Scorpio 2021: Pandora’s Box. Victorious Uranus. Diwali. David Lynch. Dark Night of the Soul. Julian Assange. Switzerland. Meta. Vandana Shiva.

The phoenix fire bird is the highest symbol of Scorpio, symbolising regeneration and transformation, “raising from the dead” – from the unconscious to superconscious and llumination – the soul triumphs.
Scorpio Keynote
“Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant.”
(Full Moon: Nov.19, 2021. 8:57 UT.)
Scorpio New Moon and Victorious Uranus (Nov. 4, 2021)
___Scorpio New Moon and Uranus (Oct. 28, 2019)
Hindu New Moon Festival of Diwali
Scorpio and the Reversal of the Wheel
The Opening of Pandora’s Box
___Alexander Pope: Scorpio Rising
Scorpio Rising: Film Maker David Lynch
___John Merrick: Elephant Man
___Violence and Horror – Is it Art?
___Scorpio Hollywood
Scorpio Moon: The Saga of Julian Assange
Humanity’s Dark Night of the Soul 2021
Let Maya Flourish and Deception Rule – NOT!
___Pandemic Event 201 (2019) Revisited
___Scorpions: Gates, Fauci & Zuckerberg
___Facebook’s Meta Media Maya
___The Matrix
Switzerland’s Referendum Nov.28, 2021
Scorpio Vandana Shiva: Eco Warrior
Scorpio New Moon and Victorious Uranus (Nov.4, 2021)
The interlude of Scorpio is an opportunity to pierce the veil of illusion and see things as they are. New moons are always deeply subjective monthly phases where the essential essence of a particular zodiac sign can be accessed. The new moon phase follows the balsamic phase, the darkest time of the month when there is no light of the moon visible in the sky – and which only reappears a couple of days after the new moon proper, as that first sliver of silver in the night sky.
When there is a new moon in Scorpio, the themes of darkness and the hidden are brought together and amplified considerably. This is why the annual passage of the sun through Scorpio is always an opportunity to examine that which is hidden, unresolved, unredeemed – “in the shadow”, out of one’s conscious awareness. During Scorpio all these imperfections can be magnified or exaggerated considerably, leaving no uncertainty as to the nature of that which must be faced within oneself.
Scorpio is a sign of discipleship and initiation – in other words, the disciplines applied by the conscious server, particularly over the astral or emotional body, a.k.a. the “desire body” in Buddhism, leading to greater integration/integrity, allowing the soul to utilise its vehicle more potently.
This is where warrior Mars as exoteric/esoteric ruler of Scorpio, plays such an important role -ruling the solar plexus centre (seat of the astral body), and the war with the not-self. Coincidentally at the Nov.4 new moon, Mars was in Scorpio on its two-year cycle, within wide conjunction of the sun-moon, conjoining the Sun-Moon degree at the Scorpio full moon. In the meantime, Mercury on its annual cycle also entered Scorpio.
Hence, the war within and without, for the individual and humanity as a whole, may really heat up during Nov. 2021 where,

In keeping with its non-conformist and revolutionary reputation, Uranus has an unique configuration because its axis of rotation is tilted sideways, nearly into the plane of its solar orbit.
“Every latent pre-disposition, every racial and national instinct, every unconquered situation and every controlling fault rises to the surface of consciousness and then – the fight is on”.1
This is why Scorpio generically rules the second degree initiation – where tough tests and trials are applied to the candidate who walks the “burning ground” of initiation – presided over by the lord of the underworld and co-ruler of Scorpio – Pluto.
At the Nov.4, 2021 new moon in Scorpio, there was an extraordinarily close opposition from Uranus in Taurus, a planet associated with radical and revolutionary change. Uranus “falls” in Taurus and is regarded as one of the main planets of science/mind – that disciplines the lower nature, hence its exaltation in Scorpio. But in Taurus,
“Uranus, the planet of the hidden mystery and one of the most occult of the planets “falls” in this sign, producing the accentuation and the sharp division between body and soul which is so marked a characteristic of the Taurian subject …
… The task of Uranus, hidden in the depths, is to awaken and evoke the intuitive response of Taurus to an ever-increasing light until such time that full illumination is achieved and also the development of the spiritual consciousness – substituting these higher soul aspects for the lower form reactions.
It is interesting to note that in Scorpio, Uranus is exalted which gives indication of the success of the task which the Uranian forces undertook. Achievement is attained.”2
The Nov.4, 2021 Scorpio new moon is linked to the Scorpio new moon of Oct. 2019. (See next article.)
Scorpio New Moon Oct.28, 2019
At this Scorpio new moon of 2019, Sun-Moon in Scorpio were opposed closely by Uranus – agent of revolution and reform. Just a few days after the new moon, Mercury in Scorpio went retrograde, where it remained for several weeks. In retrospect, it can be seen how Mercury concealed rather than revealed secrets. The position of Mercury retrograde in the first reported Covid case horoscope three weeks later also attests to this fact.
The Scorpio new moon of Nov.4, 2021 is very similar to the Scorpio new moon of Oct.28, 2019 – with the same configuration of Uranus in Taurus exactly opposite the sun-moon in Scorpio. The Scorpio keynote in its lower aspect is, “Let maya flourish and deception rule” – its higher keynote is, “Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant.” Hence, the annual interlude of Scorpio is an opportunity to pierce the veil of illusion and see things as they are.
By now, if you have been paying the slightest amount of attention, then you have seen through the “maya flourishing and deception ruling” – in this great global hoax of almost two years now. If you haven’t, then complacency and compliancy, laziness, rationalisations or cowardice will reap their consequences.
The 2019 new moon horoscope is arguably the configuration that set the stage for a global hijack and the entire unfoldment of the “global pandemic”. At the time, the author wrote, “Promises to be potent for personal and global transformation”.
And how! That new moon was just a few days after the Event 201 Pandemic simulation exercise, the Wuhan military “games” (see later) and the first recorded case of Covid-19 – only realised in retrospective research, several months later in early 2020. (As copiously detailed in all the author’s newsletters 2020-2022.)
What no one really saw in Scorpio 2019 (only visible now in retrospect), was a dark seed of subterfuge sown (with the aid of Mercury in Scorpio retrograde) – that utilised the potency of scientific Uranus by Big Tech, Media, Gov, Pharma etc. – for the selfish motive of running various agendas and turning the world upside down. Here is the principle of chaos that Uranus traditionally embodies – in its lower aspect.
Hence at the Scorpio new moon Nov.4, 2021 – Uranus in Taurus revisited in its opposition to Sun-Moon in Scorpio, also tussling with fellow titan Saturn – in their ongoing square to one another. Simply put, Uranus = liberty and freedom, Saturn = status quo.
Now that many millions have woken up to what is unfolding globally, the Scorpio 2021 new moon has the potential to create a “people’s reset”, by turning the tables on the attempted “Great Reset” – through a steadily growing and very encouraging pushback protests worldwide. If one watches mainstream media, these events are barely seen, as stories are continuously marginalised, mis/unreported or spun in a negative light.
But the time is critical, and this Scorpio new moon of Nov.4 could represent an accelerated escalation by the materialistic forces to consolidate their gains of the past two years. The two weeks between the new moon and the Scorpio full moon festival, could see some major pre-planned global stunt take place – that seeks to create further disruption and chaos, engendering panic in the masses.
For example, crashing the internet or power grid, creating a phony financial crisis or the release of yet another “deadly variant”. How long will it take for Humanity to realise that they have been conned? Israel has just announced that it will hold world’s first drill to test readiness for new Covid variant – really? Not kosher!
Forget not that Scorpio is the zodiac sign that governs Humanity’s most powerful glamours – fear, hatred and desire for power. Hopefully this time at the Nov.4 new moon, Uranus will have emerged in a different way than the “hijack” of the Scorpio 2019 new moon – facilitating a radical shift in the planetary power equation, bringing truly revolutionary changes that benefit all.
Bear in mind, the keynotes of Scorpio are triumph and victory over the World Dweller on the Threshold – slaying the dragon. Let us all affirm, “I will not cease from mental fight, nor will my sword rest in my hand”!
Hindu New Moon Festival of Diwali
This annual five-day Hindu festival is held around the Libra new moon in the Jyotish sidereal zodiac system; yet it coincides with the Scorpio new moon in the Western zodiac. The new moon is the darkest time of the month. Diwali celebrates the triumph of light over darkness and Lakshmi is venerated as the goddess of wealth and prosperity.
Lakshmi is Venus, the brightest planet in the night sky and ruler of Libra – but also the ruler of Scorpio’s polar opposite sign Taurus. Both Libra and Taurus are signs related to money – hence the wealth and prosperity theme. Yet that physical plane wealth also extends to the “treasures stored in heaven” – in the causal body of the soul, alluded to in Matthew 6:19-21:
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy … but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.”
Venus is the brightest star in the heavens, esoterically the higher self to Earth and was present at human individualisation in ancient Lemuria, when the “spark of mind” was ignited. Hence, Diwali celebrates the light of Venus irradiating the darkness of ignorance.
The triumph of light over darkness is also a keynote of Scorpio – where the victorious Hercules emerges from the dark swamp of Lernea, having conquered the nine-headed hydra.
Hence Diwali, whose name derives from the Sanskrit diyas – “lamp or lantern, that which glows, shines, illuminates or knowledge” – symbolises the Sun, our cosmic radiator of light and energy – reflected brightly upon Venus in close proximity.
In Esoteric Astrology, Venus is ruler of the fifth ray of science or knowledge – her successful harmonisation of the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane, precipitates onto the astral and physical planes in her expression as the goddess of wealth, sex and relationships. Venus rules the higher mental plane, seat of the causal body/soul. The unification of opposites on that plane is the true higher tantra of which physical sex is the reflection. Libra and Scorpio are two of the main signs associated with the great mystery of sex.
And so humanity evolves from the procreative to the creative – all true creative work through art, music or in any field of human activity, is related to Venus – in its role as Light Bringer and its goal to harmonise and beautify.
Happy Diwali!
Scorpio and the Reversal of the Wheel
“Scorpio-Taurus: The final victory of soul over form. Death and darkness demonstrate as life and light, as the result of this energy relationship. The dark night of the soul becomes radiant sun”.3
In the long term scheme of many human incarnations, Libra and Scorpio govern the “reversal of the wheel” – the awakening into soul consciousness that triggers a reversal of values and lifestyle accumulated over many lives, guiding the weary pilgrim toward the final steps of the evolutionary journey toward Liberation.
Libra, through its esoteric ruler Uranus, stimulates the reversal the wheel which leads to the testings of Scorpio – where Uranus is exalted. Libra “controls the “moment of reversal of the wheel” in the life of every aspirant” and is the sign prominent in the planetary horoscope on the cusp of the ages of Pisces and Aquarius.
Hence, Humanity at large is “ripe for reversal” in this interim of the zodiacal ages – an accelerating process during this planetary crisis, where a significant portion of the masses are waking up, emerging from the herd mentality and taking the first initiation.
“Scorpio is one of the four arms of the Fixed Cross … [where] the correctly poised man stands right at the centre where the four arms meet … at the point where the energy of all four signs and their ruling planets can pour through him – and evoke the needed reactions, produce the conditions wherein test is possible, and so bring about the necessary reversal of the life currents in the man’s nature and place him upon the reversed wheel.”4
The dance of polar opposites in esoteric astrology is important, in this case the fixed cross signs of Scorpio-Taurus. Scorpio for “advanced humanity” and Taurus for “average humanity”. After the reversal of the wheel begins a new orientation of discipleship in Scorpio:
“Scorpio is … the dominant arm through which the most effective potency flows upon the reversed wheel, where advanced humanity is concerned because it is the testing sign for humanity and the one in which the human being reaches the depths or attains the heights.
Taurus is the dominant stream of energy upon this Fixed Cross where average man is concerned. The energy let loose through this Cross is stupendous in its effects, producing finally the great reversal and renunciation.”5
Because of the extraordinary activation at the Scorpio new moon (Nov.4, 2021) – opposite Uranus in Taurus, the lives of “advanced and ordinary humanity” are being stimulated, each according to their place upon the Path.

The New Group of World Servers – as the “eye” of Sanat Kumara, the “personality” expression of Earth’s planetary logos.
For the World Disciple, it represents the challenge to step up, for ordinary humanity, a chance to reverse the wheel and start the conscious journey toward greater soul connection.
But Taurus also rules the New Group of World Servers (NGWS), a group composed of aspirants, disciples and world servers – who have already reversed the wheel. Hence, Taurus works at a higher frequency. Taurus the “mother of illumination” that sheds light upon Scorpio’s dark underworld:
“The initiate sees the New Group of World Servers brought under the illuminating power of Taurus, with the rest of humanity still under the influence of Pisces. You have, consequently, the “over-shadowing raincloud of knowable things” hovering over humanity, just as the Hierarchy overshadows the New Group and just as the soul overshadows the personality of man; you have all the needed illumination and light upon all the coming problems, waiting to precipitate itself through the New Group of World Servers under the influence of Taurus, the nurturer of all illumination…”6
The Opening of Pandora’s Box
Most of us are familiar with the Greek myth of Pandora’s box, who was instructed by Zeus not to open it. Though she tried to tame her curiosity, but could not contain herself anymore – she opened the box and all the miseries the gods had hidden in the box emerged: Disease and sickness, passions and plagues, hatred and envy, greed, pride, cruelty etc. – all of which torment humanity.
Frightened by the emanation of all the evil spirits, Pandora tried to close the box as fast as possible, but closed Hope inside. A box with contents like this was naturally stored in the underworld – the domain of Pluto, co-ruler of Scorpio and, esoteric ruler of our dying Piscean Age.
Now, during Pluto’s final few years of transit through the sign of Capricorn (until Nov.2024), the planetary Pandora’s Box is well and truly open. Pluto works deeply and invisibly in the underworld, emerging from the underworld wearing his invisible helmet, also known as the Cap of Invisibility or Cap of Hades. The helmet enables the user to become invisible to other supernatural entities, functioning like a cloud of mist with which gods surround themselves.
Pluto exposes everything that is hidden in the shadows, allowing light to shine upon it all. Pandora has showed herself even by name, through recent revelations in the Pandora Papers – about hidden wealth, tax avoidance and money-laundering by the world’s rich and powerful.
Currently it is this latter class, a minority of rich, powerful individuals and corporate bodies that are calling the shots in the mainstream narrative – imposing upon Humanity their plan of distorted ideas for their ideal world.
The crass ugliness and selfishness of their plans has emerged, clothed as the “greater good”, with sweet sounding words that are becoming more transparent each day. Pluto confers x-ray vision, the public are starting to see through the lies; they were slow at first, but who could have ever conceived that the entire pandemic foisted upon humanity has been a deliberately planned ruse from the very beginning.
Bear in mind that these Plutonic forces are also highly activated through USA’s first ever Pluto return (Feb.20, 2022 to Dec.28, 2022) – a leading nation of the Fifth Rootrace. USA, an Aquarian soul – whose dharma is to be a world leader into the Age of Aquarius. Hence the stupendous battle that is going on in that nation where the global dweller and angel are engaged in a furious fight for freedom.
Alexander Pope: Scorpio Rising
The next few years could be quite dire and shocking, as Humanity attempts to free itself from its imposed shackles, whilst other ongoing revelations will emerge. Yet as the poet Alexander Pope once said, “Hope springs eternal” – a line from his epic philosophical poem, An Essay on Man.
Pope had Scorpio rising, an advanced soul with penetrating insights into the nature of the world. His poem attempted to “vindicate the ways of God to Man” – assuming that man has fallen and must seek his own salvation – which is esoterically true of course!
“… no matter how imperfect, complex, inscrutable and disturbing the Universe may be, it functions in a rational fashion according to natural laws, so that the Universe as a whole is a perfect work of God, though to humans it appears to be evil and imperfect in many ways. Pope ascribes this to our limited mind-set and intellectual capacity.
He argues that humans must accept their position in the “Great Chain of Being”, at a middle stage between the angels and the beasts of the world. Accomplish this and we potentially could lead happy and virtuous live … The limited intelligence of man can only take in tiny portions of this order and experience only partial truths, hence man must rely on hope, which then leads to faith.”7
A good example of Pope’s Scorpio ascendant and Pluto’s underworld, is a famous grotto created at this villa in Twickenham:
“The serendipitous discovery of a spring during the excavation of the subterranean retreat enabled it to be filled with the relaxing sound of trickling water, which would quietly echo around the chambers. Pope was said to have remarked, “Were it to have nymphs as well – it would be complete in everything.””8
Also coincidentally, speaking of the new moons earlier in this newsletter, Pope had Uranus in Taurus, part of a large stellium in that sign, closely opposing his Scorpio ascendant. As a Gemini sun, he was a gifted writer, translator and poet:
“God loves from whole to parts, but human soul
Must rise from individual to the whole.
Self-love but serves the virtuous mind to wake,
As the small pebble stirs the peaceful lake;
The centre moved, a circle straight succeeds,
Another still, and still another spreads;
Friend, parent, neighbour, first it will embrace;
His country next; and next all human race;
Wide and more wide, th’ o’erflowings of the mind
Take every creature in, of every kind;
Earth smiles around, with boundless bounty blest,
And Heaven beholds its image in his breast.”
Scorpio Rising: David Lynch Film Maker
David Lynch is a good example of a Scorpio who has dedicated his art to probing the dark shadows – the taboo, the grotesque, sexuality, surrealism, sci-fi, fantasy, gothic horror etc. – with many classic movies such as Eraserhead, The Elephant Man, Dune, Blue Velvet, Twin Peaks, Wild at Heart, Mulholland Drive etc.
Lynch is a practitioner of Transcendental Meditation and has a foundation dedicated to teaching TM in schools. His broad compassion is evident in The Elephant Man film (1980 – John Gielgud and Anthony Hopkins) as well as working with the homeless, veterans and refugees.
The original Twin Peaks TV series (back on HBO) is loaded with esoteric references such as the black and white lodges, the dweller on the threshold, Tibetan Buddhism, UFO’s, the paranormal, the astral plane and its various entities, dream interpretation and secret societies.
The fourth ray of art and beauty is the only ray to come through Scorpio and is undoubtedly in Lynch’s make-up somewhere – mind or personality, perhaps both. The following passage is a classic Scorpio statement that Lynch made:
“My childhood was elegant homes, tree-lined streets, the milkman, building backyard forts, droning airplanes, blue skies, picket fences, green grass, cherry trees. Middle America as it’s supposed to be. But on the cherry tree there’s this pitch oozing out – some black, some yellow, and millions of red ants crawling all over it. I discovered that if one looks a little closer at this beautiful world, there are always red ants underneath. Because I grew up in a perfect world, other things were a contrast.”
Lynch has the sun in very late Capricorn (29° Cap 45’), so close to the cusp of Aquarius that he could be considered Aquarian – given his avant-garde art, innovation and invention. Yet Capricorn is the magician that brings ideas into manifestation. Scorpio ruler is antagonistic Mars – placed in Cancer conjunct Saturn, hence Lynch’s propensity to explore pain and agony; Saturn in Cancer is related to,
“… the pains and penalties of wrong orientation … conflict of the soul with its environment … penalties of incarnation … conditions of suffering … sacrifices and pains …”9
John Merrick (Aug.5, 1862 – Nov.4, 1890) “I am not an animal. I am a human being. I am a man.”
“The Merrick family explained his symptoms as the result of Mary’s being knocked over and frightened by a fairground elephant while she was pregnant with Joseph [John]. The concept of maternal impression – that the emotional experiences of pregnant women could have lasting physical effect on their unborn children – was still common in 19th-century Britain. Merrick held this belief about the cause of his affliction for his entire life.”10
Merrick had the sun in Leo and found unwelcome stardom as a sideshow freak in Victorian Britain. He was born a normal child but at 21 months started to develop swellings. “Rescued” by Sir Frederick Treves, he went to live at the London Hospital becoming well known in London society. His sensitivity and high intelligence became obvious to those who knew him.
Merrick’s sun in Leo is square to Scorpio ruler Pluto, placed in Taurus – one of the major significators of his appalling features, like some monster that had emerged from Hades. The other factor relating to his personal karma is the moon in Sagittarius square to Saturn in Virgo. One wonders at the nature of his particular karma, but much of it must have been dissolved in his horrific life of suffering.
The ageless wisdom informs us that much karma works itself out generically or specifically through the physical body. Was the Sun square Pluto aspect a crystallised pattern that represented Merrick’s misuse of power and cause of suffering to others in a previous life?
Violence and Horror: Is it Art?
“There are some things that are going on these days, we are attacking films for violence and not doing a whole lot in the world for violence. A film is a safe place to have experiences. Violence exists and it has a major part in a lot of fantastic stories. If I would be championing the violence, that would be one thing but I don’t think this film [Twin Peaks] is … I believe in very strong films and I don’t apologise one bit as long as there is a balance.” (David Lynch)11

Wild at Heart movie with Nicholas Cage and Laura Dern. Described as subversive, repulsive and manipulative. Mass walkouts at some cinemas, including this author, 30 years ago!
For curiosity on esoteric themes, the author started to watch the recent Twin Peaks 2017 series and could not get through the first episode. The vile and violent renditions of cruelty were designed to shock no doubt, but seemed like gratuitous, grisly ambushes. (Nevertheless, this reviewer has a different take.) Apparently all 18 episodes are in a similar vein, the reviewer continues, “Lynch hasn’t made peace with the permanent existence of evil, by any means. He’s just endlessly interested in the battle to keep it at bay.”
Here is the artistic dilemma of perpetuating or encouraging violence – under the veneer of “art” or personal fascination/perversity – versus striving to create a higher order of beauty.
The fourth ray is the only ray to pass through both Scorpio and Taurus, expressing this dichotomy of the beautiful and the ugly, beauty and the beast – for which Lynch’s The Elephant Man is an extraordinarily moving and beautiful example.
The world has enough violence and ugliness already. There are many irresponsible film makers who pass their product off as art – the banal and gross. Have Lynch and other film makers succumbed to the fourth ray glamour of “vague artistic perception” – in direct opposition to the highest expression of the fourth ray: “The artistic type, full of the sense of beauty and creative aspiration.”12 [The fourth ray is the story-teller par excellence.]
But when one peruses the movie list on Netflix or HBO, there are so many gross horror movies and violence that the human herd absorbs constantly. Humanity’s astral health has been considerably compromised by a continual and unrelenting diet gratuitous sex and violence, murder, mayhem and mindless zombies – pandering to the lowest common denominator. And also, what is the obsession with serial killers and assassins? Does art feed real life, enabling or “giving permission” for people to act out their gross fantasies?
Many film makers are aware of these factors, but irresponsibly exploit these hackneyed themes because it is profitable. Or they simply lack imagination and true creativity, blindly following other film maker hacks. Much more difficult to craft an intelligent and well written story that elevates human consciousness.
Scorpio Hollywood
This subject was explored in a 2017 newsletter and some passages from it follow:
“There have been many inspiring movies made, but also, probably the majority, from very mediocre to very bad. Degrading, morbid, ultra-violent, banal, horrific – dragging viewers downward and failing to lift them up. This is the lowest common denominator of Scorpio, the lower subplanes of the astral plane – “hell”, opposite pole to “heaven” of the higher subplanes. Here is the dichotomy of the fourth ray pairs of opposites – heaven and hell.”
“The Sun and Mercury are in Scorpio, arguably the strongest zodiac sign of glamour, maya and illusion – but particularly the glamour factor. And what actually constitutes movie–making … ? An art that moves and inspires the masses emotionally; and depending upon motive, also manipulates emotions and creates propaganda.
Hence the well-known expression, the glamour of Hollywood, with larger than life movie stars, sex-love, romance and fortunes to be made. Sex and money are of course, the province of the Uranus-ruled sacral centre; Uranus is the esoteric ruler of Libra, and exalted in Scorpio.”
“Enhancing those big bold dreams [in the Hollywood horoscope] is the presence of Jupiter in Pisces, harmoniously trining Mercury in Scorpio … ruler of the story-telling fourth ray, particularly enhanced by the Jupiter trine … Mercury [in] Scorpio … has a mass or general effect, for it is the hierarchical ruler of Scorpio and its effect is of a planetary nature … Its true significance will not be understood until the consciousness of individual man is also planetary in its scope and grasp …
The consciousness of humanity is rapidly becoming “planetary in its scope and grasp”. In Hollywood, we can see the positive and negative potential of Mercury (the mind, the communicator), to shape ideas for Humanity; of the creative producers, script-writers, directors and actors who can work to uplift and inspire the masses; from the set designers and costumes to the casting agencies (and casting couches!), there is the great Aquarian spirit of group co-operation and artistic community.”
Scorpio Moon: The Saga of Julian Assange
“What is happening to Julian Assange will have historical implications for journalism internationally”. (Day 2 of the Assange Hearings in London.)
The sun – on its annual pilgrimage through Scorpio, has just passed over Assange’s moon – placed in the 12th house of prisons. Transiting Saturn (karma, authority, law) is making its last square to his Scorpio moon, that began in March 2021.
During the next few weeks Scorpio ruler Mars, passes over Assange’s moon and Jupiter (justice) in Scorpio – the latter around Dec.9, 2021. Coincidentally on that date, transiting Jupiter in Aquarius – ruler of Assange’s truth-telling Sagittarius ascendant, swings into an opposition to his progressed Sun and Venus in Leo, making a T-square to natal Jupiter and transiting Mars – an extraordinary configuration, that will most likely determine his fate.
With second ray love-wisdom Jupiter in the mix – natally and by transit, there is a strong possibility that justice may prevail in his favour – but it’s a tough call. Assange is in a David versus Goliath situation – up against the machine of the US government, CIA etc, aided and abetted by the British government and with no support from a cowardly and conspiring Australian government.
Another factor that points to possible freedoms is Assange’s progressed midheaven conjoining freedom planet, Uranus in Libra. In this video there is some moving support for Assange’s release from Jeremy Corbyn, Assange’s wife and others.
Humanity’s Dark Night of the Soul 2021
“Scorpio-Taurus. – The final victory of soul over form. Death and darkness demonstrate as life and light, as the result of this energy relationship. The dark night of the soul becomes radiant sun.”13
The following passage was written in August 1942 – “the darkest hour of human life is upon us” – The Tibetan (DK) informs us that in the four-month period from August to December 1942, “that the future of humanity for many hundreds of years will be decided”. Then DK stated,
“When the sun moved northward that year (Capricorn solstice Dec.1942), the great White Lodge knew that the battle had been won.” Then of course, the outer war played out upon the physical plane for another three years until 1945.
This was the period, when the Hierarchy were preparing to withdraw from Humanity – a shocking statement often used in the author’s writings: “… the spiritual Hierarchy had made every possible arrangement to withdraw from human contact for an indefinite and unforeseen period of time …”14
Just before the imminent Externalisation of the Hierarchy and the Reappearance of the Christ, the world is at a similar point again – in an almost silent and undeclared war, a corporate coup d’état – hence Humanity has already entered its dark night of the soul.
It is uncanny today, how one 84-year Uranus cycle after that critical year of 1942, that there has been a replication of the same situation in WWII. However, it is far more subtle than that period, hence the enormity of testing for the World Disciple in discrimination and discernment.

The Wesak Valley in Tibet. The Buddha returns each year to preside over the gathering of Masters (in the pentagram) – and pilgrims.
Choices made and to be made. Perhaps even emulating that 1942 period, in these next four months an inner breakthrough may make its outer appearance by 2025. In many ways, the war has already been won – in the larger scheme of things; the particular stage the world finds itself at now – is the decision of how long Humanity wants to prolong its agony – for “many hundreds of years”, even a millennium – or nip it in the bud in the next few years!
It depends upon how much conflict, discomfort and sacrifice Humanity is willing to endure. There is indeed, a steep arduous path before us, up to the mountain top of initiation. How many want to take the long, winding circuitous route?
Yet, it is very encouraging to see some extraordinary pushback in the past few weeks – all around the world, through protest marches, thousands of professionals and academics becoming far more vocal and resisting the imposition of restrictions.
Some readers may be exclaiming, “what the hell is he talking about!” – if so, then perhaps they are blissfully unaware of what is really going on. Here is the passage written during the agony of WWII, profound and moving:
“The world tension increases and will increase; anxiety grows and there is no sign of its immediate lessening; the darkest hour of human life is upon us and it frequently brings to the earnest disciple the experience – terrible yet beautiful – to which has been given the name of the “dark night of the soul.”
This dark night takes different forms and different degrees of intensity, according to the ray, the type and the point in evolution of the disciple. From it you cannot escape. But one error emerges if careful thought is given to this dark night as pictured by the mystics down the ages.
Their emphasis has, in the past, been laid upon the suffering which the personality experiences and the agony through which the personality goes. But in reality and from the angle of the facts, that is not the true dark night. The real “dark night” is that of the soul as it participates in the pain of humanity as a whole, in the agony of humanity’s separation from God (a separation based upon illusion but not on actuality) and upon the desperation of humanity’s reaching forth towards what appears to be an unresponsive God.”
Personality pain, agony and desperation are very different things and are not concerned with the totality of pain and suffering to which mankind is subjected. I would therefore ask you to steel your souls to endurance, knowing that the Hierarchy Stands; I would ask you to love blindly and unchangingly in spite of all that may happen, knowing that Love Stands unmoved amid the wreckage of all around and eternally loves;
I would ask you to put your hand into that of the Master and move forward with Him and in the strength of your group, irradiated by the life and light of the Hierarchy; I would ask you to be a strong hand in the dark to your fellowmen because you are affiliated with the Hierarchy and the love and strength of the Hierarchy can flow through you, if you so permit.
I would remind you in this time of trial that I, your Master, love and guard you, for your soul and my soul are one soul. Be not unduly disturbed. There is no light or dark to the soul but only existence and love. Rest back on that. There is no separation but only identification with the heart of all love; the more you love the more love can reach out through you to others.
The chains of love unite the world of men and the world of forms and they constitute the great chain of Hierarchy. The spiritual effort you are asked to make is that of developing yourself into a vibrant and powerful centre of that fundamental, universal Love”.15
This dark night of the soul is most assuredly the province of Pluto, co-ruler of Scorpio, a sign of initiation and through which the sun, Mars and Mercury are currently passing. Pluto’s transit through Capricorn (also a sign of initiation), has bought the world to where it is today – as empires and nations crumble, as old power structures are destroyed, whilst the thieves in power (the kleptocrats), scramble to hang on to what they have stolen, attempting to maintain control through the status quo.
But they do so in vain, because the Forces of Light are now emerging everywhere – to destroy the veil of darkness that the Dark Brotherhood is attempting to draw across the planet. In order to defeat this encroaching threat, Humanity must be willing to walk the fires:
“Pluto … becomes active in the life of the man who is, “becoming alive in the higher sense, his lower nature passes into the smoke and darkness of Pluto, who governs the lesser burning ground, in order that the [wo]man may live in truth in the higher land of light.””16
As the author regularly states, today the world is actively engaged in a third and final phase of the world war – because the “door where evil dwells” has drifted open to an even deeper materialism than before WWI & II.
Some observers believe that the recapitulation of the Atlantean war in the World Wars last century was a permanent victory, but the author contends that it was not achieved entirely because, amongst other factors, “the heights of luxury reached in Atlantis”17 have been re-established and finessed to the “nth” degree.

Luxury and opulence in the Costa de Sol, Spain – one of many places in the world that flaunts its material wealth and values. (Recently visited by the author.)
The gap between the ultra-rich and poor has widened considerably – these people live in bubbles of luxury and utter disconnection with the rest of the world’s problems; many of those same people are part of the crystallised corporate power structure, enthusiastically leading the charge of programs laid down by WEF, WHO, medical apartheid etc.
Humanity has a huge task resisting this juggernaut. There may need to be drastic action taken by Hierarchy to redress this problem – which might come in the form of another physical plane conflict or various cataclysms. Or divine intervention …
The New Group of World Servers have been slow to respond and act, as has the spiritual or esoteric communities, who appear to have swallowed the “blue pill” – because in the words of one co-worker, “the esoteric teachings have not been learned and lived practically as a science”.
We cannot declare that “WWIII” has been won yet, even though that may be true subjectively – until we see the tangible evidence. Premature declaration tends to make people drop their guard or “go to sleep at their posts”. The only evidence we see so far is an encouraging pushback by Humanity, but it may be too little, too late – and that includes the efforts of esoteric groups.
How are you going to contribute to the good fight? Do you have your head down, hoping this will all blow over? The Tempest already gathers greater strength.
When DK said in WWII, “The evil forces were closer to success than any of you have ever dreamed” – this is gives us a taste of where the world is today. Those who put a smiley face on the current situation, or have ostrich heads buried in the sand, may have forgotten or never really investigated the utter horrors of the world wars – and may need to remind themselves of history. (See this documentary on WWII.)
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Let Maya Flourish and Deception Rule – NOT!
This phrase is the keynote for Scorpio on the “ordinary wheel” of evolution. The world is currently witnessing an unprecedented rule by deception and flourishing of maya. How can we count the ways – to paraphrase the Bard?
1. Global propaganda and lies that have harnessed every mainstream news outlet – television, radio, internet and print – to broadcast only one narrative. No discussion, dialogue or debate allowed about coronavirus, pandemic or vaccinations.
2. The banning of thousands of dissenting voices of medical professionals worldwide – their harassment, coercion, threats, dismissals and even murder.
3. The hiding, mis-reporting or alteration of medical data exaggerating Covid cases or the negative side-effects of “vaccines” – now causing an epidemic of myocarditis and deaths in fit young people.
These are just a few points that come immediately to mind. Quite simply, when there is the banning of free speech by Big Tech, Gov, Pharma and Media – surely there would be cause for alarm or suspicion, yet a large percentage of Humanity have drunk the kool-aid, veritably quaffed it down!
This is the result of propaganda that has deliberately targeted the primordial fear of death – from a “virus” that has a 99% recovery rate. The propagandists and teams of behavioural scientists have done a wonderful “psy-ops” job!
Australia for instance, has 1,863 deaths in just under two years in a population of 25,901,400 = 0.0071% death rate, even using exaggerated statistics, i.e. dying from or with covid. Yet now, this poor disoriented nation resembles Nazi Germany modern day Israel and many other places – with its extreme policies of lockdown and proposed vaccination passes.
Given the fact that Humanity is still mainly astrally polarised, there has eventuated a massive mind control – even among some very bright intelligentsia or “spiritually advanced”! This maya and deception is composed of the black, sticky substance of the “swamp” – the lower subplanes of the astral plane, the “hell” of Christian tradition – in which the World Hercules battles the nine-headed Hydra: Here is the higher keynote for Scorpio – “Warrior am I, and from the battle I emerge triumphant.”
As stated regularly in these missives, a good example of Scorpio entities – whose stock-in-trade is lies and deception – are Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi minister for propaganda – and the CIA. Goebbels had a Scorpio stellium – Sun, Mercury, Mars, Chiron and Uranus, stating:
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” (Goebbels)
Bear in mind that these analyses are not about denigrating the sign Scorpio, everyone has a bit of Scorpio somewhere in their horoscope! Its about the lower expression of this sign which is the point of least resistance for humanity.
The CIA was discussed at greater length in a 2015 newsletter, The Maya of World Media and the CIA. This article reveals that the CIA is Scorpio rising, with Chiron and Jupiter in this sign also. Any Google search will reveal many articles about the CIA’s notorious brainwashing or media propaganda programs such as MK Ultra and Operation Mockingbird.
Scorpio sun, Edward Bernays (22-11-1891) – is widely regarded as the “father of public relations” – a pseudonym for propaganda:
“He felt this manipulation was necessary in society, which he regarded as irrational and dangerous as a result of the “herd instinct. Bernays said: “If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it? The recent practice of propaganda has proved that it is possible, at least up to a certain point and within certain limits. He called this scientific technique of opinion-molding the “engineering of consent”.”18
Pandemic Event 201 Revisited
It is notable that Event 201 in Oct.18, 2019 (just 10 days before the Scorpio new moon Oct.28), was staged by the WEF, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Johns Hopkins Medical – to investigate “pandemic scenarios” with representatives from the CIA:
“Former CIA deputy director, Avril Haines unveiled a strategy to “flood the zone” with propaganda from “trusted sources,” including “influential community leaders, as well as health workers.” He warns about “false information that is starting to actually hamper our ability to address the pandemic, then we need to be able to respond quickly to it.”19
Scorpions – Gates, Fauci & Zuckerberg
Because of his prominence upon the world stage, Bill Gates has been covered extensively in the past two years of newsletters, as well as an astro-biography analysis. Gates has Sun, Venus and Saturn in Scorpio. After years of giving him the benefit of the doubt, Gates is proving to be one of the greatest manipulators and deceivers the world has ever known; a very willing, power-obsessed foot-soldier for the shadowy global cabals, tapping into the lower expression of his Scorpio nature.
In Robert F. Kennedy Jnr’s excellent article, Before COVID, Gates Planned Social Media Censorship of Vaccine Safety Advocates With Pharma, CDC, Media, China and CIA, he makes many brilliant points from his research into Event 201 – the transcript and videos of which are in the public domain – so this is not “conspiracy theory”!
RFK has Saturn and warrior Mars in Scorpio – he has persistently tried to hold Gates and others like Anthony Fauci to account for years before the “plannedemic” ever began. Fauci (Moon and Mars in Scorpio), has outrageously lied his way through the last two years – as emails reveal and as Senator Rand Paul suggests when grilling Fauci in Congress hearings. (The video of Paul and Fauci is worth a look.) RFK goes on to say:
“The attached document shows that a cabal of powerful individuals did indeed begin planning the mass eviction of vaccine skeptics from social media in October 2019, a week or two before COVID began circulating.
That month, Microsoft founder Bill Gates organized an exercise of four “table-top” simulations of a worldwide coronavirus pandemic with other high-ranking “Deep State” panjandrums [a powerful personage or pretentious official]. The exercise was referred to as Event 201.
Gates’ co-conspirators included representatives from the World Bank, the World Economic Forum (Great Reset), Bloomberg/Johns Hopkins University Populations Center, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, various media powerhouses, the Chinese government, a former Central Intelligence Agency/National Security Agency director (there is no such thing as a former CIA officer), vaccine maker Johnson & Johnson, the finance and biosecurity industries and Edelman, the world’s leading corporate PR firm.
At Gates’ direction, these eminences role-played members of a Pandemic Control Council, war-gaming government strategies for controlling the pandemic, the narrative and the population. Needless to say, there was little talk of building immune systems, off-the-shelf remedies or off-patent therapeutic drugs and vitamins, but lots of chatter about promoting uptake of new patentable antiviral drugs and vaccines.
But the participants primarily focused on planning industry-centric, fear-mongering, police-state strategies for managing an imaginary global coronavirus contagion culminating in mass censorship of social media. Oddly, Gates now claims that the simulation didn’t occur. On April 12, 2020, Gates told BBC, “Now here we are. We didn’t simulate this, we didn’t practice, so both the health policies and economic policies, we find ourselves in uncharted territory.”
Unfortunately for that whopper, the videos of the event are still available across the internet. They show that Gates and team did indeed simulate health and economic policies. It’s hard to swallow that Gates has forgotten.”20
Facebook’s Meta Media Maya
Social media behemoth21 – Facebook, has been one of the powerful global entities controlling, directing, manipulating the mainstream narrative, not allowing discussion, banning those who speak up etc.
Over half of Americans get their news from social media. This astonishing statistic allows Facebook to shape the narrative with the help of “fact checkers” – an essential part of the propaganda machine, that keeps the narrative spinning in the preferred direction.
In other words, though Facebook claims the opposite, it is a manufacturer and upholder of lies and propaganda – maya and deception. CEO Mark Zuckerberg – is a Taurus sun opposite Moon, Mars, Saturn, Pluto and Earth in Scorpio! (See the author’s 2019 profile Mark Zuckerberg: Allowing Maya to Flourish?)
“The term metaverse, like the term meritocracy, was coined in a sci fi dystopia novel written as cautionary tale. Then techies took metaverse, and technocrats took meritocracy, and enthusiastically adopted what was meant to inspire horror.” – Antonio García Martínez.22
Facebook is now attempting to call itself Meta, partly in an effort to distance itself from its tarnished reputation. Mark Zuckerberg sees Meta as, “the next step in our evolutionary transformation from a human-driven society to a technological one.”
For many, this most unattractive Meta presentation of virtual worlds falls like a lead balloon, and is totally aligned with the WEF’s grand plan of artificial intelligence , leading to – “you will own nothing and be happy”.
Meta is a completely artificial construct designed to keep people distracted from the natural world, and exist in a weird fantasy domain. Here iwe witness more of lower Neptune in Pisces – fantasy and vision without true direction, only the exploitation of data through the “mining” of people;s lives and their mass control.
“The metaverse is … a dystopian meritocracy, where freedom is a conditional construct based on one’s worthiness and compliance. In a meritocracy, rights are privileges, afforded to those who have earned them. There can be no tolerance for independence or individuality in a meritocracy, where political correctness is formalized, legalized and institutionalized.”23
The Matrix
The Matrix movie is a somewhat prophetic example of where Big Tech would like humanity to head – a world in which,
“… humans exist in a computer-simulated non-reality powered by authoritarian machines” – a world where the choice between existing in a denial-ridden virtual dream-state or facing up to the harsh, difficult realities of life comes down to a blue pill or a red pill – we stand at the precipice of a technologically-dominated matrix of our own making.
In The Matrix, computer programmer Thomas Anderson a.k.a. hacker Neo, is wakened from a virtual slumber by Morpheus, a freedom fighter seeking to liberate humanity from a lifelong hibernation state imposed by hyper-advanced artificial intelligence machines that rely on humans as an organic power source. With their minds plugged into a perfectly crafted virtual reality, few humans ever realize they are living in an artificial dream world.”24
There are some obvious and clear correspondences here – “few humans ever realize they are living in an artificial dream world.” This has happened to a great extent already in the past two decades, with the development of mobile phones, electronic devices, apps etc. – all for our “convenience”.
Masses of humans are constantly addicted to their cell phone screens, and Big Digital is already harvesting and selling (mining) that information – selling it on to other companies; everything from buying preferences to monitoring travel movement, conversations, human pulse rates etc. – the “zombie apocalypse” is already well underway!
“Neo is given a choice: to take the red pill, wake up and join the resistance, or take the blue pill, remain asleep and serve as fodder for the powers-that-be. Most people opt for the blue pill …
… the blue pill – [which is] a one-way ticket to a life sentence in an electronic concentration camp – has been honey-coated to hide the bitter aftertaste, sold to us in the name of expediency and delivered by way of blazingly fast Internet, cell phone signals that never drop a call, thermostats that keep us at the perfect temperature without our having to raise a finger, and entertainment that can be simultaneously streamed to our TVs, tablets and cell phones.
Yet we are not merely in thrall with these technologies that were intended to make our lives easier. We have become enslaved by them.
Look around you. Everywhere you turn, people are so addicted to their internet-connected screen devices – smart phones, tablets, computers, televisions – that they can go for hours at a time submerged in a virtual world where human interaction is filtered through the medium of technology.”25
Indeed, the author on his travels frequently pulls into a sublime view of natural beauty, only to find that people there are deeply engaged in their electronic devices, barely aware of anyone else’s presence, let alone what nature has on offer!
Switzerland’s Referendum Nov.28, 2021
The Tibetan named only four nations with Aquarius in their make-up: At the soul level: USA, Russia and the Netherlands. At the personality level, Switzerland, an Aries soul.
Switzerland is also home to one of the five planetary centres in Geneva – a first ray soul with a second ray personality, ruled by Leo – polar opposite to Aquarius.
“Switzerland is at the heart of the battle for democracy, as it is in an ambivalent position. Its constitution, which governs the Confederation of 26 cantons, is inspired by the American constitution, and makes it the most democratic state in Europe.
In addition to the broad powers of autonomy enjoyed by the cantons, the political organisation is based on a unique form of direct democracy, thanks to the citizens’ rights to vote and their ability to call for referendums, if enough people demand them.” (Robert F. Kennedy.)
“On 28 November the Swiss electorate will vote on the Amendment of 19 March 2021 to the COvID-19 Act. By passing the COVID-19 Act in the form of emergency law valid for a temporary six-month period, the Federal Council was able to create the legal basis for its coronavirus measures and implement them immediately.
The March 2021 amendment to the Act expanded financial support, permitted the further development of contact tracing, established support for testing and the assumption of testing costs by the Confederation, and created the legal basis for the Covid certificate (for people who have recovered, been vaccinated or recently tested negative) required by the Confederation.”
The positions
“The Federal Council and parliament recommend the electorate approve the amendment to the Act, arguing that it would close loopholes in support and that the Covid certificate would make it easier to travel abroad and hold events.
The referendum committee believes the existing legislation is sufficient and the March 2021 amendment to the Act is unnecessary and extreme. The fear is that it will lead to a two-tier Switzerland and mass surveillance of the population.”26 This referendum has the potential to influence all of Europe and for that to spread globally. On November 12, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and many other ambassadors for freedom participated in a national demonstration in the Swiss capital of Bern.
“The political establishment in Bern has presented the people of Switzerland with “a Trojan horse” that is supposed to tempt them to vote “yes” to the amendment of the Corona Act. Thus, the actual core of the amendment, the shift of further powers to the central state level – and away from the citizens in the cantons on the one hand, and the creation of a digital Covid certificate as a prerequisite for access to large parts of social life on the other, was not recognizably formulated on the ballot paper.
Similar to the Greeks with the Trojan horse in Homer’s Iliad, the political puppeteers in Bern packaged the anti-democratic and dangerous parts of the law in an apparent gift of supposed social benefits mentioned in the question for the referendum.”27
A further comment from a Swiss co-worker:
“Yes, Switzerland is currently playing a central role in the current depths of human history. Tomorrow (Nov.12) there will be an accumulation of energy in the freedom movement, in the midst of the alpine chain and the numerous places of power that carry a potential for activation in their togetherness.
The Federal Council or the overarching powers that still steer this game are perfidious. We are about to vote on 28 Nov. and the mood is breath-taking. It feels like a time bomb!!! The freedom movement here is strong and active, but the prosperity and luxury habits that many have, also brings a certain comfort with it – and corresponding passivity to what is happening.

Lest we forget: Davos was the place from where the current planetary chaos was engineered and organised.
At the same time, the imposed pseudo-fear and the belief that only the “vxx” is the salvation, as well as all other known methods that are known to work. It seems to work like an anaesthesia for many!!!!
Switzerland has some advantages for the people that may not have been calculated accurately. For one thing, the people are sovereign here, which is why the referendum on Covid came about, after the YES in the spring, the referendum came about in record time and now the vote. Many demonstrations and rallies are taking place, especially the one tomorrow is gigantic! Did they expect this?
The government is now trying with all means and strategies to prevent the NO – in a terrible and ridiculous way at the same time!!! Switzerland is also the seat of many world-leading institutions that pilot this whole game [Davos, banks etc.], so I can imagine that the powers that be have to pull their strings carefully, in order not to put their “home” at risk! I am thankful that I decided two and a half years ago for the (expensive) naturalisation and was able to vote exactly at the first mentioned vote around spring!!
Scorpio Vandana Shiva: Eco Warrior
(The following is partially paraphrased from a short article at this link.)
Vandana Shiva is a famous Indian scholar, author, physicist, and environmental activist. As one of India’s most brilliant women, her activism associated with food sovereignty and the anti-GMO movement, has earned her the nickname “Gandhi of grain.”
With a name like Shiva, lord of the first ray of will or power, it is most likely evident in this dynamic woman’s makeup! As a Scorpio sun ruled by first ray planet Pluto, she has been engaged in potent activism all her life.
In 1972, she graduated with a BSc in physics from Panjab University. She then moved to Canada, where she earned a philosophy of science master’s degree from the University of Guelph. In 1978, she obtained her Ph.D. in philosophy of physics from the University of Western Ontario.
Shiva has written over 20 books and spoken extensively about agriculture and food advancement in the world. She is noted for being involved in several campaigns that oppose agricultural development through genetic engineering. She has brought vehement opposition to companies like Monsanto and Bill Gates who she claims, fosters those companies’ agricultural policies. In several interviews, she has spoken against the use of seed-chemical packages and stated that it highly depletes fertile soil.
Shiva assists numerous grassroots organizations involved in the “Green movement” campaign across the world. She plays a leading role in the International Forum on Globalization and is part of the scientific committee of the “Fundacion IDEAS.” She also regards herself as an “eco-feminist”.
Shiva’s time of birth is unknown, hence her rising sign is not known. She has the moon in Gemini which reflects a scintillating intellect, diverse interests and the gift of the gab in communicating her concerns through the written and spoken word.
Gemini ruler Mercury is in Sagittarius, shooting arrows of truth direct and uncompromisingly to the target! The position of Mars exalted in Capricorn powers her driving ambition to achieve goals.
Jupiter in Taurus is Shiva’s insatiable thirst for knowledge that is ultimately transformed in to wisdom – Taurus the mother of illumination! Taurus the Bull is also Nandi, Shiva’s “vahan” or vehicle. Jupiter is in opposition to her Scorpio sun, making her a “larger than life” personality.
Phillip Lindsay © 2021.
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Stripe is supported in many countries. Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.207. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.400. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.338. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.221. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.381. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.229. [↩]
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.342. [↩]
- Wikipedia. [↩]
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- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.329. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.338. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. pp. 493-4. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.29. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.78. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.232. [↩]
- The Maya of World Media and the CIA. [↩]
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- A beast from the biblical Book of Job … a primeval chaos-monster created by God at the beginning of creation. [↩]
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Hi Phil
Very insightful and on the money as usual.
The world is certainly deeply mired in glamor at this time, on many fronts. It is sad and disturbing.
You might find this video (the Theory of Stupidity) interesting from a mass psychological perspective:
Thanks Stephen, I had used Boenhoffer’s quotes in recent newsletters. I think stupidity is the capacity for anyone, at any level of consciousness, to not fully access their god-given intellect.
Thanks Phillip for another great newsletter. I noticed and read the Pope’s Poem and it’s so super how you find these little gems.
I loved the prayers from Libra and started saying it daily.
As always great and very interesting newsletter Phillip! Many thanks for your consistent service. Did you know that Pandora is 7 degrees Scorpio right now and so square with Saturn and almost conjunct Mars and opposite Uranus?
No I did not know Eric, very interesting.There are thousands of asteroids, but their symbolism and place in the zodiac at any time is always uncannily accurate.
Dear Phillip,
In the Agni Yoga book, “Fiery World III”, El Morya writes on page 168, about this “grave epoch of Armageddon”. The descriptions in this series of books regarding the end-times more closely describes the world we live in today then when the book was written in 1935. If I quoted all His prophesies, one would chillingly have to conclude that your hypothesis of WWIII-in progress is correct. He goes on at length about the absolute necessity to purify the planet which will be accomplished “by fire and by the sword.” I think these books were preparatory for what was inevitable, considering the historical record from WWII: the completely inappropriate borders drawn in the Middle East and the suzerainty of eastern Europe and elsewhere. Never have the wars stopped since WWII as civilization sinks ever lower into the mire of materialism and despoilment of the planet.
It would be really good if you could do a further exploration of this theme through the prism of the Agni Yoga books. I’m sure all your students of the ancient wisdom would appreciate it. Meanwhile I greatly appreciate your quoting DK’s encouraging words about remaining steadfast to the Hierarchy of Light.
Keep filling the Chalice,
Thanks Vicki, this time meditating spiritual groups are more aware of the dire situation (whether they are pro or anti vax) – and have the opportunity to prevent this current war on the mental plane precipitating onto the physical plane, by dissolving global glamours that will allow the light to shine through the clouds of maya, upon Humanity.
Thank you Phillip for your extensive and varied work about Scorpio!
Scorpio is the quality that purifies the conscience, frees it from its ties.
Personal self-awareness, reflected in the archetype of Leo, recognizes the spiritual quality of Aquarius, the impersonal service, through Scorpio or the power of redemptive experience, pure reason, the acquisition of detachment.
As the Tibetan Master tells us with His usual brilliance:
“Life, quality and appearance are all tested, but as the entire experience has to be fought out subjectively and lifted “up into the air” finally and raised into the world of spiritual values where all problems must be solved in the light of the intuition and by the soul, the stimulation of the intellect and the focussing of the disciple’s attention upon the physical plane (the world of material values) is not desirable” (E.A – Chapter of SCORPIO, THE SCORPION)
And this subjective experience, where the practical or material sense is almost absent, is the one that all of us who want to understand the incomprehensible must experience.
With love to John Merrick and his fight to make life meaningful.
In answer to your question …..YES……WORKING HARD re a SOLUTION.
However…..its not just about individuals working hard….
Its also about the masses being willing to LISTEN….and from my observations….even in a lockdown… when there has been plenty of time to listen…………few still have………however……there was always plenty of time to listen to negativity.
Hence I work hard with great pleasure and enjoyment……& IF…..ONE CHOOSES to LISTEN….how grateful and LOVELY…….. is that moment in time……..blessings to ALL in these times of CHANGE