9 Responses to Scorpio 2021: Pandora’s Box. Victorious Uranus. Diwali. David Lynch. Dark Night of the Soul. Julian Assange. Switzerland. Meta. Vandana Shiva.

  1. Stephen Renneberg says:

    Hi Phil

    Very insightful and on the money as usual.

    The world is certainly deeply mired in glamor at this time, on many fronts. It is sad and disturbing.

    You might find this video (the Theory of Stupidity) interesting from a mass psychological perspective:


  2. Thanks Stephen, I had used Boenhoffer’s quotes in recent newsletters. I think stupidity is the capacity for anyone, at any level of consciousness, to not fully access their god-given intellect.

  3. Mystic Janet says:

    Thanks Phillip for another great newsletter. I noticed and read the Pope’s Poem and it’s so super how you find these little gems.
    I loved the prayers from Libra and started saying it daily.

  4. As always great and very interesting newsletter Phillip! Many thanks for your consistent service. Did you know that Pandora is 7 degrees Scorpio right now and so square with Saturn and almost conjunct Mars and opposite Uranus?

    1. No I did not know Eric, very interesting.There are thousands of asteroids, but their symbolism and place in the zodiac at any time is always uncannily accurate.

  5. Vicki L Naas says:

    Dear Phillip,

    In the Agni Yoga book, “Fiery World III”, El Morya writes on page 168, about this “grave epoch of Armageddon”. The descriptions in this series of books regarding the end-times more closely describes the world we live in today then when the book was written in 1935. If I quoted all His prophesies, one would chillingly have to conclude that your hypothesis of WWIII-in progress is correct. He goes on at length about the absolute necessity to purify the planet which will be accomplished “by fire and by the sword.” I think these books were preparatory for what was inevitable, considering the historical record from WWII: the completely inappropriate borders drawn in the Middle East and the suzerainty of eastern Europe and elsewhere. Never have the wars stopped since WWII as civilization sinks ever lower into the mire of materialism and despoilment of the planet.

    It would be really good if you could do a further exploration of this theme through the prism of the Agni Yoga books. I’m sure all your students of the ancient wisdom would appreciate it. Meanwhile I greatly appreciate your quoting DK’s encouraging words about remaining steadfast to the Hierarchy of Light.

    Keep filling the Chalice,

    1. Thanks Vicki, this time meditating spiritual groups are more aware of the dire situation (whether they are pro or anti vax) – and have the opportunity to prevent this current war on the mental plane precipitating onto the physical plane, by dissolving global glamours that will allow the light to shine through the clouds of maya, upon Humanity.

  6. david says:

    Thank you Phillip for your extensive and varied work about Scorpio!

    Scorpio is the quality that purifies the conscience, frees it from its ties.

    Personal self-awareness, reflected in the archetype of Leo, recognizes the spiritual quality of Aquarius, the impersonal service, through Scorpio or the power of redemptive experience, pure reason, the acquisition of detachment.

    As the Tibetan Master tells us with His usual brilliance:

    “Life, quality and appearance are all tested, but as the entire experience has to be fought out subjectively and lifted “up into the air” finally and raised into the world of spiritual values where all problems must be solved in the light of the intuition and by the soul, the stimulation of the intellect and the focussing of the disciple’s attention upon the physical plane (the world of material values) is not desirable” (E.A – Chapter of SCORPIO, THE SCORPION)

    And this subjective experience, where the practical or material sense is almost absent, is the one that all of us who want to understand the incomprehensible must experience.

    With love to John Merrick and his fight to make life meaningful.

  7. Michelle says:

    THANKS PHILLIP…as always.
    In answer to your question …..YES……WORKING HARD re a SOLUTION.

    However…..its not just about individuals working hard….

    Its also about the masses being willing to LISTEN….and from my observations….even in a lockdown… when there has been plenty of time to listen…………few still have………however……there was always plenty of time to listen to negativity.

    Hence I work hard with great pleasure and enjoyment……& IF…..ONE CHOOSES to LISTEN….how grateful and LOVELY…….. is that moment in time……..blessings to ALL in these times of CHANGE

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