Aquarius 2018: Vital Fluid. Electro-Magnetism. Uranus – 7th Ray. Invocation & Evocation.
“Water of life am I, poured forth for those who thirst.”
(Full Moon January 31, 2018. 1.26 pm. UT.)
Waters of Aquarius: The Vital Fluid, or Universal Electricity
The Manifesting Forces of Aquarius, Uranus and the Seventh Ray
The Aquarian Science of Invocation and Evocation
Waters of Aquarius: The Vital Fluid, or Universal Electricity
Students of astrology may be forgiven for their confusion regarding the airy sign of Aquarius that is called the “Water Bearer”. An excerpt from last year’s Aquarius newsletter describes one interpretation:
“Aquarius is an air sign related to the mental function and also the intuition, or buddhi. Yet it has watery associations with its symbol of wavy lines (also interpreted electrically), and the Water-Bearer who pours from the urn for those who thirst. Aquarius also has an unusual emotional empathy that is a lower reflection of the soul ruler Jupiter.

Aquarius: Villa Farnese, Caprarola, Italy.
“Water being the symbol of substance and of material expression plus emotional motivation, Aquarius is consequently dual in its activity.”1
This “thirst” is for the Way of the Heart, the second ray of Love-Wisdom that is distributed by Jupiter as ruler of the second ray and esoteric ruler of Aquarius. The “waters” are the reservoir of accumulated love and wisdom which a world server has built up over many lifetimes, ready to pour forth on demand.
Once any individual has contacted those waters and has “drunk” thereof, they will never “thirst” because these waters are from the soul and the soul is eternal. The trick for all of those who tread the Path, is after contacting the “waters”, to keep them flowing so that they will eventually “become a well of water springing up to eternal life”.2
Yet, “waters of life” has another interpretation. Aquarius is often referred to as a sign that governs electricity and technology, indicated by its glyph of wavy lines. The electricity with which most are familiar, runs appliances in the home – generated from hydro power, coal, nuclear or solar. Esoterically, this kind of electricity is referred to as “fire by friction”. More refined forms of electricity are “solar fire” and “electric fire”. Only when “fire by friction” is dominated by “solar fire” can the first four initiations can be taken, culminating at the fifth initiation in which these two fires are subordinated to “electric fire”.3
“All that we have contacted and used today is that which is only physical and related to and inherent in the physical and etheric matter of all forms.”4

The 18 foot Tesla “tree of sparks”.
The water of Aquarius however, is a metaphor for a more subtle form of electricity, known esoterically as Fohat, the universal life force, ether or its scientific equivalent, “plasma”:
“Aquarius—is eventually connected with the physical permanent atom which is, as you know, upon the etheric level. It is this individual web which is the medium of relationship to the whole. The universal consciousness of Aquarius becomes expressive just in so far as the individual etheric body is in conscious relation with the etheric body of humanity, the solar system and—of course—the planet.”5
This passage refers to the previous, “Water being the symbol of substance and of material expression.” Hence, whilst water represents the salty matrix from which all life emerged, it is also a metaphor for the invisible etheric web which permeates all space:
“Fohat is the intelligent medium, the guiding power of all manifestation … it is that Occult, electric, vital power, which … unites and brings together all forms, giving them the first impulse which becomes in time law. Fohat links the subjective to the objective … It is the bridge whereby Ideas existing in the Divine Thought are impressed upon Cosmic Substance. Fohat is connected with Vishnu … from the root vish, “to pervade,” and Fohat is called the “Pervader” and the Manufacturer, because he shapes the atoms from crude material.”6
In the future Mystery Schools that will soon re-emerge in the Age of Aquarius, the teaching of these subjects will be paramount for aspirants to the mysteries. In the microcosm, the study of the etheric body and its allied subjects of vitality and magnetism; in the macrocosm, the study of the laws of electricity, of fohat, of prana, and of the astral light.7
The seven sub-planes of the physical plane.
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The violet seventh ray of Ceremonial Order, Magic or Organisation.
The Manifesting Forces of Aquarius, Uranus and the Seventh Ray
Aquarius ruler Uranus, plays an important role as ruler of the seventh ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic – with its connnection to the seventh physical plane, composed of four etheric subplanes and three physical subplanes. The colour of the seventh ray is violet or purple, colours often assigned to the etheric body. The new seventh ray cycle that began in 19458 will continue for 2,500 years and is now gaining momentum, bringing new insights into its properties. This will foster a greater understanding of the factors that lay behind manifestation – for which Uranus and the seventh ray play a major role – bringing spirit into matter.
Hence, Uranus is particularly active at this time, bringing in the forces of the seventh ray through the three signs that it rules – exoteric ruler of Aquarius, esoteric ruler of Libra and hierarchical ruler of Aries – where Uranus is currently transiting:
“Aries, the Inaugurator, is rendered effective on the Earth through the organising potency of Uranus. Aries is the source, the beginning and the initiator of the New Age and its coming civilisations, of the appearance of the kingdom of God on earth and also of the individual initiate into the Mysteries. Aquarius is the present Determiner of the future. That which is now initiated in Aries will become manifested in Aquarius, and Libra will enforce the achievement of a point of balance or (esoterically speaking) of the “escape from opposing forces at the midway point between the source and the goal.””9
The sign of Aquarius represents group co-operation, sharing and community. The fifth ray of science is the only ray to pass through this sign, complementing the association of the seventh ray with Aquarius, the sign and ray rulership in common is Uranus:
“The seventh ray works in connection with the phenomena of electricity, through which all life in the solar system is coordinated and vitalised. There is an aspect of electrical phenomena which produces cohesion, just as there is an aspect which produces light … this will be released in fuller measure during the Aquarian age … One of its earliest effects will be the increased understanding of brotherhood and its really scientific basis.”10
The Brotherhood of Man – as reflection of The Great White Brotherhood, what Humanity will one day be. Brotherhood is,
“… the underlying origin and goal of humanity and is the keynote of the fourth kingdom in nature, the human. Brotherhood is a great natural fact; all [wo]men are brothers; under the divergences of colour, creed, cultures and civilizations, there is only one humanity without distinction or differences in its essential nature, in its origin, its spiritual and mental objectives, its capacities, its qualities and its mode of development and of evolutionary unfoldment.
In these divine attributes all men are equal; it is only in relation to time and in the extent to which progress has been made in the revelation of innate divinity in all its fullness, that temporary differences become apparent. The true expression of this realized brotherhood must inevitably come through the establishing of right human relations and the cultivation of goodwill.”11

Torus of the Earth.
Knowledge of the etheric and Fohat is also the basis of understanding the mechanism of true telepathy – and how planets and zodiac signs influence human evolution:
“There is nothing but electricity in manifestation, the “mystery of electricity” … Everything in Nature is electrical in nature; life itself is electricity, but all that we have contacted and used today is that which is only physical and related to and inherent in the physical and etheric matter of all forms.”12
The “plasma of the planets” is the electro-magnetic current that connects all planetary bodies to one another, delineating a web of intricate relationships within the solar system body-corporate. The pulsating plasma of the poles is the subtle electrical fluid that surrounds the earth and is concentrated at both poles. The glorious aurora borealis is a reflection of this magnetism that plays against the backdrop of northern skies; its source is from our Sun, ruler of Leo the lion-heart, polar opposite to Aquarius:

Each planet has its own plasma shield, dwarfing the planet.
“The sun is the storehouse of vital force which is the noumenon of electricity.13 The Sun contracting as rhythmically at every return of it, as the human heart does … it takes the solar blood ten of its years, and a whole year to pass through its auricles and ventricles before it washes the lungs and passes thence to the great veins and arteries of the system … Astronomy knows of the fixed cycle of eleven years when the number of solar spots increases, which is due to the contraction of the Solar HEART …
… The universe breathes, just as man and every living creature, plant, and even mineral does upon the earth; and as our globe itself breathes every twenty-four hours … It is similar to the regular and healthy pulsation of the heart, as the life fluid passes through its hollow muscles. Could the human heart be made luminous, and the living and throbbing organ be made visible, so as to have it reflected upon a screen … then every one would see the Sun-spot phenomenon repeated every second—due to its contraction and the rushing of the blood.”14
The Sun rules the heart centre in a human – as above, so below. As the esoteric ruler of Leo and hierarchical ruler of Aquarius, Neptune rules the blood circulation in the body, transporting the “life” around the body. A human’s “life thread” is anchored in the heart, the pump that electrically discharges and distributes the “life sparks” – that are are swept up in the deoxygenised blood coming through the right atrium of the heart, and taken to the lungs.
There an alchemy takes place between the inner spark and the outer life oxygen, to return to the left atrium of the heart, and on to enrich all parts of the body.15

The seventh Ray geometrises …
A lot has been discussed in recent newsletters about Uranus and the seventh ray, in relation to sex and the generation of new forms. (See “Sex and Relationships” Parts 1 & 2 for Libra and Scorpio 2017.) With its increasing power upon the planet, it is essential to understand this formidable force:
“… the seventh Ray … is the one that largely controls, that manipulates, that geometrises and that holds sway over the form side, governing the elemental forces of nature. The physical plane is the most concrete exemplification of the form side; it holds the divine life imprisoned or enmeshed at its densest point, and it works at this time in line with the seventh law.”16
It might be also timely here to remind about the virtues, vices and glamours of the seventh ray:
Virtues Strength, perseverance, courage, courtesy, detailed, self-reliance, practical.
Vices Formal, bigotry, pride, opinionated, superficial judgements, narrow.
Glamours The glamour of magical work. The glamour of the relation of the opposites. The glamour of the subterranean powers. The glamour of that which brings together. The glamour of the physical body. The glamour of the mysterious and the secret. The glamour of sex magic. The glamour of the emerging manifested forces.17
Understanding Aquarius therefore, is comprehending these forces of Uranus and the seventh ray of Order and Organisation – the organisation of the geometrical blueprints into physical plane forms. The comprehension of these ideas gives clues to the mystery of electricity and how, in this Aquarian cycle of 2,160 years, there will be stupendous, undreamt of technologies that will be developed to assist Humanity:
“… the electrical manifestation of energy within definite limits, will be as well understood as is hydrogen at this time [written 1920’s]. Indications of this can already be seen in the discovery of radium, and the study of radioactive substances and of electronic demonstration. This knowledge will revolutionise the life of man; it will put into his hands that which occultists call “power of the fourth order” (on the physical plane).
It will enable him to utilise electrical energy for the regulation of his everyday life in a way as yet incomprehensible; it will produce new methods of illuminating, and of heating the world at a small cost and with practically no initial outlay. The fact of the existence of the etheric body will be established, and the healing of the dense physical body, via the etheric body, by force utilisation and solar radiation, will take the place of the present methods. 18
This healing with electricity is currently in its infancy but will become far more sophisticated:
“Future scientific discoveries, therefore, hold the secret … Electrical discovery is only in the initial stage and all that we have is simply a prelude to the real discovery. The magic of the radio would be completely unbelievable to the man of the eighteenth century. [Same for the mobile phone and computer up to thirty years ago.] The discoveries and developments lying ahead in the twenty-first century will be equally unbelievable to the man of this century.

The many frequencies of which humans are unaware.
A great discovery in relation to the use of light by the power and the directive agency of thought will come at the end of this century or the beginning of the next. Two small children—one living in this country (U.S.A.) and one in India—will work out a formula along scientific lines which will fill in some of the existing gaps in the scale of light vibration, carrying on from the high frequency rays and waves as you now have them.
This will necessitate instruments hitherto undreamt of but really quite possible. They will be so sensitive that they will be set in motion by the power of the human eye under the focussed direction of thought. From then on tangible rapport with the spirit world will be possible. I cannot do more than give you the clue.”19
The Aquarian Science of Invocation and Evocation
Understanding the forces of Aquarius and the universal sharing of the ethers, will allow groups of meditators to work far more closely and consciously with one another. Their united intention in group meditation will result in sharing of what they have invoked, resulting in the evocation, or flowing downward of spiritual forces. This method will be a hallmark of the Aquarian Age, and is known as The Science of Invocation and Evocation, part of the true white magic discipline of the future:
“Worship, the attitude of the mystic, must give place to Invocation in the man who knows he is divine … [it] is primarily a great and scientific activity of which modern humanity knows practically nothing, but which is related to thought power and to thoughtform building. It is in reality the Science of Magnetic Rapport, in which right relationship is brought about by mutual invocation, producing a responsive process which is one of evocation.
It is this science which lies behind all conscious awakening of the centres and their interrelation; it lies behind the rapport between man and man, group and group, and eventually between nation and nation. It is this invocation, and the consequent evocation, which eventually relate soul and personality and soul and monad. It is the outstanding objective of humanity’s appeal to God, to the Hierarchy and to the Spiritual Powers of the cosmos, no matter by what name you call them.
The appeal goes forth. The invocation of humanity can and will and must evoke response from the spiritual Hierarchy and give the first demonstration upon a large scale of this new esoteric science—esoteric because it is based upon sound. Hence the use of the O.M.”20
Phillip Lindsay © 2018.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.138. [↩]
- [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.351. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.377. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.303. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine I, H.P. Blavatsky. pp.17,109, 112. [↩]
- Letters on Occult Meditation, Alice A. Bailey. p.328. [↩]
- [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.548. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, p.373-4. [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.148. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.377. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine I, H. P. Blavatsky. p.531. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine I, H.P. Blavatsky. p.541. [↩]
- Paraphrased from “Leo, Neptune and Discipleship” Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays I, Phillip Lindsay. Also here: For a deeper, more esoteric discussion of these processes, see this excellent article, The Cosmic Bloodstream, Electricity, Plasma and the Divine Circulatory Flow [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.596. [↩]
- [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.428. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.378. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.470. [↩]
I feel hopeful after reading this! An expansion which propels me forward on this grey, wintry day!
EXTRAORDINARY — as always. Thank you, Phillip.
Hi Phillip,
Great Aquarius article. A few comments below, none relevant to astrology, but moreso along the lines of technology.
Interesting quote from DK about gaps in the light spectrum. As you know, this electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is a continuum and there are no gaps, but there is a nice sized gap in our ability to use electromagnetic energy near the visible spectrum in the sub-millimeter zone between microwaves and infrared. This section of the EM spectrum (terahertz) can be used almost like a flashlight on molecules as such molecules will reflect this spectrum back. You can detect gaseous substances, for instance using terahertz. Although we haven’t yet gotten to the point of proving that the human eyes emit light (not biolumenescence from UV exposure, but real light of the soul stuff), I suspect that increases in our understanding of how to utilize the full spectrum of terahertz frequencies will be the birthplace of the technologies you mention in this article, especially as terahertz stimulates molecular radiation and therefore, when finely tuned, can stimulate healing of tissues.
Also, with terahertz frequencies being close to infrared and some animals being attuned to seeing in infrared, this will also probably be the place where we find the etheric body vibrates and may account for the ability of some animals to see discarnate beings. I should also point out that the terahertz frequency range is the only place in the EM spectrum where sound and light waves overlap.
Finally, I also liked your discussion of plasma, as this is the frontier where the +/- polarities in the atom break down and become dissociated, thus producing the leading edge of where the fire by friction disappears and gives way to solar fire. Fusion reactions can be created and sustained here, which may be where the next giant leap in energy generation will be found. I am not talking about tokamak reactors, but much smaller scale devices that generate self-contained torrodial plasma. The University of Missouri had developed viable technology along these lines a few years ago. Not sure where it is at now.
Hello Adam,
Your notes are an interesting contribution to the discussion of electromagnetic waves and their frequency mechanism. The quality of blending of frequencies across the spectrum is exhibited perfectly in a rainbow. This blending has lead me to visualize the mental concept of the ultraviolet range of light which is contained in the upper end of the violet frequency as it fades from the human visible range. This has perhaps given me a minute expansion of the microcosm. Most new concepts begin with an idea.
Hello Phillip,
I am simply grateful to read your monthly Newsletter. I have been wondering what are your thoughts on the Comet 185P/Petriew which will pass by earth in the Aquarian Constellation roughtly 12 hours after the Leo Supermoon Total Eclipse on January 31, 2018? Do your studies of the History of Humaity have any correlations for coincidental eclipse events and comets? I, for one, hope that this will bring forward a higher turn on the Spiral for Humanity through a greater understanding of the Will to Good.
Thank you again Phillip, the effort you put into producing these beautiful, thought-provoking newsletters over the years is much appreciated