17 Responses to Aquarius 2023: Truth. Technocracy. ChatGPT. Schwab-WEF-UN-WHO-Davos. Russia & USA. Shostakovich & Leningrad.

  1. Denis Orlov says:

    Phillip, thank you for your honest and frank talk as always. Very great and necessary work!
    I myself am from St. Petersburg (Leningrad) and I remember my parents’ stories of that terrible blockade, that terrible war. Indeed, everything was just as you described. Recently, on January 27th we celebrated the next anniversary of the breakdown of the siege of Leningrad.
    By the middle of the war, the number of German divisions fighting on the Eastern Front against the USSR was about 80% of all other directions – hence the terrible number of Soviet victims. By the way, two-thirds (about four million out of six) of the Jews killed in WWII were from the USSR.

    1. Thanks Denis, I had no idea that that Jan.27 was the anniversary of Leningrad – it was around this date that I was deeply immersed in writing about it!

  2. Priscilla Caro says:

    Phillip there is a wrong information regarding the death of Lisa Marie Presley. It says Priscilla Presley is dead, which is wrong, she is alive!! the mother and Elvis ex wife, mother of Liza Marie the only daughter that recently died.

    1. thanks very much for spotting this mistake Priscilla! The text has been changed.

  3. I just want to say that’s an excellent and enlightening analysis. Thanks!

  4. Freda says:

    Great letter Phillip. Very moving. Thanks

  5. david says:

    Excellent work Felipe, I did not know Shostakovich’s Aquarian attitudes to alleviate the suffering of his city (nation). In truth, the quality of Aquarius is to liberate the suffering souls (Christ imprisoned) in Virgo.

    With your permission I would like to reflect on the Souls of the USA and Russia.

    It is clear that currently neither of the two nations is expressing the superior quality of their soul in Aquarius: “Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty men”

    Rather we can see how the “dark forces” (no matter their nationality) have provoked, through the cruel sacrifice of the Ukrainian war, a confrontation between these two great nations. A conflict has brought out the worst in their sixth ray personalities; the egotistical ideals that these personalities believe should rule their country or even the world.

    Geminis, (the ruling sign of the personality of USA), from the angle of the form or material egoism says: “let instability do its works” and isn’t it a dangerous instability that the United States is creating with its attitude?

    Thanks to Ukraine, the United States has created a duality: Russia is the enemy, the excuse to foster NATO.

    And on the other hand, the Russian personality is governed by the Lion, a sign that from the angle of the material form or egoistic aspect says: “Let other forms exist. I rule”. Isn’t it a fearsome sensation of power that Russia is creating with its attitudes?

    Yes, The Lion is the King, but from the angle of the form it is the king because of the fear it causes.

    Through Ukraine, authoritarianism in Russia becomes evident to us, how the political and judicial power subdues much of its own population and and how, through fear, they want to rule over all the small nations that were previously part of the USSR.

    In truth, from the angle of the Soul, the light of Aquarius is the power to share, to nurture the needy without looking at their color and it is evident that neither of them is practicing said meaning.

    The gift of this sign is written in the Lord’s Supper, the place where Love was shared or released. The place where the individual, (friend of Christ in Virgo), was released to share His truth with the world.

    Thanks for sharing


    1. thanks David, all nations certainly have their shortcomings but I do not agree with your assessment of Russia as “fearsome sensation of power”. That may be true to a degree but Russia is being forced to show power now – after years of restraint, only because it has been besieged by NATO and USA using Ukraine as a proxy. Russia’s stance has been defensive from the beginning, enduring numerous provocations from forces that had planned to Balkanise the country after “regime change” of Putin.

      The ridiculous and fanatical plan failed miserably and those perpetrators will pay dearly for their foolish ideals which has resulted in the deaths and displacement of millions of Ukrainians. It is estimated that about 10 million Ukrainians have left the country, a quarter of its population. Much of Europe is now paying through the nose for fuel and food.

      Everyone is still learning about Russia because there has been so much propaganda for decades now – misinformation, lies etc. There are one or two Russian students of the wisdom on the newsletter mailing list that may respond to your comments.

    2. Svetlana says:

      Thank you David, but let me take your thoughts a little further on the Leo and Aquarius influences on Russian life.
      It is Leo that gives the aspirant (including the aspirant nation) the need “to know himself through true self-awareness”. That is, thanks to the influence of Leo, Russia should become one who is “aware of purpose, of a self-directed life and of a developed and definite life plan and programme”.

      But in a political sense this implies complete sovereignty, which is what Russia is trying to acquire now. Yes, in doing so it successfully harnesses the fiery energy of Leo, which allows it to incinerate, to destroy all that impedes the expression of its soul. But, it is important to understand the fact that Russia is now eliminating its own, inner limitations first and foremost. It is fighting for its freedom to be itself, regardless of what the West thinks of it.

      At the same time, Russia (and the Russian government too), for all the brutality of the war, is trying to preserve as much freedom of choice as possible for its own population as well as for the Ukrainian people. Russia also does not agree to isolation (it has already learned that lesson), nor does it want to rule by violence (it understands the sad experience of the USSR). Russia seeks to cooperate with those nations which strive to bring out their best qualities, both as souls and as individuals. And this is only possible in a free, multipolar world.

      All this is already the influence of Aquarius energies.

      1. david says:

        Hello Svetlana, I had not seen your message, thanks for answering.

        I understand your reference to Leo: “Russia is now eliminating its own, inner limitations first and foremost. It is fighting for its freedom to be itself, regardless of what the West thinks of it”.

        As well as your reference to Aquarius when you say: “Russia seeks to cooperate with those nations which strive to bring out their best qualities”

        If you allow me, Svetlana, your message shows a lot of love for your country and Love conquers all.

        My intention is not to be critical of Russia, but from a Western perspective (of 2nd Ray if you want) we think that perhaps the pain of this war could have been avoided if Putin, or perhaps another type of politician, had reacted differently to the threat of NATO on Ukrainian territory.

        I think that the reaction of the Lion has been too brave and this reaction does not allow the superior aspect of Aquarius.

        But of course, Svetlana, this is my Western vision and when I speak of Western vision I am not talking about certain myths, (as Denis says), anti-Russian speeches or rhetoric, but rather I refer to a way of perceiving.

        From the abstract mind we can understand it better, it is to understand how Aquarius should show that the 6ºR/Pisces has already expired to make way for the 7ºR.

        That’s why now that we leave Pisces/6th Ray Russia and USA are so important, because they are Souls, that through Aquarius, must demonstrate that their 6ºR personalities are already expired.

        For the USA it is to use Aquarius to better integrate their 6ºR/Geminis with their 2ºR Soul. I don’t know in Russia …, but in the west this link between the sixth and the second is well understood.

        More and more of us know that feeling or devotion (thanks to altruistic perception) can be transmuted into understanding. This is our “faith” and a significant part of the Anglo-Saxon world, not so much of the Latin world, knows this is the way.

        But what is difficult for us Westerners to understand is how the 6ºR/Leo in Russia will be, thanks to Aquarius, the expression of its 7ºR Soul.

        Our dominant 2nd Ray and 6th Rays do not allow us to understand the rules of the 7th Ray, at best we understand your attitudes of the 6th Ray in Leo, but because they are personal we perceive them as aggressive.

        Because of my esoteric knowledge, perhaps I can go a little further and say that Russia needs a certain organization to control its devotional/Leo excesses and express the magic (7ºR) of its Soul, so linked to Aquarius and the gift of serving. But I can’t say much more…, as I told you, it’s hard for us to understand this particular dynamic.

        Svetlana, I will show you an example to finish, when we see Putin meet with his ministers or other leaders at those large marble tables and rooms, we inadvertently perceive emotional distance, coldness, as an egoism that organizes forms to appear power.

        But of course, some of us, out of sensitivity or because we have read the Tibetan Master, know that in this apparent coldness the Russian Soul is written, the beauty of the form, the magic of its geometry, the divine respect expressed in the matter.

        1. David,
          When you say “perhaps the pain of this war could have been avoided if Putin, or perhaps another type of politician, had reacted differently to the threat of NATO on Ukrainian territory” – this kind of statement completely ignores the history that led up to the current situation. As I have been at pains to enumerate in many newsletters I feel it almost futile to have to restate the facts, but to mention just a few:

          1. Breaking the pact with Gorbachev in 1990, the infamous promise of “not one inch eastward” of NATO expansion.
          2. 2014 and the US conspired Maidan uprising, followed by eight years of bombing by Ukraine of Russians in Donbass – 14,000 estimated deaths.
          3. Continual olive branches, peace talks offered in the past few years by Russia to Ukraine, USA and NATO – outright ignored or dismissed.

          Hence, to say that if “Putin had reacted differently” is a nonsense. Again we can consider the well known comparison of what if Russia or China had set up military bases in Mexico or Canada – would the US just allow that to happen? Russia has been besieged by NATO bases surrounding the nation. (Some good maps here: https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1570167/NATO-expansion-map-Russia-border-evg)

          I believe the Leonine assertion by Russia is to protect its national sovereignty as an Aquarian soul – whose vast territories cover a large part of Europe and the whole of North Asia. The Leo personality is not perfect of course, it has baggage and is not fully integrated.

          The people who are instigating this attack upon Russia were brought up and educated in the Soviet cold war era – their ideology is stuck in that time and has not allowed for the evolution of Russia into its true being. Taking into account all of the above, the responsibility for this fiasco lies almost entirely with NATO, the USA and other Western nations such as Britain, France etc.

          1. David says:

            Hello Phillip, I hope you understand that these texts are questions to better understand how to relate the esoteric with the exoteric.

            I perfectly understand Russia’s historical reasons and that NATO’s approach to its borders has crossed a red line that Russia warned through all channels that it was impassable.

            In other words, I can understand that Russia’s attitude is not a mirage, an emotional reaction (6ºR) linked to the inferior self-affirmation in Leo, but that it also has reasons. Reasons linked with the right of its Soul to have influences on its environment, Europe included.

            I also understand that the “universal” values that the US has been proposing for years are only valid for Europe and a few other countries that look at them and that these values need to be renewed to make them more inclusive. A renewal in which we are involved.

            That said Phillip, for me, Russia’s direct and forceful aggression is not justified, from my perspective there were other alternatives. As I have told Svetlana, perhaps I am saying this because I do not understand the evolutionary keys for a Soul ruled by the seventh ray…

            I ask myself questions to try to understand…, I remember that DK says:

            “Jesus Christ died on the cross because he was a 2nd Ray Soul”

            Meaning that a Soul with another type of Ray, especially odd Ray, would have sacrificed itself in a different way.

            My questions are,

            That a Seventh Ray Soul would have made in evangelic context?

            What type of cross (sacrificial) does a 7ºR Soul need to continue evolving?

            Maybe, Is this sacrifice similar to that of a first ray Soul?

            What role does the matter aspect play, so important for the 7th R, for this type of sacrifice?

            And the last and for me most important:

            Knowing that Ukraine and Russia are brother countries and both being of Christian roots, ¿how should a 7th Ray Soul apply the meaning of the phrase?:

            “I tell you, (you will forgive your brother), not just seven times, but seventy-seven times!”

            Thanks for sharing


  6. Denis Orlov says:

    Thank you, David, unfortunately today Western people have limited access to information about Russia, so they are forced to collect it by bits and pieces and do not always manage to collect reliable information. Among Western esotericists there is a widespread opinion that the United States and Russia together are equally to blame for the confrontation with each other.

    This is a myth that is actively promoted today in the West, either unintentionally – due to the inertia of thinking (transferring the realities of the USSR to modern Russia), or someone promotes this myth on purpose. But the truth is that since the collapse of the Soviet Union the only global aggressor, the world’s Evil, wreaking havoc and division throughout the world, today are the elites of the United States. To them we can add the British elite groups as a significant intellectual and vital (a form of elite ties endured over the centuries) addition. The rest of the West, and the rest of the world, is in varying degrees of subordination to them.

    As for the Aquarian energies that carry the water of life, David, just through Russia these energies have flowed and are flowing in a full-flowing river. The thesis of “want to rule over all the small nations” which is also actively promoted in the West, is also a myth. Of course, Russia is an empire, but, as they say, “empire is not like empire”. It’s very easy to create a myth about your opponent if you base it on your own unsightly actions. Maybe you didn’t know that all 15 republics inside the USSR were artificially created by Bolsheviks roughly a hundred years ago.

    Before that, Russia was a unified state, but even during the Soviet era, despite the “man-made” division, it remained more coherent than the United States is today. The collapse of the USSR was inspired by the US neocons, who have been stirring up hatred of small nations against central Russia for decades. Don’t you think it is necessary today to free oppressed small nations from the shackles of the U.S. and return Texas and California to Mexico?

    In Soviet times, the soul of Russia was shown by the fact that central Russia subsidized almost all of the national republics, while living worse than most of them itself. This attitude towards the small nations has been evident since the time of the first Russian emperors. This is hard to understand for a Western mind, brought up inside the Maritime Empires, which for centuries exploited their colonies inhumanely. Most of the small nations joined Russia voluntarily, and the eastern part of Russia expanded thanks to the expulsion of the Tartar-Mongol invaders from there.

    Today, the manifestation of Russia’s soul is visible to anyone who does not believe in the myths about Skripals, Navalny, and the Malaysian Boeing. They see that Russia today has far more freedoms than the West, they see that Russia has stood at the gates of the West with an olive branch all these thirty-five years after the collapse of the USSR (perhaps not the best idea), it has humbly endured the humiliation and kicking of the West toward it without responding to its constant aggressive attacks, it has never once committed aggression against other countries. Only thanks to Russia could the world free itself from the threat of the Islamic State, and only thanks to Russia was Syria (whose land was inhabited by the apostles of Christ) able to stand as a nation.

    It was only when Russia’s very existence was at stake that it was forced to enter the hot phase of the war imposed on it by the global elites of the West back in 2014. The conclusion about the manifestation of the soul of Russia everyone can make for himself…

    1. david says:

      Hello, thank you Denis for your extensive and didactic answer, I will reflect on it…, it is very positive because it has a different perspective.

      Your affirmations seem coherent and historically very real to me, but even so, when you says:

      “Among Western esotericists there is a widespread opinion that the United States and Russia together are equally to blame for the confrontation with each other”.

      I want to think that it is due to the 2nd Ray that rules the Soul of England and the United States.

      Remember Denis that the esotericists of a nation are the representatives of the Soul of this nation and for the 2nd Ray, due to its need to be inclusive, the blame is always “shared”.

      In truth Denis I only expose my more western perspective…, I think it is important. The truth (Love) of the Soul, the destruction of false myths, arises from the relationship between their complementary opposites or Gemini.

      But basically in my answer to Phillip there is a question:

      don’t you think we are missing “something important” if we only think about the negative aspect of the US?

      Allow me to reflect:

      As we (NGWS) know, the healing currents of esotericism move on the mental plane, inspired by the buddhic plane. The external plane is often deceptive, and many times it is a reflection of the destructive power that these new mental currents exert on expired matter. And this, because it is the entrance to a New Era, is valid for the entire world.

      In truth, the main objective is that The Triangle, (Russia, Great Britain and USA), works and for this we (NGWS) have to be above the darkest and most concrete realities.

      This does not mean that we close our eyes…, but that we place these realities in the place that they deserve.

      Is this darkness real? Not for the NGWS, because we know that it is a temporary reality that veil the opportunity to better understand the functioning of The Triangle. It’s is a hope if you want but this is the best “water of life” that we can offer the world.

  7. Denis Orlov says:

    Thank you, David, for the positive attitude and understanding. Interesting point about the representatives of the 2nd Ray, who do tend to contain in their consciousness both all the good and all the bad, giving non-existent qualities to those who do not possess them. Apparently, this fact does give some impetus to the choice of such a stance by disciples and aspirants.
    It seems to me that the influence of the Second Ray in this case is not even so much their involvement with the soul of humanity as their involvement (souls and personalities) with the group (not the Ashram) of the Tibetan who is the Second Ray Master. Still, at some point the mental distinction comes to such representatives of the Second Ray as well. On the eve of the disciple’s first initiation, he becomes more and more aware of his negative qualities, mental discernment begins to enter into his equipment, as we observe in humanity today.

    A triangle on the level of the souls of the three nations could indeed be an important step toward a just peace and a new world order, but not just peace at any price. It would be good if those working to circulate the energies of the triangle understood the realities of the current situation and the personality motives of each of the three nations – otherwise wouldn’t their group meditations have the wrong effect on humanity?

    As for the Evil within the U.S., it is certainly a terrible tragedy first and foremost for the U.S. itself, but David, I completely agree with you: while understanding and being aware of all the negatives, we would need to focus on the positive and nurture positive substitute qualities – for all our nations.

  8. Adam says:

    Hey Phillip,

    I hope you are well. Did you see that Seymour Hersh has a new article out on his Substack claiming CIA bombed Nord Stream 2 Pipeline?

    Something is rotten in Denmark. 🙂

    Lots of dots to connect…



    1. Adam, yes I did, the truth is spilling out everywhere at the moment!

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