus situation is very similar to the Brexit deception of 2016 – that occurred before the UK elections, as well as the US elections of the same year, when the world became so much more aware of “fake news” – propaganda that has been around in its modern form for a century, but is now far more sophisticated through mass media.
The Brexit deception in Gemini soul Britain was extensively analysed by the author, with the transit of Neptune to the nation’s horoscope, identified as the main “culprit”. This Gemini penchant for deception was also analysed extensively in the horosocopes of the two Gemini leaders for those nations, Boris Johnson and Donald Trump.
Therefore, it is proposed that these recent deceptions in two of the most influential Western nations, have now advanced to a global deception in 2020 – perpetuated essentially by an array of the same selfish manipulators in 2016 – behind and in front of the scenes.
Many people have sadly suffered and died from Covid-19, but the statistics have been heavily manipulated and exaggerated far beyond actual Covid-19 deaths. This has been well established in the prolific articles and analyses about Covid-19 that can be found in recent newsletters.
For now, as the world is still emerging from this crisis, greater clarity will not emerge until more objective hindsight can be achieved, through further unbiased studies; this greater clarity will emerge during Saturn’s retrograde motion in the next several months.
Busiris was a “son of the waters and close kin to Poseidon”, i.e. Neptune – ruler of mass consciousness and in its lower expression, deception, illusion, subtle subterfuge etc – themes that correspond very closely to lower Mercury-Gemini.
Busiris was essentially an old Atlantean king and today much of the world is still locked in Atlantean consciousness – prone to mesmerisation. Neptune is also the co-ruler of the solar plexus centre, gateway to the astral body. The waters are a symbol of the astral dimension – where the majority of Humanity is polarised in consciousness, hence the ease with which it can be manipulated by those who use their advanced mental development for selfish purposes.
This mental development in a large proportion of the Fifth Rootrace is out of balance because of the slower unfoldment of the heart lotus. Therefore, it is proposed that Neptune in its lower expression is still having a considerable effect upon Humanity as a whole – herded along like sheep, in abeyance to scientific/government “authority”.
Extending the sheep analogy, Humanity (the sheeple) may have had “the wool pulled over their eyes”, as proposed further on in the text. Highlighting this theme during Gemini may raise greater awareness of the lesson of Busiris. Description of Neptune’s prolific influence over this pandemic, can be found at these links:
Neptune in Pisces: Viruses & Deception (Feb. 2020)
Neptune in Pisces: Mass Deception? (Mar.2020)
ALL of the author’s commentaries on Coronavirus/Covid-19 can be found here.
Gemini Rules Mass Media Propaganda
(See this link for the author’s articles on mass media and propaganda.)
(Propaganda: “Let Maya Flourish and Deception Rule.” (2016). Propaganda: The Crisis of World Glamour (2016) The Dilemma of Good and Bad News: Propaganda)
Gemini is a sign of the assimilation and dissemination of information and knowledge – ably aided by Mercury the Messenger. The “sciences” of propaganda and mass control have become very refined in this past century, making it difficult for Humanity as a whole to “stay ahead of the game”. Especially with the development of new technologies that are rapidly outpacing the ability of governments to keep up with legislation that ensures civil liberties are not violated.
Here also is the theme of Libra the Law, a sign that plays an important part in this transition era between Pisces and Aquarius. Libra the Balance, harmonising opposites upon the mental plane – by creating opportunity for free choice, through use of the judicial mind – then arriving at a decision.
Cell phone technology, internet, satellites, 5G technology, face recognition, digital ID’s etc. – all have a massive potential to be misused and abused. Already in the last decade, billions have been tracked, profiled and photographed without users’ permission, by Big Tech and governments – who have sold on the information to other entities that in turn, bombard recipients with advertisements for products based upon a personal profile.
Most of this is common knowledge now. We know that any Facebook or Skype phone call, will be scanned for keywords that identify a certain advertising theme – that will pop up in your newsfeed a day or two afterwards. Your smartphone is listening all day to your conversations, all emails, phone calls and sms messages are monitored. This is not paranoia or “conspiracy theory” but well established fact. Some outlandish conspiracy theories eventually become facts. The majority of the world’s population still has no idea how much of their data is being harvested – it is the new “oil” for these big companies.
“Do you know who coined the curse, “conspiracy theory” or accusation, “you are a conspiracy theorist!”? – It was nobody less than the CIA in the 1950s, to silence those who saw through the lie of the Cold War against the Soviet Union. This was a complete lie by US war strategists, to install fear in the population in general and in Europeans in particular and to boost the American Military Industrial complex – and presenting a constant threat to the communist Soviet Union.”23
There is practically no way to avoid these constant electronic intrusions, even for tech savvy people – unless you get an old “dumb phone”, go off the internet altogether and become a feral luddite! Building upon these already illegal intrusions into people’s lives, it is argued by civil libertarians that a new wave of invasiveness and control is stalking its human prey, further eroding liberties under the guise of protecting everyone from a “very dangerous virus”. The agenda pushed from the likes of WHO, Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci is that Covid-19 is the problem for which mass vaccination, and “unhuman” social distancing and mask-wearing is the solution.
Apart from the fact that vaccines have been proven to be only partly effective (30-70%), in many cases cause severe health problems or death (admitted by WHO and Fauci) – there is the looming spectre of totalitarianism in our current science fiction movie of robotic face-masked humans forced to stand stiffly six feet apart. Most of us have gone along with this tactic, caught off guard by its sudden imposition – and giving the benefit of the doubt about the efficacy of recommendations.
Yet, a minority of rich, influential individuals and corporate entities are dictating their vision of world health and population control to all world governments – under the “glamour of scientific authority”. The word “glamour” is an esoteric term for illusion upon the astral plane. Many scientists and medical experts vehemently disagree with these measures that have been dictated to the world at large.
Further consolidating the motives of these individual and corporate entities, is saturation news coverage and advertising, from the very subtle to the extremely blatant – reinforcing the idea that these aforesaid recommendations are the ONLY solution; that our hospital health workers are “heroes”, thereby creating a subtle emotional blackmail that they are saving lives, putting their own lives on the line – so you better not question that narrative!
A good example of the “consensus media” machine at work is in the following video where many local TV stations are all parroting the same script that is fed from somewhere higher up on the media misinformation food chain. The irony here is that their critique of “fake news” is actually false news itself. There are hundreds of similar videos that can by found on YouTube, all starkly revealing how “lockstep by media” is achieved:
TV stations parrotting the same script.
Bear in mind the “Lockstep” scenario of the Rockefeller foundation initiated in 2010, described in the author’s Coronavirus Pt. II. Those who question or reject outright, WHO and government policies – are accused of spreading “conspiracy theories” – their videos, articles and tweets are being blocked by Facebook, Google, YouTube and Twitter – unprecedented actions in unprecedented times.
A cruel mockery of democratic free speech has occcurred. This is dictatorship by media through government – in fact these companies form a conglomerate that has become a global government, acting on behalf of shadowy cabals and interlocking directorates. Hence, it is not so much about Coronavirus anymore, “the thin end of the wedge” is emerging – of mass mind indoctrination – simply by creating fear, consensus narratives of lockdown, contact tracing, social distancing etc. (Contact tracing in the UK has thus far proven to be a complete sham.)
Humanity must see through this insidious, creeping fascism that is as deadly to the human soul as any the past more obvious fascist movements – such as Nazism that emerged upon the Uranus in Taurus cycle in the 1930’s. As Huxley indicates earlier, the world may be entering into a more “pleasant” form of fascism that people can “enjoy”.
“Google and YouTube are removing videos from highly experienced doctors, epidemiologists, biologists and virologists – censuring is also the new normal – but they are promoting a billionaire software developer and a 16 year old climate change “expert” about viruses and vaccines — what does that say for the media, for the governments that support and finance the media.”24
Following are some commentaries on Covid-19 that offer a different perspective to the current mainstream narrative – some links to YouTube, or if they have been banned, are available on Bitchute. The author does not necessarily concur with them all, though appreciates the need for free access so that individuals can make up their own minds.
Dr. Judy Mikovits (USA)
Dr. Sherry Tenpenny (USA)
Dr Mohammad Iqbal Adil (UK)
Dr Erickson & Dr Massihi (USA)
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai (USA)
Dr. Kohls (USA)
Dr. Rashid Buttar (USA)
Dr. Dolores Cahill (UK)
Dr. Zach Bush (USA)
Prof. Knut Wittkowski (USA)
Prof. Johan Giesecke (Sweden)
Prof. Klaus Püschel (Germany)
Facts about Covid-19 (Extensive Swiss coverage) Fully referenced, provided by experts in the field, to help make a realistic risk assessment.
Gemini’s Twin Approaches to Covid-19
Gemini the Twins are the “brothers” of the two main approaches to the Covid-19 problem: mitigation/containment versus herd/personal immunity.
As of May 27, 2020, there were around 100,625 deaths from the coronavirus in the USA – about 20% more than the 2017-18 flu season of over 80,000 deaths.25 Bear in mind that this higher mortality rate can be accounted for by the fact that non Covid-19 deaths have been counted as Covid-19 deaths, ignoring pre-existing conditions – and even with financial incentives for doctors and hospitals to adopt this system of recording. There has been a global push to record statistics like this, reported in many articles and videos.
Similar methods of recording statistics have been encouraged and repeated in many other countries, whilst others like Germany have inexplicably low mortality rates. Pre-existing conditions for Covid-19 deaths in Italy for example, account for a very high percentage of the mortality rate:
“According to a report on patient characteristics from Italy’s National Institute of Health released on March 17, 99% of COVID-19 patients who have died in the country had at least one preexisting condition. Nearly 50% of the patients who died had three preexisting conditions.”26
In many cases those patients have not even been tested for Covid-19, and is there a proper test for it anyway? This is an area of great contention between medical experts who squabble about the inaccuracy of testing, even stating that if you test negative for Covid-19, it does not mean that you do not have it! Here again we see the warring brothers of Gemini, with so many different points of view, some honestly motivated, others deceptively oriented for various agendas – that translate ultimately as financial profit.
Mental Gemini: Operation Mind Control
Gemini is a “mental” or intellectual sign and has a particular affinity with Humanity as a whole, hence one of the names for the Gemini full moon is the Festival of Humanity. As mentioned earlier, Humanity is going through a mass awakening where the first initiation is being taken by millions. People are emerging from Neptune-ruled mass consciousness toward independent thinking:
“Humanity, as a whole, is in a state of turmoil, prior to a great step forward in self-conscious unfoldment, and in the expression of the sense of responsibility which is the first flower and fruit of self-conscious awareness. This fact is responsible for sweeping into the conflict in a peculiar and pronounced manner, the forces of Cancer (involutionary in nature), of Leo (concerned with individualisation), and of Gemini (expressive of man’s essential duality).”27
Apart from the virus itself, the more subterranean shadow of this global crisis is, “psy-ops” by media – appearing to be a massive psychological assault, deliberately unleashed to scare the hell out of humanity. Some commentators have repeatedly stated, “its like a spell has been cast.” Here is the realm of Neptunian glamour, illusion upon the astral plane – to which humanity has succumbed through mass media mesmerisation. An extraordinary mental health crisis has now precipitated:
“A report by the WHO’s mental health department to the UN warned of another looming crisis: “The isolation, the fear, the uncertainty, the economic turmoil – they all cause or could cause psychological distress,” said the department’s director, Devora Kestel. She said the world could expect to see an upsurge in the severity of mental illness, including amongst children, young people and healthcare workers. “The mental health and wellbeing of whole societies have been severely impacted by this crisis and are a priority to be addressed urgently,” she said.”28 See also, Italy’s lockdown has taken heavy toll on mental health, say psychologists.
Fear of Death Will Soon Cease
This flu-like Covid-19 virus has the same esoteric cause as flu – fear. This is compounded and amplified through mass media broadcast to the ignorant, ill-informed and mis-informed masses – all of us! Pre Covid-19 there was plenty to worry about – lack of money, food and shelter, the environment – all basic requirements for human living. Now those worries have been multiplied many times, due to the economic fallout of lockdown, plus the primordial fears of plague that lurk within the collective subconscious:
“Why are these difficulties of the astral body so “perilous” and so serious? Worry and Irritation are dangerous because:
1. They lower the vitality of the man to such a point that he becomes susceptible to disease. The scourge of influenza has its roots in fear and worry, and once the world settles down to freedom from the present “fearful” condition [WWII], we shall see the disease die out.
2. They are so highly infectious from the astral point of view that they lower in a peculiar manner the astral atmosphere, and thus make it hard for people—in the astral sense—to breathe freely.”29
Indeed, to even breathe freely – physically, to have optimum oxygen uptake, has been limited by the imposition (or should that be inquisition?) of compulsory mask-wearing. Mask-wearing is also arguably a way to remove individuality to create mass conformity. Again, medical authorities are divided on the efficacy of masks. Dr. Fauci at first advocated not wearing masks and then reversed his position, saying masks should be used; this contradiction from a “world expert” on health. Other observers have noted that the “order” to wear masks is more political than scientific:
“My feeling is that this is becoming more of a statement, a statement of solidarity. By going out and wearing a face mask you show that you are taking action, you show other people you are concerned about this, you are concerned about them, you are concerned about yourself. But perhaps conversely by not wearing a face mask that is also a statement as well,” said Kolstoe, pointing to a recent Politico article with the headline “Wearing a mask is for smug liberals. Refusing to is for reckless Republicans.”30
Again, the various approaches to Coronavirus are ignorantly simplified into a black and white scenario of Democrats and Republicans; it is another sticking point that those who advocate herd immunity are labelled as Republican supporters. The politicisation of Covid-19 through characterising lockdown protestors as Republican or “right wing loonies” is nonsense. There is some truth with groups like the armed militias who have latched onto the herd immunity argument, but their reason is more about their stance on civil liberties, than understanding or promoting the concept itself.
Similarly, anyone who has intelligently questioned the mainstream narrative on Coronavirus, has been labelled a “conspiracy theorist” – a term that immediately dismisses outright any counter-argument as fallacious. This has now occurred to a very disturbing degree, with the infringement of free speech by tech giants Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia etc. – banning posts, articles or videos, even if the individual was only commenting upon or analysing another video. There is even now a Big Pharma Conspiracy Theory page on Wikipedia, in a lame effort to offset the extraordinary amount of evidence regarding their abusive practices.
These tech companies have anointed themselves arbiters of truth and “fact-checking”, following the “party line” from WHO, stating, “We will delete anything that contradicts WHO on Covid-19.” Hence now, its quite obvious that many Facebookers will not “like” an article or video, even though they may resonate with it, for fear of that “pre-disposition” being logged on their profile.
The world has been astrally polarised for aeons, despite the fact that in this Fifth Rootrace, mental development has reached an acme of achievement. As stated earlier, many millions are now becoming mentally polarised and this is creating an open gate to take the First Initiation – the awakening of soul consciousness within the heart.
Fear of death is one of the most ancient fears that has been perpetuated by the materialistic Forces since the dark days of the Atlantean destruction. It is forecast that before 2,100 AD, the fear and illusion of death will be eliminated entirely. This is the same date that The Externalisation of the Hierarchy will be in full swing and the Earth will be most closely aligned with the pole star, Polaris! Humanity is due for an almost blinding, illuminating revelation in the not too distant future! Perhaps this current global fear-spike is a forerunner to that realisation:
“Before the close of the next century [21st], death will be finally seen to be nonexistent in the sense in which it is now understood. Continuity of consciousness will be so widely developed, and so many of the highest types of [wo]men will function simultaneously in the two worlds, that the old fear will go …
… The reign of the fear of death is well-nigh ended and we shall soon enter upon a period of knowledge and of certainty which will cut the ground from under all our fears. In dealing with the fear of death, there is little to be done except to raise the whole subject onto a more scientific level, and—in this scientific sense—teach people to die.”31

The Gemini “twins” of the adrenal glands. Technically they are associated with Libra and the kidneys – the two “scales” of Libra that “weigh” or regulate electrolyte balance in the body.
Fear is a global vampire that feeds upon Humanity and has its origin in the lower centres. As part of an ancient instinctual, primordial survival mechanism – here is the “fight or flight” syndrome, the generation of adrenalin from the “twins” of the adrenal glands – associated with the base chakra. Fear’s more modern focus is in the solar plexus centre – seat of the astral body:
“Fear. This is one of the most usual of the manifestations of astral energy, and is put first because it constitutes, for the vast majority, the Dweller on the Threshold and also in the last analysis is the basic astral evil. Every human being knows fear and the range of the fear vibrations extends from the instinctual fears of the savage man based on his ignorance of the laws and forces of nature, and on his terror of the dark and the unknown …
… to the fears so prevalent today of loss of friends and loved ones, of health, of money, of popularity and on to the final fears of the aspirant—the fear of failure, the fear which has its roots in doubt, the fear of ultimate negation or of annihilation, the fear of death (which he shares equally with all humanity) the fear of the great illusion of the astral plane, of the phantasmagoria of life itself, and also fear of loneliness on the Path, even to the very fear of Fear itself.
This list could be largely extended but suffices to indicate the prevalence of fears of all kinds. They dominate most situations and darken many happy moments. They reduce man to a timid and frightened atom of sentient life, standing afraid before the stupendousness of the problems of existence, aware of his insufficiency as a man to cope with all situations and unable to leave his fears and questionings behind and step into his heritage of freedom and of life.
Often he is so ridden by fear that he becomes afraid of his very reason. The picture cannot be too blackly coloured, for fear is the dominant astral energy at this time and sensitive humanity succumbs all too easily to it.”32
Do these bolded sections above sound familiar for our recent crisis? The Materialistic Manipulators are only too aware of these facts about human nature. Have they jumped upon the Covid-19 bandwagon very early via mass media? – a relentless push, almost gleeful reporting the grim daily death toll, pushing some nations down the road of totalitarianism.
There were many reports of hospitals and morgues being over-run with deaths, lack of venilators etc, when the opposite was true in many nations. Mass indoctrination by media create the foundations for population control – where laws enacted during the Covid-19 crisis are not rolled back after the crisis subsides.
Yet the fear-generation mill keeps grinding out further speculations of worst case scenarios, for what real purpose? Such as, children succumbing to a disease related to Covid-19, other more virulent strains of the virus, more waves predicted next season or before next season etc.
It would be easy to keep this charade going indefinitely – or will it? How many millions will exercise some discrimination, see through the façade and take back control of their lives? The following passage is a good example of WHO keeping the fear and uncertainty ball rolling,– due to an “abundance of caution” or for some other agenda?
“WHO warns of “second peak” in areas where Covid-19 declining. Countries where coronavirus infections are declining could still face an “immediate second peak” if they let up too soon on measures to halt the outbreak, the World Health Organization said on Monday. WHO emergencies head Dr Mike Ryan told an online briefing, “We cannot make assumptions that just because the disease is on the way down now it is going to keep going down and we are get a number of months to get ready for a second wave. We may get a second peak in this wave.”33
Saturn-Pluto, Karmic Reapers
The world has mourned and been saddened through the loss of loved ones during these past several months; it has been shocked by a “high” death toll attributed to Covid-19. Questions arise as to the nature and role of disease:
1. Nature “thinning the herd” – of all the weak, sick and infirm, in order for the human race to be stronger and have greater immunity. Bear in mind that 99% of Covid-19 deaths had predisposing illnesses. This applies also to larger entities, such as businesses and corporations – many will not resume their small businesses and some larger corporations are going bankrupt. (Perhaps these entities also had “predisposing illnesses” in their structures?)
2. The majority of deaths in Italy for instance, one of the highest in the world were as follows:
70-100 age group – 80%.
60-100 years – 90%.
50-100 years – 93%.
0-50 years – 7%.
As stated in the previous link, 99% of Covid-19 deaths in Italy had predisposing illnesses and quite a few were over 100 years of age! Time to move on? …
3. Are they incarnation “over stayers”? Due to modern medicine and life extending drugs, the human lifespan has increased to a marked degree in the past 100 years. This brings up the philosophical question, have these people been staying here longer than their allotted time? Many of us have parents or loved ones, who could have easily passed on well before they eventually did, avoiding the pain and suffering of a longer but highly medicated life. In other words, they could have gotten on with their next incarnation, along with others in their soul group.
4. Causes of living an overly long incarnation:
a. Fear of death. Ignorance of the reality of reincarnation. That there is only “oblivion” after death.
No comprehension that death is the great healer and liberator into new life.
b. Living a material, comfortable life based upon the illusion that it is the “only” life.
c. Hanging on to life unduly through religious distortions and fearful superstition of “hell”.
Especially in Latin nations that are dominated by Catholicism.
d. Preoccupation of modern medicine – keeping the form life alive at all costs.
(See Zach Bush MD and his experience with patients saying “Why did you bring me back?” – at 4.10.)
Modern pharmacy that keeps people alive and dependent, reducing the quality of life.
e. Sentimental attachments to family and friends that prevents “moving on”.
Questions then arise,
1. Is this a form of unenlightened living?
2. Is this preservation of the form an economic burden upon health services of any nation? The following passage sums up the situation:
“As regards the lengthening of the span of life during the past century of scientific attainment, I would point out that true techniques and the possibilities of organised soul action are always parodied and falsely demonstrated on the physical plane by the earlier scientific activities which are right in motive but which are only a symbol, on the outer sphere of life, of coming and usually future soul action.
The life span will eventually be shortened or lengthened at will by souls who consciously serve, and use the mechanism of the body as the instrument whereby the Plan is served. Frequently, today, lives are preserved in form—both in old age and in infancy—that could be well permitted liberation. They serve no useful purpose and cause much pain and suffering to forms which nature (left to herself) would not long use, and would extinguish.
Note that word. Through our overemphasis on the value of form life, and through the universal fear of death—that great transition which we must all face—and through our uncertainty as to the fact of immortality, and also through our deep attachment to form, we arrest the natural processes and hold the life, which is struggling to be free, confined to bodies quite unfitted to the purposes of the soul.
Misunderstand me not. I desire to say naught that could place a premium on suicide. But I do say, and I say with emphasis, that the Law of Karma is oft set aside when forms are preserved in coherent expression which should be discarded, for they serve no useful purpose. This preservation is, in the majority of cases, enforced by the subject’s group and not by the subject himself—frequently an unconscious invalid, an old person whose response apparatus of contact and response is imperfect, or a baby who is not normal. These cases constitute definite instances of an offsetting of the Law of Karma.”34
Bill Gates and Eugenics
Some of these statements above might be incorrectly construed as heartless (“thinning of the herd” etc), bordering on eugenics:
“Eugenics is a set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population, typically by excluding people and groups judged to be inferior and promoting those judged to be superior.”35
Eugenics in its modern form is a distorted version of what will emerge in the future:
“The emphasis in the future will shift from the urge to produce large families to that of producing quality and intelligence in the offspring. This will include that science of which eugenics is the distorted and exoteric indication. When the fact of the etheric body with its force centres is scientifically established, the above prophecy will assume significance and meaning.”36
Influential “scientific” people like Bill Gates, Richard Dawkins and Dominic Cummings favour eugenics in its modern form – and are outspoken about it. Eugenics has been most infamously associated with the Nazis eugenics program, hence a contentious topic related to racial discrimination and elitism.
Gates has therefore attracted a lot of negative criticism in his stated desire to decrease global population, but which has been misinterpreted according to some sources. Gates has been vilified for his statements and experiments in third world nations with vaccines, eugenics and Covid-19.
Many have painted him as a malevolent anti-Christ figure, whilst others perceive him as well intended but misguided techno-nut. As a Cancer rising soul purpose, Bill Gates will be featured in the next newsletter for Cancer. Here is a profile of Scorpio Gates by the author 14 years ago.
Gates defends his vaccination quest on Japanese TV.
Returning to the “karmic reapers” – when the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of early January 2020 is considered, shortly after the announcement of Covid-19, both these planets are agents of death: Saturn the “grim reaper” harvests with his scythe all the “ripened” souls – his scythe cuts the cycle of life, allowing another cycle to emerge. Saturn’s karmic laws are always in play – with regard to individuals, groups and nations.
Then there is Pluto, the lord of death, dweller of the underworld – who destroys the crystallised impediments that prevent new life emerging. Pluto the regenerator and transformer. But it is not just physical death that these planets preside over – the death of old institutions, businesses, corporate entities, centuries of wrong thinking and redundant ideas, the financial structure of the world, the global approach to industry and the environment, and so on.
The Corbett Report (2hrs 7′). If blocked in some countries, try this link on Bitchute for part 1 of four parts.

Time magazine 1996 where the “spider at the centre” tendencies were already apparent. Gates also has a ruthless business record with regard to monopolisation of the market and high software prices that gave him his wealth.
Above is an excellent documentary by James Corbett that delves deeply into Gates, his lifetime achievements and the general thrust of his current stance on vaccines. The documentary clearly uncovers Gates’ enthusiasm for eugenics – that has its origin with his father and the Rockefellers – who were strong proponents of this ideology; it also lays bare one of Gates’ main motivations – control – which is a reflection of his Scorpio personality.
In many ways, Gates has replicated Rockefeller’s wealth and charity work, but also doing business under the guise of philanthropy. Here is the fine line that runs between genuine philanthropy and “conditional philanthropy” – using philanthropy to initiate personal agendas without necessarily any consultation with governments of nations; here lie the many intuitive suspicions that the general population has about Gates.
The third ray of active-intelligence is very strong in Gates – its shadow is the “spider at the centre of the web”, devious and continuous manipulation, the schemer. Some of the third ray’s glamours include, cooperation with the Plan in an individual and not a group way, good intentions that are basically selfish, playing “God in the machine”, self-importance from the standpoint of knowing, of efficiency.
For many people these traits ring true and confirm that the many criticisms about Gates are not unfounded. His interviews are full of obfuscating hand gestures, disingenuity, evasiveness and at times, outright lies. The author would not go so far as to label Gates “evil” or the “anti-Christ” – perhaps ignorant or misinformed, though he does play into the hands of those material forces that control the controller.
As the “spider”, Gates has replicated his earlier achievements with Microsoft, through a vast interlocking network of foundations, corporations, WHO, research laboratories etc; all of which he has considerably funded, and which appear to be directed toward a “master plan” – or as he inadvertently (?) stated in one interview, “the final solution”!
Some Nations and Statistics
As reported in the author’s Coronavirus I report in March 2020, the annual flu toll in Italy is around 23,000 deaths. The current Covid-19 toll – that has extended well beyond the flu season is around 33,000 deaths. That is taking into consideration that many non-Covid deaths reported as Covid deaths – there were not sufficient means of testing, ordinary flu (up to about seven types) was classed as Covid etc. When these factors are taken into account, the morbidity rate is about the same as seasonal flu.
“The annual flu season in Europe is from October 15, 2017 to January 31, 2018 (14 weeks). In three winter flu seasons in Italy from 2013/14 to 2016/17, one study showed that an estimated average of 5.29 million cases occurred in Italy, with more than 68,000 deaths attributable to flu epidemics in the study period. That is around 23,000 influenza deaths annually, a 1.2% mortality rate for a nation that has historically higher influenza mortality compared to other European countries. especially in the elderly.”37
Note this figure of 23,000 deaths is for 14 weeks of the flu season. Add another 16 weeks from Jan.31 to May 31 – the figure of 33,000 deaths for the entire season does not look dire at all. Currently at the end of May 2020, worldwide deaths attributed to Covid-19 are listed at 336,000. And yet CDC statistics for common flu state:
“A study published in the Lancet that was conducted by the Centers for Disease Control shows that on average a severe flu season results in around 650,000 deaths worldwide. In comparison to that, a mild one kills around 300,000. The study also reported that in recent years the flu has killed around 12,000 Americans in a mild season and 56,000 in a severe season.”38
Hence, from a global perspective this is a “mild flu season” of around 300,000 deaths. USA’s death toll is around 100,000 at the end of May, well above the “56,000 of a severe season”. Yet how accurate are these statistics, given all the variables that have already been mentioned? Non-Covid reported as Covid, pre-disposing illness, encouragement to list deaths as Covid etc.
South-East Asia and Japan
As yet, none of other nations that score a very low death rate, have been examined or explained, why? South-East Asia for instance, right on China’s doorstep:
“Some countries have surprisingly low statistics, that is of course if deaths are being reported or recorded accurately. Take the south-east Asian nations for instance, with a combined population of 244 million, reported in May 2020: Thailand (2931 cases/52 deaths), Cambodia (122/0), Myanmar (146/5), Laos (19/0) and Vietnam (270/0). 57 deaths out of 244 million!”39
According to a report in Newsweek, Japan did not use lockdown procedures and is now officially ending its emergency with 850 deaths out of 16,651 cases, a 5% mortality rate (*of reported cases*) – in a country where there is a very high proportion of old people in their 80’s and 90’s.
If one peruses the list of nations on Worldometer, there are dozens with little or no cases and deaths – why?
Covid-19 Politics in Germany
Already there are protests around the world, most notably in the USA and Germany, ruled over by Pisces in its personality; it is a European nation that has had a much lower mortality rate than its neighbours (4.6%). For instance, Germany has about the same amount of recorded cases as France (15.6%), but a quarter of the deaths.
Germans are particularly sensitive to their Nazi legacy and can instantly “smell” totalitarianism in any of its forms – as the German government continues with its allegedly heavy-handed approach to handling Coronavirus. Physical distancing rules have also been referred to as “social Holocaust”, affecting elderly members of society the most.
Hitler rose to power in the 1930’s when Uranus was going through Taurus, as it is today. (The author has written much about this cycle repeating 84 years later: “Uranus in Taurus: Then and Now – The Rise of Fascism”. (2018). Already articles in allegedly “progressive”, though essentially mainstream media like the UK Guardian – are trashing the German demonstrators as “conspiracy theorists”.
These demonstrations and movements have been genuinely established from deep thinking people who have the good of the whole at heart. Other fringe groups – the “Gemini twins” of the far left and far right, are taking advantage to create their own chaos and disaffection with the system. The grass roots movement of “Widerstand 2020” is headed by a lawyer, a psychologist and an ear, nose and throat specialist. A German co-worker sent the following assessment in late May:
“It’s lamentable that The Guardian is singing to the tune of the biased mainstream reporting in Germany. The conventional media are all completely conforming with the government. The space of dialogue has narrowed to ‘arrow slit size’ as one alternative journalist has aptly called it.
The anti-Corona measures are unfounded and uncalled for, which becomes more obvious by the day. Government and mainstream media have difficulty to logically justify this, but the measures continue. People go to the streets in many cities and also in the internet the voices calling for an immediate stop of this madness are becoming louder. Doctors get organised in their public message and also lawyers.

Guarding heading says: “Coronavirus: dozens arrested in Berlin protesting against lockdown – video.”
The new political party mentioned in the Guardian article ‘Widerstand 2020’ is in fact founded by a doctor and a lawyer, quite regular people with the heart at the right spot and a common sense mind – in two weeks they got over 100,000 members. Now they are overwhelmed by the sheer interest on one side – and the attacks on the other – cyber or personal threats.
There have been peaceful demonstrations, colorful, creative and respectful, you also see more and more people just sitting there in meditation. In some cities Widerstand is used and undermined by right wing groups and especially violent left wing groups. The extremists on both sides use these demonstrations as their battle field. What a craziness!
Some organisers manage to keep a good relationship with the police, reaching out to them on a human level, and really cooperate. Conscious effort is being made by the demonstrators, which is great to see. But in other cities, especially in the South district of Bavaria, the police are unmeasurably harsh – and people are stunned by this, its really hard to believe. Old stuff is surfacing. I heard yesterday that the government building in Berlin has now a fence constructed around it. But I couldn’t verify it yet.
The main worrying thing for me is the censoring taking place more and more, or perhaps I become aware of it more and more. YouTube videos are being deleted and the alternative thinkers go with their messages onto other platforms.
Mainstream media either ignore, belittle or attack this democratic movement, which only calls for the Basic Law to be re-instituted. They call them conspiracy theorists and extremists, and it’s amazing how both the extreme left and right make use of the anti-Semitism card. So confusing, each uses it to fit its agenda.
This uprising cannot fit into a box system of left and right anymore. This box system is imploding. I’m following the happenings rather breathlessly at the moment. We must stand steady as pillars of reason and right relations in this storm. This huge fear thoughtform which has been brewing up on our planet – is dismantling the old system. Really breathtaking.
Today there were demonstrations in many cities, again some cities really peaceful and actually beautiful in the cooperation with the police, and in other places completely awful. There is an actual suppression of the freedom to gather and to demonstrate, with all kinds of tricks. And there is more and heavier police force being used.
I send you here a coverage of the brutal arresting of Attila Hildmann, a celebrity in the German speaking space, who had a license to publicly speak in Berlin but was prevented by police to reach the locality. It was leaked that police forces on the ground received the briefing before the demonstration to find a way to arrest him on some ground. This is unbelievable. Watch it asap as it is quite sure to vanish from YouTube.” (Uta Gabay.)
Forensic medical examiner, Prof. Klaus Püschel – interviewed about what he describes as “exaggeration” of the Coronavirus pandemic.
“Nobody Died of Covid in Hamburg without Previous illnesses”.
Sweden – Versus Britain, France, Italy, Germany
Sweden followed the herd immunity route and has been vilified in the mainstream press because of their 12% mortality rate. Sweden admits that they were not quick enough to protect their nursing homes which by far outnumber other Scandinavian nations – and which added considerably to their death toll.
The perspectives offered by just a few of the following articles have been criticised as “hit pieces”, biased in favour of Big Pharma’s lockdown policy, dictated and intimidated through governments – e.g. The Guardian. Washington Post. The Guardian.
Yet Britain, who was at first taking the herd immunity route, dithered and switched to lockdown too late. Observers say that this was responsible for their high mortality rate, which in late May 2020 is 14% – a little higher than Sweden. Italy followed strict lockdown, yet its death rate is also 14%. Likewise France 15.6%. If the deaths per million are examined below, UK is 646, Italy 545 and France 437 – Sweden 418.
Here can be seen how easily statistics can be manipulated, many of which are inaccurate or manipulated in the first place! But simply taking these statistics from Worldometer as “accurate”, then the fuss about Sweden’s herd immunity approach may we unwarranted and misleading.
Hence, the dubious efficacy of lockdown. Some argue that the success of Australia and New Zealand’s low mortality rate (1.44% and 1.46%), was not due to draconian lockdown measures and cringe-worthy mantras of “stay at home you idiot” – but good herd immunity. Again, it will be months or years before any really stable and non-biassed analyses have been completed, painting a clearer picture.
The Role of Tech Giants
Well known Canadian author and social activist – Naomi Klein (Taurus sun, Venus, Mars, Moon in Gemini), makes some astute observations about the global situation in a recent article: How big tech plans to profit from the pandemic. Some excerpts and commentaries follow:
“This is a future in which, for the privileged, almost everything is home delivered, either virtually via streaming and cloud technology, or physically via driverless vehicle or drone, then screen “shared” on a mediated platform. It’s a future that employs far fewer teachers, doctors and drivers. It accepts no cash or credit cards (under guise of virus control), and has skeletal mass transit and far less live art.
It’s a future that claims to be run on “artificial intelligence”, but is actually held together by tens of millions of anonymous workers tucked away in warehouses, data centres, content-moderation mills, electronic sweatshops, lithium mines, industrial farms, meat-processing plants and prisons, where they are left unprotected from disease and hyper-exploitation. It’s a future in which our every move, our every word, our every relationship is trackable, traceable and data-mineable by unprecedented collaborations between government and tech giants.”40
Note the phrase “data centres and content-moderation mills” – these are already well established, with “troll farms” consisting of thousands of employees in many nations – USA, Russia and China – all peddling misinformation and propaganda, undermining elections etc.
“Google CEO Eric Schmidt, who joined the governor’s [Cuomo] briefing to announce that he will be heading up a panel to reimagine New York state’s post-Covid reality, with an emphasis on permanently integrating technology into every aspect of civic life … Lest there be any doubt that the former Google chair’s goals were purely benevolent, his video background featured a framed pair of golden angel wings.”
This is a very worrying trend for civil libertarians, seen as taking emotional advantage of the crisis, especially in hard hit NYC and its high mortality rate. Schmidt has enormous influence and is the chairman of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, and the Defense Innovation Board.
Like Bill Gates and Elon Musk, Schmidt is convinced that technology is the answer to current problems, being a big promoter of 5G, thousands of satellites colonising the stratosphere etc. It is argued by many that this is a technology devoid of compassion – cold, calculating, efficient, humorless – the worst traits of the third ray of active intelligence, blended with the fifth ray of science.
“Anuja Sonalker, the CEO of Steer Tech, a Maryland-based company selling self-parking technology, recently summed up the new virus-personalised pitch. “There has been a distinct warming up to humanless, contactless technology,” she said. “Humans are biohazards, machines are not.”
We see already, the mass “uniformication” of the world, where those who do not wear masks are vilified or marginalised; this is a shadow expression of the seventh ray of Organisation, currently emerging into stronger expression, especially through Capricorn where several planets are now transiting.
“About location tracking and cash-free commerce obliterating our privacy and entrenching racial and gender discrimination. About unscrupulous social media platforms poisoning our information ecology and our kids’ mental health. About “smart cities” filled with sensors supplanting local government.”41
The Coronavirus pandemic, still arguably/contentiously no more virulent than the seasonal flu, has been the catalyst for these changes that are being foisted upon Humanity without democratic discussion, pushing through more draconian laws, no option for voting etc. – all for “our own good”. An interesting article here criticises New Zealand’s government, “Are New Zealand’s new COVID-19 laws and powers really a step towards a police state?”
Previous newsletters have analysed that flawed entity known as the World Health Organisation (WHO), compromised by Big Pharma, funding from Bill Gates and authoritative pronouncements by Dr. Fauci. Big Tech is falling in behind WHO and dictating medical policy – an unholy marriage of selfish interests that constitute a dictatorship.
Lest there be any doubts about the disingenous nature of these directing influences, here is a reminder about the extraordinary chain of events that unfolded in late 2019 to early 2020 (full details at this link), leading up to the announcement of the coronavirus strain known as Covid-19. This is not “conspiracy theory” but facts in the public record that reflect some extraordinary “coincidences”:
- 18 Oct, 2019 – Pandemic simulation “Event 201” held in NYC – WHO, Gates, government agencies.
- 18-27 Oct, 2019 – Wuhan military games, city that is home to a WHO-funded, high security virus lab.
- 17 Nov, 2019 – earliest confirmed case of Covid-19 virus in China. Further dates that emerge in 2020:
- 1, Jan, 2020 – China announces the virus to the world.
- 10 Jan, 2020 – Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn for the first time in 500 years.
- 21 Jan, 2020 – Netflix quietly releases its new series Pandemic.
- 24-27 Jan, 2020 – WEF (World Economic Forum) in Davos meets to discuss global problems and economic policy.
- 30 Jan, 2020 – WHO declared COVID-19 a Public Health Emergency – with only 150 known cases outside of China.
- Feb-Mar, 2020 – Covid-19 spreads throughout the world, with most nations implementing containment strategy.
- Mar. 11, 2020 – WHO declared a pandemic, giving a green light for implementing the 2010 “Lockstep” plan.
- May 31, 2020 – Most nations coming out of lockdown. Globally 6,081,679 cases, 368,120 deaths. 6% mortality from reported cases, much lower if unreported cases are included, and even lower if statistics for pre-existing conditions, annual flu etc, are removed.
The 2009 Swine Flu – Hoax?
The current coronavirus “panic-demic” was orchestrated back in 2009 – in its incarnation as the H1N1 virus or swine flu. There was just as much misinformation and manipulation then as there is today with Covid-19:
“In July 2009, the WHO Director General predicted with authority that: “as many as 2 billion people could become infected over the next two years — nearly one-third of the world population.” (World Health Organization as reported by the Western media, July 2009). It was a multibillion bonanza for Big Pharma supported by the WHO’s Director-General Margaret Chan, who stated:
“On the basis of … expert assessments of the evidence, the scientific criteria for an influenza pandemic have been met. I have therefore decided to raise the level of influenza pandemic alert from Phase 5 to Phase 6. The world is now at the start of the 2009 influenza pandemic … Vaccine makers could produce 4.9 billion pandemic flu shots per year in the best-case scenario”. (Margaret Chan, June 2009.)42
There was no investigation into who was behind this multibillion fraud, with several critics saying that the H1N1 Pandemic was “Fake”:
“The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), a human rights watchdog, is publicly investigating the WHO’s motives in declaring a pandemic. Indeed, the chairman of its influential health committee, epidemiologist Wolfgang Wodarg, has declared that the “false pandemic” is “one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century.” (Forbes, February 10, 2010.)”43
In 2009, hundreds of children suffered severe – receiving about £90 million from the UK government. Around the world, 60 million people, most of them children, received the vaccine. It was subsequently revealed that the vaccine, Pandemrix, can cause narcolepsy and cataplexy in about one in 16,000 people.”44
Within a few months from April 2009, WHO declared pandemic levels 4, 5 and 6 – then discontinued level 6 and the gathering of any further information by July 2009. In all, 182,000 people were listed as infected, with 1,800 deaths! The exaggerations of the original projections for 2 billion infections has been blamed on some scientists within WHO, who witnessed the high human mortality rate effects of the 2005 Avian bird flu.45
Doctors Fauci and Birx, on behalf of WHO, fully supported and promoted that widespread deaths would occur and a need for mass vaccinations. These deaths never came to pass anywhere near the projected figures of 2 billion infected Subsequently, millions of purchased vaccines were destroyed.
Similarly, 2020 scare-mongering of inflated statistics from London’s Imperial College and Dr. Neil Ferguson of up to 500,000 deaths drove many fear-based health decisions for Covid-19 – in Britain and most of the world. Ferguson was caught breaking lockdown due to extra-marital adventures and has subsequently resigned. Interesting that people in these positions of power who are dictating public policy are flouting the rules, considering themselves above the law – like fellow Brit, Dominic Cummings, the PM’s main advisor/puppeteer.
If there is any good to come from this “pandemic” – populations may observe better hygiene. As stated in other newsletters, it appears from the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak that the Virgo arm of the mutable cross (of which Gemini is part), has been highly activated through its well known health theme – but exaggerated to the point of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder).
This OCD aspect of Virgo is well known – “is it clean or is it Virgo-clean?”, the “germophobe”, “boy in a bubble” – “anally retentive”, lower expressions of Virgo – the polarity of the Piscean Age that is just ending. Is this what happens at the end of any age – that the most extreme elements of the polarities are expressed? What are the extremes of the Pisces Age? Neptune, deception, glamour and mass consciousness again! Do we need to stop sanitizing everything and let bacteria back in our lives?:
“Microbial diversity is essential to keep the immune system working properly – over sanitisation destroys that opportunity and paradoxically lowers immunity. Hygienic practices are important and have saved many lives – but everything in moderation say the wise. The overuse of antibiotics and antiseptics is impacting the ability to maintain a balance of healthy microbes in our bodies and environments. Studies continue to prove that harmful species will exploit areas with too few good bacteria to fight back. Sterility should not be our goal.”46
Coronavirus Part VI
Addendum: USA, the Wounded Gemini: African Americans
Recent Video Presentations by the Author
(USR Conference May 2020)
Astro-Rayolgy of the Global Crisis 2020 (58′)
An Aquarian Renaissance (Part I – 30′)
An Aquarian Renaissance (Part II – 1 hr 17′)
Esoteric Chart Analyses (1 hr 5′)
Phillip Lindsay © 2020.
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Stripe is supported in many countries. Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.677. Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles, Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.556. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.389. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.349. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.197. [↩]
- Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Alice A. Bailey.p.30. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.353-4. [↩]
- Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Alice A. Bailey. [↩]
- GlobalResearch [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.171. [↩]
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.340. [↩]
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- Light of the Soul, Alice A. Bailey. p.381. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.626. [↩]
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- The Labours of Hercules, Alice A. Bailey. [↩]
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- BusinessInsider [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.161. [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.70. [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.442-3. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p. 297-8. [↩]
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- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.350-1. [↩]
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- Education in the New Age, Alice A. Bailey. p.133. [↩]
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Thank you for this…A lot to consider…………
As a Luddite,,,,, & Scorpio Rising I take NOTHING at face value
Thanks for bringing to ‘mind’ these aspects of the huge panic that has caught all of us in its grasp, whether agreed to or not.
I thought I had previously signed up for your news, letter… oh well, maybe a shaky memory.
Your newsletters each month particularly through this incredible world shift have been my go to for equanimity, insight and sanity supported by your meticulous research. Just the scope and breadth of each newsletter and it’s uncommon sense in a world of common nonsense is so heart and soul lifting. We are the New World Servers and this is our time. Thank you again.
Thank you so much. You and your work brilliant.
My query regarding these dark forces that, apparently, know all about occult/natural laws, is why unaware of karma – the MAIN natural law?