7 Responses to Aquarius 2022: Britain. WEF. Telepathy-Technology. Mercury Retro. Canada Convoy. Joe Rogan. USA Pluto Return. Thich Nhat Hanh.

  1. Vicki L Naas says:

    Dear Phillip,

    Your biographical sketch needs to be amended to include the description “iconoclast, one who has a very necessary Plutonian function, clearing debris before the rebuilding and beautiful transformation under Venus. The myth of Persephone’s kidnapping by Hades illustrates what is meant.”

    Regarding “Big Sleep, Great Awakening”, Helena Roerich writes in Fiery World III, page 239, “Already long ago was it said that the better people will become especially sensitive, while the rubbish of Kali Yuga will grow deaf and dumb before the great events. But for a long time not many will apprehend to what an extent everything is changed around them.” She is referencing
    Vedavyasa’s predictions written 5000 years ago in the Bhagavata Purana.

    Fellow students may be interested in a new astrological documentary based on astrologer Richard Tarnas’ book, “Cosmos & Psyche”. It is a nine-part series premiering February 22nd and deals with the correlation of historical events with the outer planets, particularly Uranus. It is beautifully produced and represents a 10-year effort. Its free to all. For more information go to the website: http://www.changingofthegods.com.

    I very much appreciate your thoughts on the crises with Russia and Poland. It is a deep pain point for the entire world. I am going to use your meditation beginning this afternoon. I think I will superimpose Venus, Earth’s alter-ego, over the triangle, since Venus is also the ruler of Libra, the peacemaker.

    All good wishes,

  2. Judith Forman says:

    Unfortunately Canadians will be saddled with Mark Carney once they get rid of Trudeau unless they keep the pressure on

  3. VS says:

    Great work.

    Re World Economic Forum and Schwab and all his politicians he “penetrated” –

    On this: ” … a very forceful and dominating scientific fundamentalism – in Schwab and within the entity he created, the WEF. Therefore, this progressed Sun in Pisces, creating this T-square to WEF’s Moon square Pluto, can have two major effects.

    a. Increase the degree of fanaticism, distortion and deception that puts the WEF in a greater position of power imposing its ideas upon the world.

    b. Increase the degree of fanaticism, distortion and deception – to the point of becoming completely unhinged and lacking credibility – the result of which would be WEF’s demise and death.”

    The “completely unhinged and lacking credibility” is exposed, and running head on into a rational and increasingly informed ‘We the People’, who are realizing the Spirit of Liberty in their heart is seeking freedom from tyranny.

    It’s an old story. You are telling it well. Thanks.

  4. Damien Planté says:

    Great Work!

    For the Speculative assignment of centres for Canada,
    here is another suggestion:

    Toronto Crown
    Ottawa Ajna
    Edmonton Throat
    Yellow Knife Heart
    Quebec Plexus
    Winnipeg Sacral
    Halifax Root, St John’s as second possibility

  5. david says:

    If what happened with Covid has taught us anything, it is that when humanity wants, borders or differences disappear and Unity arises, the Universal aspect associated with the energy of Aquarius.

    – All revelations appear to emerge into the consciousness of the race in their lowest or most material form because the “ascent of knowledge towards wisdom” is always the key to progress -. (A.B. – Esoteric Astrology – Leo chapter)

    And as we know, it will be the new energy of Aquarius that will teach humanity to overcome their differences and borders and unite in community, in humanity.

    It is clear that the unity of all countries against covid is the lower reflex of Aquarius, an attitude that in itself annuls freedom and rather seems like a dictatorship.

    But if we look at it from a distance we must recognize that it has been an event that, from the lower form, has taught us unity is possible, that it is possible to transcend cultural differences and patriotic ideals, which have conditioned the Pisces Age, in favor of a more universal ideal.

    Aquarius is the Wise and Loving Expansion (through Jupiter- 2ºR) of the Light of Scientific Intelligence (5ºR) and of the Organization, Order and Ceremony creators of Magic (7ºR); These are the energies involved and that currently condition the ascent of the knowledge of humanity or the fifth root race. A humanity that has the evolutionary level that it has, but, through new experiences/knowledge it will grow in wisdom. This is hope.

    Thank you very much for sharing your work Phillip!

  6. A great newsletter again Phillip! Many thanks. I noticed that together with the Pluto return for the US there is also a Neptune opposition with its birth chart. This seems to be significant as well. Could you say something about that?

    1. Thanks for your note Eric, I will look at this Neptune transit in the Pisces newsletter.

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