5 Responses to Gemini 2020: Sirius. Telepathy. Aldous Huxley. Propaganda. Busiris Virus (Corona Pt. V). Fear of Death. Karmic Reapers. Bill Gates. Big Tech.

  1. kathie jo says:

    Thank you for this…A lot to consider…………
    As a Luddite,,,,, & Scorpio Rising I take NOTHING at face value

  2. Lawrence Harrington says:

    Thanks for bringing to ‘mind’ these aspects of the huge panic that has caught all of us in its grasp, whether agreed to or not.

    I thought I had previously signed up for your news, letter… oh well, maybe a shaky memory.

  3. Your newsletters each month particularly through this incredible world shift have been my go to for equanimity, insight and sanity supported by your meticulous research. Just the scope and breadth of each newsletter and it’s uncommon sense in a world of common nonsense is so heart and soul lifting. We are the New World Servers and this is our time. Thank you again.

  4. rosalyn thurecht says:

    Thank you so much. You and your work brilliant.

  5. Giles says:

    My query regarding these dark forces that, apparently, know all about occult/natural laws, is why unaware of karma – the MAIN natural law?

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