7 Responses to Taurus 2022: Wesak-NGWS. Jupiter in Aries. Blame Game. Plato’s Cave. WEF’s Yuval Harari. China. Initiation 2025.

  1. Fred says:

    Hi Phillip,
    Great newsletter. Your “ignore” list is impressive and I would like to add my 2-cents worth:

    1. recall Cuba: when Russia was ousted from the western hemisphere; but now seems ok for the US to do the same with Ukraine and Finland.

    2. Putin’s phrase of “nazism”, though you mentioned Ukraines paramilitary groups, recall that the Nazi Death Squads of WWII were comprised of mostly Ukranians, Croats, etc. from that region, made up not only criminals but volunteers, including ministers, architects, etc.

    3. where were all the bleeding-hearts when streams of unwashed, different-looking refugees wandered from Syria, Africa, Asia, etc. when conflicts were there? there was no outpouring of help for them and hardly any mention, so why now? answer: not only because of the propaganda but also THEY LOOK LIKE US, carrying their suitcases and well-dressed and nourished–easier to identify with and not like those previously mentioned.


  2. Vicktorya Stone says:

    Well done, again, Phillip.
    I agree with Fred, the “ignore” list is impressive. If I had one to add, it would be the 2020 USA election, or rather it was a soft coup d’etat? This issue also is verboten to discuss on mainstream, or ‘polite'(?) / esoteric company due to cognitive dissonance on what usually seems to me to be hatred about personality traits of Trump.

    As you point out with Ukraine, suggesting that Putin has a few good points that are ignored doesn’t mean you are siding with Putin over another, but just that you are looking at the facts.

    The facts about that 2020 fraud of an election has direct implications to the Ukraine war, obviously, with the Bidens’ & Co. complicity and crimes, and will consume the world for years to come. For now, the USA is going to have a hot summer as the flames about midterm elections in November are whipped up.

    Still hoping for some rational thinking among the enlightened. Very best to you.

  3. Dewey Stace says:

    Hi Philip. I appreciate you work.
    Question: Do you think the World would be a better off if people were not vaccinated against Covid 19? I take if that you are not vaccinated yourself, if I read your train of thought correctly.

    Regardless, stay healthy.


  4. Anya Kumara says:

    Extraordinary. 💜🙏😇 Gratitude and Grace to your high heart.

  5. rosalyn thurecht says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your research. Extraordinary! I wish a wider population were exposed to your writings.

    1. Heidi Kunkler says:

      Hi Phillip
      Thank you so much for your research and telling the truth which I share completely. When I look around where I live, I can only confirm that a lot of people and friends of mine, continue to be ill after the third shot, but they don’t connect or admit that their illness is due to the vaccinations.

      One has to be really detached to see clear and be guided by the soul!

  6. Irene says:

    Thank you, Phillip! Your work is deeply appreciated! May God (within and without) speed our awakening to unfolding reality in its truer light. 🙏

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