4 Responses to Scorpio 2020: Battle for Democracy. US Elections. Trump-Biden. Global Recession 2021. The Christ Crisis.

  1. Vicki Naas says:

    Hi Phillip,

    Brilliant newsletter, especially the suggestion for the global triangle.

    1.) Please know that Michael Robbins, your good friend, has been using the the second part of the Great Invocation in his weekly webinars for a number of weeks now. His triangles meditation group could help with this endeavor. (He invokes your name frequently in his taped commentaries.) This would also fit in nicely with his Esoteric United Nations initiative.

    2.) The NY Lucis Trust Triangles group has a weekly speaker. It would be great if you could speak to everyone sometime regarding this triangle meditation. Send Kathy Newburn a copy.

    Meanwhile, I will start using it in my daily meditation.

    Your hard work and insight is deeply appreciated.

    All good wishes,

    1. thanks Vicki, many of us having been using this invocation for the last several years, I hope it gets wider usage now.

  2. Katherine O'Brien says:

    Thanks Phillip. I read this today after the election. Very insightful and comprehensive as always. I had my doubts about Trump actually having Covid. Possibly a stunt to show people it’s no big deal to deflect the criticism. Yes would be great for you to speak at a Lucis meeting.
    Much gratitude

  3. Vicktorya Stone says:

    The selection of 2020 was a coup d’etat and a big battle won for the CCP.
    There is a war on against the world, and the political stories are distractions and tools that the CCP is using most effectively. Just ask, who can you not criticize?

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