9 Responses to Scorpio 2022: Maya. Esoteric Diwali. Hilma af Klint. Rishi Sunak. King Charles. Jimmy Savile. Musk & Twitter. Crowd Crushes. Kennedy, Fauci, Gates.

  1. Aquarius says:

    Elon Musk is already spreading information that would be classed as misinformation. He is also going to charge for Twitter blue. No one is sure yet what side he is on. Perhaps he is on no one’s side, but he is spreading misinformation that one side likes. What he is spreading, there is no proof that it is true. Perhaps he needs to keep out of that.

  2. ATHINA says:

    Elon Musk .not trusted. he seems to be from the other side

  3. Adam Grant says:

    Thank you for all the work you do. I sincerely appreciate it. See you in class.

  4. P says:

    Remember when idealistic Esotericists called Bill Gates a Disciple of the Heirarchy a World Server and Saviour ?? Well… it seems Elon is the NEW World Saviour ? !! OR not …The brilliant James Corbett has done a deep investigation into Elon Musk in
    Episode 429 –
    ‘Meet Elon Musk, Technocractic Huckster’
    by Corbett Oct 18, 2022

    Here’s the link


    “Elon Musk is back in the headlines again (not that he ever really went away). He’s going to save free speech on Twitter (honest)! He’s going to end the war on Ukraine (that he supported with Starlink)! He’s going to give Taiwan to the Chinese (and not just because of Tesla’s Shanghai factory)! Yes, Elon Musk is a WEF Young Global Leader and a self-promoting charlatan who would have amounted to absolutely nothing without unrelenting support from government and his globalist pals, and he is the next white hat saviour that is being set up to mislead the masses with their next hopium fix. But as James peels back the layers of this technocratic huckster, you’ll find that it’s even worse than that . . “

    1. thanks Rebecca, yes I remember what esotericists said about Gates, I mentioned this in some of my recent profiles of him. (https://esotericastrologer.org/newsletters/cancer-2020-neptune-and-mass-consciousness-bill-gates-dodecahedron-cancer-solstice-refugees/#bilg) Corbett did a brilliant doco exposing Gates so I look forward to this one on Musk.

      1. P says:

        For anyone interested in a sober and meticulous investigation of Bill Gates . Here’s that doco Phillip speaks of in the comment above


        There can be no doubt that Bill Gates has worn many hats on his remarkable journey from his early life as the privileged son of a Seattle-area power couple to his current status as one of the richest and most influential people on the planet. But, as we have seen in our exploration of Gates’ rise as unelected global health czar and population control advocate, the question of who Bill Gates really is is no mere philosophical pursuit. Today we will attempt to answer that question as we examine the motives, the ideology, and the connections of this man who has been so instrumental in shaping the post-coronavirus world.

  5. david says:

    Hi Phillip, excellent work!
    For my part, I will make two reflections, one on “the expression of freedom” and the other on “the horoscopes of the sad events that occurred in Korea and Indonesia”.
    – the expression of freedom:
    The main ploy of Forces of Materialism now is to limit even further the expression of alternative views and perspectives. This must not be allowed to happen, question everything, make the theme of free speech a priority – it is the bedrock of freedom and democracy
    If we stick to astrology in 2025 there will be a great opportunity for freedom to expand, perhaps for the moment it will only be a subjective freedom, reflected in free minds, but as we know, “energy follows thought”.
    Astrologically, in 2025 an unusual event will occur, the 3 transpersonal planets, which due to their slowness (the Soul is never in a hurry) better calibrate the collective unconscious, will enter a new sign.
    Pluto, transformative power will enter the sign of Aquarius, freedom through group responsibility…, will this mean a transformed society? Freer and at the same time more united?
    Neptune, the heart of the Sun, the great ideals of humanity, will enter Aries, the sign of the beginnings…, will this mean the emergence of new and more inclusive ideals?
    And Uranus, the mind that reveals the cosmic secrets (purposes) will enter Gemini, the bearer of the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom…, will this mean that we will see human attitudes or wills, (unknown until now), wiser and more generous?
    The truth is that I don’t know how the new molds will be imposed and the old ones will be destroyed, but the opportunity is written.
    – The recent tragic events in Korea and Indonesia.
    “In the horoscopes for both events, the Moon, Mars, and Neptune are prominent”
    You are absolutely right Phillip, very good perception, this triangle is the ruler of what happened.
    From my experience as an astrologer and observing the low evolutionary level of the event, I interpret that in both horoscopes Mars is in House 1 and the Moon in House 7.
    We can say that it is an event where the participating forms attack themselves. Astrologically, it is a conflicting relationship, not integrated, between the power to kill suggested by Mars in the 1st house in opposition to a weak lunar form, very confused by the square that Neptune exerts on it.
    And Neptune in the 10th house, the house where “the king” governs the action. Neptune is the ruler of the psychic or emotional aspect that invokes people. That is to say, he is the ideal of “the magic of Halloween” or of “the soccer passion” that motivated the meeting, and that through Mars promoted the convulsion and (self) aggression to the participating forms or Moon.
    In these situations the moon, being the densest or most material aspect, is always the one that obeys, the one that suffers, the last step, the form that leaves, the faint, lifeless bodies.
    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Irene says:

    As always, many thanks, for these enriching, well researched and thought provoking newsletters.
    Re: Elon Musk…
    Here is a commentary (source: matthewbooks.com) which I seem to resonate with. There are many other points on that website that reveal a degree of objectivity and accuracy, and thus the source is experienced as trustworthy to the degree it agrees within.

    “We have been asked if Elon Musk is working for the light or the dark. Well, “keep your friends close, your enemies closer” could be somewhat applicable insofar as the groups with whom he is working, but it’s much more accurate to say that in his drive to succeed, he needs access to the superstructures of both light and dark agencies so he doesn’t have to “reinvent their wheels,” so to say. In a third density world, money paves the path to success; therefore, he has been well provided with it so he can accomplish what he intends, and there is no darkness whatsoever in his intentions.

    Elon is one of the few volunteers from a civilization that is not only highly spiritually and consciously evolved, but also one of the most technologically advanced. He is a brilliant visionary whose mission is to help Earth’s civilization “shoot for the stars” and take their rightful place as members of our multidimensional universal family. All light beings honor him and send light to reinforce his progress and overall wellbeing.”

  7. adam says:

    As an aside, the science of zodiacal triangles, when studied through the lens of mathematics, shows why the initial impulse in Aries at the full moon steps forward into manifestation shortly after the full moon in Libra. I am here referring to the manifestation of tangible essence (kama-masanic) and not necessarily physical precipitation of form.

    Let C = # of possible combinations
    n = number of signs of the zodiac
    r = number of signs in the triangle

    C = n! / [ (n-r)! r!]

    In this case where n =12 and r = 3, the number of combinations without repetition of signs is 220.

    This means one would not have a triangle such as {Aries, Aries, Pisces} as Aries repeats.

    The above indicates that from the Aries full moon, 220 days elapse, which is equivalent to 7 full moons plus 13.5 days given 29.5 day orbital period of the moon.

    The initial high impulse in Aries at the time of the full moon finds its path into manifest essence by putting on the vestment of all zodiacal combinations, which completes right about the time of the new moon in Libra.


    If one allows for repetition of signs such as {Aries, Aries, Aries} the formula becomes:

    C = [(n+r-1)!] / [(n-1)! r!]

    Given n = 12 and r =3, this yields C = 364

    One orbital period of the earth about the sun contains all zodiacal combinations as triplicities of energies following the cosmic pattern of the three Logoi.


    One may have noticed the crest of the wave broke about the time the sun passed into Scorpio this year, carrying with it the manifest kama-masanic energies that were originally impelled at the start of the zodiacal new year.

    One might also note that there are a sufficient number of physically incarnated souls in the USA that are receptive to this impulse to give it physical form. I mention this as it pertains to the negation of the planetary dweller.

    Thanks again for thought-provoking newsletter. 😉

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