21 Responses to Libra 2022: Equinox. The Law, Sex & Money. Pluto in Aquarius. Elizabeth II. King Charles III. Putin. Master Rákóczi.

  1. kathryn says:

    Philip, i have followed with great interest your works over the years/decades. As a maternal type, i haven’t quite known what use to make of the sweeping insights, so find myself mostly tongue-tied in understanding. I would love to dialog with you at some point about how to use these great insights to contribute to greater personal and collective light. My own heart leans towards the cultivation of loving understanding in relationships, i.e. how the soul’s light meets personal development within enfolded systems (like family, neighborhood, regional and national cultures). I think your appeal for funds is well grounded so sent you something. Best, K PS Thanks for sharing that Sept 8th is the birthday of Mary, as that is mine as well, ha! The mother….so funny

  2. I found this newsletter fascinating, especially as the peacemaker Libra features It
    was a great relief to read about the hypocricy of the US, and its negative actions,
    rather than demonizing Libran Putin. Maybe I have missed it, but in any of your
    newsletters have you explained why the US imposes its will on the world, using
    both military and economic warfare. and is now confronting Russia and China in
    order to retain its world dominance? Look forward to attending the Libra full moon 2022; meditation and weibinar

    1. thanks Beverley, I have written much on the USA in the past 20 years in my books and here: https://esotericastrologer.org/esoteric-astrology/esoteric-astrology-general/#usa You can find sections on most nations on this page, China, Russia etc.

  3. Very good analysis, especially of the gender obsession of the liberal classes. It seems there is much confusion in the youth these days, which the incoming energies have stimulated.

  4. Vicki L Naas says:

    Dear Phillip,

    1. “Visionary artist” Alex Grey appears to be suffering from a slight case of schizophrenia.

    2. Regarding the current “gender obsession” phenomena in our times. I struggle to understand, even after reading your insights. My only insight is that it is a Uranian influence now coming into prominence in the Aquarian age. The Piscean Age, was binary, like the glyph of the two fishes with the binding cord connecting them. The Aquarian Age, like the glyph of the two wavy lines, indicates a “continuum”; “neither this nor that”. By explanation, I am invoking the life-work of the British scientist, Rupert Sheldrak, in characterizing all life processes as a “continuum”. The Uranian influence is freeing and cannot be contained in tidy little conforming boxes like Newtonian physics [neither man nor woman]. Rather, we are looking at particle physics where everything is pure energy in motion, in other words, a continuum [both man and woman]. Interestingly, Uranus as 1st Ray energy, indicates synthesis or “everything simultaneously”. Put that concept in a human sexuality context and it confuses our brains and identities. As a legatee of the Victorian Era, my inculturated response is “just stop it, right now!”.

    3. Money: If anyone deserves more money, you do. However, whenever I find more “green-backs”, I send it off to save starving elephants in two continents. My question to you, kind Phillip is, “You or the elephants?”

    4. Finally, you make me laugh sometimes with your deep philosophical enigmas. I am addressing your reference to “fitting the saddle to the horse” or vice versa. Really?

    Thanks Phillip.

    1. Aquarius is one of the signs of androgyny and experimentation, as is Libra – both signs have Uranus in common as exoteric/esoteric rulers. The Tibetan says:

      Out of the many sexual experiments now going on, the coming generation will arrive at a point of balance and then, as a consequence, they will tip the scales in the desired and desirable direction. Of this there is no question of doubt; there is only the point in time and this will be astrologically determined. Through the legal minds and through right legislation, sex will be seen eventually to be a proper and divine function and will then be safeguarded by right education of the young and the ignorant, and the right action of the young and highly intelligent emerging generation—the children and babies of today.”

      The main point I was making in the newsletter is that whilst there is plenty of Aquarian/Uranian experimentation going on – sexuality and just about everything else is being hijacked by the material forces – with their attempted and successful corruption everywhere. Neptune in Pisces is not making things any easier as most of the world is susceptible to its lower expression of glamour.

    2. Carlos says:

      Not my place to comment on point no 3 regarding “You or the Elephants?” – but – always a but 🙂
      since this is a greater question for the community – as a whole. ( and why you, Vicky, should not take this personally)

      My thinking is this: The spirit of goodwill, of sharing, and giving for a cause (pick one), has been increasing for many decades. The environment, poverty, animals, etc is something many many millions of people a drawn to donate too, or help in any way the can. All of course to their capabilities, and level of consciousness.

      But when we come to a cause, as our Dear Phillip here, (sorry to call you a cause) the candidates for giving goes down to the hundreds, maybe much less (I don’t really know). That puts those candidates in a special position. To abilitate a person like Phillip – that inspires thousands in their thinking, which in turn each person that is inspired does their share in their world.

      To abilitate someone like Phillip (as an example…) ranks a fair bit higher than an elephant for me – and I love elephants, and birds and pot bellied pigs (had one for 13 years!) but so does a great majority of the goodwilling peoples of our world! Whereas, not many know of a “Phillip”. Therefore, for us that DO, we do have a different choice to make.

      I know I need to do much better in this regard.
      I hope no one takes offense (so easily these days 😉 )

  5. Vicki L Naas says:

    Your point taken. Well said. The Tibetan said that Neptune can represent the Christ and in the sign of Pisces, 12th house, it can mean “Christ the Savior”. This obviously is the higher expression of these energies. However, I was reminded by a couple of mundane astrologers that Neptune can also represent death and decay as a ruler in the 4th house. These astrologers noted that there is a growing trend among Chinese youth to simply walk away from their soul-killing mortgaged lives and they have the saying in Chinese that translates, “Let it rot”. The young Chinese are literally abandoning their materialist lives much like the hippies did in the 1960’s. This speaks to your observation of “corruption everywhere”; a necessary process of dying before new life arises yet again. I try to remember there is a beneficial side to the corruption and death of worn-out forms as I live through the deterioration of every institution in the US. Whatever beliefs we had in the old- world order is getting smashed to pieces as Uranus in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius for the 3rd and last time this year in the sign of Libra.

    All the best,

    1. Its not only the death of the Piscean age with its esoteric ruler Pluto doing destruction, but also full into the Kali Yuga of the 5th rootrace – a changing of signs and rootraces, the latter over an immense period of time. Eventually in millions of years, the human race will become hermaphrodite again, as it was before Individualisation 21 million years ago – but this time with developed consciousness where the mind and intuition are blended, reflected in an hermaphrodite form. Perhaps the race is sensing this already, and/or perhaps the material forces are trying to bring forward this prematurely in a totally distorted way.

  6. david says:

    Hello Phillip, excellent and very varied article as always, allow me to focus my answer only on: 2. Sex: The Travesty of Gender Identity

    Reading the article and thinking between the masculine and the feminine, these texts from the Tibetan Master came to mind:

    “It is useful to bear in mind, when considering the nations that some are negative and feminine and some positive and masculine. India, France, the United States of America, Russia and Brazil are all feminine, and constitute the nurturing mother aspect.They are feminine in their psychology,—intuitive, mystical, sensitive, alluring, beautiful, fond of display and colour, and with the faults of the feminine aspect, such as the laying of too much emphasis upon the material aspect of life, upon pageantry, upon possessions, and upon money as a symbol of that which connotes the form side. They mother and nurture civilisation and ideas.

    China, Germany, Great Britain and Italy are masculine and positive; they are mental, political, governing, standardising, group-conscious, occult, aggressive, full of grandeur, interested in law and in laying the emphasis upon race and empire.  But they are more inclusive and think in wider terms than the feminine aspects of divine manifestation”.

    And I think that with these definitions what is masculine or feminine in relation to a subject (a country) becomes very relative, it is no longer so evident. For example, I would never have said that Italy is masculine…, or that Russia is feminine…, but if I read the text carefully I intuit the Truths, the Ideas, that destroy my judgement.

    And in this sense I think that the current way of understanding sex (the relationship between the feminine and the masculine) is the distorted reflection of the new truths or ideas that are penetrating the collective unconscious.

    That is, due to the duality Pisces versus Aquarius, the thinking of the current human being is tense, complex and very abstract, and this means that, (with bad or good intention), the old ideas (laws) are manipulated, perverted or destroyed. And in relation to the couple, family or sex, the ideas are also taking a dimension more in line with what the Age of Aquarius will be.

    I think about how the relationship between man and woman was lived more than 2000 years ago and I can’t imagine what it will be like in 1000.

    But it does seem clear to me that today, with more or less success, from the subjective planes attempts are being made to break with the outdated laws and old attitudes that in the Pisces Era related men to women.

    But of course this for a 3rd Ray of Practical Intelligence in Libra with its “karmic” laws (Saturn) already established is very difficult to accept, but we must remember that in our solar system the quality that conditions (illuminates) the physical expression, and therefore, it imposes the Law to be followed, it is the energy of the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom, ruler of our Solar Logos. Put another way, it is Jupiter defeating Saturn, and Jupiter is the Heart, the place where Vision goes beyond appearance.

    Thanks for sharing

  7. George Skiadopoulos says:

    Hi Phillip,

    Thank you for your hard work put in these erudite articles.
    You might want to search what is happening right now in Iran. Society is in revolt there against an oppressive and dictatorial regime and demand the freedom and liberty they have been struggling decades for. There are many casualties and the struggle is bloody but persisting.

    1. Yes indeed George, I have been following it but there is only so much I can cover!

    2. Carlos says:

      Unfortunately, these “uprisings” or not quite as portrayed in western media. Too much CIA/MOSSAD involvement to be a true uprising. Not saying that it shouldn’t be one – but that is for the Iranian people – PEOPLE – to decide, not outside interests with an agenda going on for many decades…

      1. George Skiadopoulos says:

        Ι understand what you say. There has historically been a huge involvement of the CIA/Mossad in Middle Eastern affairs.
        BUT, I assure you that the dissatisfaction of the Iranian people with their regime is vast and genuine. They are truly abhorred by the behavior and policies of their government. I have been following the events in Iran for more than 10 years now and my travels there, and personal contacts-this last point (contacts) is very important for the formation of mature opinions, have assured me of the vast anger Iranians have with their government. Their disapproval of their government is well above 80%, may be approaching 90%, in my opinion.
        They demand freedom, human rights, and the liberty to live without the interference of their terrible government, which not only uses religion for its own selfish ends via a completely dogmatic and out-of-date interpretation of religion (something very common in the history of all religions and certainly the three well known monotheistic ones), but also is deeply corrupt at all levels. Iranian government is something like the Military-Industrial complex in the US: fully corrupt. But, unlike the US where the Constitution protects the basic rights of people, in Iran the people are are the mercy of their corrupt government.

        1. There is a vast disobedience by women in Afghanistan too, defying the Taliban’s heavy handed public beatings etc. Perhaps this is all a reflection of Venus passing through Libra currently.

  8. Vicktorya Stone says:

    One point about the US, is that it is the clearest step in the direction of humanity ruling itself, and not under monarchs and kings, czars or other ‘rulers’, but a citizen-leader, for a fixed term.
    Now, since this grand experiment in self rule is undertaken, of course there will be attacks made upon the Spirit of Liberty, and of course all nations have guilty players.
    We have to see what is in the greater good, actually – to have a tyrannical communist power as ruler, or a compromised great ideal with all its hypocritical and yes, criminal actions. Who among us is pure?

  9. David says:

    Hello again, I would like to develop point -2: sex- a little more.

    First of all, say that in this New Age of Aquarius there are more and more reincarnated souls that belong to the 7th Ray and their energies will be the ones that will manifest the qualities of the “water carrier” on earth (or matter).

    In relation to these souls, a statement that I read in Alice Bailey’s Blue Books came to mind: “a 7th Ray soul can relate the mind to the physical plane without the involvement of the solar plexus.”

    So, and although it is difficult for many of us to understand, we can say that the consciousnesses of the 7th Ray know how to have a physical/sexual relationship without having a pronounced feeling.

    Therefore, a 7th Ray soul, unless evolved and therefore conditioned by the Love of the budhic plane, will always express directly (without the emotional filter) its mentality on the physical/sexual plane.

    And this is why if the conscience is not highly evolved, the result will be contaminated by capricious thoughts or extravagant ideas that in the eyes of the Age of Pisces will seem strange and perverse to say the least.

    This has its positive side because it is thanks to the freedom that these minds obtain from detachment from emotions that they are capable of questioning, destroying, all the attitudes that until now related the feminine with the masculine. Attitudes that they (and the New Age) consider expired.

    And on the other hand, if the conscience is more linked to the traditions of Pisces, (2ºR and 6ºR) where the solar plexus or emotional aspect is so necessary, its sexual experience through the prevailing 7th Ray will be erratic, it will suffer disappointments. Idealizing the partner or the romantic experience will be seen as old-fashioned, full of maya.

    All this can be clearly seen in youth, where the two positions are mixed and all kinds of dynamic sexual relationships arise, they call them open relationships, without any kind of emotional attachment, and therefore, with little durability.

    We can see how some suffer with these relationships and others instead seem to live them with great freedom. Basically they are original and free relationships but “extravagant” (lower Uranus) and, due to the absence of the preserving aspect, without substance or feeling.

    And all this confusion, as Phillip tells us, is aggravated by “the power of evil” which, taking advantage of the fact that “the fear of God” has disappeared, especially in the West, manipulates the minds of the unevolved in favor of its dark interests.

    Thank you

    1. George Skiadopoulos says:

      Very interesting comments. Thank you.

  10. Rose says:

    The monarchy won’t die, but will just reduce in size. The British love their royals. The pomp will cool down, especially with William.
    I remember seeing Prince George on tv when he was born. We only caught a glance as they left hospital, but I ‘saw’ a large fat earthy man. I saw him again recently on tv, a little boy now, and the same thing. I saw in his eyes that he was a cranky, bombastic sort of person. Interesting. Maybe when he is King, that will be the end of the monarchy!
    Aquarius is the sign of androgyny so it is not surprising to see same sex relationships and various gender types.

  11. Isabelle says:

    Thank you for this article. Phillip, you mention that if humanity does not stand on its feet now to assert its sacred human destiny it will remain in slavery…. I received an interview today, December2022, that gives many an argument to motivate us to get up quick. as you suggest!!! here it is : “Oligarchs own the U.N. – Dr Reiner Fuellmich interviews former UN executive director Călin Georgescu”:

    Thank you for your huge work – will donate later (right now my dentist…. Saturn in Cancer square Neptune/Ascendant in Libra…. has priority)

    1. thanks Isabelle, its a brilliant interview! Not only does Călin Georgescu give a great insight into the machinations of the UN that is totally aligned with WEF, but he talks in several places about spiritual values. A must watch for anyone who seeks to delve beneath the surface of the outer maya that attempts to hide what is going on.

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