7 Responses to Virgo 2021: Essence of Virgo. Plant Kingdom. J.R.R. Tolkien – Lord of the Rings. Australia & NZ. Vax Crisis. Afghanistan 9/11.

  1. Paul Movsessian says:

    Dear Lindsay: What a profound analysis. A never ending thank you for the tireless sacrifice you make to research, prepared publish these newsletters. It is a breath of fresh air to hear and see this current world situation in the light of the truth and wisdom. Much gratitude, Paul Movsessian

  2. Kerry Woodward says:

    Dear Phillip,

    Thanks for these magnificent, eloquent pieces of research that get a handle on many of the Hidden Presents of Humanity and add considerable depth to my own searches in these contentious fields. Wonderful!

    Please keep up this valuable work,

  3. Benita Rainer says:

    I thought you might like our Song for virgo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnZlZ4C-OP4 Song for Virgo “Virgo Delight

  4. David says:

    Thanks for your work Phillip!

    Esoteric Virgo is the quality capable of using the lower triad (Moon) to nurture, build, forge or mold (Vulcan) a purer consciousness, closer to Christ.

    As you well say Phillip, exoterically this quality is reflected through selfishness as the power to censor or criticize to build what is desired. But as we already know the difference does not depend on the sign but on the consciousness that manages it.

    In esoteric Virgo, looking outside is looking inside because Virgo knows that what is seen is a reflection of what is built. Later, what has been built will be put to the test in Scorpio, also a triple sign …, but this is another topic.

    I have always been struck by the fact that the Soul of Paris is ruled by Virgo …, and the Soul of the country by Pisces …, does this not mean that the future of the nation is developing in Paris? The answer is yes. In the purifying power of the great city is the final expression of the country understood as a unit. “Curiously” the rising sign of the current mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, is Virgo.

    Changing the subject, truly the entire “power crusade” that is moving through the Covid 19 vaccines has a strong smell of selfishness.

    I explain why I have reached this conclusion, surely, as Phillip tells us, there are many other reasons to think the same, but I will tell you mine.

    I passed the Covid, and in my truth I knew and felt that the disease had the power to kill …. 12 days almost without hunger and only wanting to sleep. Finally a friend from Barcelona told me: “take this David, it will be fine for you “. It was like a yellowish drink that had to be taken in small doses mixed with water. And so it was …., the next day I already wanted to have a tortilla sandwich with a beer … what joy it gave me!

    What I drank, in very well measured quantities, according to the experts is something very simple, something that truly oxygenated my blood … it was chlorine dioxide …, I don’t know if it is the famous Trump bleach, but I do know that for me (and for someone else in my family) it was something very healing, easy to take, always in the right measure and very economical.

    Please, do not search the Internet for what it is, because for many websites it is poison …, and as you will understand my suspicion is great because I am still alive.


    1. Thanks David, here is one of several pieces I have written on Paris and France:Fire at Notre Dame: The Soul of Paris


    2. Jim Clarke says:

      Regarding David’s post on Covid 19.

      I did a little looking around and found this

      In the footnotes on the topic of chlorine dioxide I found this

      And I thought BINGO! Since David’s friend and surely David speak Spanish, and after reading this work from Columbia.

      Both CLO2 at 3000ppm and Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide at 12% are available on Amazon Mexico, maybe in your countries as well.

      I personally will be taking the CLO2 protocol should the need arise.


  5. Martha says:

    The section on Breaking the Global Cabals is a veritable treatise on the current burning issues of who is in control and what is happening in the world today and why.

    History teaches us that in the past it was tribal chieftains, warlords and monarchs who were in charge of guiding/controlling societies. Then came the period when democracy was born and power shifted to the people — supposedly. Presently we are at the stage where what we call democracy is far from being consolidated and is more like something of an experiment. Much of humanity still clings to the idea of looking to leaders to guide them and is not ready to assume the responsibility of self-governance.

    Indeed, the ideal of representative democracy does not truly exist because it is common that the persons elected as “representatives“ are in actual fact perceived as leaders by the people who elected them. Now that politics has become a profession, it would seem that the people who practice this profession likewise perceive themselves as power holders, not as servants of the electors.

    Democracy may not even be the final answer to the question of how society can function peacefully. The chaos we are now experiencing may be the breakup of one system as it transitions to another. The crux of our current dilemma is that past systems set up for managing societies were dealing with small social groupings, whereas today for the first time we are trying to find a way to manage a worldwide social grouping that is the result of a coalescing of multiple social groups with widely differing customs, traditions and beliefs. And professional politicians are perhaps not the best prepared for dealing with such a situation.

    So where do we go from here? That’s what we are trying to figure out.

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