5 Responses to Taurus 2018: Wesak. Uranus Enters Taurus. Avatars. Good News-Bad News. Mark Zuckerberg. Fascism: Past and Present.

  1. Lynne says:

    WOW (and 3/4) !!!


  2. Louise Langdeau says:

    Hi Phillip,
    Is it possible that the body of manifestation of the Christ was Krishnamurti? In 1919, he was in preparation to play that role.

    “Think you that His body of manifestation is already on Earth, waiting to be overshadowed, inspired and used at the right time, as was the vehicle of the Master Jesus by the Christ? There are those who say that it is waiting and has been waiting for 22 years.”15

    1. Phillip Lindsay says:

      It is possible Louise, in 1919 K was 24 years old, which is a 2 x 12 Jupiter cycle for that second ray disciple of KH. In my book “The Initiatiions of Krishnamurti”, I discuss K’s role as the one to be overshadowed by The Christ, which he fulfilled in part. But it is unclear in the quote what level avatar DK is referring to. He may well have been referring to K and in my book it is written,

      “DK may well have been referring to K in this quote, which would mean that he had been ‘waiting’ since 1919. (DK first contacted Alice Bailey in that year.) This passage was written in 1941 at a critical point of the War, but there is no clear indication from this author’s sources what was going on for K at the time, save that he was in retreat at Ojai. Given the severity of K’s experience there may well have been other alignments that the Hierarchy were trying to achieve.” (https://esotericastrologer.org/books/the-initiations-of-krishnamurti/)

  3. adam says:

    A thought on economic systems for consideration:

    If you go back in time to the mid-20th century and look at the big corporations in the USA and look at the big corporations today, many of them died and not due to mergers/acquisitions; they just unexpectedly went out of business. Kind of like what happened to IBM in the 1990s as the PC revolution snuck up on them during the 1980s. The US capitalist system promotes a couple of things: (a) risk taking and (b) creativity. Large corporations have a longer shelf life under socialist systems given the ability of these behemoths to hide behind a morass of laws. This goes back to the idea of being a passive recipient waiting for salvation vs. being an active member of the human race. Socialist systems could end up repressing creative energies; be careful what you wish for.

    For instance, look at your viral video. 2 million views is wildly unexpected and impressive. Economic systems that allow for this type of unexpected upside due to one putting in one’s creative energies should be nurtured.

    What Marx does not account for is the nature of a dynamical system. We are to assume that the capitalist class becomes entrenched and exploitative of the laboring class under Marx’s view. However, what I want to point out is that having a “1%” type class does not mean the system is broken… if we cycle in and out of this 1% status, it can be a sign of a healthy economic system.

    The problem happens when those who rise into what should be a dynamic state of wealth and then attempt to control public policy to protect their wealthy status by eliminating risk to their status. These materialistic forces definitely do exist and work to maintain and extend their soul-crushing grasp on the world. But…. socialism is not the answer. Socialism may be exactly what the materialistic forces use to shelter their holdings from risk.

    You know… socialize the risks and privatize the profits. A saying that was en vogue after the 2008 financial crisis.

    I just want to point out that a system that rewards individuals with windfall upsides and allows for a dynamic cycling of individuals in and out of wealth can promote prosperity and creativity, if this system is protected from selfish forces attempting to siphon off all of the vitality for themselves.

    A thought on the nature of aspiration in Taurus and working as a member of the NGWS:

    I remember DK referring to the eye of the needle parable as referring to the two 3rd degree initiates unwilling to give up everything (personal aspiration) and fully take refuge in the Dharma.

    Like the story of Jesus sitting in front of the coffer with donations being made, the poor woman (a lowly aspirant) giving her all (dynamic aspirational energy during the Wesak) vs. those rich persons (disciples and initiates at or below the 3rd degree) giving some when they have so much more to offer…

    There is a story of the Buddha traveling a road and being approached by an advanced aspirant, who was asked by the aspirant how many lives were left to live before liberation. The Buddha pointed to a tree with a few leaves on it and stated the aspirant was to live a few more lives and the aspirant was disheartened. Another aspirant approached, one far more ignorant and was asked the same question. The Buddha pointed to a tree with hundreds of leaves and the lowly aspirant was overjoyed at the compassion of the Buddha. The advanced aspirant witnessed this in a state of disbelief and was promptly admonished by the Buddha.

    Happy Wesak!

    1. Phillip Lindsay says:

      Thanks Adam, here is the “eye of the needle” quote from DK:

      “…admittance to Shamballa and a divine expression in life and service of the first great divine aspect, the will aspect, is the goal held before the members of the Hierarchy. They too are on the way of evolution, and Their goal is to pass through the “eye of the needle,” on Their way to the higher evolution. This higher evolution is that which opens up before a Master of the Wisdom. The use of this esoteric term by Christ in The New Testament story gives us a hint as to the nature of the exalted consciousness which He expressed. Faced by the rich young man who possessed so much, Christ indicated that he needed to prepare himself for a great negation and for a step forward. The true significance of this has never [Page 116] been grasped and lies in the fact that the phrase “rich young man” is in reality a technical term which is frequently applied to an initiate of the third degree, just as the words “little ones” or “little child” apply to an initiate of the first or second degree. This rich young man was rich in his range of awareness, rich in his personality equipment, rich in his aspiration and in his recognition; he was rich as the result of age-long experience and evolutionary development. He is told by the Christ that he must now prepare himself for what is called in Rule V “the Triad shining forth”; he must now prepare for the unfoldment of the monadic consciousness and for the fourth initiation. In that initiation, the causal body, the body wherein the soul experiences and reaps the fruit of experience, must be and will be destroyed. This has to take place before the initiate can enter into the Council Chamber of the Most High and express the will-to-good and the will of God in fulfillment of the purposes of God. The will of this particular “rich young man,” initiate though he was, was not yet adequate to the requirements, so he went sadly away; he had to prepare himself for the fourth initiation, the Great Renunciation, the Crucifixion, and thus fit himself to pass through the needle’s eye.” (RI-115.)

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