4 Responses to Aquarius 2020: Life Electricity. Saturn-Jupiter. Polaris-Aquarius. Helena Roerich. Venus in Pisces. Mars in Sag. Trump. Putin-Russia.

  1. Sally says:

    Thank you Phillip for yet another outstanding newsletter! As a new student of Ageless Wisdom I cannot Thank you enough for your brilliant ability to combine and apply theoretical principles of esoteric science with your incredible wisdom and insight to current events on the material plane. Your application of ageless wisdom to our currently humanitarian challenges is priceless information for myself and I am sure many students on the path. I Thank you deeply from my heart and soul for your newsletters with great appreciation of the incredible time, effort and energy you invest in preparing such profound information to students upon the way! So wonderful💚Namaste🦋

  2. George Skiadopoulos says:

    Hi Phillip,

    Thank you for your, as always, excellent analysis of events and great effort to analyze world events from a spiritual point of view. It is what we need, in order to understand History from a deeper point of view. A couple of notes:

    1. True (esoteric) Islam is not an archaic fundamentalist religion. It is very close to true (esoteric) Christianity and it has produced such enlightened figures as Ibn al Arabi, Avicenna, Rumi, Razi, etc.,etc., many philosophers, poets, scientists, saints, etc. It urgently needs reform, like Christianity experienced a few centuries back, today’s Islam resembles medieval western Catholic Christianity. Certainly some of its figures and quite possibly the Prophet Muhammad were Masters. Christianity and Islam are far closer than what most people think.
    Unfortunately, major western powers (USA, Britain) have largely supported fundamentalist aspects of Islam, due to geopolitical and geoeconomic reasons.

    2. People of Iran, the great majority (not the government), are certainly the most pro-western in the Middle East (except Israel). They strive for freedom in all aspects of life and certainly are not represented by the fundamentalist elements in their government, the contrary, they greatly suffer by them. If you ever travel to Iran, you will notice that the people of Iran are the complete opposite of what the media represents and, also, very very warm. The people of Iran could become a bridge among civilizations in the near future, but this issue is too lenghty to deal with here.

    3. President Trump is certainly not the best individual to have as President, from many points of view. But we have to credit to him that he is not a war monger, like the MIC is. Very possibly we could have had another major war had Hillary got elected. From certain points of view, Trump is anti-establishment and, somehow, if that great man is elected (Bernie Sanders) , we could be continuing, albeit in different ways, along the anti-establishment lines. We have to judge Trump fairly.

    4. Watching the catholic church after the Second Vatican Council , we can observe many Popes who have been almost Saints (John XXIII, John Paul II, today’s Francis, etc.). It could well be that the Vatican, despite its past crimes, is on its way for spiritual improvement and considering some of the above mentioned Popes’ warm relations with Judaism and Islam, the Vatican could even play a constructive role in the creation of the Inter-religiosity of the future. Certainly the Vatican is attached to power, but the personal example of recent Popes shows that change may be coming.

  3. George,
    Thanks for your comments! Sufism is the heart of Islam to be sure and all the figures you mention. But like all other religions it has become an “archaic fundamentalist religion”. It is not regarded esoterically as a major religion. I agree that some were quite likely advanced initiates. Mohammed was a third degree initiate according to DK. Yes, I have heard similar about Iran too.

    Many would disagree with your views on Trump. He ordered the attack on Iran, which led to the deaths of 150 or so people in the airliner accidentally shot down. He is basically a puppet who has no mind of his own or noble intention except to promote materialism – he is the US dweller incarnate. I think I have judged him quite fairly, having made dozens of analyses on this website. Yes, good points about the Vatican.

    1. George Skiadopoulos says:

      Thank you for your response Phillip. About Islam I understand what you are saying. Please note that not all the great Moslem philosophers were Sufi, some were inclined more towards rationalist (in the ancient Greek way) rather than mystic thought. Islam had dozens of enlightened philosophers and scientists during its golden Age.
      Personally I believe that Judaism and Islam will be absorbed by the more spiritual Christianity of the future and this will be the spiritual pinnacle of the monotheistic religions.
      I understand what you are saying about Trump, but I needed to point out that despite his many personality faults he did represent some divergence from certain well established influential groups and also he has not wanted another major war in the ME.

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