Virgo 2024: Ancient Virgo. Pisces Polarity. Soul of Jewish People. Roberto Assagioli. Lisbon Tremor. Externalisation of the Hierarchy.

“Virgo is the sixth sign and of it the six-pointed star is the ancient symbol”. (Also known as the Star of David.)
Virgo Keynote:
“I am the mother and the child. I, God, I, matter am.”
(Full Moon: Sept 18, 2024. UT: 2.34.)
“[Virgo] … is the sixth sign and of it the six-pointed star is the ancient symbol, portraying as it does the process of involution, and also that of evolution, carried to the point of balance, expressed for us in the relationship of Virgo to Libra. You will note … that astronomically, Virgo is regarded as occupying the place in the heavens where Libra is to be found.”1
Virgo: A Sign of Ancient Origin
___The Moon, Vulcan and Uranus
Virgo: Soul of the Jewish People
___The Pisces Polarity
___Pisces and Forgiveness
___Pisces and Pluto
Roberto Assagioli: Virgo-Pisces
___ Assagioli’s Jewish Service Work
Virgo Soul Portugal: Lisbon Tremor
The Externalisation of the Hierarchy – Book
Meditation and Talk
Virgo: A Sign of Ancient Origin
In the grand cosmic scheme, our current solar system is regarded esoterically as the second of three “incarnations” – of our Sun, the One known as our solar logos or Sol.
Similarly, all planets take various incarnations within the body of our solar system. This latter fact is brought out in the theosophical teachings under the theme of globes, chains, rounds and schemes. (These themes are explained in more detail – in the author’s book, Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles. Or the documentary, The Hidden History of Humanity)
Very broadly speaking, and from the standpoint of the divine trinity – the first solar system unfolded untold aeons ago, seeing the development of Intelligence, our current second solar system – Love, and the third to come – Will.
Will, Love and Intelligence – corresponding to the first three rays (or “aspects”) of Will-Power, Love-Wisdom and Active-Intelligence. It is the latter factor of Active-Intelligence that is associated with Virgo and the first solar system.
However, in this solar system and in our current cycle – we are informed that Virgo carries the principle of Love-Wisdom more powerfully than any other zodiac sign. The ruler of the second ray is mighty Jupiter, which is also the highest or hierarchical ruler of Virgo.
Virgo’s exoteric ruler is Mercury the Messenger, that transmits the principle of Intelligence, relating to the lower and higher mind, but also that which is beyond the mind – the intuition.
Mother Moon is the esoteric ruler of Virgo and is intimately connected to the maternal principle – the building and nurturing of the form, hence this sign’s association with diet, nutrition, exercise and healing. As above, so below – this maternal principle applies at cosmic level:

The 6-pointed star is composed of the down-pointing triangle of matter, superimposed by the up-pointing triangle of spirit. Spirit-matter united at the centre of the flower of life. Geometry is a science of the 7th ray of Ceremonial Order or Organisation.
“Virgo is, therefore, the cosmic mother because she represents cosmically the negative pole to positive spirit; she is the receptive agent [3rd aspect] where the Father [1st] aspect is concerned.
In a previous solar system, this matter aspect was the supreme controlling factor, just as in this solar system it is the soul or the Christ principle [2nd aspect] which is of paramount importance.
Virgo is, from certain angles, quite the oldest of all the signs … In that first system, the faint symptoms … of the duality which is a proven fact in this system – are to be found, and this truth is preserved for us in the words that “the Holy Spirit overshadowed the Virgin Mary.” [Spirit blends with Matter.]
The life of the third divine aspect [Intelligence] played then upon the ocean of quiescent matter and prepared that substance (over untold aeons) for its work in this solar system.
It is in this [2nd] system that the Christ Child, the expression of the divine consciousness and the result of the relationship of Father-Spirit and Mother-Matter, must he brought to the birth.”2
The Moon, Vulcan and Uranus
The Moon is esoterically devoid of spiritual influence, due to the failure of our previous moon chain evolution, as described in a recent newsletter. (All Full Moons Are Solar Festivals (Moon Chain)
Yet the moon “veils” a hidden planet – either Vulcan or Uranus, depending upon the individual horoscope in question.
Virgo has a close relation to Vulcan the Smithy, the intra-Mercurial planet that is hidden behind the orbit of Mercury and its close proximity to the dazzling rays of our Sun or Sol.
Vulcan is the ruler of the first ray of Will-Power the Spirit-Father aspect, hence its close relation to Virgo the Matter-Mother principle. Vulcan hammers at his forge and builds.
Virgo is intimately related to the deva kingdom that build the human form – including all forms in the plant and animal kingdoms.
One of the names for the second ray of Love-Wisdom is The Master Builder and the two main grades of devas are known as (1) Greater Builders: Fire Devas and Lesser Builders: Fire Elementals.

Kundalini deva. From Kingdom of the Gods by Geoffrey Hodson. (Free download.)
Sun-ruled Leo (prior sign to Virgo), represents 1st ray-spirit-father, uniting with mother Virgo – source of the Mystery of the Sphinx – with the face of a virgin and the body of a lion. (See last month’s Leo newsletter.)
The enigma of the Sphinx is known as the mystery of the two groups of devas mentioned above – the solar and lunar angels that build the higher and lower forms. Note that the Sun and Moon are the respective exoteric-esoteric rulers of Leo-Virgo.
The sign Cancer – ruled exoterically by the moon, is more widely-known as the mother who conceives and births the child.
The ancient rhythmic cycle of the moon governs a woman’s menstrual cycle and is related to conception, the ocean tides and for many – variable emotional states.
The Moon is co-ruler of the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict, particularly the conflict part of that equation. But Cancer is the oldest sign, governing the first half of the first solar system:
“Another sign of the zodiac which is also closely related to the previous solar system is Cancer; it might be said that Cancer is an expression … of the first half of the life cycle in solar system one, whilst Virgo is an equally advanced expression of the second half.
… the consciousness aspect, as we understand the ability to be aware, was lacking entirely except in such an embryonic manner that the whole process resembled the stage of the embryo in the womb, prior to the quickening at the middle point of the gestation process.
… thus [we] get a vague and faint idea of the synthesis of the great evolutionary scheme which, in a cosmic sense, concerns the threefold personality of Deity. [Divine trinity]”3
The threefold personality of Deity: Will, Love, Intelligence. Symbolically speaking, Cancer births the physical child, Virgo births the Christ-child or soul.
This esoteric perspective on the Moon is one that is most challenging to those exoteric astrologers who traditionally place much importance upon it. The following passage by The Tibetan, forcefully drives the point home – like Vulcan hammering in a nail!
“… the influence of the moon is purely symbolic in nature and in effect and is simply the result of ancient thought and teaching (descended to us from Lemurian times) and is not based upon any true radiation or influence.
In those far off times, antedating even Lemuria and constituting in Lemurian days simply an ancient tradition, the moon appeared to be a living vital entity. But I would have you bear definitely in mind that today the moon is nothing more than a dead form.
It has no emanation and no radiation of any kind and, therefore, has no effect of any kind. The moon, from the angle of the esoteric knower, is simply an obstruction in space—an undesirable form which must some day disappear.
In esoteric astrology, the effect of the moon is noted as a thought effect and as the result of a powerful and most ancient thoughtform; nevertheless, the moon has no quality of her own and can transmit nothing to the Earth. Let me reiterate: The moon is a dead form; it has no emanation at all.
That is why the moon is spoken of in the ancient teaching as “veiling either Vulcan or Uranus.”
This hint or inference has always been here and astrologers would do well to experiment with this suggestion I have made anent the moon – and (instead of working with the moon), let them work with Vulcan when dealing with the undeveloped or average man and with Uranus when considering the highly developed man. They would find some interesting and convincing results eventuate.”4
Here, “average man” may refer literally to Vulcan the smithy working in the trades and manufacturing, though Vulcan does have a higher expression as the esoteric ruler of Taurus – another sign prominent in the building of the form, where the moon is exalted:
“Vulcan is, therefore, that which stands for the soul, the individual, inner, spiritual man; in his activity we find the key to the soul’s task upon the eternal round of the wheel of life.”5
Considering “highly developed man”, Uranus is the “planet of science”, both exoteric and esoteric – the higher mental faculty of creativity and innovation, the exoteric ruler of Aquarius, the sign Humanity is entering for the next 2,000 years.
Virgo: Soul of the Jewish People
“The Jews are instruments in the working out of the Plan for the production of certain syntheses and to bring humanity to certain realisations and decisions ….
.. When the mind aspect (the third aspect of the personality) is more fully developed, then the focus of the effort of the Dark Forces will change and the problem of the Jews will disappear. Mankind is not yet handling its problems intelligently.”6

The constellation Virgo, the virgin depicted with angel wings, hinting at Virgo’s association with the deva kingdom.
This subject has been mentioned several times in recent newsletters, particularly in the Pisces 2024 newsletter, The Shadow of Pisces and Israel’s Victimhood. For an esoteric introduction to the subject see, Jewish Glamour: A Change in Attitude. (An co-authored article and 2011 USR conference presentation.)
Essentially, the article above outlines how the Jews are the product of the above-mentioned first solar system, whose second part was ruled by Virgo.
Hence, the origin of Virgo as the soul of the Jewish People – whose advanced intellectual development has seen them at the forefront of the sciences, arts, psychology and business.
The personality of the Jewish people is governed by the third ray of Active-Intelligence, a ray which passes through Capricorn, the sign governing their personality. Capricorn is the goat or scapegoat.
Although comparatively small in numbers globally, Jewish people “punch above their weight” – in terms of achievement, which their Capricorn personality ensures. (See also, Capricorn, the Jewish People, Zionism and Israel 2017.)
The global Jewish population is estimated at 15.7 million – or 25.5 million depending on how it is counted (as per this article). That’s 0.2% of 8 billion people. Israel – 7.2 million and USA – 5.7 million: The rest scattered through other countries, in highest order: France, Canada, Britain, Argentina, Russia, Germany and Australia.
Note that the bulk of the population is split more or less evenly between Israel and the USA, hence the inextricably entwined connection between the two nations. And also the crux of the present problem in the Middle East which will be addressed later.
But to be “Jewish” is not necessarily being born into a Jewish family or to adopt Judaism. Because of their unique evolution, the Jewish people embody development of the mental principle – hence, all intellectually advanced Humanity is Jewish in quality.
If we consider the mental unit, it is on the fourth subplane of the mental plane, giving a hint of the goal of our final evolution and liberation into buddhic consciousness – which is upon the fourth plane – beyond the mental plane. (See diagram below.)
However, Intelligence is not the only factor associated with the Jewish Virgo soul. That Virgo soul might express in a lower sense as Virgoan fussiness, the critical mind, the kosher diet with its strict rules and regulations, racial purity, or in traditional modes of dress and religious ritual.
The highest aspect of Virgo and the aforementioned Love-Wisdom ray passing through it – is that of compassion and caring, of fulfilling the role of the wise, maternal elder.
Here lays the potential for a “wise elderhood” – to become self-actualised as a collective people. Self-actualisation is a term coined by psychologist Abraham Maslow:
“The more we learn about man’s natural tendencies, the easier it will be to tell him how to be good, how to be happy, how to be fruitful, how to respect himself, how to love, how to fulfil his highest potentialities.
This amounts to automatic solution of many of the personality problems of the future. The thing to do seems to be to find out what you are really like inside, deep down, as a member of the human species and as a particular individual.”7.
Incidentally, Maslow (Born in Kiev, Ukraine) was one of many great Jewish psychologists such as Sigmund Freud, Erich Fromm and Roberto Assagioli.
Many of us may also remember the Jewish character of compassionate army psychiatrist, Sydney Freedman – on the TV show MASH, played by Alan Arbus, himself a Jew from Brooklyn. The MASH series was the brainchild of Larry Gelbart, born in Chicago to Jewish immigrants from Latvia and Poland:
“The Jews, as a product of the humanity of the previous solar system, and as constituting the incarnating residue from that solar system, have run the gamut of suffering and are in the forefront of the creative arts at this time, particularly in group production such as certain of the great motion pictures and in the field of scientific discovery.”8
The fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict, also known as the ray of art, beauty and music – rules theatre and the creative arts in general. It is the major ray of Humanity as a whole, but also specifically the Jewish People (speculatively their collective mental body):
“The Jewish nation has a close relation to this fourth ray and to the fourth root race [Atlantis], and hence their eminence at this time in the world of art, and hence the magnitude of their endless symbolic wandering and searching.”9
The “compassion and caring” theme of Virgo has been expressed by many advanced Jewish souls – but within the Jewish People as a whole, it has not yet reached full potential.
Sadly, it has been blocked by ruthless Zionist ideology, tapping into the shadow of the Jewish People’s 1st ray soul of Will-Power, particularly the “power” portion of that equation. This 2nd ray/2nd aspect is the “missing link” between the first ray soul and third ray personality of the Jewish People.
With rays I and 3, power expresses through creative intelligence and this can be a potent combination – often selfishly appropriated. The second ray of love-wisdom is the bridging ray between rays 1 and 3:
1 SOUL – will, power
2 mediating potential – love-wisdom
3 PERSONALITY – active intelligence

This picture is from a 2017 newsletter on sex, featuring Harvey Weinstein.
So how do the Jewish people invoke this Virgo soul, in a way that is not simply a crystallised expression of an outdated religion or the stereotypical, nagging Jewish “smother mother” – or George Costanza’s judgemental mother on of the Seinfeld TV series? (A Jewish production by Larry David.)
How to invoke the nurturing, caring qualities of Virgo the Mother who serves sacrificially the child? The following description is a very good characterisation of Virgo’s shadow – for any individual or group!
“The stereotype generally involves a nagging, loud, highly-talkative, overprotective, smothering, and overbearing mother or wife, who persists in interfering in her children’s lives long after they have become adults and who is excellent at making her children feel guilty for actions that may have caused her to suffer.
The Jewish mother stereotype can also involve a loving and overly proud mother who is highly defensive about her children in front of others.
Like Italian mother stereotypes, Jewish mother characters are often shown cooking for the family, urging loved ones to eat more, and taking great pride in their food.”10
For the Jewish people, the leadership potential and fact of their first ray soul represents the father aspect; it is complemented by the Virgo soul, representing the mother aspect, that can nurture younger Humanity, the child.
This theme is particularly relevant today, with the ongoing slaughter/genocide of Palestinians in their territories. Of course, it must be emphasised that many in the global Jewish population do not approve of the policies of Israel’s right-wing Zionist dictatorship.
Yet a majority of Israeli’s support government goals in relation to Hamas. Recent, massive demonstrations of 100,000 or more in Tel Aviv, were mostly about the unreleased Israeli hostages.
Due to Israel’s strident, nationalistic fervour (particularly the aggressive settler culture – the dire Palestinian plight has been mostly ignored. A stark paradox – a collective amnesia of slaughter on a scale equivalent to the Holocaust – right on Israel’s doorstep. Ironic would be a gross understatement, cognitive dissonance reigns.
Of course, Hamas, the PLO and all the other resistance groups that have arisen in Israel since it illegally imposed itself in 1948 – have done so as a response to a repression and theft of land that has worsened, unabated for 76 years.
Given that the majority of the world Jewish population live in Israel, it appears that the opposite is being practiced of, “the mother aspect … who can nurture younger Humanity”. The opportunity to be a “kind elder brother” to the Palestinians has been missed.
Israel had the opportunity to be a shining example of a global United Nations that tolerated all people and religious faiths. And it did, sporadically for a while. Now, through the ideology of Zionism (the shadow of the Jewish People), Israel has become exclusively Jewish – riddled with corruption, greed and selfishness – seeking to outlaw or marginalise any remaining Muslims and Christians.
The worst side-effect of events since October 7, 2023 is that hatred and resentment toward Jews has multiplied globally, something that may take decades or even centuries to heal.
Virgo is a sign of service, one of the main ways Love can be invoked, bringing about a balanced expression of intellect and love wisdom, of the head and heart.
Yet, a large proportion of thinking Humanity do not serve those younger souls around the planet; they exploit and look down upon them with disdain and condescension – calling them “useless eaters”, “animals” etc. This group simply have not yet developed the “middle principle” of Love-Wisdom and compassion.
Hence, this group which constitutes part of “advanced Humanity” – ”Jewish” in intellect, is simultaneously Humanity’s shadow or dweller; they hold great corporate power and money, dictate to world governments and censor any opposing views.
The Zionists are at the spearhead of this larger group and have their powerbase in Israel, USA and Europe:
“These Forces of Evil work through a triangle of evil, one point of which is to be found in the Zionist Movement in the United States, another in central Europe, and the third in Palestine. Palestine is no longer a Holy Land and should not be so regarded.”11

“A triangle of evil … in the Zionist Movement in the United States, another in central Europe, and the third in Palestine.”
Since October 7, 2023, this ancient problem has been coming to a head – for the possibility of a final resolution – or deeper entrenchment. As Humanity faces its collective shadow – the Planetary Dweller on the Threshold, there comes the realisation that we have ALL contributed to this ancient “beast” over many incarnations.
Therefore, the responsibility for right understanding of the current situation, followed by right action – standing for truth and justice. As Pluto heads back toward Aquarius, comes the opportunity to slay the various dragons that lurk in our lairs.
“When humanity has solved the Jewish problem (with the understanding cooperation of the Jew) and overcome ancient antipathies and hatreds, it will do so by fusing the problem in one vast humanitarian situation.
When that happens, the problem will be rapidly solved and one of the major difficulties will disappear off the face of the earth. Racial fusion will then be possible. Our earth humanity and the group of human beings who are far more ancient in their origin than we are, will form one humanity and then there will be peace on earth.”12
Has the world now reached that, “one vast humanitarian situation” – in our immediate future?
The Pisces Polarity of the Jewish Virgo Soul
On this Virgo full moon festival 2024, the Sun occupies Virgo and the Moon is in Pisces. The subject of polar opposite signs can never be over-emphasised, in terms of how conflicting dualities can be balanced upon the astral and mental planes.
Reconciliation between the pairs of opposites individually or collectively – occurs through the six pairs of zodiac signs. Hence one solution for invoking the love principle, lies within Virgo’s polar opposite sign Pisces. Both signs have the 2nd ray of love-wisdom and the 6th ray of devotion and idealism passing through them.
The Christ Avatar was “born of a Virgin” (Sun-Pluto conjunction in Virgo), assumed a Jewish body 2,000 years ago and inaugurated the Age of Pisces. The Christ’s main message was one of love and forgiveness. We have been informed that the Jews have not yet passed through the Age of Pisces, still grasping the Age of Aries and all the traditions of those times:
“It is equally true of the Jewish race that in the rejection of the Christ as the Messiah they have remained, metaphorically and practically, in the sign of Aries, the Ram, or of the Scapegoat; they have yet to pass into the sign (again speaking symbolically) of Pisces, the Fishes, and recognise their Messiah when He again comes in the sign Aquarius. Otherwise, they are repeating their ancient sin of non-response to the evolutionary process.”13
The Age of Aries – approximately 4,000 to 2,000 years ago, marked a high point for the Jewish people in their mental development and the taking of the first racial initiation. The Age of Pisces relates symbolically to the conquering of the waters and the second racial initiation.
The goal of this age is related to the unfoldment of the heart. The Age of Pisces is all but finished, there is a very small window of time for the Jewish people and thinking Humanity to invoke the higher expression of Pisces, the complementary opposite sign to their Virgo soul.
As the table above shows, it could be very tempting to leap from the Age of Aries, tapping into the mental forces of Aquarius, without having integrated correctly the experiences of the Age of Pisces.
Israel’s exoteric horoscope for 1948 has Aquarius rising (midnight chart) and already Israel has declared itself a leader in many technical Aquarian fields. But no one can be a true Aquarian Water-Bearer unless they have learnt the lessons of the waters of Pisces first.
Yet, Aquarius is ruled at the soul level by Jupiter, ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, a force that will be steadily invoked as the Aquarian age proceeds.
Pisces and Forgiveness
Pisces is a sign of deep emotional experience. The Jews have had a long and painful saga of being rejected, expelled and marginalised.
During the Piscean cycle of the last 2,000 years, many Jews were expelled from cities and nations around Europe – murdered and ostracised, culminating in the “final solution” of the Nazi death camps in WWII. This was an event that was partially allowed to happen by Zionist collaboration with the Nazis, as it was “good for their cause”.
Hence, the Jewish people historically have a lot of grievances – which Zionists exploit for political gain – nothing to do with religion or Judaism. There is a great deal of emotion related to the Jewish experience – that has created a reactive and volatile mentality, a collective persecution complex – and not without good reason.
But this is also played upon – as the Jew or Israel is always the victim, caught up in a cul-de-sac of blame and projection. This is discussed in the Pisces 2024 newsletter, The Shadow of Pisces and Israel’s Victimhood. This Virgo 2024 newsletter is a complementary expansion of that essay – a further balancing of the Virgo-Pisces opposites!
The doorway to the emotional body is the solar plexus centre, ruled by aggressive Mars and pacific Neptune – in its higher expression. The Jews’ special role as the “chosen people”, though they may not know it or interpret it otherwise – is related to the transformation of human emotion:
“The fourth type of force, which is responsible for the state of world affairs at this time [WWII], is that of the Jews; they, as a whole, constitute the solar plexus of the planetary Logos; their problem is being used today to focus, qualify and condition the world feeling-nature and the emotional reactions of the sensitive nature of humanity and of the planetary Logos …”.14
Elsewhere, in relation to the planetary solar plexus centre, the following is stated:
“… what is truly taking place in the world today is the transference of the energy of the planetary solar plexus to the planetary heart centre … I am not speaking idealistically or mystically.I am pointing out the immediate goal; I am indicating a problem of our planetary Deity; I am giving you the clue to a scientific process which is going on under our eyes and which is today at a point of crisis.”15
“I would point out here that the fourth energy, focussed in the Jewish problem, is definitely producing cleavage as a part of the divine plan. The Jews are instruments in the working out of the Plan for the production of certain syntheses and to bring humanity to certain realisations and decisions.”16
The situation has not changed since this was written in World War II. It is still a problem of great urgency for the Hierarchy, particularly in this cycle leading up to 2025 – while Pluto is transiting through the sign of Capricorn, the personality sign of the Jewish people.

The new symbol for Pluto, the up-pointing arrow, signifying movement from the lower centres to the higher. “Pluto … governs the death or cessation of old ideas and emotions … its influence is largely cerebral… a clue to its late discovery. Mankind is on the verge of becoming mental. Its effects are felt first in the mental body.”17
Pisces and Pluto
Here is where Pisces as a sign of forgiveness prevails – through its esoteric ruler Pluto the lord of death, releasing and transforming the pain of aeons – along the road from the first solar system, through Lemuria, Atlantis and the Fifth Rootrace – to the days of Abraham and the Semitic subrace, Moses and the Exodus from Egypt.
Transiting Neptune in the last degrees of its own sign Pisces is also helping dissolve the past. Pisces is most amenable to the expression of love wisdom, whilst Virgo in its lower expression tends to bring in the factor of the separative critical mind. Soul energy will always distort through an unreceptive or unintegrated personality.
The forgiveness message of the Christ Piscean Avatar, is for many not an easy one to receive, as forgiveness is primarily a function of the soul, and most people are not soul conscious. It is a process that must be learned and forged by the personality, invoking the soul, in order to truly effect a lasting forgiveness.
The dynamic quality of forgiveness has to be examined, it is primarily a process of the spiritual Will, synonymous with the words – absorption, redemption, and sacrifice, all relating to the raising of matter into the light.

Pluto, holding a bident (Neptune the trident) – with his three-headed “hound from hell”. Pluto raises what is hidden in the underworld, into the light.
Forgiveness, Absorption, Redemption and Sacrifice are a deeply occult techniques along the first ray line of will or power. Pluto as the soul ruler of Pisces has much to do with this process. Pluto is also co-ruler of the Jewish first ray soul.
On the theme of absorption, Humanity must exoterically integrate the Jewish people and the Jewish people must esoterically absorb Humanity.
We can glimpse the ultimate symbolism of the soul and personality of the Jewish people – the Earth signs Virgo and Capricorn. Virgo purifies matter; the Capricorn Scapegoat in the wilderness scavenges all matter and redeems it.
“Forging forgiveness” is a process to which an individual or group can submit itself. This forging activity relates to Vulcan the Divine Smithy, co-ruler of the Jewish first ray soul and also the lunar “veiled” ruler of its Virgo soul.
Hence, the Jewish soul must – like Vulcan, “forge in the depths” to “find the material upon which to expend its innate art – and to fashion that which is beautiful and useful”.18
Glamour is a kama-manasic (desire-mind) substance. The glamour related to the Jews has been created by humanity – Jews and non-Jews throughout the ages. It is the New Group of World Servers who must deconstruct and dissipate it. This involves several steps, as outlined in the book, Glamour: A World Problem:
1. Become aware, own and transform one’s own contribution to the glamour.
2. Cultivate an attitude of non-judgment and harmlessness.
3. Look at the phenomenon with an impartial-scientific (or neutral and mental) approach, aimed at a complete and balanced point of view.
4. Build a lighted thought-form of solution, based upon a planetary vision.
5. Pierce the glamour subjectively through group meditation.
6. Give subjective support to all individuals and groups who are actively working to solve this world problem.
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Roberto Assagioli: Pisces-Virgo
Assagioli was mentioned earlier in relation to the Jewish psychologists. He had the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Virgo, born precisely on the full moon of 1888 – the year that Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine (SD) was published.
The Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul, transmitted much of the SD to HPB, as he did to Alice A. Bailey (AAB) – later on in the 20th century. Assagioli received personal guidance and instruction from The Tibetan, as part of several groups of disciples – whose letters were published in the AAB volumes, Discipleship in the New Age I & II. (DINA)
Our recently departed Dr. Michael D. Robbins, wrote an extensive astro-biography on Assagioli, using the original DINA letters from The Tibetan, interleaving his commentary. A long but very worthwhile read! Quoting from the first part of this article,
“Dr. Roberto Assagioli, an important Italian psychiatrist who founded Psychosynthesis—a system of psychological analysis, synthesis and therapy which is best understood within the context of Transpersonal Psychology—the “fourth force” in the modern psychological science. He was also an early pioneer in the popularization of Freud’s Psychoanalysis.
Roberto Assagioli is the author of two major books, The Act of Will, and the Psychosynthesis Manual, as well as numerous articles and monographs. Ever seeking anonymity in relation to his esoteric interests, he also wrote (under pseudonyms) books on the Seven Rays and Esoteric Astrology.
Roberto Assagioli, FCD [Freedom from Ties. Chelaship. Detachment], was one of the more advanced disciples who worked with the Tibetan as He attempted to establish various specialized groups of servers for the purpose of world redemption.
FCD’s deeply esoteric roots have been emerging into the light in recent years. A pioneer in the field of the new psychology, he derived much strength and guidance from his association with the Inner Ashram and as a result of his chelaship under the supervision of Master DK. His true Master, however, was the Master KH.”19
Assagioli was in an unique position to address the Jewish question, born Jewish – and as a conscious disciple of the Masters. He was also in an unique position to balance the Jewish Virgo-Pisces polarity through his horoscope.

Roberto Assagioli (This chart was deemed the most accurate rectification that Michael Robbins and two co-workers analysed.)
Assagioli’s true Master was the Chohan (custodian) of the 2nd ray of Love-Wisdom, Koot Hoomi, from whom he also received instruction. In his astro-biography, Michael Robbins (born Jewish – Robbins/Rabbi) states:
“In the following letter, some portions of letters to FCD which, for various reasons, had been deleted from his letters, will be included for their explanatory value. As a member of the Jewish group, I take the responsibility of discussing these matters in the hope that there may ensue some necessary clarifications and a deeper understanding.”
Assagioli’s Jewish Service Work
Those letters are published under the title on the author’s website, The Jewish Group: D.K.’s Letters to Roberto Assagioli (FCD). Some key passages from these letters are profound:
“Your Master, K.H. [Who will soon take the office of World Teacher], asked you at that time if you were ready to begin work in preparation for a definite assignment upon the Path of World Saviours. [Assagioli was being prepared for the exalted 4th degree initiation]
Assignment after assignment in connection with groups, nations, races and increasingly large units is ever the mode of developing a world Saviour until the time comes when he can make a world impact and achieve a measure of world salvaging.
… KH then proceeded to tell you that the Jewish race, by means of the fires of purification, would (at the end of the war and prior to 1945) be ready for instruction and for that teaching which as a race, they have never had and which, when given them, they will at first resent.
For this resentment, all workers among the Jews must be ready. This teaching must be brought to them by one who loves them greatly, who is of their race and, at the same time, not of their race, who has suffered so deeply that naught can again touch him to any drastic extent and one also who has the power of the Hierarchy back of him.
All these requirements are met by you and you can—from the standpoint of your present life position and during your next immediate incarnation—act as the Teacher of the new dispensation for the Jews; you can, at least, give them that instruction which, during the next one hundred years, will change their point of view and attitude of life.
Thereby you will salvage [Pisces] thousands; thereby you will begin your chosen task and fulfil your self-determined destiny; thereby you will lift off the shoulders of many disciples the burden of this peculiar phase of world salvage—for the Jews need salvaging.
I do not refer to physical conditions which ever engross the attention of the Jew, oft to the exclusion of the spiritual values.
… The work assigned to you, my beloved brother, will be work of profoundest difficulty. You will meet with rebuff from those you seek to help and from your own race; you will find very little understanding; you will meet with encouragement and assistance from the enlightened among the New Group of World Servers who are non-Hebrew in origin; this will make your work possible but it will also greatly handicap you.
The intense pride of the Jewish people, their fixed and ancient stubbornness (closely allied in their case to the instinct of self-preservation), their mental approach to all subjects, their inherent weakness in the face of difficult situations which leads them ever to choose the easy way out and not the strong way, and the height of their racial walls, will tend at first to baffle you.
Their natural separativeness, based on either sensitivity or orthodoxy, will create difficulties and make your task extremely hard.
The beauty of their creative life, their ability to bring through ideas into forms of grandeur on the physical plane, their close unshatterable family relations, their dogged adherence to their divine heritage, so-called, their sympathetic handling of all life materials and their philanthropy and group enterprises for welfare and helpfulness are great spiritual assets with which you must work.
Their vices must be transmuted into virtues and their virtues must be expanded into world usefulness. They must be lifted out of the past which they ever over-emphasised and the future must be held before them as one of radiance.
The Jewish dreams of an Utopia wherein they return to their ancient home must be relinquished; the goal of the orthodox Jew for centuries has been a basically material one—the repossession of territory to which they have had no rights for many, many centuries.
The trumpet call to them which you and those who help you must sound is that of the Kingdom of God without location but to be found everywhere as is the Jew who can, if he so chooses, be the symbol of that spiritual race of men—of every nation and creed—who love and think divinely and who are to be found scattered in every nation and race and in every part of the planet.
The symbol governing all Jewish thought should be that of the exodus but this time not the exodus out of Egypt, or the exile from Palestine and the great dispersal from the Mesopotamia valley, but the dispersal of the Sons of God throughout the world with the emphasis upon spiritual purpose and not upon material possessions and upon the fact of divine parentage (along with all other races) instead of the orthodox belief in the fact of the Jew being the Chosen People.
The Jew needs to love without superiority or separativeness. Had the Jew loved more widely, generally and generously down the ages, his plight today would not be what it is and this in spite of his strange and peculiar destiny.
The Jewish people have been ever governed by the statements of transmitted prophecy and by an anticipated destiny. A defiance of prophecy and a planned control of destiny, plus an immovable purpose to demonstrate the expansiveness of love should be the clue to future racial development during the coming five hundred years.
Each Jew who masters his individual tendencies passes out of the racial group as you did many lives ago. Your position as a Jew, is today one of your free choosing and a decision upon you desire to be of service in the salvaging of a race.
I stand by you, my brother, unalterably and at all times, and on this you can count. Such is also the wish of K.H., my Brother and also my Master. On that you can count”20
Roberto Assagioli was the founder of the psychological integrating system known as Psychosynthesis. For those interested in these dimensions of the Jewish theme, Assagioli wrote a long, extremely deep philosophical essay: Psychosynthesis of the Jewish People.
Lisbon Tremor (5.4) Aug.26, 2024.
The Portuguese remember their devastating earthquake (7.7+) that destroyed Lisbon on Nov.1, 1755. Hence, any future tremor activity evokes those memories, creating some apprehension – to say the least! The 5.4 tremor happened at 5.11 am, enabling an event horoscope to be generated.
There is an astrology of earthquakes that has been written about in various newsletters over the years. There are certain significators that crop up regularly, such as the Moon, Gemini – mutable signs, Pluto, Uranus and even Venus. In the tremor horoscope, several of these astrological indicators were present.
1. The Moon had just entered Gemini conjunct Uranus in late Taurus. Moon, Gemini, Uranus are often seismic significators, as mentioned above.
2. The Moon in Gemini created a T-square to the Sun-Earth in Virgo-Pisces – these signs are the soul-personality expressions of Portugal.
3. The Moon in Gemini was closely opposite Mercury in Sagittarius – in the 1755 earthquake chart, creating a grand cross to its progressed Venus in Virgo – and transiting Sun-Earth.
4. The Moon was exactly trine to Pluto in Aquarius, lord of the underworld and seismic shifts. Pluto was exactly square the Taurus (earth) midheaven of the event chart.
5. Transiting Venus in Virgo was opposite transiting Neptune in Pisces. The epicentre of the tremor was under the ocean, 58 km’s west of Sines (2 hours south of Lisbon.) Neptune is important, as it symbolises the enormous tsunami which engulfed Lisbon and much of the Portuguese and Moroccan coasts in 1755.
6. Transiting Mars in Gemini was moving into a square with transiting Neptune.
7. In the 1755 quake, the Moon had just entered Libra and was conjunct Jupiter on a Libra midheaven, dominating the chart and expressing Jupiter’s known “excessiveness”. This cluster of positions in Libra was also square to Chiron in Capricorn. The asteroids are often present when it comes to etheric movements of the Earth:
“Figures also must be computed when the effect upon the planets of what are called “asteroids” is known. This is much greater than exoteric science has so far admitted, but the significance of this must eventually be interpreted in terms of energy and on etheric levels.”21
In the Lisbon tremor chart for Aug.26, 2024 – the planetoid Chiron was the most elevated body to the midheaven – placed in Aries, trine to Mercury, ruler or dispositor of the Gemini moon.
In the astro-cartography map where seismic movements are often indicated, the Chiron/midheaven line was adjacent to Portugal, in orb of influence. Similar to California, the “big one” for Portugal is closely monitored, not a matter of “if” – but “when”!
The Externalisation of the Hierarchy – Book.
This book is one of 24 written by Alice A. Bailey – transmitted to her by The Tibetan between 1934 to 1949, with commentary upon events leading to WWII and its aftermath – rebuilding the world.
As the title suggests, this book discusses in some detail the future Externalisation of the ashrams of the Great White Brotherhood – resulting in the incarnation of the Masters amongst Humanity in the next several decades.
This major planetary event heralds the beginning of the Age of Aquarius – in process already, projecting Them into the outer world, for the first time since they withdrew from human contact in the dying days of Atlantis – many millennia ago.
The Externalisation of the Masters and their ashrams will culminate with the physical return of the One known as The Christ – or Lord Maitreya, as he is called in the East. It has been Humanity’s invocative cry for greater light and understanding that has evoked The Christ’s return.

Portrait of The Tibetan (Annie Gowland, 1931.) – article here.
Therefore, the approach of the entire Hierarchy of Enlightened Being, who watch over and guide Humanity, is partly responsible for the conflict that the planet is experiencing today, as Their highly refined vibrations are at odds with the existing status quo.
Other factors also play a big part: The transition from the age of Pisces to Aquarius over a 500-year cuspal cycle. The cycling out of activity of the sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism, clashing with the incoming seventh ray of Ceremonial Order or Organisation. The transition from the Fifth Rootrace toward the Sixth Rootrace.
The Externalisation of the Hierarchy book is remarkable in that much of what occurred pre- WWII, has been repeating for the past couple of decades, especially the past few years.
In some ways the situation then has not improved, regarding human selfishness. Many other great advances have been made for Liberty, Equality and Fraternity – yet those principles are currently teetering on the edge of destruction.
The Forces of Light and Materialism are facing off in a final battle – and everyone is being forced to confront their own shadow/dweller – which is part of the planetary Dweller on the Threshold.
Success in this shadow work strengthens the Forces of Light – opening a broader gate for millions of awakening humanity to pass through. Hence, this qualifying statement is written to give a little context to recent and ongoing posts of relevant passages from this book, leaving you with this one today:
[Written August 1939. pp.83-4.] “I would ask you to realise that the organised efforts of the Great White Lodge are directed toward lifting the organised forces of materialism to a higher and spiritual plane. Today, gold and separativeness, materialism and selfishness are in conflict with spiritual energy and with the spirit of cooperation or understanding fusion.
The law which will determine the results can be expressed in the words that have been often used: by holding, man loses; by relinquishing, he gains; by seeking to grasp that which he has, it must and will inevitably disappear. Reflect upon this law.
The method whereby the forces of separation and of selfishness work are by competitive cooperation. Throughout the world, groups are already formed (or are in process of forming) to bring about the attainment of various materialistic goals, the achievement of personal or national ambitions, and the imposition of intellectual plans and concepts (the so-called ideologies) upon the mass of the people.
Parties, organisations, groups, societies, associations and alliances exist for the furtherance of political and sociological aims and to carry forward the projects of many peoples and the many and differing points of view, plus the many attitudes toward life and its arrangement and re-arrangement.
I am not here dealing with the churches, the great religions or the religious organisations. I am concerned with the determining factors which are today conditioning the material life of the planet.
Speaking broadly, these forces and groups are occupied with material values and mental ideas. They are not principally occupied with the more subtle values, though these are incidentally present.
The emphasis is upon the economic situation; upon the possession of land or cultural predispositions and tendencies and with the relations between people and nations; these latter are based fundamentally, as you know, on that which is tangible and objective, guarded, defended or gained and procured by definitely tangible means which are in themselves separative and divided.
This statement, I think, the people of every nation would regard as true. The basic underlying methods employed are those of organisational arrangement (large, as in nations, or smaller, as in the groups within the nations), propaganda, the imposition of favoured ideas through the use of the spoken and written word in every country, group loyalty, group adherence to the leader, and group methods.
Success depends upon the gained group cohesion, the group willingness to sacrifice, plus loyalty and allegiance to some directing personality.
Behind these many groups stand the forces of ancient origin which are pledged either to the material or the spiritual values. Because many ages have gone by in the building up of the material values, to the development of the personality consciousness, and to the achievement of a tangible and objective civilisation, the forces of materialism are apparently far stronger and more potent than the forces of the spirit or of the intangible worlds.
Up to the present this has not been wrong, though it has been accompanied by much that has been undesirable and which has led to a one-sided evolution. But the time has now come for the shift of the human consciousness into the world of true and spiritual understanding and of the intangible and more desirable standards of living.”22
Phillip Lindsay © 2024.
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Tuesday, September 17 at 18.00 GMT.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.256. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.255. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.256. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.13. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.386. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.88. [↩]
- Maslow, 1962, p. 4. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.243. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.134. [↩]
- [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.430. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.87. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.534. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.87. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.520. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.88. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.439. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.385. [↩]
- Roberto Assagioli (FCD) [↩]
- The Jewish Group: D.K.’s Letters to Roberto Assagioli (FCD) [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.794. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. pp.83-4. [↩]
Muchas gracias Phillip, extraordinario el contenido de esa News letter. tus explicaciones y razonamientos ayudan a entender lo que esta pasando en nuestro mundo.
Un fuerte abrazo
Thanks Phillip, the quotes from the letters to Assagioli where most interesting.
Thank you Phillip for the usual depth and quality of insights, revealing timely and important aspects to help understand what we are experiencing on this planet in this critical period of history.
The sign of Virgo is the mother, so from it “things” are born. If they are “things” inspired by the force of matter, they will be the lower triangle, if they are “things” inspired by the soul, they will be the upper triangle.
It is with the qualities of Virgo that we can build, the child grows, is nourished and is built through the mother, the water and the earth in Virgo are the clay that gives form to “things”.
Giving form, the will to build that for which we have come to live.
The Book Ends of the United Nations
And its Shelving
It was the horror of a devastating war and a genocidal holocaust that significantly strengthened the establishment of the United Nations (UN), and it is the horror of ongoing wars and ongoing genocidal holocausts (without the ovens this time) that is significantly exposing the ineffectiveness, neigh, the inability, of this present UN to ever end or prevent, now or in the future any such atrocities, which just so happens to be the stated main purpose of its existence.
The irony can’t be missed that according to the world stage picture, the people who were so brutally massacred at the beginning of this chapter in humanity’s history, are the people who are currently committing a similar brutal massacre. These people are being directly supported diplomatically, financially, and with the ways and means to prosecute war and genocide, unabated by a member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). This same nation is supplying the same services contributing to another genocide, the flower of the Ukrainian people.
Interesting isn’t it, that a primary founding nation of the UN, would not follow the dictates of the UN Charter, by supporting war without the UN backing. This isn’t the first time this has occurred.
Yet, there is more. The African nations have begun to kick out this nation and its vassal nation states clearly erecting the ‘You are no longer welcomed, please leave now’ signs. The hidden colonial mind set and modus of operation for the current hegemony is ever more becoming exposed.
Of late, for some time now, I have been sensing a growing change coming to the UN, and perhaps even a change of physical location. Not that the concept of nations uniting to work in peace and harmony is devolving, in fact I would say it is evolving among many nations and peoples; but not in those nations (and those behind those nations) that have for the past 79 years steadily drove and steered this otherwise descent required organization for world peace, service, harmonized management and growth of the Four Freedoms for all, as their private global control and influencer mechanism.
It seems that what should have happened under the auspices of the UN by now, is what is birthing in the BRICS and Global South nations. By the very fact that a very large number of nations, approximately 140 in all, want out of the old system and into the new system shows exactly where the split in the current 193 UN member nations exists.
I ask you, why would they remain in an organization that has so utterly failed in its charter? And, when they can see and organization that so far has operated under a much more fair, just, and equitable fashion, and could grow into and organization that could overtake or add to its charter that which the current UN pretends to accomplish, such as:
“…to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples…”
That above quote comes directly from the preamble of the current UN. Unfortunately, none of the above high-sounding values have become a true stable reality.
The current UN recently completed their ‘Summit of the Future’. During this session a little thing called “The Pact For the Future’’ was somehow raised to the front of the agenda. Outside of the western media spin, it is seen as more of the same babble, a ploy against BRICS, or any other competitor (sound familiar?) ever getting an opportunity to grow, a product of the Wolf in Sheep’s clothing, the Davos /WEF Crowd. You know the same crowd that after getting the UN in bed with them (note the wording), proceeded to introduce a pandemic to the world, even with a solution.
Before going on, I need to make a few points clear. There are many fine people who are dedicated to hard work at the UN and who represent nations and believe in the charter, or at least in hope. However, let’s face it, all that work goes nowhere unless their heads of state, and the United States (and its backers) in particular, agrees. Now, I will begin.
Here are the opening three points from the document:
The Pact for the Future
1. We, the Heads of State and Government, representing the peoples of the world, have gathered at United Nations Headquarters to protect the needs and interests of present and future generations through the actions in this Pact for the Future.
2. We are at a time of profound global transformation. We are confronted by rising catastrophic and existential risks, many caused by the choices we make. Fellow human beings are enduring terrible suffering. If we do not change course, we risk tipping into a future of persistent crisis and breakdown.
3. Yet this is also a moment of hope and opportunity. Global transformation is a chance for renewal and progress grounded in our common humanity. Advances in knowledge, science, technology and innovation could deliver a breakthrough to a better and more sustainable future for all. The choice is ours.
The ‘Pact for the Future’ is a joke. Why should you be trusted with the future, when you continue to fail in the present with no signs of change? Three words, Gaza, Ukraine, Africa.
What course are you seeing that needs to be changed? Why don’t you just follow the UN Charter? Or read up on the Four Freedoms and follow them, or simple think, speak and do ‘the will to good’ for all, in all adventures and endeavors?
All that proposed use of new knowledge, science and technology sounds nice, but aren’t you currently using it to commit multiple massacres, not to mention an abysmal record in improved health and nutrition, and poverty? How about, you start showing that you can be trusted with what you have now, before you tell me about how great the future is going to be under your tutelage. Three words, Gaza, Ukraine, Africa.
The only item that should have been on this summit schedule should have been ending the current wars and genocides. I can only conclude that the current hegemon must want them to continue.
This coming October 24th, the UN will have been in existence for 79 years (almost a compete Uranus cycle). I find it very interesting that the astrological chart used for the UN, is placed at Washington DC. Because that is where it was finally ratified, since the United States was a founding member and a major proponent of the organization. About a year earlier on 22 July 1944 the Bretton Woods System along with the International Monetary Fund and World Bank came about. Seems to be a package deal for world management. The United States was given so to speak, ‘the mandate from heaven’, the opportunity to prosecute the Four Freedoms, struggled with that for a spell, and instead, made a pact with the devil.
The UN Charter was signed in San Francisco on 26 June 1945, but the ratification process was completed in Washington, D.C., on October 24, 1945 at 4:45 pm. This location was chosen for the final ratification because the U.S. was one of the founding members and a major proponent of the organization, symbolizing its commitment to international cooperation and peace. So, the story went. In reality, it showed to the world unequivocally, that the new boss sat in Washington DC.
On 22 October 2024 in Kazan, Russia, the 2024 BRICS Summit will be held. It will begin with the Sun in the last degree of Libra, in the 11th house of community conjunct Juno the asteroid of ‘relatedness’. Placement in the last degree of any sign being exceptionally strong. Interesting that the Sun, the sign of the personality is in a sign that lessons the importance of the individual, is in a community sign, conjunct Juno, the astrological significator of “commitment, steadfastness, loyalty, devotion, and a willingness to remain in a relationship…”
DK has told us to always support the UN, and somewhere I read that a special crystal was carried to the UN location by Nichlas Roerick under direction from the Hierarchy (I don’t remember all the details and wording about both these points). He also mentioned that the USSR should never had been allowed into the UN when it was, because it wasn’t yet aligned with the principles required and wouldn’t contribute in a positive fashion, but would rather introduce problems into the organization. Well, today we face a similar situation but this time the offending nation is the United States, and their presence and running of the UN has completely destroyed the heart and purpose of the UN.
Perhaps the host nation representing the Ajna Center of the world isn’t mature enough yet to host such a responsibility, and they need to be temporarily replaced. A future time may see the return of the UN Headquarters to New York, a day all of humanity and I dare say, the Hierarchy will celebrate with great joy, when the United States begins to live up to its motto, ‘I light the way’.
I still support the UN, the concept, the operation of it; its just that, I don’t see it in New York at this time.
Those book ends are Genocide. The world grows tired of the books on that shelf, and what is holding them together.
Merhaba Phillip,
Türkiye’den selamlar. Emeklerin için teşekkürler.
Hello Phillip,
Greetings from Turkey. Thank you for your efforts.