One Response to Leo 2019: Sirius. Dag Hammarsköjld & the UN. Britain’s Crisis. Boris Johnson. Leo London. Make America “Grate” & Ilhan Omar.

  1. Adam says:

    Ah Phillip, you are like fine wine that gets better with age. I very much enjoyed your writings this month. With the closing of the annual Leo festival, I offer the following hypothesis:

    As many are aware, the energy of Sirius passes directly to the Hierarchy and not normally through Shamballa. Given this alignment and the augmentation of Hierarchical force working through humanity in relation to the recent overflow of energy from Shamballa, I hypothesize the perversions by those on the left hand path (working through the force of government) may soon find their efficacy lessened in light of a growth of Hierarchical presence in humanity at or below the second initiation. I am of course basing this hypothesis partially on the fact that Sirius working down through the Sun in conjunction with Venus, forms a triangle with the Earth, Mars and Pluto – an important triangle for those passing onto the probationary path. The hypothesis extends to two parts: (1) this full moon brings Hierarchical Sirian force deeper into humanity than is normally felt and (2) the augmentation of Hierarchical presence in humanity will help to balance or offset the misuse of 1st Ray energy. Practically, this might be seen retrospectively as a weakening of the ability of demagoguery to either squeeze emotional obeisance or the foment chaos in/from from the masses.

    With respect to point (1) mentioned above, alignment of the moon at one’s feet and the sun conjunct Venus at one’s head allows for a taste of Sirian energies to those who have not yet taken the 3rd initiation as the Sun-Venus conjunction during the full moon in Leo is a potent mirror of Hierarchical force for those that have not yet passed through the 3rd initiation. As you know, after the 3rd initiation, the chela can consciously put the moon at one’s feet (esoterically keep the moon full) and maintain the sun at one’s head and thus align with Sirius as a dominant life energy apart from the alignment imparted by Hierarchical festivals. I am of course omitting the role of Mercury from this paragraph, but we know the importance of the 4th ray in the life of the disciple and its importance when outlining the interplay between Sirius, the Sun and the Moon.

    As always, your astrological reflections are deeply appreciated.

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