8 Responses to Gemini 2023: Goodwill Festival. Mercury Illusion & AI. WHO’s Plans. Venus. Mars. Jupiter. Gemini’s USA-Britain. Bob Dylan.

  1. Such excellent research and contextualizing for the students of wisdom, Phillip. Thank you.
    “This is where the people must inform themselves of these facts and raise their voices, otherwise we will find all of our freedoms lost. And thankfully it is happening, through the efforts of such legal warriors like Dr. David Martin.”

  2. david says:

    Hi Phillip, thank you very much for posting a part of the Buddha’s last sermon, I didn’t know him. Wonderful!!

    I detect a clear second ray influence through Virgo: “Those who shall be a lamp unto themselves, relying upon themselves only and not relying upon any external help”, Introversion, Self-analysis, Construction… Virgo (2nd Ray).

    Already in Christ we can think that the same attitude is touched by Pisces (2nd > 6th Ray). Thanks Phillip!


    An idea in relation to Europe has come to mind, if we look at what the last three transits of Uranus through Taurus have triggered, we can think that for the horoscope of Europe (understood as a unit) Taurus has an important role.

    Transit through Taurus 1850 – 1858 =
    It was a very turbulent decade, as wars such as the Crimean War, shifted and shook European politics.

    Transit through Taurus 1935 – 1943 =
    Spanish Civil War and beginning of the Second World War.
    In the First World War, Uranus was transiting through Aquarius, squaring Taurus.

    And currently, (2018 – 2026) where Europe is in a deep crisis that we hope does not become a great war.


    To finish, Bob Dylan is a great benign example of the enormous influence that the USA exerts in the world. Me, to be positive, (and without denying the negative evidence), I want thinking that DK’s following words are true:

    “A great future lies ahead of that nation but not because of material power or commercial efficiency, as many materially-minded people think. The reason lies in a deeply spiritual, innate idealism, enormous humanitarian potentiality and—above all else—because virgin and non-effete stock of largely peasant and middle class origin is determining the race”.

    Thanks for sharing

    1. All very good points on Taurus, thanks David. The sign also plays a big part in Dylan’s life.

  3. Lynn says:

    I was brought up on Bob Dylan (thnx Mum) I owe him so much (and Patti Smith) – (they are each other’s fans) – haven’t read yet, but will – how wonderful & thank you so much for this look at his astrology

  4. Lynn says:

    Having now read your Bob Dylan writings – its like what came first the Genius or the astrology – or did the genius choose the astrology for us all – his planets in Taurus along with his 24th May cusp ? I wonder if that’s why those who attune to him feel his words so profoundly that actual change can occur on the physical plane – There really is nobody else like him, for all those that try – many thanks again Phillip for your wonderful work.

    1. The genius or “geni” is the soul and the soul always comes first. I have just added the following section to the newsletter after coming across an old interview:

      “Mercury square Neptune represents Dylan as an musical amanuensis, or channel for inspiration from on high – his soul or other sources. In a 60 Minutes interview (2004) Dylan said,

      “I do not know how I got to write those songs, its almost if they were magically written … It’s a different kind of penetrating magic.”

      Some of what Dylan said in that interview was widely misinterpreted as “making a deal with the devil”, when in fact it was a “deal with destiny … holding up his end of the bargain … I made a bargain with the chief commander … on this Earth and the world we cannot see.”

  5. There is an added part in the section discussing WHO’s Saturn in Leo:

    “Saturn in Leo is capable of tyranny and the assumption of an unassailable authority, attempting a strict and rigid control. Hitler had Saturn in Leo. This has been amply demonstrated in the past three years – by which it seeks to build upon in the near future.

    The CIA also has Saturn in Leo on the midheaven, close to the same degree as WHO’s Saturn. The CIA – “a government within a government”, that JFK tried to dismantle and paid the ultimate price. (See also The Maya of World Media and the CIA.)”

  6. Lynn says:

    Thanx for the extra Bob Dylan info Phillip – adds clarity to his song ‘Series of Dreams’ for its penetrating sound & excellent lyrics – been experiencing spontaneous Dylan lyric memories; what it was that kept my young child & teen mind open & wondering – how great it was to meet other Dylan fans thru life – of course we knew he was great but its nice to know how & why – Many Thanks – Lynn

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