12 Responses to Scorpio 2023: Eyeless in Gaza

  1. Dorene says:

    Phillip, Your gift of a non human ability to study and then translate messages from the Great Consciousness is always a blessing to me! I am grateful you are able to see the truth. Your poem is beautiful and poignant.

    My gut tells me this is the same Evil playbook played over and over to start wars for the Elites control and Profit! SHOCK AND HORROR gets the masses every time! 5 hours of complete Military and Police silence??? Really??? Then blame a Country that is not allowing the Elites to control them??? Covert infiltration is my gut!! See it works every time!
    As your poem so beautifully states I Grieve for all of the beautiful people being slayed for evil and greed. I pray Humanity’s liberation from evil!

  2. Rebecca Frith says:

    As always Whitney Webb provides meticulous Historical context in this article from 2019

    1. Carlos says:

      Thanks for sharing the article from W. Webb! She’s amazing. (Fact check her if you dare haha)

      Interesting regarding what Phillip said here “Bear in mind also, that to be “Jewish” does not necessarily mean being born into a Jewish tradition or family. In the above context, its more about a certain developed consciousness.”

      And reading the first paragraph of Whitney Webb’s article: “he largest pro-Israel organization in the United States is not composed of Jews, but of Christian evangelicals, with a total membership of 7 million, more than 2 million more members than the entirety of the American Jewish community.” made me think these as “jewish” in consciousness..

      These words by DK are very alarming, and it’s hard to see a two nation solution ever materialize.
      ” development and their activities have been endorsed by the expediency policy of the U.S.A. and, in a secondary degree, by Great Britain, under the influence of the U.S.A. It is the Zionists who have defied the United Nations, lowered its prestige and made its position both negative and negligible to the world. It is the Zionists who have perpetrated the major act of aggression since the formation of the United Nations, and who were clever enough to gain the endorsement of the United Nations, turning the original “recommendation” of the United Nations into an order. The rule of force, of aggression and of territorial conquest by force of arms is demonstrated today by the Zionists in Palestine, as well as the demonstration of the power of money to purchase governments. These activities run counter to all the plans of the spiritual Hierarchy and mark a point of triumph of the forces of evil. I am emphasising the activities of these two countries because through the leaders of these groups of aggressive men the forces of evil—dammed back temporarily by the defeat of the evil group which Hitler gathered around him—have again organised their attack on the spiritual development of humanity.”

      The Zionist will never yield what they have, and above all, they never yield their ultimate goal. I’m sorry to say it, but without a devastating blow, they’ll never give up their dream.

      1. Carlos,
        By my statement of a “certain developed consciousness”, I meant the unfoldment of consciousness on the 4th subplane of the mental plane. (As expressed in my 2010 essay: Jewish Glamour: A Change in Attitude. (https://esotericastrologer.org/?articles=jewish-glamour-a-change-in-attitude)

        The Christian evangelists have not reached that point of development yet, they still dwell in kama-manas (desire mind) and are conditioned strongly by the sixth ray of devotion and idealism. Hence, their emotional adherence to their ideas has bred a fundamentalism in which they are trapped. The article by Whitney Webb is one her most brilliant I have ever seen, I highly recommend it.

  3. Bob Jordan says:

    Phillip as far as the possibility of nuclear war in the Middle East you have quoted Foster Bailey as having said that nuclear war has been impossible since 1954.

    1. Yes I did Bob, that is correct!

  4. marcia says:

    Grieving For The World …….i am trying to find words to express the profound feelings your brilliant poem stirred in me . i can’t find the words . perhaps there are no other words , just raw emotion . i will sit with them, my feelings and emotions.i don’t know what i’ll do with them . Oh! in fact of course i have found a word, it’s Grief, your words stirred up my Grief . Thank You . I have recognised my Grief .

  5. I was very moved by your poem Phillip and your newsletter today. I’ve written a post on Facebook on what I thought I could do to contribute positively to this humanitarian crisis. This is what I wrote and was triggered by your poem today.

    Dear friends, I’ve been thinking and feeling into the grievous situation humanity is facing at this moment and asking myself -how can I help; what can I do to change the trajectory of this world crisis?
    I’ve decided, I’m going to chant OM – the Sacred Word – and the sound pattern of our beautiful living planet, Earth, as often as I can throughout my day …
    Many years ago, NASA sent a satellite around the Earth to measure its sound. When it was analysed, the sound pattern was identical to the sound pattern of Tibetan monks, chanting OM.
    Please join me and share if you feel the calling to help vibrationally. Together we can make a difference by spreading Divine Love and no matter what your religious or philosophical beliefs are, we all do vibrate to the same Divine Energy.
    Let’s raise the conscious awareness of the political decision makers above the perpetual outmoded “eye for an eye” cycle to one of the Universal Consciousness of Humanity where the preservation of All Life is paramount and sacred.


  6. Marie says:

    Phillip, thank you for your most beautiful poem that says it all and for your most informative news letters so meaningful when we can see how they are connected to our solar system. The last comment by Susie Nelson-Smith struck me as being one of the best contributions we could make to the World Crisis at this time and I will happily apply this into my daily practise and meditations.

  7. Lynn says:

    Phillip – thnx as always for this Work you do – I gave your article a detailed skim-read – – https://esotericastrologer.org/?articles=jewish-glamour-a-change-in-attitude

    You sure did call it in 2010 huh?

    “The situation has not changed since this was written in World War II. It is still a problem of great urgency for the Hierarchy, particularly in this cycle up to 2024 whilst Pluto is transiting through the sign of Capricorn, the personality sign of the Jewish people.” (P.Lindsay; et al; 2010)

    I feel like the world and it’s Light workers really are on the precipice now – bringing so much into sharp focus – makes everything that’s occurred before now fade into insignificance like it didn’t happen – like this is the reason we’re here – to stop this happening – (or maybe that’s my Ray 6 glamour) – Thank you for your astrological insights that settle the mind’s angst enough to allow Soul Alignment & Love & Light to flow.

    And … a reminder from our older brothers …

    “He who faces the light and stands within its radiance is blinded to the issues of the world of men; he passes on the Lighted Way to the great Centre of Absorption. But he who feels the urge to pass that way, yet loves his brother on the darkened path, revolves upon the pedestal of light and turns the other way.

    “He faces towards the dark, and then the seven points of light within himself transmit the outward streaming light, and lo! the face of those upon the darkened way receives that light. For them the way is not so dark. Behind the warriors–twixt the light and dark–blazes the light of Hierarchy.”

    1. Thanks for the beautiful passage from DK, Lynn. It is from Discipleship in the New Age II, and the following passage is a moving continuation:

      “I have been thinking of you all with tenderness and love. The struggle is so hard and oft you feel alone. There is strength in all of you or I would not have chosen you to serve your fellowmen with me; there is weakness in all of you which can evoke your brothers’ strength and thus you will be strong; there is love in all of you but it needs expression, and for that the group exists; there is light in all of you and with that light you serve.

      As the Hierarchy stands as a centre of light and strength to humanity, so do your souls stand to you, and—as your Master—I blend my light with yours and thus increase the efficiency of your service; I blend my love with the love which pours forth from the soul towards each of you, and thus I deepen the relation of love between each and all of you. It is not often that I speak to you in this manner, but in the process of freeing you for increased service I have drawn nearer to you and my love surrounds you. Learn, my brothers, the meaning of words, their transmitting potency and their spiritual significance.”

  8. adam says:

    Really nice article and a trove of great Astro-analysis!

    I think you called it out in your previous newsletter about the dual nature of Mars, akin to Scorpio being characterized by a dual line of force, one to violence and the other to discipline/restraint.

    Just a friendly reminder to those seeking to do things at once, group meditation is shown to quell societal violence. Such selfless meditation also cultivates bodhichitta, the rocket fuel of enlightenment.

    Be sure to link up subjectively with all light workers to anchor the light of the 2nd ray into the Middle East, regardless of the moon’s phase or the time of day.

    As Phillip pointed out, there is a stressful t-square that could push the conflict into an international crisis this week as the rabid lion seeks revenge or it could see the positive influence of Mars direct the global disciple to reign in the dweller and sit for satsang.


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