15 Responses to Aries 2022: Equinox. Star Direction. Subjective Origins. Jupiter-Neptune. Russia-Ukraine. Will Smith. Exalted Sun, 7th Ray.

  1. Janet says:

    Thank You so much Phillip; the diagrams and the articles are so rich. And you fixed the donation. I really appreciate that. I hope all else is well. I may reply again after I’ve had time to absorb all your excellent information. Thank You!

  2. Vicktorya Stone says:

    Re Jupiter/Neptune in Pisces, the mid 1850 also inaugurated what was referred to as the “Age of Illumination” with the first oil well going into production in 1859, discovered around 1856-57 in Pennsylvania.

    1. Excellent observation Vic, and in 1860 it was the seventh ray sub-cycle within the greater 6th ray cycle I believe, reflected by the gold rush, amongst other things!

    2. Carlos Urtasun says:

      I wonder if the long awaited breakthrough of some form of Fusion energy is what lies ahead (as oil did then). Would love to see the SAFIRE project succeed.

  3. “This ignorance [of ancient history] throughout the world plays right into the hands of the Forces of Evil and—beaten as they now are on the physical plane— ***they will give more violent battle to world goodwill on the planes of emotional decision***, and on mental levels to those ideologies which are of benefit to the whole of humanity.

    Physical plane methods having resulted only in the complete devastation of Europe and in casualties which (if civilian men, women and children are included) amount to untold millions, the forces of evil will now endeavour to utilise the character of humanity as a whole (at its present total point of development) to hinder the Forces of Light, prevent the attainment of world tranquillity and world understanding, and thus delay the day of their own final defeat. This defeat, when accomplished, must include the three worlds of human evolution—mental, emotional and physical.

    For long ***these evil forces have used psychology*** in order to reach the ends they had in view, and have used it with amazing success; they are still using it, and can be depended upon to employ its methods to the uttermost. They use the ***press and the radio [internet/TV] *** in order to distort human thinking; they present half-truths, impute false motives, rake up past grievances, foretell (with foreboding) imminent difficulties; they foster ancient prejudices and hatreds, and emphasise religious and national differences.

    … the fact that all this is nurtured and kept alive by the forces of evil, working upon the inner side of human affairs and dealing mainly with the psychological angle because it is so exceedingly potent. This they will increasingly do as this planetary war draws to a close; they will seek to offset the work of the Hierarchy, to hamper the activities of the New Group of World Servers and to cloud the issues involved to such a degree that the ***men of goodwill everywhere will be bewildered and will fail to see the clear outlines of the factual situation or distinguish between what is true and what is false.*** Forget not, the forces of evil are exceedingly clever”. (The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.452.)

  4. If some posters are wondering why their comments have not been appeared, that is because they are too wildly conjectural, over-emotional and evidently made with barely considering the subject of the newsletter, particularly my Pisces letter which outlines the reasons for the conflict in Ukraine. People who send me images of alleged Russian atrocities, call me names etc. will not only be blocked here but will be unsubscribed from my newsletter.

    Reasonable, thoughtful comments always appreciated, thanks for your contributions!

  5. Hugh Smiley says:

    Rich and thorough as usual Phillip! Thank you.

    Dane Rudhyar mentions the beginnings of these somewhat utopian-oriented movements around the discovery of Neptune:
    1844 – Beginning of the Baha’i Era
    1846 – Discovery of Neptune
    1848 – Communist Manifesto
    1849 – Helena Blavatsky embarks on world tour, meets the “Masters of Ancient Wisdom”, then brings esoteric teachings from East to West, co-founding the Theosophical Society in 1875.

    Last Jup-Nep conjunction in Pisces (penultimate of the Piscean Age): 1856. One week before, Baha’u’llah (whom millions now accept as the return of Buddha, Christ & the other Avatars) leaves a two-year vision-quest in the mountains of Kurdistan for Baghdad to restore unity & healing in the exiled Babi community. The same season, He reveals His most mystical work “The Seven Valleys”.

    Blavatsky (in a way, the grandmother of the “New Age” dies in 1891, Baha’u’llah (author of a new world faith & order) in 1892. The latter’s Ascension chart has Sun, Pluto & Neptune all within half a degree. This inaugurated a new 500-year Neptune-Pluto cycle.

  6. david says:


    The Soul reincarnates in the mind and this is clearly seen in the sign of Aries.
    For esoteric astrology, Hermes, the psychopomp or “guide of the soul,” is the ruler of the Ram.

    Mercury builds the union, the bridge between spirit and personality or matter.
    In the “ram”, Mercury is the soul that rules Mars, the personal actions, at the same time that through intuition it is sensitive to the energy of Uranus, the spiritual purpose.

    If we think of the 7 chakras, Mercury in the Soul is Christ in the Heart (4), and Aries is the manifestation of God (1) in Matter (7), therefore Aries is: 17.

    And what is the exaltation of the Sun or the Crucifixion of Christ but the union of Spirit and Matter thanks to the Son of the Mind, Mercury.

    Will Smith:

    In Smith’s horoscope Mars is responsible for what happened, because it is the ruler of Scorpio (Moon in its fall + Neptune) and Aries (Saturn in its fall + Rahu) and also it is in accidental dignity (the most angular planet) in the fourth house, (the karmic emotion), aspecting the tenth house, (the vocation), “the prize place” where “the exalted warrior” expressed its aggressiveness.

    All this is very karmic, very understandable, as Phillip says: “really no judgment here, Smith is as flawed and fallible as the rest of us imperfect souls”

    Thanks for your work!

  7. Western Dissent from US/NATO Policy on Ukraine is Small, Yet the Censorship Campaign is Extreme

    “Preventing populations from asking who benefits from a protracted proxy war, and who pays the price, is paramount. A closed propaganda system achieves that.”

    Some students of the wisdom still hold doggedly to the antiquated notion that it is solely Russia that runs propaganda, when in fact the majority of it emanates from the West. Glenn Greenwald explores here.


    1. david says:


      It is clear that in this link and for example also in this other one
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2tTFqRtVkA by the great Chomsky, the accent, considering the aggression suffered by Ukraine, is on the US. And it is logical, because as this is the most powerful nation on the planet, it has “the threads of good and evil” in its hands.

      Now, the question I ask myself is the following, how do I have to think about the US to activate its threads of good?

      It may seem like a presumptuous question, because the answer is simple: exposing the truth (between the US and the rest of the world)

      But for me, too often this zeal for the truth puts too much focus on the US’s “evil thread” to the detriment of its “good thread.”

      It’s like when astrologers, “to learn”, pay more attention to the horoscopes of murderers or evil than to the horoscopes of sages or great geniuses. They pay more attention to Van Gogh’s schizophrenia than to the reason for his pictorial talent.

      As they say in India, we learn the Self through the not-self, and it is true, but it is also true that those of us who are at certain levels of consciousness of the Self already have the capacity or the imagination to speak of good without resorting excessively to its shadow or evil.

      Look at the sky, look at the divine destiny of humanity or look at the best of a country, does not imply denying the dramatic reality, but not feeding it, because the point of tension of this look is not the “horrible” present but the “beauty” of the sustained purpose.

      Thanks for sharing

      1. As an author, I am certainly not putting too much focus on the “evil thread” here, if that is what is implied. I find myself having to continually point out the causes of this conflict which many people choose to ignore, because they either regard themselves as “patriotic Americans” or want to wallow in the emotion of other people’s suffering. The degree of cognitive dissonance is truly breathtaking. Instead of acknowledging and owning the problem, it is always projected upon the “other”, in this case Russia/Putin. On the other hand, I am always emphasising the fact that it is the USA’s dharma to lead the world into the Aquarian Age, and that is why the fight between the world dweller and angel is centred in that nation.

        1. Carlos Urtasun says:

          regarding USA’s dharma – could that dharma be changed? I mean – if the country is not up to it, so to speak? I’m sure is too soon to say – a century or two is a brief time in the great scheme of things, so they could indeed turn it around. My thought was if Russia could take that place – of leading the world. They are a part of that triangle D.K mentions. At the present moment they seem to withstand the pressure from being taken over by and runned by Davos. I mean, I see world disciple material in Lavrov and Putin, though not in Nuland and Biden, if you get what I mean…

  8. adam says:

    Your series of monthly newsletters covering the violence in Ukraine is a most needed commentary.

    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (for interested readers, refer to Sag. 2020 newsletter where Phillip covers this author) stated in Vol. 2 of The Gulag Archipelago, “’Know thyself!’ There is nothing that so aids and assists the awakening of omniscience within us as insistent thoughts about one’s own transgressions, errors, mistakes. After the difficult cycles of such ponderings over many years, whenever I mentioned the heartlessness of our highest-ranking bureaucrats, the cruelty of our executioners, I remember myself in my captain’s shoulder boards and the forward march of my battery through East Prussia, enshrouded in fire, and I say: ‘So were we any better?’”

    The reason I bring up this quote is that Solzhenitsyn is Russian, a writer whose work is full of wisdom and also a man that was also characterized as a Russian nationalist, though I would argue more in the spirit of the nation and far less in terms of the Russian state. And here we have him discussing the path of omniscience!

    Phillip also has a Solzhenitsyn quote in the Sag. 2020 newsletter that speaks to the same wisdom that arises from empathetic contemplation. Namely, if the Russian state suddenly installed ICBMs in Cuba, well where would the US be? Righteously invading Cuba, with perhaps some collateral damage?

    Contemplation of the other leads directly to balanced diplomacy in our personal lives as well as collectively as astral fluctuations are subdued by buddhic wisdom. I would take Phillip’s balanced approach to the Ukraine crisis as a direct affront toward the mists of astralism through the application of the energy of buddhi vis-à-vis astrology.



    On a separate note, I respectfully disagree with the theme of resurgence of oligarchy. It would be better to call these forms of governance, plutocracy – rule by the wealthy. Oligarchy may be plutocracy but the terms are, as you are aware, not interchangeable.

    Rule by the wealthy is a fact these days and one that needs to be dealt with, but the same top-down driven imposition of ideology on humanity has died enough to allow for a bottom-up growth of various ideologies (for better or worse) arising from the human race directly and not from small groups dictating thoughtforms. Think about traditional trifunctional societies (nobility, clergy and the peasantry) or even quaternary societies (e.g. India) with similar hierarchical structures. These have all come under attack and no longer hold the same power that they once did. Thomas Picketty has a good book called Capital and Ideology, which is well worth the read. He takes an enlightened approach toward the treatment of socioeconomic evolution and highlights this same line of reasoning about the destruction of oligarchy mentioned by DK & AAB.

    I agree that we are faced with a new crisis. You mention Blackrock and combined with Vanguard and State Street, these companies now control about 90% of the S&P 500. Vanguard was started to help out the small investor. These companies and their ETFs have revolutionized finance and lowered transaction costs but have also concentrated an enormous amount of wealth into a few companies. The US needs to deal with anti-trust issues. The FTC has the power to do so, but being a plutocracy driven by an almost fanatical religious zeal toward the protection of private property rights, refuses to impose its will on these firms.

    Nonetheless, I suggest the ideological space for the arising of grassroots thoughtforms now exists where it was impossible for them to exist 150 years ago.

    I believe the externalization plans outlined by DK will proceed though imperceptible to the vast majority at first. I believe DK & AAB discussed this in their body of work.

    Again, thanks for your newsletter!


  9. Irene says:

    Phillip, I deeply appreciate your objective take on Ukraine happenings. I see so much incongruity in how it is covered in US MSM and what is witnessed via independent reporters as well as Russian side (incl. personal observations of friends/family). The truth will set us free, though covered up with layers and layers of propaganda/ lies it is challenging at times to be optimistic. The forces of light nevertheless “fuel Reality”, no matter how hard we try to hide it from ourselves. Like the saying goes “Truth climbs the stairs, while lies take the elevator”, may be just a sign of the “dark forces” desperation to use up everything available to hold back the emerging new light and planetary renewal. At the final destination we’ll recognize each other as “one”, and even lies would appear as necessary soul lessons (for each of us individually and collectively) to master, it seems,… while we learn discernment, care, compassion, forgiveness, intuition, trust and love in the process. Let light, and love and power restore the plan on Earth. Thank you 🙏💜

  10. Bertil Johnsson says:

    Very valuable analysis and facts for this first one of the Three Great Spiritual Festivals, Phillip! This time I am especially impressed by your focus and conclusion regarding the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in the Full Moon Chart in the 25th degree of Pisces. Your demonstration of its connections both to Ukraine and US seems very relevant, and especially its cyclic repetition.
    It made me do some more research. First that motives behind both the Crimean war and the US/Wests’ activities today, leading to the present situation, has been the control of the Middle East, and competing with, or against Russia, and that the splitting and conflicts in the USA before the Civil War are similar to the severe divisions and conflicts I read about in the USA today, not the least because of the Cabal activities.

    On top of that I find a very interesting message in the Sabian symbol for the degree of the conjunction. Considering the situation and all you have digged out about WEF and the Cabal, and not the least showing Harari’s role and message, like a High Priest of Materialism and Tranhumanism, the Sabian symbol is stunningly fitting: “The purging of the priesthood”.
    It could not be a better ”action program” for the coming period! Whether I just see this original symbol formulation, or Marc Edmund Jones later interpretation of it, or Dane Rudhyar’s more elaborated interpretation, the message is clear. The process of the purging of this false priesthood – the materialists and selfish capitalists as DK often mentions as evil – has come and we need to think of how this purging can best be done. The signs and support for our efforts is in the heavens! But we have to do the work…

    Studying the 166 year cycle you mention there is more to find:
    We shall not forget that the extreme materialist propaganda we’ve been flooded with these last years have actually been ongoing for quite some time. Looking at e.g. Rockefeller, for more than a century, and all the way since then.
    And what is ongoing in the present cabal is their final attempt to “baptize” humanity in its graphene-filled potions, the instigation of their new Homo Deus Cyborg religion! No soul! Computer! Their false religion wants our personalities to be ”softwate-infused”, because there is no soul! Certainly we need to act in purging that dogma, and the planets now express their support for our work!

    I take it that the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction actually sets the main key-note for this full spiritual year, as this is the function of Aries! The Taurus full moon, gathering needed resources still has Neptune in the 25th degree. While Jupiter is in objectifying Aries. At the third stage of distribution Neptune has moved one degree to 26th, being more concretely interpreted by Rudhyar as “revealing the fallacy of totalitarianism”. Yes, thank you! This third stage distribution is probably also strengthened by the main full moon axis, squaring the 25th degree Pisces.

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