2 Responses to Pisces 2018: USA’s Pisces Problems. Firearms. NRA. Drugs and Depression. Piscean Absorbency. Divine Rebel.

  1. Tina Tsovras says:

    Thank you for your reflection on these many issues, Phillip, all of which are worthy of public attention.

    The notion of arming teachers with weapons in the classrooms is indeed disturbing. Can one put out a fire by throwing more logs onto it? Will this not further feed the flames of desire for violence, produce more heat than light, and provide greater opportunities for more people to get burned? President Trump recently proposed monetary bonuses for teachers who carry guns. Sadly, only one without the heart of an educator could suggest it, for what motivates the heart of a true educator other than bringing light, knowledge, love, compassion and inspiration into the hearts and minds of his/her students? These are the gifts that true educators are armed with; gifts carried in the heart and not holstered on the hip.

    For close to 25 years, I worked as both an ESL lecturer and coordinator in a university that welcomed (and continues to welcome) students from all over the world. Some of the students came from war-torn countries and knew hate and violence. One such student was filled with anger. He had scars from bullet wounds on his body, which, even as a youth, came from years of fighting in the Palestine-Israel conflict. One day in this young man’s classroom, the students worked together in small groups, describing the vocabulary of buildings commonly found in a Canadian community. Among the pictures were a church, a temple, a mosque, and a synagogue. The student, summoning his deep-seated anger, firmly said, “NO SYNAGOGUE!” and drew a dark X over its image. The teacher happened to be passing by, and with kindness, quietly said, “Oh, [name of student], open your heart” and continued on without drawing further attention to the incident. Over time, the course ended and all moved on with their lives; however, many months later, the teacher arrived at her classroom door to find this former student waiting for her. Each greeted the other warmly and the surprised teacher asked him what had brought him back to the university. He explained that while he was standing on the metro platform, he saw an elderly Jewish man seated on a bench and, feeling moved, walked over to sit beside him. He extended his hand in greeting and said, “Hello, friend.” His parting words to the teacher were, “I wanted you to know that I opened my heart.”

    While this experience won’t stop a bullet in mid-air, it is an example of hope and the true heart of the classroom. True teachers build bridges. Violence begets violence.

    Let Teachers BE…

    With appreciation, Phillip,


  2. KA EL says:

    You’re very right about the destiny of the US. People don’t realize it was made perfectly for it’s purpose…which is yet to be fulfilled. It’s taken a great deal of effort to get to where we are now, and those things you despise were never meant to be the main benefactors of the founding of this Nation. The time now that we are in holds dramatic change, change that will quench the thirst of those who have been starved of Justice and righteous rule. A bit more patience and steady attention to the changes taking place. Thank you for all of your writings I always am looking forward to your insight. May God bless you and all those you Love. KA EL

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