13 Responses to Leo 2022: Honoré de Balzac. Leo, Sirius and Masonry. Leo Russia and Geneva. Venus in Leo.

  1. Malik says:

    I appreciate you and your work.

  2. Carol Reed says:

    Always interested in your work

  3. Vicki L Naas says:

    You wrote, “The 7th ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic is of course most conducive to solemn ritual”. DK describes how our planetary Logos expresses his existence through constant ritual involving light and sound. One can imagine the potency of “solemn ritual” if we are reflecting the planetary Logos as He wields 7th Ray energy. Perhaps it is for these reasons that the Agni Yoga books include so many references to the attitude of solemnity. Two quotes follow:

    “Solemnity should be strengthened by the concept of Brotherhood. It ought not to remain an empty sound. To affirm solemnity means to sing hymns to the rising sun. It must be realized what purification is vouchsafed at being filled with health – giving solemnity. “[Brotherhood Pg. 115]

    Urusvati maintains solemnity even in moments of danger. Few can appreciate the power of this shield. Amidst stormy currents the rock of solemnity holds firm. With it, man can draw upon any force within himself and forge from it an invincible armor. People should realize that solemnity is the best bridge to Us. Our help reaches them most easily through the channel of solemnity. [Supermundane Pg. 129]

    Finally, you mention the 2025 conclave, an event for which we are all preparing in our meditations. Have you ever thought about doing a horoscope for the centennial conference, the date being fixed at the December solstice? Even if it just an imaginative exercise, I think all of your students would be fascinated. Only an esoteric astrologer could approach the task, so I think it must be you. Thank you.

    1. good points Vicki, I think the most appropriate chart would be Wesak 2025 when there is an alignment between Sanat Kumara, Christ and the Buddha in a transmitting triangle.

  4. david says:

    Hello Phillip, a pleasure to read you and to be able to answer you, we share very similar knowledge as well as the effort to make them close.

    The theme of the Crop Circle is incredible…, just observing its beauty one is amazed.

    I comment a bit on Leo-Balzac-Russia with the intention of enriching.

    The Soul requires that every subject with a Leo ascendant experience “the light of knowledge” (Taurus) as their higher reality (10th house).

    This experience on the objective plane of “that light” gives the Leo subject the power of self-affirmation, from the inside out, thus perceiving on the outside a greater conscious reality of ” that light” or knowledge of himself.

    Because of the immense power that the 10th house of Balzac has, it seems clear that the writer was France’s inherited powerful talent, a great light, a deep knowledge. His Mercury/North Node opposition Neptune/South Node, both angular, suggests so.

    On the other hand, it is very important to note that Leo’s esoteric ruler, the Sun, agrees with Taurus. This powerful Sun (in this case purified personality) surely veils the meanings of Neptune, but also the inspiration of Uranus and governs and/or suffers the regenerative experience that Pluto promises in the 7th house.

    For me both Uranus and Pluto (ruled hierarchically and exoterically by Jupiter) are his “leonine walks” through his beloved Paris, here Jupiter, through its ruling power, organized, or rather unified, the discoveries and dualities involved in his experiences.

    I have not studied Balzac’s biography, but in their overflowing, passionate and creative attitudes I detect the presence of the 4th Ray, powerfully reflected in Taurus/Scorpio. I’m not saying it’s his soul ray, but maybe it’s his personality.

    On the other hand it is clear that if we think of Aquarius as the path of the Soul for Russia, it seems clear that its powerful self-affirmation, (Leo ruler of its personality), uses the environment selfishly, to impose itself, to demonstrate an “I am” . But the superior quality of Leo knows that “I am” is meaningless without “you are” and this is not Russia’s current attitude.

    Russia should let its neighboring countries approach it because of the “unifying magic” (7ºR-Aquarius) of its proposal, because of the radiant power of its internal organization, and not because of its warlike self-affirmation projected towards external forms, (Leo -6ºR – personality).

    But as Phillip said in one of his answers: “the irony with Russia and USA is that even though they are part of the troika (with UK) of the Aquarian Age (both Aquarian souls) they also carry the baggage of the Piscean Age with their sixth ray personalities”.

    And I add: perhaps it is for this last reason that they are Aquarian Souls, right?

    Thanks for sharing

    1. Yes, perhaps Balzac was like a prowling lion observing his Parisian jungle! I disagree about Russia, I think it has been incredibly restrained. Already neighbouring countries are “approaching” it via an economic avenue which was created by Western sanctions that totally backfired. Not ideal, but that is happening. Perhaps there needs to be a financial “reset” for better relations between these nations and that is already happening in several ways: Through these sanctions, but also imposed by the WEF, banks and various bodies. It appears Russia wants to stand outside all of that and foster its Leonine independence. Thanks as always for your great commentaries David!

      1. David says:

        Hello Phillip forgive my vehemence but there is “something” that I want to express …,

        What use has his enormous sacrifice served Russia?…, wars, hunger and death …, you can tell me that it has served to destroy Nazism or to implant the ideal of Communism and I will say, it is true…, but, what is the point of continuing to destroy? …., what has happened to the Light of Gorbachev? …, because confrontation with the USA seems to be the only way? …, where is the Russian Soul? …, where are the initiatives with their own light? …, there is no intelligence to propose without antagonizing? .., isn’t it better to lead by example? …, and after so much death …., they still don’t know how?

        Esoterically, it is true that Shamballa at the moment only can works through the destructive aspect of Pluto, and truly God’s patience, the Solar Logos, has no limits .., but as the Christ told us, “God lives in your heart”…, and I sincerely do not believe that in the heart of Russia there is a God who desires so much death and destruction!

        It is the obligation (and here we place all countries) of every president of a nation to watch over Life and not death.

        What hurts me the most about this confrontation that Russia and Ukraine now suffer so much is that there can be no deserters, you are forced to fight for “something” that is not really in the Heart of Humanity.

        Arjuna fought against evil, but are we really to think that the West is evil? …., No, just like the East is not!

        Thank you

        1. David,
          it appears from your comments that you have paid no attention to the fact that the West started this war, it loaded the gun and Russia was forced to pull the trigger. I wonder if you have been following my newsletter commentaries this year – or reading/watching the many links I have supplied, when you make remarks like this, because they appear to ignore the causes that I have been at pains to iterate and reiterate.

          In many ways Russia is fighting for its soul, for its autonomy, redressing the crimes against it for the past 8 years in the Donbass. This is what I mean by the restrained actions of Russia, and now they are committed to completing the task it set out to do. Yes there is much suffering and this is heartbreaking for everyone, but the purpose of NATO and Western aspirations for dominance are what many people would call evil.

          If you cannot see this then you may have been duped by the propaganda war that plays on sentimentality and emotion, placing Ukraine as the underdog. This, 99% of the world media are all completely on board, on the same page, making a seamless segway from coronavirus propaganda to Ukraine.

          Doesn’t that strike you as strange – that the global narrative decided that Russia is evil and all the other nations are not? This is an attempt to keep alive a decrepit old thoughtform of the evil Soviet empire from the cold war of last century. Again, I wonder if you and other readers of my newsletters have even bothered to read and reflect upon them or skipped over them because “politics is boring” or “not spiritual”?

          I encourage anyone who wants to catch up with my commentaries to go to this special link on Russia-Ukraine: https://esotericastrologer.org/esoteric-astrology/esoteric-astrology-general/#russ – that covers these following topics:

          The Crisis of Ukraine and Russia 2022
          ___High Hypocrisy and Historical Amnesia
          ___Vladimir Putin: A Disciple of Shamballa?
          ___The Problem of NATO and the USA
          ___Maidan Uprising or Euromaidan 2014
          ___Ukraine Civil War
          ___Nord Stream Gas Pipelines
          ___Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Ukraine President
          ___USA’s Transits and the Sixth Ray
          ___Bioweapons Labs
          ___Ukraine’s Transits and Progressions
          ___“No Nuclear War Allowed” …
          ___Born in Ukraine: Helena P. Blavatsky & Russia
          Prof. John J. Mearsheimer on Ukraine (July 2022)

          1. david says:

            Of course, Phillip, I am informed of all (or almost all) the most specific details of the conflict, such as:

            The nefarious actions of NATO, the promises that NATO made to Gorbachev; the link that the independent Ukrainians had with the Nazis; the territorial conflict of the Dombas and the island of Crimea; the economic pressures that Russia suffers; the political conflict of the Maidan and also that of Belarus with Lukachenco; your writings, (not all); Chomsky’s invaluable views on the conflict; the opinions of different pro-Russian or pro-American politicians; my own (internal) sources of information and my own view of the conflict, horoscopes involved; the valuable comments and reflections that DK dedicates to the nations…,

            My comment was intended to be a call to the Heart, to Unity, to the fact that it is difficult for me to understand that the only solution is confrontation, although perhaps it was not understood, my language is not English, I use the translator… , and such an abstract comment is very likely to have been “distorted” by the words and syntax used by the translator.

            For me, the reason for what is happening in Ukraine is not on either side, we live in a duality that must be unified.

            I think that the solution should be simple, a pact between brothers and neighbors, which is what Russia and Ukraine really are; a pact where the West, led by the USA, should second from diplomacy and goodwill.

            But of course, with the USA (and part of Europe) supporting Ukraine with weapons and a Russia so resentful of the West, it is difficult to achieve it.

            Thank you

            1. Yes agreed David. Given the West’s total intransigence currently, it may well be Russia that brings UK and USA into a triangular alignment.

  5. Bob Jordan says:

    Is it possible that Balzac was a senior disciple. Is there any evidence that he may have taken an initiation? It has been occurring to me as of late that I seem to have in some ways an unusually strong attraction to Leo and that it may stem from my Aquarius rising. I do have Pluto and Mars in Leo but the two are not close to each other and do not form any major aspects. As an usual your newsletter is very informative and stretches my understanding.

  6. Carlos Urtasun says:

    “Don’t be anti-war, but pro right human relations”. Not a quotation letter by letter, but the gist of a valuable lesson I try to aspire towards. My interpretation of the new “multi polar world”, of BRICS (now expanding) of which Russia is a important part of, is that it seems that instead of fighting the US hegemony head on – they try to build a new vortex of economical energy. And it is attracting new members fast. We’ll see in the coming 25 years how this will have played out.

  7. Juraci Roberto Mendes says:

    Thank you, Phillip this was great!
    Funny how that mansonry crop cyrcle also reminded me of Ashtar’s symbol.

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