31 Responses to Pisces 2022: Global Crisis: Ukraine, Russia, USA, NATO. Putin & Zelenskyy. Blavatsky. Australian Floods.

  1. Colleen Macmillan says:

    REFRESHING!!! It thrills the heart to find a POV that calls for deeper reflection. Who can judge those whose lives directly impact and lead an entire nation? My teacher always called for us to send light to world leaders instead of criticism, hatred and fear; the schism is deep and wide enough between nations and its citizens as it is.

    1. Judith Forman says:

      A good reminder for me …

  2. Валентина says:

    Good afternoon,
    as far as I know, one photo published about the destruction in Ukraine
    and affected pregnant women in the maternity hospital is fake (staged photos). Russian troops do not shoot at cities and destroy only military infrastructure, weapons and equipment. Residential buildings, schools, hospitals and economic infrastructure are being destroyed by the Ukrainian army and national battalions.

    Добрый день,
    насколько я знаю одна фотография опубликованная о разрушениях в Украине
    и пострадавших беременных в роддоме является фейком (постановочные фото). Российские войска не стреляют по городам и уничтожают только военную инфраструктуру, оружие и технику. Жилые дома, школы больницы и хозяйственная инфраструктура разрушается армией Украины и национальными батальонами.

  3. VS says:

    in essence, this isn’t about history, or who did what when – it’s about WE THE PEOPLE of the world – and those who seek to control us. It’s actually about Freedom vs Imposition of Will (ie Slavery).
    This, to me, is the esoterics of war, although of course, all the historical details can be noticed, noted, and then … then what?
    We’re dealing with the necessity for ‘when tyranny becomes law, resistance becomes duty’.
    With USA in its current incarnation, involved in its several-year Pluto return, and as I may propose – the USA ‘experiment’ (in its higher form, not all the lower machinations and personalities) – the grand experiment, and ‘shot heard around the world’, will once again be sounded.
    Ukraine is a reverberation, because HUMANITY will always REBEL against TYRANTS. No matter what historical justification or claims of nazis they may make.
    It’s about humans wanting to just be left alone from those who want to turn them into commodities.

    (I sign this differently, as the AI 😉 on your site warns me I may have posted before. Imagine that, I was aware.)
    take care, and as always Phillip, thanks for your careful analysis.

  4. Vicktorya Stone says:

    lastly, one hopes, check out this for the weather modification which has been going on for decades:
    another part of the planned implosion against THE PEOPLE.

  5. Beverley Dight says:

    The US peace organization CODEPINK has extremely balanced views and is not in
    the least brainwashed. Before Russia’s invasion it called for NATO not to move eastward, as the US promised, and for Minsk to be implemented, and said the US
    was to blame for supporting the coup that led to a Ukraine Government targeting the
    Russian speaking people in the Donbass region While opposing the Russian invasion
    of Ukraine,hopes that not a fraction of the people killed by the US in their wars are
    killed in Ukraine.

    1. Irene says:

      That’s heartening to hear! Energizing the voice of reason, caring and objectivity. Thanks for sharing that. I‘ll look it up.

  6. bethanne says:

    Thank you for this holistic post and perspective on this important topic.
    It’s on all our minds as well as the events of the last two years. Your historical knowledge and esoteric wisdom gives a refreshing approach and an opportunity to look at these heart wrenching times with fresh eyes. Thank you again.

  7. Nathalie Rawat says:

    Thank you Phillip for another clear eyed perspective on this latest difficult situation. Your newsletter actually soothed me from all the screaming that has been put out in print, video, and social medias. I so appreciate what you are giving to the world.

  8. Vera Vostinar says:

    From my own life observations, following politics with great interest, there has been one long consistent trend: Russia, previously USSR, has been a permanent target of the West. In whatever political garment Russia happened to be.
    I am following also some other info sources, unfortunately not verifiable, stating that Ukraine is the last stronghold of the Black Lodge. That would explain the hatred of the West towards Russia.
    We’ll see.
    Thanks for your thorough research and presentation, and for your relentless quest for the Truth.

    1. Vera Vostinar says:

      Editing my own comment. I left a chunk of my reasoning out so here it is:
      The Dark ones did a very good job of keeping Ukraine, their stronghold, out of the world’s spotlight. Ukraine is within Russia’s territory, it is their Trojan horse. The Western corrupt leaders are bringing the world to destruction and the brainwashed populace is applauding. Tragic!
      The “esoteric” groups are centered mostly on the higher astral level. They are not equipped to deal with a cognitive dissonance they would have to experience if they really were observing what is unfolding in front of their eyes and thinking about it.
      So much talk about Humanity facing the 1st initiation! Do you think that initiation is a leisurely walk in the garden? What we have to face individually we must face collectively. There are no shortcuts.

  9. Vicki L Naas says:

    Dear Phillip,

    Venus figures prominently in your foregoing disquisition. In that regard, Alice Bailey wrote in 1951 in Esoteric Astrology, Pg. 543, “Capricorn is related, as you have been told, to initiation; it is also the sign of the coming world Saviour and these higher aspects of the Capricornian influences can be potently demonstrated if humanity so wills it and will take advantage of the Venusian influence to use the mind as the reflector of soul- purpose. If this does not take place, the present situation will turn into something far worse—a situation wherein the mass of men will be “re-initiated into the Earth and forced to turn their backs upon the dawning light.” A dark period of civilization will ensue. Instead of the dark cave of initiation wherein the light of the initiate’s own nature illumines the darkness and so demonstrates his command of light, the dark cave of materialism and of physical, animal control will take the place of the “lighted Way.” The earthy aspect of Capricorn, the lowest concrete aspect of the mind and an increased control by the Taurian spirit in its worst form will take the place of the divine possibility of entrance into greater light, the manifestation of the soul nature and the recognition of the “light which is found in the eye of the Bull.” Foster Bailey, if he speaks for the Hierarchy, indicated humanity may be saved, but at what price and in what state?

    Revelations 21 says, “Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.” Many of our studies involve timing and interpretation, and a seemingly inscrutable destiny in the current fog of conflict.

    Regarding the Ukraine/Russian conflict, Helena Roerich addresses human evil more times than can be quoted. In her second volume of letters on pages 417-418 she writes, “The duty of every spiritually developed consciousness is to be ever on guard, and with all one’s might to put an end to evil.” And, “If you wish for good , be ready to repulse evil . This is the very thought that passes like a red thread through all spiritual teachings . Therefore the images of Bodhisattvas and our Archistrategists are accompanied with swords and spears as symbols of their ceaseless battle with chaos and evil .”

    Russia’s previous wars in Kosovo and Aleppo, Syria definitively document war crimes and atrocities against civilian populations, the same as is happening in Ukraine right now and obviously these states do not have the same histories or alleged provocations.

    Ukraine is a sovereign state with a recognized fledgling democracy of 30 years. It is the majority will of these people to remain a sovereign democracy with all the diplomatic rights to self-determine with whom they will align for their own self-defense against aggression.

    Putin, himself, erroneously defends his aggression with the false argument that Ukraine is part of his “empire”. Whereas reputable historians say, “Instead of being connected to Russian Moscow, all of what is now Ukraine instead for centuries was part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania from the 1300s, and later of the Union of Poland and Lithuania, a vast multilingual, multiethnic state whose territory encompassed almost all of what is now Poland, Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine (and parts of what is now Russia.)”.

    Good of you to mention the passing of fellow disciples on their way home. Michael and Alan made wonderful contributions to the esoteric community and humanity. In my heart, I hope they get a chance to meet their beloved Tibetan, to whom they dedicated all their life-work.

    Kind regards,

    1. As I said in several 2016 newsletters Vicki, Putin actually put a stop to the mess that was created in Syria by the USA. I remember it very clearly, after his speech at the UN in Oct. 2015, Putin took action the very next day. There is so much about global politics that students of the ageless wisdom are unaware.

      Syria: Understanding the Agony of Syria (2016) https://esotericastrologer.org/newsletters/libra-2016-part-2-understanding-agony-syria-peres-israel-russia-usa-clinton/#und
      Syria: Cause of Syria’s War: US Interference (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.) https://esotericastrologer.org/newsletters/libra-2016-part-2-understanding-agony-syria-peres-israel-russia-usa-clinton/#und

      1. Excellent comments Kay and concur with your observations. The Oliver Stone interviews are invaluable to watch. Putin graduated in law in 1975 at Leningrad University. He has Sun, Mercury, Neptune and Saturn (exalted) in Libra – the balance, law and judicial mind.

        Here is a piece I wrote on him in 2014: Vladimir Putin and the Destiny of Russia – https://esotericastrologer.org/newsletters/pisces-2014-pluto-soul-ruler-of-pisces-pink-floyd-prodigal-son-putin/#vla

        Another one from 2015, Vladimir Putin: Scorpio Rising, Libran Sun: Adversaries & Allies – https://esotericastrologer.org/newsletters/scorpio-2015-media-maya-putin-russia-ukraine-syria/#vla

        1. Judith Forman says:


          A brave Canadian journalist that has a lot to say about the Canadian/ CIA
          /Soros involvement in what has shaped Ukraine’s Political landscape.

          1. A good commentary on Soros’s influence on Ukraine since 1990. I have inserted it in the newsletter.

  10. Kay Hannan says:

    Thank you Phillip regarding your analysis on Putin’s spiritual status. In 2018 I listened to Oliver Stones interviews with Putin and remember thinking that Putin came across as someone of high integrity often correcting Oliver on important points more like a history teacher would explain the facts. Putin seemed to have an amazing encyclopaedia mind for dates and facts and tremendous grasp of geopolitics and international law (he studied law), often stating to Stone “It is the Law”.

    Lately with the Russia/Ukraine crisis I returned to those interviews now in print and as an audio book. I listened carefully to Putin’s consistent rhetoric of patient answers and teaching Stone on facts about some event.

    I was coming to the conclusion after studying the history of Russia and Putin’s rise through the ranks having firstly no political aspirations, but brought to bear his skills and experience of his affiliation with KGB etc., his initial connection with the Communist Party and resigned. It seems that he liked to investigate the various “Bodies” but not wanting to gave membership in them. It seems that he liked to be his own man. The Russian government (The Duma), consists of 4 Parties including the Communist Party plus 3 others in which they discuss solutions etc.

    It took 8 years for Putin to defend the people of the Donbas with their suffering. First he had to secure Russia against the sanctions that would come and to also prepare military for the mission. And no he did not bomb the hospital as he told Roger Stone that he does nor want to cause destruction where he would be responsible for the rebuilding.

    I was fast thinking along the lines that Putin was indeed a wise statesman and I thought him to be an Initiate with a purpose but was never game to voice my thoughts. Putin often referred to God as being the One who knows the fate of us all. Also Putin was never drawn in to criticise leaders of other countries saying to him that Oliver needs to ask them himself, only saying that we all gave to learn from our mistakes.

    1. Irene says:

      I have very similar impressions of Mr. Putin. He strikes me as a very dedicated leader with much integrity. I just listened to his latest speech in Russian and was very impressed with his calm respectful demeanor, facing the challenges, yet also offering hope and direction to people, not casting blame. It is seen here as unfortunate that so often in the Western media we see/ hear someone‘s interpretations / opinions of him vs. seeing/ hearing him directly and let that impress us for our own inner truth to come to the surface. Also, building on PL‘s thoughts above re: him being an enigma… this parallels his „5/1 profile“ in Human Design System. It basically reveals that he is like a projection screen, and people see/ project onto him what they themselves want/ need to see vs. seeing how he truly is.

  11. Samuel says:

    When I read these articles they always seem one sided. To me, Putin is disgusting, ruthless murder. Controls the people through his totalitarian propaganda. Today this totalitarian evil is expressing itself through the planning of Russian oligarchy, through Zionist movement, and through all groups which seek to fetter and imprison the spirit of man. (EXH, p-637) SO IT’S TIME TO SEAL Door WHERE EVIL DWELLS.

    As with the United States, masks and covid. They shout freedom and are not free; they refuse to be told what to do because it infringes upon their right, nevertheless they allow themselves to be guided frequently by inept, the partisan politician and by the inadequate. Trump, I could name a lot more. (PH, p-26).

    So now it’s time for all to come together, rather than being separated. By news propaganda like Fox=666 sign of the Beast, Coincidence, No. All oligarchy control all areas of life. When Oil Company’s get threaten they raise prices and call it inflation, then have huge profits. So, that they can control the next party in office. It’s time to Wake UP. Maybe, this war will finally wake us up and bring us into right human relations.

  12. david says:

    Regardless of who is right, Russia or Ukraine, what is evident is that we are facing a destructive, painful, dangerous conflict…, the power of the 1st Ray contaminated by the negative force exerted by the 6th Ray

    Once I have analyzed the different positions and historical references, I am inclined to think that the error comes from Russia, because Russia is a superior nation, an entity or conscience with a great spiritual destiny, and therefore, before a lesser entity such as Ukraine, its younger brother, Russia should have proceeded differently.

    Can someone tell me that Russia is really facing an entity greater than itself, such as Western ideology with the USA at the forefront, and this is true, but I think that the relationship that Russia must have with the West will only be successful from freedom of all its citizens, from the integration of its dissidents, many of them in prison or living in exile for thinking differently.

    Well, this is my opinion, but what is really important is to see what are the ideals that have motivated this conflict, and if we analyze them well, they are all expired ideals of the Age of Pisces and therefore they are destructive ideals.

    Let’s see some of these ideals, which are often used by “the dark forces” (material selfishness) to influence the popular mass through the separatist power exerted by the solar plexus / 6th Ray.

    The ideal of “freedom”, misunderstood, because it does not recognize the freedom of the other.
    The ideal of “power”, misunderstood because it is based on physical aggression, economic selfishness, domination over the other, creator of pain and poverty.
    The ideal of “the nation”, creator of borders, division, hate.
    The ideal of “self-defense”, creator of fear.
    The ideal “of the courage of the soldier who fights for the sacred motherland”, which does not allow the individual conscience of the soldier, if he thinks it necessary, to abandon the army and its aggressive goals.
    The ideal of “European values”, which are not able to integrate Russia. This is very interesting, because Putin’s attitude has called them into question.
    The ideal of “anti-Nazism or anti-communism”: based on the cruelties of the past and the alleged existence of Nazis or radical Communists, murderers. Truly there are, but thank God they are a minority.

    Let us hope that Putin and Zelenskyy and other leaders involved put aside these expired ideals in order to perceive that Humanity is One in diversity.

    Astrologically, this type of conflict drags the involutive forces of Cancer, like those karmic lunar forms, “blind” mental forms that rule the masses.

    And in this sense, any deep analysis like the one offered by this newsletter is very necessary to achieve the correct vision and the establishment of the correct relationships.

    1. Carlos Urtasun says:

      I think it might be wise for students to not see “Ukraine” as a country/nation, but a place (larger than the country’s borders) in which “evil dwells”. Corruption, trafficking, nazism, you name it – all flourish there. It’s the last dense stronghold of them you know who. Unfortunately, ordinary people always gets in the middle. These forces has nothing to do with Ukrainians, nor with Russians -but with ALL of us including them, of course. It’s a leftover from the 1914-45. It remained there, was nurtured, and grown for the past 30 years. What’s happening with the Russia-China-India cooperation – adding Brazil and others to the mix, is most promising in the breaking up of the petrodollar. That shift to the east, is maybe what’s needed for awhile, to break the power these evil forces has on the US/UK and others – letting them eventually form closer ties to Russia again in order to become that triangle of hope and light we so deserve. Something must die in order to Live.

  13. George Skiadopoulos says:

    Dear friends,

    I would like to offer my analysis on this conflict.

    First of all, this is by far not the most tragic conflict of recent times. After WWII we have had numerous conflicts, and the recent tragedies in Syria and Yemen have been far more bloody and destructive. And, really, who cares about Yemen in the West? Not many I am afraid, and I say it with pain. European powers do not care enough about refugees coming from Asia and Africa (even though many have helped), ok, understandably this is part of human nature, but at some point it has to change, doesn’t it?

    Now, to our topic, which is complicated and has many parameters. According to my understanding of the writings of Rudolf Steiner, whom I consider one of Humanity’s high Teachers, the German speaking world, let us call it the German-sphere, is some sort of spiritual mediator between the Anglo-sphere (the UK and its child the USA) and the Slavo-sphere. Middle Europe, that is, is some sort of mediator between Western and Eastern Europe. It seems geography does show spiritual realities and purposes after all.
    I do feel that, in the archetypal World of Ideas (may be in the higher mental, or even higher sphere?) the guiding Powers of the various nations have a spiritual Plan and Purpose for them, but this is more often than not distorted on our physical reality, and thus this Purpose is finally met after long centuries or more. In our issue, German world seems to actually have a deeper purpose to move towards the East, and the famous “Drang nach Osten” of the German imperial policy does correspond to a higher reality, but it was highly distorted by Germany, especially during Hitler era. It does seem that the German people subconsciously have felt that, and also Hitler himself, but the evil forces who were guiding Hitler were able to distort this purpose into hatred and wish to enslave the Slavic populations, since Hitler considered the Slavs subhuman.
    Now, over the last 20 years at least, Germany has in fact moved somehow to the East (Russia) by economic means, by having large investments in Russia and by importing Russian energy, which would go to really high levels with Nord Stream 2.
    As we know, one of the purposes of the Anglo-American establishment is to keep the German-Russian cooperation low at all costs, it is in fact one of the key pillars of American foreign policy to prevent German-Russian rapprochement. If we take into account that France as well, with its long existing national pride and anti-American feeling has also over the last decades strengthened its relationship with Russia, we might be able to see that by the middle of the century an EU coming somehow into a balance between the USA and Russia ( an EU of course still as part of the overall Western world) would not be unthinkable. This must have been considered as a nightmare by the Anglo-American establishment, because it means lack of control over Europe. With what is happening now, Germany has come back to the fold of America and NATO. And at a big economic cost to her! Even though her big financial interests will certainly be compensated by investing in its recently announced heavy rearmament.

    So, the American and NATO aggressive stance over Russia, by having it encircled over the last 25 years and by admitting almost all of Eastern Europe to NATO, finally created a crisis that is leading Germany back to the fold, not a small gain, isn’t it? So, if there is a plan for the German world to become a sort of mediator in Europe, it seems to go to sleep for now.

    Now, I don’t say all this is the fault of the Anglo-American establishment only. Certainly Germany over the last decades has not become the sort of country that could become a spiritual mediator. German materialistic selfishness is all too obvious and through the euro-zone they have controlled all of Europe, especially south Europe, for their own economic benefit. So, Germany is not innocent, far from it. But I do think that its potential role as a mediator cannot be materialized, at least for now. France is too financially weak to become a mediator alone, even though because of its military strength and energy independence from Russia, she may soon become a sort of EU superpower, equaling Germany. 

    Now, I am aware that most people in Eastern Europe are decidedly pro-American and anti-Russian, they suffered too much under the Soviet control. Most of those countries did want to join NATO, and who can blame them? For them America is the bastion of freedom, which from a certain perspective it decidedly is. But for now it is too much under the control of selfish financial interests. I think that all those European countries were rightly admitted to the EU, but they should never be admitted to NATO, even if they wanted to – with a couple of exceptions may be, such as Poland, which has suffered a lot by both the Germans and the Russians historically and it may be, from the point of view of its public opinion, the most anti-Russian country in the world.
    Poland could also play a part in being a mediator between the western world and Russia, if we were living in an ideal world, which we are not.

    So, yes, one can understand the feelings and aspirations of Eastern Europeans, but a wise and spiritually guided American establishment would never threaten Russia, but try to cooperate with it. And America did the opposite. So, obviously, Russia is reacting. It is not the one that has pulled the strings and created the possibility, certainly clear, of a big war. Putin is reacting. Others have pulled the strings, certainly not in a spiritually beneficent way. 

    What will happen now? Do they want to divide Europe again creating a new sort of iron curtain? Does the Anglo-American establishment want that? It seems possible. This way they secure their control over most of Europe, they prevent the German-Russian rapprochement (this is of top significance to them!), and their profits will go to the sky due to heavy military investments. And which part of Europe will go with Russia? Either this has already been decided behind the scenes, or it will be decided through war. If the second,  war is coming to Europe, which I don’t think will be nuclear (I agree that spiritual powers don’t want that), but we cannot exclude the possibility of a couple of nuclear missiles hitting here or there. Hopefully, IF we have a war, it will be short lived and thus not very destructive. But even a short war will change the face of Europe for the 21st century and might create a new Iron Curtain.

    Rudolf Steiner  believed that the long term of some Anglosaxon circles is to control the Slavic world, because they know that in the far future it will spiritually blossom, and they want to control it from now. He may be right.

    Far from me to be a eurocentric, I believe other civilizations to be equally high or higher than European ones (India, Iran, China, etc.), but in our times Europe does play a very significant role in the evolution of human consciousness, even though the simple people in the East are far more open-hearted and warm, they seem to have more open the heart petals.

    People say that Putin rules dictatorially. Come on, how do you expect Russia to be ruled? Russia does not have the West’s democratic institutions, and by cutting Russia off the West we do not give to her the chance to develop those institutions, at least in the near future.

    And, yes, we have the Shamballa disciples, I don’t know if Putin is one, but those disciples do play a very significant role in the spiritual evolution of Humanity. He may have a spiritual role in defending Russia and her spiritual destiny.

    May be the above was a geopolitically focused analysis, but I think it is obvious that geopolitics, rightly viewed, is a spiritual science of relationships between spaces and peoples, and it will openly become a spiritual science one day.

    My two cents….

    1. thanks George for your steady, thoughtful comments, much to ponder here. And as a reminder, to some of the emotional voices reacting to my newsletter, I asked the question “what if” Putin was a disciple of Shamballa, I did not say he “was” one. But he may well be, one has to ponder the quote from DK about Ataturk very closely. We cannot react to these outer effects of pain and suffering without considering their causes. Despite my best efforts to explore all the causes, many people are still stuck on the outer effects – a superficial response if they call themselves spiritual or esoteric students. I suggest that they have alot more reflecting to do about the entire situation before they pass judgement.

      1. George Skiadopoulos says:

        Thank you Phillip for your words.

    2. Irene says:

      This is a very helpful perspective to consider. Thank you! There are now noticeable tensions in Germany itself that seem to be reflective of the above dynamics on a smaller scale.
      In considering all of the forces playing out, I am often left with the question: what can I/ we do to assist with bringing the forces into the intended flow?

  14. Lyn S says:

    But Putin’s forces are not ‘nearly done’ are they? He is bombing homes and killing and injuring women, children and hospitals. He is cutting off supplies so the people starve to death or freeze.
    And you suggest that Putin is a disciple of Shamballa! Have you flipped your lid!

  15. Scott Ritter, a military analyst who called out the US about “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq 2003, gives an interesting analysis on the restraint of Russian forces in Ukraine. https://rumble.com/vx4rrr-redacted-tonight-lee-camp-interviewing-scott-ritter-on-ukraine.html

  16. nikolaos lymperopoulos says:

    Dear Plillip

    Please allow me to add to your meaningful insights a couple of thoughts.

    But first, please, George Skiadopoulos contact me at nicklbs@gmail.com

    1. Kemal: His work is associated with the reform of Islam. A huge, international task. The establishment and introduction of Israel on May 14, 1948 severed that reform of Islam. The momentum of change in Islam was so strong, that during the next 20 years it kept going well. The crucial period where the work apparently started to decline was the six days war of 1967.
    Ever since we see the step back of reform, and the revive of fundamentalism instead.

    2. Germany: I do agree with George. And something more. Germany established again the Reich in terms of economic influence and control. Easily one can see on the map that all the countries conquered by the Third Reich are now under the control of Germany, including Spain (remember Franco) and Portugal (remember Salazar).

    3. Russia: After the collapse of USSR the big money corporations established in the West, through US tried to “loot” the wealth of Russian territories. Putin tackled that endeavor. The cost was the Russian tycoon oligarchy, mafia style business, and autocracy.

    4. Russia asked for negotiations and peace and integration within the western world economic environment. To this end she revived the old German – Russian alliance dream.

    5. That triggered a signal of danger for the present rulers of the World. NATO, or rather US plus UK.

    6. In 2000 the last Shamballa impact sounded forth the note of the World Union and the Reform of UN. Does anyone remember the Millennium UN issue? In listening of that sound of World Union almost all the Nations of import stepped back to the past nationalistic trends. Is’nt this so? Nationalism disguised, or even profound, is what nations demonstrate these days. Tramp coup attempt was on the same track.

    7. In 2001 the demolition of the twin towers of the WTC triggered the Third World War as the Sarajevo assassination triggered the First. The third War has remained mainly on mental and astral levels, precipitating upon the physic in areas of the world where there were and are unresolved religious, tribal and national issues, in smaller State unions like Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq, and now Ukraine.

    8.Ukraine is important because through her is opening wide open the gate of precipitation of the menacing war on subtler levels, upon the physical.

    We need to stop the further precipitation of the war right now. Some spiritual inclined and trained associates thought that the second stanza of the Great Invocation might be of use. I think not. It is not the same condition. The third stanza is up to the task.

    9. Most part of humanity is sensing that there is an evil group, working in the shadows to cause miserable stuff to the peoples of the World. But we tend to forget that evil in our days is a mind set-up, or a huge thought form embodied by specific personalities and groups, but fed by millions and millions of units of awareness focused upon materialism. We are feeding this monster-ous entity and it is about time for us, humans, to start its dispel.

    10. We need to invoke the power of the “jewel at the centre”.

  17. Irene says:

    WOW! This is the most refreshing and to my mind most accurate (to the degree it resonates within) account of current world happenings and dynamics. Thanks very much for such a thorough exploration of both subtle aspects as well as bigger picture. I had the same sense of V. Putin being a disciple of Shamballa and was positively surprised to see this observation echoed here. I can “breath” better now after reading this newsletter. The media propaganda is soooo heavy here, that I was seriously doubting my sanity. My great grandmother was Ukrainian, my mother Russian, father German, I was born in Kazakhstan and currently am a citizen of US, with an American husband and children. I was literally experiencing this “war” on the inside and just had to look at it from different sides. I have friends and family in different parts of the world who would share their “data”, which more often than not would be exactly the opposite of what is portrayed in the west. I found some “believable” sources, and
    yet as of now many of them are simply blocked and not viewable here, which in itself seems to speak volumes. I also saw that the photo of the injured pregnant lady is a staged one. She was indeed pregnant, just not hurt in any way. I saw a report debunking a number of videos as fake, yet they quickly were blocked from view. I witnessed with my own ears how some translation from Russian into English has been intentionally twisted, to demonize Russia. I pray and energize with my whole heart that we come through this turbulence as better unified awakened One Humanity and find within true(r) love for one another. Let Love prevail, let all people love. Thanks again for the voice of (pure) reason and objectivity. Blessings to all. 🙏

  18. adam says:

    Hey Phillip,

    Great article as always. From an international relations (IR) perspective, using astrology as a means to explain global tensions, their history and the energetic framework on which the near-term future will precipitate should really be taken as a serious theoretical framework given its explanatory power. In my opinion, IR through the lens of astrology has great predictive power given its generalizability.

    Social science has moved beyond the biting 20th century criticism of Karl Popper and his falsifiability doctrine because social science isn’t physics and can use logical inference as a means of arriving at the truth through the law of large numbers.

    I mention all of this b/c, as you are well aware, a bridge from mental to intuitional levels needs to be built upon a lattice of logic similar to the logic one finds in Mahayana Buddhist doctrine. Only then will it be possible to really unleash the intuition.

    Without this mental bridge (antaḥkaraṇa), well… astralism has a great foothold to promulgate spiritualistic opinions in the absence of logic and keep astrology in the dark.

    Standardizing the science of astrology and the 7 rays as it pertains to IR would do much to open this rarified science to concrete mental levels and allow it to become more commonplace in the world… and perhaps more importantly over the long run, help in building humanity’s antakarana toward the buddhic plane.



  19. Ishe Boge says:

    Dear Phillip,

    I’m in awe of the depth and breadth of the work involved in the report. No wonder I follow you. I hope you don’t mind that I have saved this history lesson for our modest, and aspiring, homeschool community “Multiversity”. Just had a flash of one day inviting you to give a Commencement Address to our early graduates down South. One can dream. Thank you so much Phillip.

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