18 Responses to Scorpio 2024: US Election. Lincoln. Media. Mystery of Sex. Scorpio, Memory & the Dweller. Neptune in Pisces. Christ’s Return.

  1. Robin Davis says:

    This is what happens when someone with great power and money…. Repents.

    A really good lesson for All of us.

    It’s never too late.

    ☀️Radiate The Light☀️

  2. Corruption of biden administration coming out, Armstrong economics reported that the world bank has 41 billion missing from the climate change funds, it has magically disappeared?
    The world bank is run by the USA

  3. Christina says:

    Thanks for those reflections. I’m wondering what type of tough executive orders or dictatorial edicts may need to be made?

  4. Carlos Urtasun says:

    I think there is place for some cautious optimism. We needed a course correction. Kamala would not be giving us one, but Trump might. It will be interesting years ahead, specially looking forward what RFK Jr might accomplish with the likes of the FDA CDC etc.

  5. Paul Bundick says:

    I am reminded of the verse in HEART number 11 of the Agni Yoga series. “When the treasuries of energy surpass the treasures of the heart and straight-knowledge, then a co-worker-teacher is usually sent for equilibrium.” Perhaps a senior disciple will be sent to work with the new President to moderate his instinct for revenge and help him distinguish between what needs to be destroyed for hindering evolution and what needs to be maintained and improved for being still useful and essentially good. These are important days as the new team is assembled.

  6. Colleen S Macmillan says:

    An excerpt from a purported unbiased newsfeed yesterday:
    “Three men have been charged in alleged Iran-linked assassination plots, including targeting President-elect Donald Trump while he was campaigning for a second term, according to charges unsealed by the Justice Department yesterday….” which goes on to list a number of possible conspirators named in the lawsuit filed by the DOJ.

    I view this with heightened caution and advise to use great discretion and intuition when believing anything published in the media, from any source.

    Phillip’s take on the downfall of a highly corrupt corporate mindset and media control in America is refreshing, in that behind it all is the light revealing how very ludicrous the situation is and the hope that this additional light will bring the obvious nature of this materialistic 3rd aspect misuse more clearly to the mass consciousness.

  7. Jeannine says:

    Instead of just pointing fingers and taking sides around the world, we need to center ourselves, lift into the Light/Love and radiate out to HUMANITY and the ONE LIFE that GOD’s Will Be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Wallowing in persona desires is what caused this! We are all to blame, we must all transmute the damage, it is our service.

  8. tom mcnamara says:

    Continuing the Great Work, thank you Phillip. The physical reappearance has already been set in motion, and that is before this time of this writing, so that decision was made already, and has been in play a long time, and cannot then be decided at the 2025 conclave, The Rays and Initiations are as accurate as possible to a future event, and stay so, but remember the future is still undefined to things which were unknown at the time of prediction. All of these things, which DK sets out in The Rays and Initiations, are now working, but it takes time for the germ of the Highest Mind to work down to the minds of disciples, then the minds of thinking men, and then the astral results of the minds at work with their heart, and then all the way into the physical resultant. The Christ is Maitreya, the Cosmic World Avatar, and he brings the Mind of God to the Mind of man. He does this in the Restoration of the Mysteries, and their hidden genesis and casual design in creation. This will result in the transfer down thru disciples to thinkers to feelers, which will bring them altogether by their best potential in the hierarchy of Being. This is done by the holographic Model, the Chiron paradigm “Chiron and Group Fusion”(c).. It is now extant in the world, and can be found on many FB sites, as Christ is using them to open the door to His Reappearance. This is now ongoing. and is soon to be realized. It is from Cosmic Sources, via the Hierarchy on Sirius, which is the Wisdom of Troth thru the hidden inner pyramid now revealing this mystery, as is shown in the Chiron materials. There is not room here to describe, but look to FB sites such as Monadic Energy and the Reappearance of the Christ for clues…and find my page to see more.

  9. david says:

    Hello, thanks for your article Phillip and the opportunity to share.

    I am not of Anglo-Saxon culture and therefore, surely, there are details in Donald Trump’s victory that I do not perceive …, but I will still give my opinion.

    According to my perception Donald Trump is a clear reflection of the American personality, his forms of expression are very related to the forms (appearances) of American expression. Forms (a charisma, a glamour) with a great global influence.

    Donald Trump brings together in himself, hence his power, a way (a form) of understanding such important issues as: business, “God in the dollar”; immigration and its opportunities; the “sacred” reason of the Jewish people; admiration for successful personalities; the way of perceiving communism and also Russia and China; the feeling of being the best country in the world; abortion and its relationship with women’s freedom; the role of women in bed, family or society; sex, tradition and guilt; the supremacism of the white man; the myth of the hero; freedom or the right to bear arms; coexistence between the various branches that make up Christianity;…., all these themes are very present in the United States and, with greater or lesser intensity, in all the countries that make up humanity.

    Now, the forms of expression or personality of a nation do not always express the quality of its Soul…, but it is also true that without the strength of the personality the energy of the Soul cannot manifest itself. As esoteric books tell us, the role of the Soul is to manifest divinity (Spirit) through the experience that the mother matter or Personality gives us.

    Therefore, and following the narrative thread of the beginning, Donald Trump’s attitudes have brought to light all the power of the American personality, thereby breaking many of the pre-established, outdated molds of the so-called “establishment”, both national and also global.

    The question is: What kind of experience will this powerful irruption of American self-affirmation bring us?

    Time will tell, but I like to think that this explosion of personality will be the opportunity for the great minds and souls of the country, no matter which side they belong to, to experience and better understand the true needs, the true destiny, of the United States.

    Astrologically speaking, and more specifically in the USA, this experience correctly understood should lead the rebellious and aggressive Mars to the more imaginative and idealistic realm of sensitive Neptune. It should be understood that the electric and revolutionary mind of Uranus is only inclusive when behind it is the expansive and loving heart of Jupiter, the esoteric ruler of this great nation.

  10. Heidi says:

    Thank you so mach, Phillip for this and all your outstanding Newsletters. It is really amazing what you are able to put together for each zodiacal sign. When I read it, I think how much work to create a Newsletter. Does Phillip never sleep?

    It is therefore obvious that al readers should sustain your work through adequate donations and buying your books or Readings. Personally, I bought THE SHAMBALLA IMPACTS, the revised and updated edition. It has become a manual for me. You are an appreciated guide and spiritual teacher.

    Though I leave an appeal for al readers and friends … and hope they will understand and let speak their Soul.

    Peace and Joy

  11. Craig says:

    As for Maitreya/planetary Christ, he has already created a physical body through which to work as of the 70’s, in London, if you follow the publications from Share International and the work of Benjamin Creme (now passed on). Many have had experiences of his presence (I have had a couple of experiences I think may be connected to or expressed by Him, including the “crosses of light” phenomena). Creme was the only one of 7 planned who were to to used by Maitreya to speak through that did not fail in preparation.

    I recall, Phillip, that you covered RFK Jr in previous articles. Now, assuming he is confirmed to be HHS director we will see the exposure of the massive corruption and industry capture in the health and environmental agencies (HHS, CDC, NIH, NIAID, FDA, USDA, EPA, etc.) which RFK Jr has vowed to overhaul and clean out. Trump “draining the swamp” is generally dependent on his appointees and admin. personnel who are generally part of the swamp, but who knows this time around how it might play out. At least RFK Jr has integrity.

    It appears to me likely that RFK Jr may gain more support as his work to improve Americans’ health and well-being is acknowledged, he will have a strong independent candidacy in 2028, which Trump may throw support to. Then, Andy Beshear, with strong bi-partisan support in KY, may be the leading democratic candidate. People then will line up with either strong medical/holistic health and concerns about MIC/deep state awareness (RFK Jr) versus less aware / progressive (Beshear). Arhimanic forces have been working through the pharma-MIC-deep state to provide ‘opportunities’ for developing strong critical thinking and discernment as we become “mentally polarized” in preparation for initiation en masse. Those that go along with corrupt authorities and wanna-be oligarchic transhumanists will delay their progress (and possibly go through some painful experiences on this plane, as many have already).

    1. Michael H says:

      The following was inspired by your recent telegram post.

      Speaking of the recent Pluto Aquarian ingress, my attention was drawn towards the opposition it forms with Mars, a most volatile combination. It forms what Hellenistic Traditional Astrology calls a Besiegement. When two malefic planets ‘surround’ another planet. Besiegement never presented good news for whatever was caught in the besiegement. For the USA (Sibly), its natal nodes are under besiegement at this time and will be for some time to come. As of 21 February 2024:

      Transiting Mars is at 4 degrees 40 minutes of Leo, conjunct the Natal North Node at 6 degrees 35 minutes Leo in the 8th house.

      Transiting Pluto is at 0 degree 1 minute of Aquarius’ conjunct the Natal South Node at 6 degrees 35 minutes of Aquarius in the 2nd house.

      This portends issues concerning the USA’s values and value systems; the country’s wealth, the wealth of the people; relationships with other nations and other people’s wealth and how the USA sees and values the other. Transformational activity isn’t out of the question, in fact, it will be the desired outcome. The Fates (transits) have simultaneously, with their ‘big gun warrior’s’ (Pluto and Mars) grabbed both the head and the tail of the USA’s Lunar Nodal Dragon. Almost to say, “you aren’t going to be able to wiggle your way out this time”.

      Wanting to see when this energy and force would crescendo; I looked to see when Mars would reach 6 degrees 35 minutes of Leo in exact conjunction/opposition with the natal nodes. Well, not anytime soon, as Mars:

      Stations retrograde on 5 December 2024 at 18:33 EDT on 6 degrees 9 minutes of Leo.

      Precedes retrograde and ingresses Cancer on 6 January 2025 at 05:44 EDT.

      Stations direct 22 February 2025 at 21:00 EDT, on 17 degrees 1 minute of Cancer.

      Ingresses Leo on 18 April 2025.

      Mars doesn’t reach exact conjunction / opposition with the natal nodes until 2 May 2025 at 6 degrees 35 minutes Leo. Meanwhile, Pluto’s power expressing in this enterprise will have had significantly increased now being at 3 degrees 49 minutes of Aquarius. Then there is that little asteroid named Pandora-55, at 4 degrees 4 minutes of Leo; it will be conjunct the North Node. I found the following description of Pandora from an astrologer online by the name of Nic Gaudette, which may be of keen interest. I think what is said about a person can also be said about a nation as a whole on the world stage.

      “In the realm of astrology, the asteroid Pandora (55 Pandora) holds a captivating position, symbolizing curiosity, opening up to new experiences, and the potential for both blessings and challenges. Just like the mythical Pandora who opened the infamous box, this asteroid represents the act of venturing into the unknown, embracing its possibilities and learning from its consequences.
      At first, Pandora can seem like a real pain. You’d rather not deal with her at all. Most people would rather walk through life ignoring all of the bad that’s right there in front of them. With Pandora, you can’t. You have to face it. You have to face the truth. So you have to get everything out first, face the all of the bad, and accept the reality.
      There can be controversy where Pandora is concerned, and it’s not Pandora’s fault. It’s our fault for wanting to put the blame on someone or something else so we don’t have to take responsibility for our part in the bad situation. If someone points out the bad thing we’re trying to avoid, we turn on them, making them out to be the bad guy, the one who’s ruining our perfect paradise. But that paradise is an illusion, and we’re just mad that they had to point it out.
      Pointing out the truth is important, because without the truth, we never really know any of the good, only the bad that we’re constantly trying to escape. So there is a purpose and a point to Pandora, and it’s one we need to embrace and appreciate.
      From Pandora we learn that when all is lost, we still have hope, and that hope can carry us through the bad times, so with a prominent Pandora, you might be the type of person who can keep going no matter what is happening to you. No matter how bad it is, there’s still a tiny bit of hope somewhere deep inside of you that doesn’t go away.”

      And then, the exact Wesak Full Moon arrives just ten days forth at 12 May 2025 at 12:55 EDT at 22 degrees and 12 minutes of Taurus (Sun) and Scorpio (Moon).

      1. thanks Michael, some very interesting possibilities to track here!

  12. Michael H says:

    As mentioned before, the USA’s Natal Nodes are under ‘Besiegement’ more so since Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius. It has been no secret to many nations that the current hegemon’s favorite and most powerful weapon of will, force and coercion has been financial sanctions, and most interestingly, the USA’s Natal Nodes (NN) are in the 2nd house (south node conjunct transiting Pluto in Aquarius) and the 8th house (north node conjunct transiting Mars in Leo).

    We are looking at the USA’s wealth and value versus every other nation’s wealth and value. The USA’s very favorite weapon, Financial Sanctions, is under ‘Besiegement’. Seems like a cosmic or systemic disarming maneuver is underway.

    Now, if what is true about the placement of the nodes in medical astrology has useful analogy across the astrological spectrum, and I think it does; in medical astrology, the south node is where energy is lost, given up, and the north node is where energy enters. With that in mind let us consider the south node in Aquarius in the 2nd house of wealth.

    If the USA was to apply their wealth according to the will-to-good, it would naturally flow out of her for service (south node in Aquarius). Her mature Cancerian Sun conjunct Sirius, the planet, among other things, of freedom, would rule her north node. Moreover, the inconjunct or disconnection between this wealth flow with her exalted Jupiter, the chart ruler, and soul direction (Sagittarius Ascendent) in Cancer in her 7th house of relationships and partnerships, would be mended. Thus, she will then be able to build that Lighted House and extend it for everybody. Likewise, the mending of the inconjunct between the wealth flow and Venus would bring positive results.

    The USA’s 7th house would look like one happy place. Sun conjunct Sirius, Jupiter, and Venus are tenants. But also, in residence we have that pesky Mars always wanting to fight or dominate whoever it meets. Which brings in the other simultaneous interesting sky pattern. Seems the
    Fates had something else to influence.

    When transiting Mars exactly conjuncts and opposes the natal nodes. Simultaneously, transiting Jupiter in the 7th house is 22 minutes shy of being exactly conjunct natal Mars. This conjunction turns on the USA’s natal Mars Neptune square. Two six ray planets are in play. Both rule the solar plexus, and both represent the USA’s 6th ray personality. Let us hope the love aspect of Jupiter first draws Mars, and not its expansive energy quality at the exclusion of love and wisdom.

    The 9th house Virgoan Neptune faces off with the 7th house Geminian Mars. Both energized by ray 2 energy that could influence a positive realignment of the USA’s devotion to an idea energy towards love wisdom, or simply fuel expansion of its current trajectory of selfish idealism.

    Renn Butler in his book, “The Archetypal Universe” writes what I think is one of the best descriptions of an illumined expression of the mixture of the Martian and Neptunian energies.

    “The Taoist virtue of wu wei or “creative quietude,” the Watercource Way, true strength comes from being open to the flow of divine energy and consciousness (the Tao), the ideal of turning the other cheek. An active quest for holotropic or “moving towards wholeness” states of consciousness, the dynamic pursuit of ecstatic experiences, going from the womb, “stalking the Absolute,” entering into the Mystery, sacrificing one’s ego into the Great Dissolver. Nirvana, the extinction of desire.”

    Above is a description of the ‘turning’ the USA needs to do. It is time for this nation’s personality to grow up by losing its selfish ego and realizing it is one of many nations, that it is the responsibility of the greater to help the lesser, that all nations must work together for the good of all equally.

    The question for the USA is, ‘in what direction will you direct your energies? Will you feed your heart and allow it to grow, or will you feed your sacral center engendering even more selfish desire?

  13. david says:

    Hello Michael, your references to the second house are very accurate, let us not forget that the planet Earth, the esoteric ruler of Sagittarius, is located there.

    I think that the definitive answer to your questions will be given in the third return of Uranus, “the one that reveals the secrets” that must, by right, be known.

    The first return of Uranus was the advent of Abraham Lincoln, (the Avatar of Freedom). The second return was the end of the mandate of F.D. Roosevelt, (according to DK, an initiate), with the Yalta conference (right at the 9th degree of Uranus) and the subsequent explosion of the Atomic Bomb, which seen in a positive way, meant the end of “The Great World War”.

    Will the third return, around the 2028 elections, be the arrival of a revolutionary Republican, Democrat leader, or perhaps, of a new party? Will the third return be the arrival of the new ideas or revealing events that Uranus always brings with it? …, given the background, I think so.

    Currently, in my opinion, the arrival of Donald Trump is an explosion of the American personality, where the most characteristic traits and feelings of the nation (6th Ray) stand out above its most universal qualities (2nd Ray) related to the diversity of its inhabitants.

    This attitude highlights the power of the individual, his freedom from the most inclusive institutional responsibility. An individualism that breaks with established structures, creating, consciously or unconsciously, the “space” for the refreshing energy of the third Uranus return.

    1. Michael H says:

      Great point David. Made me want to take a peek.

      Transiting Uranus conjuncts Natal Uranus on 26 July 2027 at 8 Gemini 55.
      Twenty minutes of time later, the transiting Moon perfects a T-Square with the USA’s bad boy natal nodes.

      Moon squaring the nodes could bring with it an emotional reckoning, challenges, healing opportunities, and a realignment of life purpose. Moon representing the people wrestle away some control over where their tax dollars are going, demanding redirection of their money flow from that old dragon. Issues concern safety, security, and ability to creatively express themselves. All the while, transiting Pluto sits 35 minutes shy of a perfected conjunction with the south node. This would be right after the USA’s 238th birthday.

      I think you are correct, “…the definitive answer to your questions will be given in the third return of Uranus, “the one that reveals the secrets” that must, by right, be known”.

  14. Michael H says:

    With all the death, destruction, hate, selfishness and fear, permeating humanity and this planet, I thought it would be beneficial to spend some time viewing what life on this planet will begin to look like when humanity realizes that we are the ‘prodigal son’ and begin our return to the ‘Father’.

    I pictured in my mind what a will-to-good, cultured humanity would be like. Then I scanned the current field. I then contrasted the product of our current civilization, and the product of a fine culture, and saw the gaps and disconnections that needs to be mended, across the many Disciplines. It is against this backdrop that I will now engage the creative imagination to describe the results when the Light shines forth brilliantly in man at some time in the future.

    Imagine incarnating into planet Earth and being greeted with the following pact:

    “We welcome your arrival to planet Earth and consider it our honored responsibility to ensure you have every opportunity to discover, develop and express in greater magnitude your soul’s purpose. Furthermore, our responsibility is to ensure you live in a safe, secure, and healthy environment, that you receive a proper education, at no cost to you in line with your talents, both hidden and obvious, that wherever you are on this planet, should you ever require health care it will be provided at no cost to you and without any identification required, as it will be apparent you are a human being, and as such, no government, no employer, no group will violate your

    Freedom of speech and expression
    Freedom of worship
    Freedom of want
    Freedom of fear

    We the current incarnated human beings strive to ensure our ability to propagate, and meet the responsibilities in this pact, and as such, we look forward to your unique talents being applied to such responsibilities when your time comes twenty-eight years from now. May we always express the ‘will-to-good in all we think, speak, and do. And always remember that with great freedom comes great responsibility.”

    The world finally reached a point of relative peace, even crime seemed to have mysteriously diminished, yet enforcement wasn’t the reason. Still remained was the memory of a type of exhaustion over the lands, an exhaustion from warring in every aspect of living. More people were connecting with the soul, as the mists of their past illusions dissipated, and the true value touched. What once they held in high esteem, now has waned into sad memories of wasted time and effort. Humanity, not yet perfected, reversed the wheel and desired to pick up the broken pieces and rebuild in the image of compassion and sharing, and respect, and responsibility.

    The new Multi-Polar United Nations completely adopted the principles of life expressed in the Four Freedoms and the pact to all newborn children into this planet. Moreover, governments at all levels, corporations, universities, and religions adopted it and included it in their purpose for existing. Humanity now had the aspiration to build with Love and would now need to blend their advanced Intellect with that Love, and plumb all their thoughts, speech, and actions to the Law of Love as the Foundation, and the Cornerstone of all thought, speech, and actions.

    The question that was beginning to occupy the minds of more of humanity more of the time was, “How, is what I or we about to do, align with the will-to-good for all? And as such, the MP-UN naturally included this question as a governing criterion of all projects and discussions. The discussions at the MP-UN were more online with determining where the most needed attention was required and what was the best method to resolve it. Or it provided a platform where Nations could showcase a new idea or discovery for the world to see, as they were excited for the world to see how well it would add to a true expression of Love towards all the natural kingdoms upon this Earth. Corporations went to the MP-UN to see how they could help and present their good ideas as did various larger worldwide research universities. Surprisingly, the MP-UN Multi-Media Channels were some of the most trusted and watched channels by all demographics. More on this later.

    National diplomatic and technical representatives of vision, with the support of their national leadership, now realize that the Earth and its resources belong to everyone and would now require proper will-to-good management on a global scale.

    Slowly discussions on securing and protecting borders turned into identifying areas of responsibility for peoples and resources. There were many issues to mend, to repair, to change. Some known, and some unknown, yet discovered along the way. The MP-UN evolved slowly into the place where each Nation’s natural resource requirements were maintained. Nations came together to report to each other the status of their natural resources, to include surpluses, shortfalls, impacts. This further evolved to include a Nation’s products and services. The ideal, the end-state was a solid vision to ensure no human being on this planet had to suffer and live below an agreed upon reasonable level of living, and that priorities would be set based on the greatest need to the greatest number; yet not at a forceful reduction of another or ignoring the future for short term satisfaction. The idea that an eventual somewhat equilibrium would be reached by the sheer growing desire to want to help your fellow human beings.

    The result of the above collaborations resulted in complete global life cycle programs awarded to international, national and local, businesses as required. This created numerous jobs at various skill levels world-wide. This grew needed education and research to resolve or improve upon problems or shortfalls. This provided a person with an opportunity to express their soul’s purpose in service to humanity where all would benefit, by all helping all along the way.

    The MP-UN Family of Multi-Media Channels has become some of the most watched and trusted channels by all demographics because the spirit of service toward the will-to-good resides there. If one wanted to know the number one problem globally, humanity is having they went there. They saw honest reporting on the issues. All of them, and what is currently being done to alleviate the issues, as well as ideas about the future. As a side point, all levels of all governments and corporations began adopting a similar approach of transparency to the global population. The other interesting development was a ‘Want-ads Section’.

    Corporations, followed by universities, began offering job opportunities, as well as no-cost education and travel to those who had a true desire for service in the appropriate area. The idea was, there is a place for everybody, it just needs to be found.

    The channels hosted various programs about people performing various occupations and learning about what they do, and what the impact of their work is, and what their life is like. The population of the planet was really beginning to like viewing the will-to-good in action, and wanting and seeing themselves somewhere in that “Will-To-Good Project”. A person knew if they naturally turned in that direction of service, and showed the physical, emotional, and mental capacity to serve in that area, the opportunity, to include the needed education, would be provided to them.

    Purpose and service outside of oneself was beginning to be the new aspiration, so much so, that this began affecting the contents of movies, TV, Online-Platforms, Social-Media, and chats. The current steady programing feeds that show honor to selfishness, sexuality, physical comforts, wealth, fear, hate, ambition, pride, separativeness and cruelty; all have but disappeared from view to wanning interest. No legislation was required. Besides, ‘you can’t legislate morality’.

    The inner and outer conversation of our children have changed. They are healthy and live without fear. Their conversations are more positive, inquisitive, and helpful. The idea of children’s entertainment lost its interest for the development of harmonized living among civilizations and cultures, and as such, they may view a cartoon, but the theme is somewhere related to the Four Freedoms or some other will to good theme. This occurred in movies, and TV dramas to sitcoms. Arts and cultural activities became more interesting and attended. All this shift occurred through a change of interest, not forced legislation.

    By now, as you know, children were in formal education up until they turned 28 years old or thereabouts. Schools were using Esoteric Psychology and Esoteric Astrology to help the individual develop and to determine the best area for the individual to work in, in conjunction with the parents.

    Another very important aspect of this new education system was that it became worldwide, and of special note, the true history of humanity and planet Earth was required study. Subsequent discussions and learning objectives would be a comparison of right and wrong relationships over time, so as not to repeat the problems of the past, and to further hone proper right human relationships into the future.

    More the norm than not, most students would spend some time abroad in international or bi-lateral national cooperative educational projects. This fostered at a young age a cooperative familiar relationship, even friendship with members of other nations that would fully flower and continue, as those students assume their nation’s responsibilities as adults completing their first Saturn return.

    The entire concept of ‘you must go out and make a living’ died. In its place was the importance of discovering who you are, why you are here, and your place in your environment; to prepare oneself physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually; and then enter the service force so to speak.

    As for health care, by now there was a Global Human Universal Health Care system that was completely funded by the governments of the world. Chronic sickness was almost eliminated by now, because the emphasis was placed on prevention by proper diet, exercise, and care for our bodies, a value introduced and taught in the education system. Unhealthy food simply wasn’t available, nor would any corporation even think of producing foods that contained unhealthy ingredients. The allopathic medical system assumed its rightful position as last in the line of health care, now having the Naturopathic/Chiropractic and other natural healing arts and sciences performing the primary health care provider position. Even astrology began to play a larger role in health, as many health care providers became trained in astrology, or conferred with one regarding the health of their patients.

    The Agricultural Community of the world formed under the MP-UN. This was a cultured group of men and women highly trained and skilled in their respective disciples, who were dedicated to ensuring the planet had a sufficient healthy food supply, and as such, they became known as the ‘World Farmers’ who planned on a global scale the needed crops, nutrients, and water to plan for the coming growing cycles.

    The Pharmaceutical Industry shrunk significantly, as the products they once produced were no longer required. In fact, the idea that profit should be a deciding factor in drug production and health care was completely shunned. Making selfish profit off another’s suffering is now considered extremely evil.

    Religions continued to discover they had more in common than not, and combined religious ceremonies became much more common. The differences were now beginning to be seen as products of the land, environment, the people’s understanding, local customs, etc. Full Moon Festivals became a common celebration, and the population of planet Earth was becoming more in tune with the natural cyclical rhythms of the planet and solar system.

    The cleavage between science and religion, introduced by the church of Rome, was no more. For people no longer thought of their God as a magic man who goes about denying natural law, both exoteric and esoteric, but rather, they are expressions of the same great entity we all call God, or the Great Intelligence that operates this universe, this solar system, this planet.

    The famed separation of church and state distorted to mean, no state should be religious, transformed into, all governments are spiritually inspired towards providing for right human relationships in all endeavors. Many of the world’s national leadership did attend the Full Moon and New Moon Festivals, yet no law was passed to make it mandatory.

    Humanity was in the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. An age where science, technology, and uniqueness of expression in service to all would flourish, yet not without that staunch refrain, ‘with great freedom comes great responsibility’. Humanity was learning about group think, harmlessness, value, and world service.

    The pre-requisite for all positions of leadership and decision was to prove their hands were empty hands, before, during, and after their service.

    1. david says:

      Very interesting Michael, let’s hope that at some point in the New Age the reality on Earth will be as altruistic (2nd R) and organized (7th R) as your imagination suggests 🙂

      “Humanity now had the aspiration to build with Love and would now need to blend their advanced Intellect with that Love”

      Your phrase sums up the Aquarian energy, the advanced or enlightened intellect is ruled by the 5th Ray of which the “water bearer” is the ruler. A mental clarity (5th Ray) that must be expressed through the Love and Wisdom of the 2nd R, that is to say, with the generosity and fusion power of Jupiter, its esoteric ruler. And finally, also, with the responsibility and organization that the 7th Ray brings with it, ruler of Uranus, the exoteric ruler of Aquarius.

      In the “water bearer”, the right measure (control) or good service are symbolized by the physical position of the water bearer and his vase, two symbols ruled by Venus (5th R) and Uranus (7th R). Water itself, the life that is poured out is ruled by Jupiter (2nd R).

      Love (responsible liberty), Organization (equality) and Fraternity.

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