Esoteric Astrology and the Seven Rays (General)
Esoteric Astrology
Criticism of Esoteric Astrologer Newsletter
Phillip Lindsay’s Books
2021 New Moon in Capricorn (Jan.13)
2021 New Year Horoscope Summary
Esoteric Astrology and the Big Picture
Esoteric Astrology & Seven Rays 2019
Esoteric Astrology and the Seven Rays 2021
Our Mystical Understanding of Astrology
Source and Transmisision of Rays to Earth in Graphics
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Maslow: Psychologist
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and Scorpio
Akiane, Child Prodigy. Mediumship 2005
Akiane: Cancer Rising Prodigy 2021
Alan Turing: Gemini Rising Scientist
Albert Einstein: Scientist, Musician and Initiate
Aldous Huxley: Gemini Rising Prophet
Alexander the Great
Alexander Pope: Scorpio Rising
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: A Breath of Fresh Air
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: Sagittarius Philosopher
Alice A. Bailey: Case for Leo Rising (Part 1) – Phillip Lindsay
___Alice A. Bailey Horoscope: Case for Leo Rising (Part 2)
___Alice A. Bailey Will Return as a Sagittarian
___Alice A. Bailey Will Return as a Sagittarian (2024)
___Alice A. Bailey: An Astrological Biography (Essay)
___Alice A. Bailey, H.P. Blavatsky and Helena Roerich (Pt. 1)
___Alice A. Bailey, H.P. Blavatsky and Helena Roerich (Pt. 2)
___Alice A. Bailey, H.P. Blavatsky and Helena Roerich (Pt. 3)
___Alice A. Bailey, H.P. Blavatsky and Helena Roerich (Pt. 4)
Alice A. Bailey: Amanuensis for The Tibetan – Michael D. Robbins
___Alice Bailey & Lucille Cedercrans: Dialogue Letters 1-4.
___Alice Bailey & Lucille Cedercrans: Dialogue Letters 5-6.
Alice Bailey: Portrait of Leo Rising – Adele B. Wilson
Alice A. Bailey: A Brief Profile
Alice A. Bailey Books by Djwhal Khul
Alphonse Mucha: Leo Artist
Al Qaeda Horoscope
Amanda Gorman’s Inauguration Day Poem 2021
Anders Breivik: Virgo-Pisces, Multiculturalism
Andrea Lubitz’s Main Problems
Angela Merkel
Angela Merkel’s Role in EU/WEF
Annie Besant: Theosophist & Social Reformer
Anthony Bourdain
Arnold Toynbee: Disciple of Workers Rights
Ayn Rand and Alice Bailey: Jupiter in Aries
Baba Ram Dass
Barack Obama, US President: Part I
Barack Obama, US President: Part II
Barack Obama, Aquarius Rising
Barack Obama: Current Situation in the USA
Benjamin Netanyahu & Israel 2010
Benjamin Netanyahu: Saturn Transit 2019
Benjamin Netanyahu Wins – Again 2019
Benjamin Netanyahu’s Swansong? 2020
Benjamin Netanyahu: Will Pluto be His Nemesis? 2021
Benjamin Netanyahu and the Palestinian Slaughter 2021
Benjamin Netanyahu Invokes Amalek (Nov. 2023)
Benjamin Netanyahu: Libran (2024)
___Connections with Hitler and Shamballa
Bernie Sanders – Presidential Hopeful (Sept. 2015)
Bernie Sanders and the Democratic Party (Feb. 2016)
Bernie Sanders Transits November 8, 2016 (Feb.2016)
Bernie Sanders. US Elections. Eliz. Warren (May. 2016)
Bernie Sanders: Democrat Frontrunner (Feb. 2020)
Bernie Sanders & Jeremy Corbyn: True Democrats (2024)
Bill Gates: Cancer Rising Soul Purpose (2006)
Bill Gates: Cancer Rising Soul Purpose (2020)
Bill Gates’ Transits and Progressions (2020)
Bill Gates’ Critics
Bill Gates, Coronavirus, Vaccines and WHO
Bill Gates and Eugenics (2020)
Bill Gates and Eugenics Revisited
Bill Gates and Science
Bill Gates’ Rays
Bill Gates’ & Microsoft’s Scorpio Planets
Bill Gates-Microsoft 2021
Bill O’Reilly and Roger Ailes
Bismarck: Statesman, “Avatar” of Materialism
Bob Dylan the Welder
Bob Dylan: Songwriter and Musician (2023)
Boris Johnson: British PM 2019
Boris Johnson’s G7 Intransigence
Boris Johnson: “So many lies…”
Boris Johnson: Battle of Britain Election 12-12-19
Boris Bails: Johnson (July 2022)
Bradley (Chelsea) E. Manning
Buddha or a Hitler
Cancer, Imprisonment and Nelson Mandela
Cardinal George Pell
Charlemagne: Holy Roman Emperor
Charles Dickens, Christmas and Scrooge
Che Guevara
Clara Barton: Founder of the Red Cross
Dag Hammarskjöld: Lion of the United Nations
Hammarskjöld: A, “disciple of rare capability in Sweden”?
Da Love Ananda
Dalai Lama XIV
Dalai Lama and Cancer
Dalai Lama’s Tongue Incident 2023
Dane Rudhyar: Astrologer
David Attenborough
David Attenborough: Nature’s Domain (2019)
David Bowie: Elegant, Enigmatic Aquarius Rising
David Garrett: Violin Virtuoso
David Lynch Film Maker: Scorpio Rising
Dean Potter: Climber, Base Jumper, Wingsuit
Dennis Kucinich: America’s Next President?
Descartes: Philosopher, Mathematician, Scientist
Desmond Tutu
Diddy Combs: Do What Diddy?
Djwhal Khul (D.K.): Who is The Tibetan?
Djwhal Khul: His Picture and it’s History
Dominic Cummings: Johnson Adviser
Don Quixote: Tilting at Windmills
Donald Trump, Mars and US Politics
Donald Trump: Leo Rising, Gemini Sun
Donald Trump’s Transits 2016
Donald Trump Triumph: USA Election 2016
Donald Trump: President Elect 2016
Donald Trump and the Sagittarius Full Moon 2016
Donald Trump: Aquarius-Leo Polarity: USA & 4th Ray (2017)
Donald Trump’s Imminent Demise? Saturn & Solar Eclipse (2017)
Donald Trump, Leo and Regulus
Donald Trump: Leo, Sirius, Shamballa (Eclipse 2017)
Donald Trump: August 21 Eclipse Activated
Donald Trump’s Leo Eclipse 2018
Donald Trump: Mercurial Mad Hatter 2019
Donald Trump: Michael Cohen Bombshell 2019
Donald Trump-Johnson: Destroyers, Deluders 2019
Donald Trump’s Year of Reckoning 2020?
Donald Trump, Biden and Covid-19
Donald Trump’s Attempted Assassination (2024)
Donald Trump: Attempted Assassination Aftermath 2024
Donald Trump’s Transits: Strong Chance to Win 2024
Donald Trump & USA: Gemini Personalities 2024
Donald Trump Transits: Transition of Government 2024
Trump’s Tricky Transits: Mercury Retro. in Sag. 2024
Donald Trump Presidential Inauguration 2025
Donald Trump: Trusk: Unique Synastry – Trump-Musk (2025)
Donald Trump. Trumpanyahu on Gaza (2025)
Donald Trump: Ukraine Peace: Trump- Zelensky (2025)
Donald Trump: Trumpelensky: Ides of March 2025
Donald Trump: Uranus Transits for NATO-Trump 2025-7
Dmitri Shostakovich: Aquarius Rising
Dr. Masura Emoto
Dylan Thomas: Scorpio Poet
Edmund Hillary (Sir) and Mt Everest
Edward Bernays: The Father of Propaganda
Edward Snowden: NSA Whistleblower
Elizabeth R: The Virgin Queen
Ella Fitzgerald
Elon Musk: Progressed Sun in Leo
Elon Musk: Reincarnation of Thomas Edison?
Elon Musk Seals the Twitter Deal
___Twitter Under Musk 2022
Elon Musk. Trusk: Unique Synastry – Trump-Musk (2025)
___Elon Musk, DOGE and USAID (2025)
Emmanuel Macron: Capricorn Rising
__Macron’s Transits
Eric Fromm: Psychologist
Estas Tonne: Taurean Troubadour
Father Joseph Damien: Missionary to Lepers
Fiona Hill: Trump Impeachment Hearings
Florence Nightingale: Virgo Soul Purpose
Fox Sisters, H.P. Blavatsky, Arthur Conan Doyle
Franklin D. Roosevelt
___FDR: Four Freedoms and the Atlantic Charter
Frédéric Chopin
Fred Rogers: A Classic Piscean
Friedrich Nietzsche: Philosopher
Fyodor Dostoevsky: Sagittarius Rising
Gemini’s Trump, Johnson and Corbyn
Geoffrey Hodson, Rudolph Steiner, Edgar Cayce
George Washington: Pisces, President, Prophet
Gemini in Famous Horoscopes
Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz: Philosopher, Metaphysician
Harvey Weinstein: His Fall – Jupiter’s Entry into Scorpio
Harvey Weinstein Convicted 2020
Hedy Lamarr: Actor and Inventor – Cancer Rising
Heinrich Himmler: Nazi Leader
Helena Blavatsky and Nicholas Roerich
Helena P.Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine & Theosophy
Helena P. Blavatsky & Russia: Born in Ukraine
Helena P. Blavatsky and Externalisation of the Hierarchy
Helena Roerich (Urusvati): Aquarian Messenger
Henry T. Laurency: “disciple of rare capability in Sweden”
Herman Hesse: Existentialist Writer, Mystic
Hildegarde de Bingen
Hillary Clinton: Gemini Rising
Hillary Clinton: US Elections November 8, 2016
Hillary Clinton and Julian Assange (2016)
Hillary Clinton and Black Moon Lilith (2016)
Hillary Clinton as Medusa (2016)
Hillary Clinton 2019, Facebook, US Election
Hilma af Klint: Visionary Artist
Hitler: Leo the Authoritarian
Hitler’s Occult Influencers
Honoré de Balzac
How the Soul of William Blake Spoke Through His Art
Ian Anderson’s Soul Purpose
Ilhan Omar and Make America Grate Again
Initiations of Krishnamurti: An Astrological Biography
Israel’s New PM: Naftali Bennett
Jair Bolsonaro: Brazil’s New President
Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil & the Amazon Fires
Jacinda Ardern’s Folly
Jacinda Ardern Sounds New Zealand’s Soul Note
Jalāl ad-Dīn Rumi
James Holmes: Aurora Massacre: Leo
Jane Goodall: Aries Scientist and UN Ambassador
Jared Kushner: Capricorn
Jared Kushner: Trump’s Siren Songster
Jeddu Krishnamurti: Sage, Teacher
Jeff Bezos and Amazon
Jeremy Corbyn: Gemini
Jeremy Corbyn: Battle of Britain Election 12-12-19
Jesus and the Fourth Initiation: What Humanity Can Be
Jim Carrey: Scorpio Rising Mystic
Jimmy Savile: Scorpio Dark Shadow
Jimi Hendrix
J.K. Rowling’s Virgoan Writing Skills
Joan of Arc, Leo Rising
Joan of Arc’s Clairvoyance
Joe Biden, Scorpio Candidate for President
Joe Biden (2021)
Joe Biden, USA & Sagittarius (Nov.2020)
Joe Biden’s Imminent Fiery Mars Ordeal (Jan.2021)
Joe Biden’s Zionsim (2024)
Joe Rogan: Earth In Aquarius
Johann Sebastian Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach: Master Composer
John Calvin: Religious Reformer
John F. Kennedy (JFK)
John Merrick
John Pierpont Morgan: Financier
J.R.R. Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings
J.R.R. Tolkien: Virgo Rising Creator of Lord of the Rings
J.R.R. Tolkien: The Influence of the Mystery Teachings
A Water Grand Trine: Tolkien’s Psychism
J.R.R. Tolkien: Lord of the Rings Correspondence with WWII
J.R.R. Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings Today
Julian Assange & Wikileaks (Pt. 1/2)
Julian Assange: His Horoscope and Rays (Pt. 2/2)
Julian Assange’s Pluto square Uranus Crisis
Julian Assange Update, Moon in Scorpio
Julian Assange, the Saga of: Scorpio Moon
Julian Assange: Sagittarius Soul Purpose (2018)
Julian Assange Arrest 2019
Julian Assange Sag. Rising: His Slow Torture 2019
Julian Assange: A Minor Victory? (Jan. 2021)
Julian Assange is Free! (2024)
Kamala Harris: VP Nominee 2020
Kamala Harris: Presidential Nominee 2024
Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain
Khalid Masood, Westminster, Western Democracy
Kim Jong Un: USA and North Korea
Kieron Williamson: Leo Child Prodigy Artist
King Charles III 2022 (See also Prince Charles, Scorpio)
King Charles III: Scorpio Sun, Earth in Taurus
___Jimmy Savile:Scorpio Dark Shadow
King Charles III, Taurus & Prostate Cancer 2024
Klaus Schwab, WEF and The Great Reset 2020
Klaus Schwab’s transits (2021)
Klaus Schwab Revisited (2021)
Klaus Schwab Revisited (Jan.2022)
Leonard Cohen’s Watery Pisces Nature
Leonard Cohen: Virgo Songwriter
Leonardo Da Vinci: Sagittarius Rising
Little Dorrit: Little Buddha
Ludwig von Beethoven
Luther Burbank, Mystic Botanist
Maimonides: Philosopher, Physician
Marianne Williamson: US Presidential Candidate
Marie Curie: Discoverer of Radium
Marie Yovanovitch, Scorpio Warrior and Diplomat
Mark Zuckerberg, Sun in Taurus
Mark Zuckerberg 2019: Allowing Maya to Flourish?
Martin Luther
Master Morya
Masters of Wisdom Picture Gallery
Mata Hari: Flamboyant Leo, Sultry Scorpio Rising
Mel Gibson
Michael D. Robbins (1943-2022): Obituary
Michael Leunig: Cartoonist, Writer
Michelangelo Buonarotti: Pisces Visionary
Mikhail Gorbachev: Statesman and Political Reformer
Moses, The Law Giver
Mozart: Composer, Musical Genius
Neil Young’s Transits
Neil Oliver: Broadcaster, Journalist
Nelson Mandela: A Tribute
Nelson Mandela, Joseph Campbell: Solar Hero
Nicholas Culpeper, Herbalist, Healer
Nicholas Roerich: Artist and Initiate
Nicholas Roerich: “Honorary Sagittarian”
Nicholas Roerich: The Banner of Peace and the Roerich Pact
Nick Cave: Virgo Songwriter
Nikki Haley and the United Nations Debacle
Nikos Kazantzakis: Aquarian, Writer and Mystic
Novak Djokovic: Capricorn Rising
Novak Djokovic and the Global Jabberwocky
Odysseus, Strider, Gandalf: Sagittarian Archetypes
Patrick White: Nobel Laureate for Literature 1973
Paul Simon: Soul Inspired Libran (2024)
Pauline Hanson Scorpio Warrior
Percy Fawcett, explorer.
Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh
Peter Jackson and The Lord of the Rings Movies
Peter O’Toole
Philippe Petit: Leonine Concentration and Courage
Pope John Paul II, Jesus and the Papal Prophecy
Pope Francis
Pope Francis and the Catholic Church
Pope Francis Sex Abuse Reform 2019
Pope Francis, Cancer, Mother Earth (2015)
Prince Charles, Scorpio (See also King Charles)
Princess Diana and Mother Teresa
Queen Elizabeth II: Her Passing 2022
Qassem Soleimani: Declarations of War
Ram Dass: Be Here Now
Ramana Maharshi: Capricorn Initiate
Richard Wagner: Composer
Rishi Sunak PM: Britannia is Sinking
Ritesh Agarwal: 25 y.o. Billionaire
Robert F. Kennedy Jnr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jnr: Taurus Rising 2024
Robert F. Kennedy Jr: 2024 Election
Robert Oppenheimer and the Nuclear Age
Roberto Assagioli (FCD)
Roberto Assagioli: Pisces-Virgo
Robin Williams: Comic Genius
Roerich and Rumi: Libran Messengers of Beauty
Rumi and Roerich: Libran Messengers of Beauty
Russell Brand: Libra Rising
Russell Brand: Loquacious Gemini
Russell Brand’s Trial by Media
Saddam Hussein and the Iraq Invasion
Saint Francis of Assisi: Pisces Rising
Saint Paul
Saint Paul (Scorpio) Revisited
Saint John of the Cross (Cancer Sun)
Salman Abedi: Manchester Bomber
Samuel Barber: Neptune in Cancer, Pisces Sun
Scott Morrison: Australian PM
Shimon Peres and Israel: War and Peace
Simon Bolivar: Liberator of South America
Socrates: Greek Philosopher, Teacher of Plato
Spinoza, the “Gentle Philosopher”
Stephen Paddock: Las Vegas Massacre 2017
Steve Jobs: Virgo Rising. Will he Stick Around?
Steve Jobs Makes His Transition Decision
Steven Spielberg: Sagittarian Visionary
Stevie Ray Vaughan: Guitar Prodigy
Stockhausen and Sirius
Teilhard de Chardin: Jesuit Priest, Philosopher, Mystic
Tennyson: Poet Laureate
Terry Jones of Monty Python
Theosophy, The Secret Doctrine and H.P. Blavatsky
Theodore Roosevelt: Final Word from a Scorpio
Theresa May, British PM
Thích Nhất Hạnh: A Lord of Compassion …
Thomas Jefferson
Tim Walz: VP Nominee
Timothée Chalamet -Pisces Moon: “A Complete Unknown”
Tucker Carlson Taurus
Ursula Van der Leyen
USA’s Mars in Gemini and Donald Trump
Vincent van Gogh
Usman Khan: London Bridge 2019
Vandana Shiva: Scorpio Eco Warrior
Vivekananda: Capricorn Initiate
Vladimir Putin and the Destiny of Russia
Vladimir Putin: Scorpio Rising, Libran Sun
Vladimir Putin: A Disciple of Shamballa?
Vladimir Putin’s Solar Return 2022
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Ukraine President
Wagner, Helfgott, Brahms
William Blake: Sagittarius Sun. Visionary Artist and Poet (2011)
William Blake: Cancer Rising. Mystic, Artist and Poet (2017)
William Wallace (“Braveheart”)
Will Smith’s Big Slap and the Glamour of Hollywood
Xi Jinping and China 2019
Yanis Varoufakis
Yogananda: Capricorn Initiate
Yuval Noah Harari – WEF’s Philosophical Voice
Zaha Hadid: Scorpio Architect
Art & Literature
Violence and Horror: Is it Art?
The Wizard of Oz and the Cowardly Lion
The New Civilisation: No Oligarchy
Chakras & Subtle Bodies
Ajna Centre and the Third Eye
Ajna Centre of Sanat Kumara, the Lord of Shamballa
Aquarius: Circulation of the Life Force
Aquarius-Leo: Waters of Life and Desire
The Etheric Body
NGWS: The Ajna Centre of Sanat Kumara
Crop Circles: Patterns of New Consciousness
Crop Circle Season Begins 2024
Energy Centre Effects during Cancer
Five Planetary Centres: London, NYC, Geneva, Tokyo, Darjeeling
Photosynthesis of the Soul
Scorpio and the Astral Body
The Seventh Ray and the Sacral Centre Revisited
Telepathy, Esoteric Astrology and the Etheric
Constellations & Fixed Stars
Alcyone: Total Solar Eclipse Conjunct Alcyone – May 20, 2012
Aldebaran: The Eye of the Cosmic Bull (2017)
Aldebaran: Eye of the Cosmic Bull (2021)
Antares, Aldebaran and USA: Sagittarius Eclipse 2020
Aquarius and the Pole Star
Betelgeuse and Orion: Stimulation of the Heart
Betelgeuse and the NGWS
Betelgeuse: Mystery of the Fixed Star
Capricorn-Cancer: Saturn and Sirius
Draco Constellation in World History
Jupiter’s Second of Three Hits on Dubhe
Leo Blue Moon Conjunct Regulus
Leo New Moon, Polaris and the Pointer Stars
Pisces-Fomalhaut-Aquarius: Two Signs Connected to Water
Pluto in Capricorn reveals Powehi: Black Hole
Regulus and Leo
Sirius: Sirius & Seven Zodiac Signs
Solar Storms, Jupiter in Leo and the Pointer Stars
Sun Enters Gemini: Alcyone, Star of Intelligence
The Power of Sirius During Cancer
Three Streams: Great Bear, Sirius and the Pleiades
Cancer-Capricorn and Sirius
Circles: Cancer-Capricorn: Sirius
Cancer New Moon, Sirius and Freedom (2020)
Capricorn, the Path of Purification and Sirius
Christian Mystics and the Path to Sirius
The Christ, Sirius and Venus
Leo is a Sign of Sirian Invocation
Leo Full Moon 2024, Sirius and Regulus
Pluto in Capricorn Activation of Sirius 2015
The Role of Sirius in Seven Zodiac Signs
Scorpio and the Star Sirius
Sirian Blue Moon of Leo 2013
Sirius and the Egyptian Tradition
Sirius: Isis is Sirius: The Sphinx is Aligned to Leo
Sirius, Leo and the Birth of Human Consciousness (2013)
Sirius, Leo, Birth of Human Consciousness (2019)
Sirius, Leo and the Birth of Human Consciousness (2020)
Sirius, Leo and the Month of August
Sirius: Leo, Sirius and Initiation
Sirius: Many Pathways for Sirian Forces
Sirius: & Seven Zodiac Signs
Sirius and Virgo-Pisces
Leo, Sirius and Masonry
Stockhausen and Sirius
Woodstock: A Leo-Aquarius, Sirian Event
Capricorn: Goat, Crocodile and Unicorn
Capricorn Sea-Goat: Varuna, Neptune, Sea Gods (2004)
Capricorn Sea-Goat: Varuna, Neptune, Sea Gods (2012)
A Cosmic Perspective of Virgo
Cosmic Virgo: Most Ancient Zodiac Sign
Scorpio, the Human Hierarchy
The Solstice Bridge to the Full Moon
Virgo, Kwan Yin and this Solar System
1860 & 2024: Solar Storms and Neptune
Countdown to 2025: Humanity’s Great Crisis
Crisis-Causing 7-Year Cycles of 2015 and 2022
Cuban Missile Crisis: 60-Year Cycle of Saturn-Jupiter
Current and Future Cycle Opportunities
End of the Piscean Age and the Glamour of Authority
Externalisation of the Hierarchy in 2025
Horoscope for the 2025 Conclave
Neptune in Pisces 2012-2025
NGWS, 2025, Externalisation of the Hierarchy (2019)
The Solstice Bridge to the Full Moon
Conception Chart & the Trutine of Hermes
2020: New Year Horoscope: Mar. 20.
2020 New Year Horoscope for Jan.1
All Full Moons Are Solar Festivals (Moon Chain)
The Age of the Kali Yuga
Age of Pisces Started 43 BC?
Aries-Easter: The Heart of Lockdown – Three Days in the Tomb
Astro-Historical View of 7-Year Festivals of the NGWS
Climate Change and the Great Year
Cusp of the Pisces and Aquarius Cycles
Cycles of the New Group of World Servers
Cycles of the New Group of World Servers
Independent Research
Kali Yuga
Leo New Moon 2024
Leo Full Moon 2024, Sirius and Regulus
Libra Rules the Cusp of the Ages
Mayan Cycles, the Kali Yuga and the Great Year
Neptune in Pisces: New 160-year Cycle Commences
A Paradoxical Cycle: Libra with Mars in Scorpio
Predictive Programming
Sagittarius, Galactic Centre, Mayan Calendar
Seven-Year Cycle New Group of World Servers, 2012
Venus Cycles and the Aquarian Age
Aquarius Cycle
The Aquarian Age
The Aquarian Age Has Begun!
Aquarian Cycle Has Not Astronomically Begun: Part I
Aquarian Cycle Has Not Astronomically Begun: Part II
Aquarius on the Lesser and Greater Wheels
Beginning of the Age of Aquarius: 2,117 A.D
Greater Wheel of Aquarius
Lesser Wheel of Aquarius and 2,117
Lesser Wheel of Aquarius: Zodiac Cycle, Ray Cycle
Aries, Death, Shamballa and the First Ray of Will-Power
Death: Part of the Great Illusion
Death in Pisces, Pluto and Initiation
Fear of Death Will Soon Cease
Scorpio, Memory and the Dweller
Deva Kingdom
The Avatar of Love and the Great Mother
Lion’s Gate Crop Circle 2024
Cancer: Management of Earth’s Resources (2022)
Circles at the Solstice: Mother of the Whirled
Neptune and the Deva or Angelic Kingdom
Neptune’s Realm of Undines and Mermaids
Storm Devas and Elementals
The Plant Kingdom and Daevas
Environment & Ecology
God Moved Upon the Face of the Waters
The Mystery of Water, Blood and Neptune
Cancer: The Primordial Watery Matrix
Climate Change and the Great Year
Climate Change and Coronavirus
Climate Change 2022
___ Fishing, Farming, Biodiversity, HAARP.
___Zero Carbon, Weather, Chem Trails.
Koyaanisqatsi: Life out of Balance
Neptune in Pisces: Global Flooding 2024
Not Climate Change but Geo-Engineering (2024)
What in the Weather: Man-Made Hurricanes? (2024)
Equinoxes and Solstices. Eclipses
2019: New Moon in Capricorn to Full Moon in Aquarius
Avataric Degrees of the Taurus-Scorpio Lunar Eclipse 2023
Annual Eclipses and Cycles for World Servers
Aries Blue Moon and Equinox 2019
Aries and the Cardinal Cross Equinoxes and Solstices
Aries Equinox March 20-21
Aries Equinox 2023
August Solar Eclipse: Earth Changes 2017
The Cancer Solstice: Time and No Time
Cancer Solstice and Full Moon 2024
Cancer Blue Moon 2024
Capricorn-Cancer Solstices 2024-2025
Capricorn New Moon Dec. 31, 2024
The Capricorn Solstice and Initiation
The Christmas Solstice
The Equinox and Full Moon Horoscopes for 2013
Easter, Shamballa and the Resurrection
Leo Total “Blood Moon” Lunar Eclipse 2018
The Libra Equinox 2019
The Libra Equinox 2020
Libra Equinox: Individual and Group Relationships 2015
Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse (2024.)
Scorpio New Moon, Partial Solar Eclipse Oct.2022
Scorpio Total Lunar Eclipse 2022: Last Uranus-Saturn Square
Solstice & Capricorn Festivals 2018
The Solstice and Initiation
The Solstice, Time and ‘No Time’
Total Solar Eclipse in Pisces, March 9, 2016.
Circles at the Solstice: Mother of the Whirled
Reflections on the Equinox Libra 2022
USA’s Amazing Total Solar Eclipse: April 8, 2024
Aquarius New Moon 2023, A Powerful Seed
Aquarius-Leo Full Moon 2025
Aries-Easter, Christ and the Slain Lamb
Aries Conference: 2023: European Unity
___Aries Conference Harvest 2023
12 Days of Christmas, Epiphany and The Magi
Astro-Historical View of 7-Year Festivals of the NGWS
Blue Moons
Diwali: Its Esoteric Origin
Esoteric Dimension of April Fools’ Day
The Festival of Easter and the Resurrection
Horoscope for the 2025 Conclave
The Last Sermon of the Buddha
Pentecost: Gemini and the Pentecost
Pentecost: Symbol of Right Human Relations
Pentecost May 19, 2024
Pisces New Moon and Forgiveness 2024
Saturnalia, Solstice & Capricorn New Moon
Scorpio and Halloween
Scorpio New Moon 2019: Uranus-Mercury
Scorpio Full Moon Horoscope 2024
Semana Santa (Easter Week), Cusco
Songkran Festival in Chiang Mai, Thailand
Taurus New Moon 2024: Territorial Disputes
The Resurrection and Ascension of Easter
Winter Solstice Dec.21, 2021
Wesak Festival
Buddhist Kalachakra Teaching of Shamballa
DK and Kalachakra
The Seventh Ray Avatar and Other Avatars
Taurus-Wesak Festival
Taurus-Wesak: Highlight of the Spiritual Year
The Three Major Spiritual Festivals (2012)
The Three Major Spiritual Festivals (2013)
The Great Opportunity at Wesak
Taurus, Buddha and the Wesak Festival (2005)
Taurus, Buddha and the Wesak Festival (2011)
Taurus-Wesak: Highlight of Spiritual Year 2023
Shamballa, Kalachakra, Matter and Light
Vajrayana or Diamond Way
Why Wesak is the Most Important Spiritual Festival of the Year
Gemini Festival
The Annual Festival of Lord Maitreya
Gemini Festival of Humanity, of Goodwill
Gemini: Third of Three Spiritual Festivals
Gemini, Third of Three Festivals – Dissemination
Importance of Utilising The Great Invocation (2006)
Importance of Utilising The Great Invocation (2011)
Last Sermon of the Buddha (2006)
Last Sermon of the Buddha (2011)
World Invocation Day
Glamour: A World Problem
Amplification of World Glamour 2025
Astral Consciousness of Humanity
Belief, Knowledge and Illusion (2021)
Crowd Crushes and Mass Consciousness
Depression: A Global Problem
End of the Piscean Age and the Glamour of Authority
The Glamour of Fear and Coronavirus
Glamour of Sentiment
Glamour, Mars and Sagittarius (2016)
Glamours of the Rays
The Glamour of Authority 2024
The Global Blame Game and Mass Hypnosis
Humanity’s Illusions in the World of Thought
Illusion and Intuition
Pisces, World Glamour and Propaganda
Propaganda: The Crisis of World Glamour (2016)
Safeguarding the Integrity of the Trans-Himalayan Teaching
Schisms of Thought in Science
The Glamour of Separation
Triumph of Truth: The Crumbling Narrative 2023
Truth and Glamour
The Catholic Church and Sexual Abuse
Essential Oils for Healing
Eucalyptus “Radioactive” Healing Oil
The Gift of Cancer
The Master’s View on Vaccinations
Meditation Medication!
Neptune in Pisces: Viruses & Deception
Pisces New Moon and Forgiveness 2024
Scorpio and Aesceplius the Healer
Scorpio and Ophiucus, the Serpent Bearer
Scorpio and Healing
Scorpio: Release, Relinquishment and Regeneration
The Spanish Flu of 1918
Virgo and Healing
Virgo, Healing, Herbs and Essential Oils
Virgo: Integration, Healing and Wholeness
2020 Hindsight: Global Disturbance and “Conspirituality”
2021-2: 2nd Winter of Discontent. Death of Democracy
9/11 Parallels to 2020
A Coronavirus Retrospective 2022
An Impassioned Plea (2021)
Aries and the Corona-tion-Initiation
Aries “Gatekeepers” Keeping Agenda on Track 2021
Big Sleep, Great Awakening
Bilderberg Group – Horoscope
Rockefeller Revisited: Operation Lockstep
Technocracy and Mass Psychosis/Formations
Covid-19 Investigations (Duane Carpenter)
___Australia’s Disturbing Situation (2021)
___Past Australian Flu Statistics 2017, 2019.
___The Melbourne Masque-rade
Boris Johnson & Coronavirus 2020
Brazil and Media Propaganda
Busiris Virus of 2020
Climate Change and Coronavirus
Coronavirus Part 1 (Jan. 2020)
Coronavirus Part 2 (Feb. 2020)
Coronavirus Part 3 (Mar. 2020 )
Coronavirus Part 4 (May 2020)
Coronavirus Part 5 (Jun. 2020)
Coronavirus Part 6 (Aug. 2020)
Coronavirus Part 7 (Nov. 2020)
Coronavirus Part 8 (Dec. 2020)
Coronavirus Part 9 (Jan. 2021)
Coronavirus Part 10 (Mar. 2021)
Coronavirus Part 11 (Apr. 2021)
Coronavirus Part 12 (May. 2021)
Coronavirus Part 13: (Aug. 2021)
Coronavirus Part 14 (Sept. 2021)
Coronavirus Part 15 (Nov. 2021)
Coronavirus Part 16 (Dec. 2021)
Coronavirus Part 17 (Jan. 2022)
Coronavirus Part 18 (Feb. 2022)
Coronavirus Part 19 (Apr. 2022)
Coronavirus Part 20 (May. 2022)
Coronavirus Part 21 (Sep. 2022)
Coronavirus Part 22 (Feb.2023)
Coronavirus Part 23: (Jun. 2023)
Coronavirus: Pluto-Saturn in Capricorn
Countering the Masking-Up Argument
Covid-19 Documentaries for Reflection
__Covid-19 Politics in Germany
__Parallels with Nazi Germany 2020
Covid-19 Horoscope Nov.17, 2019
Covid-19, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis
CV Letters
__Please Don’t Inject My Grandkids with a Covid-19 “Vaccine”
Dr. Joseph Mercola’s Statement
Dr. Roger Hodkinson
Facebook Hypocrisy
Gates, Fauci, WEF, WHO
Gemini’s Twin Approaches to Covid-19
Geert Vanden Bossche – an independent virologist
Glamour of Fear and Coronavirus
Global Jabberwocky and Novak Djokovic
Global Scamdemic is Falling Apart (2022)
Great Global Deception (Nov. 2020)
Great Reset’s Next Phase in 2021: Cyber Polygon
Herd Immunity Versus Containment
Letters to the Esoteric Community
___Criticism of Esoteric Astrologer Newsletter
___Propaganda and Esoteric Community: Mass Hypnosis in 2021
___Virgo & Discrimination: Crisis in Critical Thinking
___Shamballa, Technocracy. 84-Year Cycle of Uranus 2021
___Capitalism “Wrecked the World
___Light on the Forces of Darkness
___Holding the Covid Era to Account (2024)
Holding the Covid Era to Account (2024)
Let Maya Flourish and Deception Rule – Not! (Oct.2022)
Lockdown Was a “Monumental Mistake on a Global Scale”
Media is a Major Problem in the 2020’s
Medical Dictatorship by a Few 2021
Mercury Retro: Canada and the Great Global Convoy
Monkey Business-MonkeyPox
More Madness in South Australia
Moronic Omicron (2021)
Neptune in Pisces: Mass Deception? (Mar. 2020)
Neptune in Pisces: Viruses & Deception (Feb. 2020)
The New Medical-Media Inquisition
NTI and Big Pharma
NTI/WEF Monkeypox Scenario in 2021
Pandemic Event 201 Revisited
Pandemic: Saturn-Pluto, Karmic Reapers
Prof. Peter McCullough
Popular Rudolf Steiner Quotation on Vaccines
Price of Ignore-ance
Reported Covid-19 Cases Versus Deaths
Rockefeller, WHO, Gates, WEF
Sagittarius’ Search for Truth: Holding the Covid Era to Account
Scorpio Synastries: Kennedy, Fauci and Gates
Scorpions – Gates, Fauci & Zuckerberg
Sweden’s Approach to Coronavirus
Sweden – Versus Britain, France, Italy, Germany
Swine Flu – Hoax 2009?
Technocracy Reset: Aquarius & the 5th Ray
Tuberculosis Decimating Ukraine Army 2023
Trump, Biden and Covid-19
Vaccinated People Must Now Quarantine
Vaccinations: Past and Present
Virgo & Discrimination: Crisis in Critical Thinking
WEF, WHO, European Nations
WEF, WHO Gates
WEF and WHO 2021
WEF, UN & WHO 2023
WEF and Aquarius (2024)
WEF Horoscope Revisited 2024: German Themes Old and New (2024)
WEF: Rishi Sunak PM: Britannia is Sinking
WEF: King Charles III: Scorpio Sun, Earth in Taurus
WEF Book: “Virus itself is of little concern.”
WEF, Klaus Schwab, Great Reset – Nov. 2020 (1)
WEF, Klaus Schwab, Great Reset – Dec. 2020 (2)
WEF, Klaus Schwab, Great Reset – Jan. 2021 (3)
WEF, Klaus Schwab, Great Reset – Jan. 2022 (4)
WEF, Klaus Schwab, Great Reset – Jan.2023 (5)
Klaus Schwab Revisited 2021
___Klaus Schwab’s transits 2021
___China, WEF and Schwab 2021
___Ursula Van der Leyen
___Bilderberg Group – Horoscope
What Are You Going to Do? (2021)
Who Are the “Deluders of Souls”?
Winter is Coming: The Zombie Apocalypse 2020
World Winter Lockdown 2021
WHO’s Deception Game and Horoscope
WHO’s Proposed Amendments Voted Down (2022)
WHO Pandemic Declaration Horoscope
WHO Horoscope: Pisces Moon
WHO Declares Pandemic Over: Gemini-Pisces 2023
Avatar of Love and the Great Mother
The Avatar Quetzalcoatl: The Mayan Prophecy 2012
Buddha and Christ: Their Work
Buddha, Christ: Blending Moon, Earth Chains
Christ’s Three Methods of Return: Mental, Astral, Physical
Doctrine of Avatars
Dark Forces and Atlantean Karma
Externalisation of the Hierarchy in 2025
Externalisation of the Hierarchy – Book
Fourth Initiation of Jesus: What Humanity Can Be
Gemini and the Cosmic Christ
The Great Invocation: Triangles, Sound, Rhythm, Metre
The Hierarchy of Avatars
The Imminent Return of Hierarchy (2024)
Hindu New Moon Festival of Diwali
How Can We Assist the Aquarian Christ?
I Come Not to Bring Peace but a Sword
Invoking the Avatar of Synthesis
Jesus and the Jewish Dispensation
Jesus and the Roman Catholic Church
Jesus and the Virgin Mary
Lords of Liberation
Master Rákóczi: Annual October Council 2019
Master Rákóczi: Annual October Council 2022
Master R: Annual October Council
Master R, Lord of Civilisation
Master Hilarion: Psychic Sensitivity and Neptune
Masters of Wisdom Picture Gallery
The Plan of Sanat Kumara
Rider on the White Horse
The Return of the Christ
Signs of Christ: Da Vinci’s Lost Painting
The Imminent Externalisation of the Hierarchy 2024
Virgo, Kwan Yin and this Solar System
1925 to 2025: Lessons of the Last Century
The Hidden History of Humanity (Essays)
The Hidden History of Humanity (Video)
Inquisitions in History: Scorpio-Sagittarius
The Importance of 1860 in History & USA
Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles.
Astral Consciousness of Humanity
Breaking the Global Cabals
The Cowardice of Silence and the Phenomenon of Fear
Four Freedoms and the Atlantic Charter
Garden: Unfication of Mind and Heart
Gemini the Twins Rule Humanity
Humanity’s Dark Night of the Soul 2021
Humanity on the Road to Damascus
Labour and Capital: Earth and Moon Chain Souls
Regarding Complacency or Taking Action
Shamballa, Technocracy and the 84-Year Cycle of Uranus
Sheep and Goats Decisions – Libra
Spiritual Groups
Spiritual Group Leaders, Aquarius and Saturn in Leo
1965-2025: Climax of Initiation in the West
Aquarius and Initiation
Arjuna’s Decision on the Battlefield
Burning Ground of Initiation
Capricorn the Goat and Initiation
Capricorn and Initiation
Capricorn: Mountaintop of Initiation
Capricorn Solstice and Initiation
Death in Pisces, Pluto and Initiation
Fourth Initiation of Jesus: What Humanity Can Be
Impractical Idealism of the Aspirant
Leo, Initiation and the Aquarian Age
Leo, Sirius and Initiation
Libra and the Reversal of the Wheel 2024
Path of Aspiration to Discipleship
Resurrection and Ascension
Scorpio, Illusion and Initiation
Scorpio and the Path of Discipleship
Second Degree Initiation
A Station of Light
Leo, Sirius and Masonry
Media, Communications, Propaganda
5 G, Gemini, the Etheric Body and Telepathy
2001: A Space Odyssey. HAL is a Capricorn!
Bilderberg Group – Horoscope
Censorship Takes Many Forms (2024)
Chat GPT: Technology Cannot Replace Human Creativity
CIA and Julian Assange (2024)
Communication Revolution’s Shadow
Communications Tech: Have We Become Over-Connected?
Control of the Media by the CIA (2024)
Cyber Pandemic 2021?
Cyber Attack: Largest Outage in History 2024
Dilemma of Good and Bad News: Propaganda
Disease of Compromised Media
Elon Musk Seals the Twitter Deal
Facebook’s Oct. 4 Outage (2021)
Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg, Sun in Taurus
___Facebook Problem (2016)
___Facebook Astrology of (2018)
___Facebook Hypocrisy (2020)
___Facebook and Censorship: Pisces Rising 2021
___Mark Zuckerberg’s Domination Problem 2021
Facebook’s Meta Media Maya
Failure of Corporate Media 2024
Gemini Rules Mass Media Propaganda
Gemini UK – Propaganda Publications
Gemini: Communication, Disinformation, Censorship 2024
Good News/Bad News: Informing Ourselves Correctly
Hollywood Hypocrisy on Violence
Let Maya Flourish and Deception Rule – NOT!
Materialistic Forces and Misleading Media
Maya of World Media and the CIA
McCarthyism of the “Disinformation Dozen”
Media Censorship and Freedom of Speech 2024
Media, Communications and Propaganda (2022)
Media’s Global Take-Over 2021
Media is a Major Problem in the 2020’s
Media Mesmerisation (2025)
Media Propaganda: Wake-Up Call for Millions (2022)
New Medical-Media Inquisition
Piscean Absorbency and Mass Media
Pisces-Aquarius Corporations, Rupert Murdoch, Fox News
Pisces, World Glamour and Propaganda
Pisces Propaganda and the “Mediacracy”
Plato’s Cave: Belief Versus Knowledge
Propaganda: The Crisis of World Glamour (2016)
Propaganda and Esoteric Community: Mass Hypnosis in 2021
Propaganda: “Let Maya Flourish, Deception Rule.” (2016)
Resisting Technocracy
Role of Tech Giants
Sagittarian Black Friday Must be Abolished!
Scorpio Hollywood
Sealing the Door Where Evil Dwells
Shamballa, Technocracy and the 84-Year Cycle of Uranus
Social Media, Misinformation and Monsanto
Social Engineering: Has the “Spiritual Community” Been Asleep?
Stargate Project: Artificial Intelligence 2025
Tech Billionaires and Trump Administration (2025)
The Spectre of Artificial Intelligence 2023
Thinking, Discernment and Media Propaganda
Thought Control by Dominating Groups (2020)
Twitter Under Musk 2022
USA and Media
Virgo and the Return to Reading Books
Who Are the “Deluders of Souls”?
Wikileaks’ Association with Corporate Media
Wikileaks, It’s Rays and Horoscope
Wikileaks and Julian Assange
The Christ Crisis 2020: Global Meditation Visualisation
Gemini Busyness into Stillness
Gemini and Meditation
Global Transformation by Triangles Meditation
Leo and the Science of Raja Yoga
Master Rákóczi and the Annual October Council Meditation
Meditation: Building a Soul Sanctuary
The Science of Invocation and Evocation
Suggested Meditation
Transcending Time Through Meditation
Original Great Invocation
Zen Archer and Meditation
Money and Finance. Corporate Globalisation
2021: Uranus in Taurus square Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius
An Esoteric Historical Overview of the Current Situation
Aquarian Shadow: Selfish Groups and Corporations
Aquarius and Corporations (2024)
Blackrock: Money Market Manipulator 2023
Cancer, Money and the Looming Financial Crisis (7/22)
Capital and Labour
Bilderberg Group: Greater Transparency Emerging?
Bilderberg Group – Horoscope (2020)
Billionaires 2021
Cancer and the World Money Crisis
Corporate Entities in the Pisces-Aquarius Transition
Elon Musk Seals the Twitter Deal
Externalisation of the Third Ray Ashram
Global Economic Crisis
Greek Financial Crisis and the Global Economy
Horoscope of Occupy Wall St: Scorpio Rising
Labour and Capital: Earth and Moon Chain Souls
Law of Reciprocity: Money, Taurus-Venus 2nd House
Leo and the Ongoing World Economic Crisis
Libra, Money and the Etheric
Libra, Money and Billionaires: The New Nazis?
Libra and Money
Libra and Money (2024)
Libra, Money and the Old Paradigm Imploding
Libra, Money and London 2019
London and Britain: Financial Effects of Uranus in Taurus
Libra and Radical Relationships
Money: Misuse and Manipulation 2022
Money: The Black Magicians of Our Age
Next Stages on the WEF Agenda
Potential Corporate Transformation: Resource Sharing
Pisces-Aquarius Corporations, Rupert Murdoch and Fox News
Qantas: Scorpio Entity
A Recession/Depression for 2021?
Rockefeller, WHO, Gates, WEF
Saturn in Sagittarius: Cycles of Economic Depression
Shadow of the Aquarian Age
Social Media, Misinformation and Monsanto
Tax Us Now, Say the Ultra Rich 2023
True New World Order
Trilateral Commission
Thought Control by Dominating Groups (2020)
Uranus in Taurus: Revolution of the Monetary System
Uranus in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius 2021:
Revolution of the Monetary System
U.S. Debt: A Libran Crisis During Mercury Retrograde
Venus and the Re-Examination of Values
Who Are the “Deluders of Souls”?
WEF, Klaus Schwab and The Great Reset
WEF’s 2022 Conference
WEF Transits 2022
WEF’s Young Global Leaders
Continued top of next column >>>>
Music & Sound
Aurora Borealis and Australis
The Great Invocation: Triangles, Sound, Rhythm, Metre
Horoscope is a Musical Signature
Pisces Pink Floyd and the Sixties Music Revolution
Taurus The Bull: Sex, Sound and Shamballa
Taurus, Music and Art
Taurus, Sound and The Great Invocation
Wagner, Helfgott, Brahms
Mystery Schools
Aquarian Wisdom Centre Retreat in Portugal
The Future Mystery Schools. Purification and Healing
Aldebaran: Eye of the Cosmic Bull
Capricorn the Dolphin: Varuna and the Sea Gods
The Dodecahedron, Cancer-Capricorn and Mystery of Makara
Greek Mysteries of Virgo
Hercules and the Wild Horses
Hercules and Hippolyte
Hillary Clinton as Medusa
Icarus: Dean Potter: Wingsuit Pioneer
Jonah and the Whale
Kairos: God of Opportunity
Libra and the Book of the Dead: Weighing the Scales
Mithras as Christ in Ancient Times
Mystery of Demeter-Isis and Persephone
Myth of Demeter, Persephone and Pluto
Nine Heads of the Hydra
Ninth Labour of Hercules: Sagittarius
Odysseus, Strider and Gandalf: Sagittarian Archetypes
The Opening of Pandora’s Box
Sagittarius New Moon and Yemanjá
Scorpio and Aesceplius the Healer
Scorpio and Ophiucus, the Serpent Bearer
The Odyssey: Journey of Ulysses
Thor: God of Thunder and Lightning
Thor’s Hammer
Virgo and the Muses
Nations (Miscellaneous)
Afghanistan: Pawn of Empires – Britain, Russia, USA
___The Astrology of Afghanistan
Apocalypse Now
Belgium: Sagittarian Soul: Holding European Vision?
Canada Taurus Soul, Libra Personality
Canada’s Horoscope Transits
Capricorn Nations
Catholic Church, Rome and the Vatican, Italy
Chile Miners Rescue and Pluto’s Resurrection
Crowd Crushes and Mass Consciousness
Cuban Missile Crisis: 60-Year Cycle of Saturn-Jupiter
Cultivating the Apolitical (2021)
Cultivating the Apolitical (2024)
Cusco, Peru: Home of the Sun God
European Racial Integration & Multi-Culturalism
Five Planetary Centres: London, NYC, Geneva, Tokyo, Darjeeling
Four Freedoms and the Atlantic Charter
Greek Financial Crisis and the Global Economy
Greece, Ireland and Australia: Virgo Souls
Greece Train Crash Tragedy 2023
India & Pakistan
Technocracy’s Inception 1913-1932
Insistence upon Imperialism Will Ruin this Planet (2016)
Intellectual Terrorism and the Third Phase of the World War
International Atomic Energy Agency (I.A.E.A.)
Kathmandu: Shamballa, Darjeeling and Shigatse
Khalid Masood, Westminster, Crisis of Western Democracy
Korean Détente and Kim Yong Un 2018
Leo Nations and Cities
Libra the Law: A Failure of Democracy 2022
Lisbon Tremor 2024
Mars Ingress Aries: US-UK. China-Russia 2024
Nepal: Earthquake. Mt. Everest Avalanche
Pluto and the Latent Fascism of Nations
Pluto for Capricorns: Races and Nations
Portugal: Virgo Soul?
Portugal: Knights Templar Founding in 1128
Problem of Theft in the Psyche of Humanity
Rage and Revolution
Revolution and Change
Scandinavia, China and the Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Shigatse Earthquake: Rumblings from Shamballa?
Some Nations and Statistics
Some Troubling Fascist Connections
Spain: Sagittarian Soul
Spain Sixth Ray Soul: Lions of Leon
Sri Lanka: Where was the Outrage on Social Media?
Sweden: An Accommodating Cancer Personality
Switzerland’s Referendum Nov.28, 2021
Geneva: Healing from the Planetary Heart Centre
Taurus New Moon 2024: Territorial Disputes
The Global Problem of Homelessness
The Illusion of Democracy
The Importance of History
The Karma of Western Interference in the Middle East
The Spirit of Peace
The Undermining of Democracy, Civil Liberties 2021
To Be or Not to Be! Partisan Politics Dilemma
Turkey Unrest: Cancer Soul Awakening 2013
Turkey’s Coup 2016
Uranus in Taurus: Then and Now – The Rise of Fascism
Virgo and Criticism of World Affairs
Warsaw, Poland
Woodstock: A Leo-Aquarius, Sirian Event
Australia & New Zealand
Australia’s Disturbing Situation (2021)
Australia: Virgo, Soul Ruler
Australian Fires, Sagittarius & Radioactivity 2019
Capricorn Australia on Fire 2020
Capricorn Sun: Australia
Australian Fires: Radiation & Radioactivity
Australian Fires: Storm Devas & Elementals
Australian Fires: Animal Deaths
Sydney-London: Solar Plexus-Heart
Astrology of Australia’s Fires 2020
Australia’s PM Scott Morrison
Past Australian Flu Statistics 2017, 2019.
The Labours of Hercules in Australia 2020
The Melbourne Masque-rade
Jupiter in Pisces: Floods in Australia 2022
New Zealand
New Zealand and Cancerian Traits
New Zealand’s Loss of Innocence (Massacre 2019)
NZ: Jacinda Ardern Sounds New Zealand’s Soul Note 2019
New Zealand: Virgo Personality (2020)
Virgo’s Australia and New Zealand
The Virgo in Australia and New Zealand (2021)
Brazil and Media Propaganda
Brazil: Virgo Personality
Brazil: Leo Soul
Brazil: Leo Soul and the Olympic Games 2016
Brazil, Shamballa, Atlantis and Lemuria
Brazil’s Struggle for Soul: Mars in Scorpio 2018
Jair Bolsonaro: Brazil’s New President
Jair Bolsonaro, Virgo Brazil & the Amazon Fires
Battle for the Soul of Brazil 2022
Are Johnson and Biden Losing Their Minds?
Authoritarian London Influences the World
Combined Destiny of Russia, Britain and USA 2015
Boris Johnson’s Encounter with Coronavirus 2020
Britain: Gemini Soul: Taurus Personality 2018
Britannia is Sinking: Rishi Sunak PM
___King Charles III: Scorpio Sun, Earth in Taurus
British Empire 2022
Britain’s Gemini Soul and the Brexit Crisis 2016
Britain’s Election: Gemini Jeremy Corbyn 2017
British Democracy Teeters on the Brink (2021)
Great Britain: Gemini Soul 2014
End of the British Monarchy? 2022
London: From Olympics to Terrorist Attack 2017
London’s Burning: Crisis in Democracy 2017
London as Leo Soul, Libra Personality: Westminster Attack 2017
Khalid Masood, Westminster, Crisis of Western Democracy 2017
Leo and the London Olympics: Let the Games Begin!! 2012
London: Planetary Throat Centre – The Esoteric View 2017
Manchester Mass Murder 2017
London and Britain: Financial Effects of Uranus in Taurus 2018
Capricorn Britain: Extraordinary Transits & Brexit 2018
Aquarian British Labour Party 2019
Brexit Group Meditation: Suggested Visualisation 2019
Brexit Debacle/Decision April 2019
Gemini Britain and Gemini USA: Double Trouble! 2019
Britain’s Progressed Sun in Leo: A New PM 2019
Leo Soul London 2019
Britain Leading Nation of the Fifth Rootrace 2019
Britain’s Brexit Cont. (Oct. 2019)
Libra: Judicial, Judiciary 2019
Libra, Money and London 2019
Britain, Johnson, Corbyn – 2019 Election Day
Britain’s Election 12-12-19: Sag. Full Moon
Election Day-Full Moon 2019: A Battle Royale
Britain’s Transit of Mars in Scorpio 2019
The Battle of Britain: Election 12-12-19
London Bridge is Falling Down 2019: Usman Khan
Links: Westminster Bridge 2017. London Bridge 2019
Why Johnson and Tories Won Election 13-12-2019
Britain’s 2019 Election Post Mortem
Why Boris Johnson & Tories Won 2019
Reasons Why Britain Voted Conservative 2019
To Be or Not to Be! Partisan Politics Dilemma
Glastonbury’s Chalice Well
Saturn in Leo for Britain
USA’s Gemini Personality, Britain’s Gemini Soul (2023)
China and Xi Jinping 2019
Hong Kong: Fighting for Democracy 2019
Coronavirus and China (Feb. 2020)
China’s Ubiquitous Global Influence and Covid-19 (2021)
China’s Rising Global Dominance 2021
___SE Asia and Myanmar 2021
___China, WEF and Schwab 2021
___Wuhan Virus Bioweapon?
China’s Social Credit System 2021
China and Germany 2021
China and Russia, USA, UK
Taurus: China’s Ruthless Quest for Control and Power
Bastille Day Attack in Nice 2016
Capricorn: Paris, France and Joan of Arc
Capricorn Nations, France – Gilets Jaunes 2018
France and Macron’s Dictatorial Edict
France & Paris: Leo-Aquarius Polarity (Charlie Hebdo)
France: Pisces Soul
France and Revolution
France and the Leo-Aquarius Axis
France and the Nuclear Fusion Project
Louis XIV, The Sun King and France
Fire at Notre Dame: The Soul of Paris (2019)
Slaughter in Paris and Escalating Geopolitics 2015
Aries Nations: Germany and India
Austria, Germany: Imminent Reappearance of the Fourth Ray
Berlin Demo’s: Reclaiming Sovereignty 2020
China and Germany 2021
European Refugee Crisis: Pisces Germany, Austria’s Libran Soul
Germany: Pisces Personality
Germany’s Pisces Personality and the USA 2023
Germany under Nazis: Mediumistic Piscean Personality
Germany: Aries Soul, First Ray Personality 2021
Germany’s Influence from WWII to Today
Nazi Germany: An Astro-Historical Analysis
WEF Horoscope Revisited 2024: German Themes Old and New (2024)
Israel & Middle East
By year …………………….
Aries, Passover and the Jewish Scapegoat 2004
Jesus and the Jewish Dispensation 2005
Israel and Gemini 2005
Israel’s Moon in Leo and Saturn Return in Leo 2005
What Can Israel Contribute in Mutual Co-operation? 2006
Israel, Lebanon and World Peace 2006
Israel 2006
Israel’s Karmic Responsibility 2006
Difficulties in Stating the Jewish Problem 2006
Israel & Palestine: Gaza Invasion 2008
Israel & Netanyahu 2010
Jewish People: Global Solar Plexus
Netanyahu & Israel 2010
Capricorn, Redemption and the Scapegoat 2011
Israel’s Chiron in Scorpio and Its Mars Return 2011
Israel Attack on Iran 2012
Libra & Mars in Scorpio: Danger for Israel 2012
Hamas and Israel’s “Terrorism” Excuse 2014
Hamas and Khalad Meshal 2014
Israel’s Dance with Destiny 2014
Leonine Anatomy of the Israel-Gaza Crisis 2014
Israel: Black Moon Lilith in Israel’s Horoscope 2014
Zionism 2014
Transiting Saturn in Scorpio’s Influence Upon Israel 2014
Israel’s Influence in Syria 2016
Syria: Understanding the Agony of Syria 2016
Syria: Cause of Syria’s War: US Interference 2016
Syria: Venus in Scorpio and Syria 2016
Shimon Peres and Israel: War and Peace 2016
Mars in Scorpio: Danger in Israel/Middle East 2017
Capricorn, the Jewish People, Zionism and Israel 2017
Karma of Western Interference in the Middle East 2017
Happy Birthday Not: Israel Apartheid State 2018
Aquarius Rising: Israel’s New ‘Peace’ Plan 2020
Beirut Blast: Mars-Jupiter Devastation 2020
Israel, Netanyahu and the Palestinian Slaughter 2021
Mars Enters Scorpio: Crisis in Israel 2023
Israel: Scorpio New Moon (Nov. 2023)
Eyeless in Gaza: Israel on the Brink 2023
Roots of the Israel-Palestine Conflict: Zionism-Nazism 2023
The Shadow of Pisces and Israel’s Victimhood (2024)
Taurus Israel and the Minotaur in the Labyrinth
USA’s Grovelling to Israel 2024
Virgo: Soul of the Jewish People 2024
Israel the Aggressor 2024
Capricorn, Zionism, Israel: Middle East Crisis 2025
Greater Israel: From the Nile to Euphrates Rivers
The Jewish Personality: Capricorn
Seven Arab Countries and the Neocons
War with Iran May Lead to Global Conflict (2025)
Trumpanyahu on Gaza (2025)
Role of the Jewish People in the Arts and Story-telling (2025)
Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu & Israel 2010
Benjamin Netanyahu: Saturn Transit 2019
Benjamin Netanyahu Wins – Again 2019
Benjamin Netanyahu’s Swansong? 2020
Benjamin Netanyahu: Will Pluto be His Nemesis? 2021
Benjamin Netanyahu and the Palestinian Slaughter 2021
Benjamin Netanyahu Invokes Amalek (Nov. 2023)
Benjamin Netanyahu: Libran (2024)
___Connections with Hitler and Shamballa
Arab Nations
Saddam Hussein and the Iraq Invasion 2003
Iraq: Beginning of a Homeland 2004
Iran and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 2006
Egypt and the Arab World: Aquarius the Liberator 2011
Egypt’s Current Crisis: July 9-10 Critical Days 2014
Earthquake Japan Jan.1, 2024
Japan Airlines Crash Jan.2, 2024
Hiroshima Anniversary and Leo
Japan and the Sixth Ray of Devotion or Idealism
Japan, Nuclear Fallout and Future Earthquakes
Japan’s Uranus-Pluto Time Bomb at Fukishima
Japan, Scorpio and Mount Fuji
Capricorn Japan Revisited: Fukushima
Japan’s Earthquake and Tsunami 2011
Japan’s Astrology and Rays
Planetary Centres: Is Tokyo the Solar Plexus?
South-East Asia and Japan
Russia and Ukraine
Aquarian Souls: USA and Russia 2023
Brief Russia-Ukraine History 2025
Cuban Missile Crisis: 60-Year Cycle of Saturn-Jupiter
Dmitri Shostakovich: Leningrad Symphony
History of Russia and Ukraine: Warring Brothers
___Russia Links the Two Ways: East and West
The Nuclear Threat in Ukraine
Russia: A Seventh Ray Aquarian Soul
Russia: Aquarius Soul, Leo Personality
Russia’s Leo Personality (2022)
___Leo in Europe Synastry: Russia, France, London, Geneva
___Geneva and Russia
Chernobyl Explosion: Sagittarius Rising
Vladimir Putin and the Destiny of Russia (2014)
Vladimir Putin: Scorpio Rising, Libran Sun (2015)
Russia, Britain and USA – Combined Destiny (2015)
Ukraine, NATO and the USA (2015)
Russia and Ukraine: Litany of Lies (April 2022)
Russia and USA: Right Libran Relation (2016)
Aquarius Russia, Putin and the West (2020)
Triangle of the Aquarian Age: Britain, Russia and the USA (2021)
Russia and Crimea 1856: Modern Day Resolution?
Russia and USA’s Pluto Return: Two Aquarian Souls (2022)
Russia and Ukraine (2022)
Ukraine Crisis
The War in Ukraine
Russia and Ukraine: Zionism
The Crisis of Ukraine and Russia 2022
___High Hypocrisy and Historical Amnesia
___Vladimir Putin: A Disciple of Shamballa?
___The Problem of NATO and the USA
___Maidan Uprising or Euromaidan 2014
___Ukraine Civil War
___Nord Stream Gas Pipelines
___Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Ukraine President
___USA’s Transits and the Sixth Ray
___Bioweapons Labs
___Ukraine’s Transits and Progressions
___“No Nuclear War Allowed” …
___Born in Ukraine: Helena P. Blavatsky & Russia
Prof. John J. Mearsheimer on Ukraine (July 2022)
Aquarian Souls: USA and Russia 2023
Tuberculosis Decimating Ukraine Army 2023
How to Invoke USA’s Aquarian soul? 2023
Dmitri Shostakovich: Leningrad Symphony
Ukraine Peace: Trump- Zelensky (2025)
Trumpelensky: Ides of March 2025
Ukraine, NATO and the USA (2015)
The Problem of NATO and the USA (2022)
NATO: USA’s Aries Attack Dog (2022)
The End of NATO (2025)
___Uranus Transits for NATO-Trump 2025-7
United Nations
United Nations Horoscope
Libra and the United Nations
United Nations: Wesak 1945
United Nations: Moon in Gemini
United Nations and Gemini
United Nations and Libra
United States of America
Abraham Lincoln Election Anniversary Nov. 2024
__A Potted Political US History 2016-2024
American Revolution 2.0: Pluto & Uranus
___American Revolution 2.0: Uranus and Pluto Return
___The Soil has been Turned and a Harvest Awaits
A Personal Note: Apologist for the USA?
Aquarian Souls: USA and Russia 2023
Aquarius Rising: The United States of America
American Civil War and the Abolition of Slavery
American Civil War 1860: Uranus and the Seventh Ray
Aquarian USA: America’s Dark Night of the Soul
Aquarius-Leo Polarity: Trump, USA and the Fourth Ray
America and the Middle East 2004
American Media Maya Machine
Born on the 4th of July: United States of America
Bush and Kerry. State of USA. Civil War in America?
California Fires: USA’s Heart Centre Purified by Fire
Callous Corporations and Big Pharma
Cancer USA (2015): Pluto’s Dark Days Leading Toward Light
Cancer in the USA: Washington and New York City 2016
Charlston, Carolina: Again, the Gun Control Debate
Christian Zionists and Donald Trump’s Policy (2025)
Combined Destiny of Russia, Britain and USA
Congressman Dennis Kucinich: America’s Next President?
Cuban Missile Crisis: 60-Year Cycle of Saturn-Jupiter
Cultivating the Apolitical (2021)
The Death of American Exceptionalism
Declarations of War: Qassem Soleimani
Demise of US Global Power (2016)
Donald Trump and the Sagittarius Full Moon 2016
Donald Trump’s Sagittarian Cabinet Proposals 2016
Donald Trump Presidential Inauguration 2025
Electoral College Meeting USA. Dec. 19, 2016.
Elon Musk, DOGE and USAID (2025)
Fear & Loathing Las Vegas 2017: Turning Point ?
Five Centres USA: NYC, LA, Chicago, Washington, Kansas City.
Four Freedoms and the Atlantic Charter
Future Trends for the United States of America (2024)
Gemini the Liar: US Elections 2024
Hillary Clinton: US Elections November 8, 2016
Hollywood Inquisitions
How to Invoke USA’s Aquarian soul? 2023
Inauguration Day Horoscope: USA’s Aquarian Destiny (2017)
Inauguration Day Chart 2021: The Next 4 Years (2021)
Amanda Gorman’s Inauguration Day Poem 2021
Insistence upon Imperialism Will Ruin this Planet (2016)
JFK-RFK: Zionist Assassinations
Invoking the Aquarian Second Ray Soul of the USA (2020)
Lessons from History: The Role of Uranus (2024)
Liar Liar: USA’s Gemini Truth Crisis (2018)
Libra in America’s Horoscope
Libran Choices for the US Election 2024
Los Angeles Imminent Earthquake? (2019)
Los Angeles July 4, 2019 Earthquake Update
Los Angeles Heart Centre Burns 2025
Magnetic Storm of 1859 and the USA
Make America Grate Again – and Ilhan Omar
Mars, US Politics and Donald Trump
Mars in Sagittarius: USA and the World 2020
National Crisis: Cancer Influences in the USA
National Rifle Association and the Second Amendment
Neocons and Change
New Orleans Attack: New Years Day 2025
NRA Lawsuit (2020)
Nuke Fear-Mongering: USA and North Korea
Pluto, the Cusp of the Aquarian Age and the USA
Pluto’s Transit of America’s Mars in Gemini
Pluto’s Ongoing Transit of the USA Horoscope 2016
Revolution in the USA? Capricorn Cardinal Grand Cross 2017
Romance of Gun Culture
Russia and USA: Right Libran Relations
Sagittarius Solar Eclipse on USA’s Mars 2020
Sandy Hook: Watershed Moment for Water-Bearer USA
San Francisco: Ajna Centre of USA?
Saturn-Jupiter Conjunctions and US Presidents
Scorpio Hollywood
Scorpio: Mercury-Uranus-Mars: Transition of Government
Syria: Cause of Syria’s War: US Interference
The Importance of 1860 in History & USA
___1860 & 2024: Solar Storms and Neptune
___Solar Storms, Electricity and Uranus
___USA’s Amazing Total Solar Eclipse: April 8, 2024
The Scorpio Battle for Democracy (2020)
Trump’s Historic Rejection of WHO
Trumpanyahu on Gaza (2025)
Trumpelensky: Ides of March
Ukraine Peace: Trump- Zelensky (2025)
Unity Party and Trump’s Dream Team 2024
US Elections 2024: The Candidates
US Elections Are Always During Scorpio (2020)
US Mental Illness: Drugs and Depression
USA and the Approaching Recession
USA Election 2016: Trump Triumph
USA Election 2016: Cyclic Factors
USA as World Dweller 2016
U.S. Debt: A Libran Crisis During Mercury Retrograde
US Elections 2016: Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren
USA’s Aquarian Soul (2025)
USA’s Perpetual War. Guns Guns Guns: Aries-Libra
USA, Russia and Britain
USA’s Aquarian Soul Purpose (Jan.2021)
USA & Washington Capitol Events Jan.6. 2021
USA’s Pluto Return & Russia: Two Aquarian Souls
__Russia and Ukraine
USA’s Gemini Personality, Britain’s Gemini Soul (2023)
USA’s Grovelling to Israel 2024
USA’s Amazing Total Solar Eclipse: April 8, 2024
USA’s Third Uranus Return: Principle of Freedom (2025)
USA and Saturn
USA and Aries-Libra
USA Election 2012: Obama and Romney
US Elections and John Kerry
USA and Media
USA: Another Day, Another Massacre
USA 2015: Capricorn Full Moon Grand Cross
USA: Aquarian Soul
USA, Revolution and Four Aquarian Presidents
USA’s Confusing Neptune Transit 2017
USA’s Fiery Ordeal: Retrograde Mars in Aries 2020
USA’s Mars and the Gemini New Moon
USA’s Pisces Problems 2018
USA’s Gemini Personality Maturation 2016
USA’s Nationalism, Israel and the United Nations 2017
USA’s Role in the 1960’s Consciousness Revolution
USA’s Transits and the Sixth Ray 2022
USA’s 1776 Horoscope Transits: Scorpio 2024
USA, Sagittarius and Trump
USA, Sagittarius and Joe Biden
USA Splitting Children from Families
USA, UK and Russia Triangle for the Aquarian Age
Uvalde, Texas School Massacre
Washington, USA and Cancer
Washington Kalachakra for World Peace 2011
Woodstock: A Leo-Aquarius, Sirian Event
USA’s Weapons Problem
Callous Corporations and Big Pharma
Charlston, Carolina: Again, the Gun Control Debate
Fear & Loathing Las Vegas 2017: Turning Point?
James Holmes: Aurora Massacre: Leo
Mars in Sagittarius Spurs Student Activism
National Rifle Association and the Second Amendment
NRA Revisited (2018): Its Imminent Transformation?
Nikolas Cruz: Victim and Perpetrator
Pittsburgh, Scorpio and Hatred
Romance of Gun Culture
Sandy Hook: Watershed Moment for Water-Bearer USA
The Mind of a Mass Shooter and the USA
Thousand Oaks: Last Sting in the Tail of the Scorpion
US Mental Illness: Drugs and Depression
USA’s Firearm Addiction and Obsession 2018
USA’s Perpetual War. Guns Guns Guns: Aries-Libra
USA’s Solar Return Full Moon (2020)
USA: Another Day, Another Massacre
New Group of World Servers
Green Dragons and the Path of Earth Service
The Cycle of Conferences (2024)
The “New World Order”
Are We Really Ready for the Externalisation? 2020
Astrological Analysis of Capricorn 2019: World Servers Week
NGWS, 2025 and the Externalisation of the Hierarchy:
An Astro-Cyclic-Historical Perspective (2019)
Politics of the Esoteric Community (2021)
Success of the NGWS Festival Dec. 2019
NGWS: The Ten Seed Groups
Astro-Historical View of 7-Year Festivals of the NGWS 2019
Roots of the NGWS and Its Historical Emergence
New Group of World Servers Festival Week 2005
Seven-Year Cycle of The New Group of World Servers, 2012
Cycles of the New Group of World Servers
Cycles of the New Group of World Servers
Festival of the New Group of World Servers
Horoscope for the 2025 Conclave
New Group of World Servers
New Group of World Servers and the Law of Group Progress
NGWS: Ajna Centre of Sanat Kumara
NGWS the Ajna Centre of Sanat Kumara
NGWS as the Middle Way
Taurus Rules the New Group of World Servers 2012
Taurus Rules the New Group of World Servers 2013
Taurus Rules the New Group of World Servers 2021
Taurus Rules the New Group of World Servers 2023
Taurus and the New Group of World Servers
The Silent Minute 2019
The Silent Minute 2020
Understanding Our Role as World Servers
Who or what is the New Group of World Servers?
What zodiacal energy conditions this NGWS?
What constitutes the dweller or shadow of the NGWS?
What are the special cycles for the NGWS?
NGWS: World Servers, the Week That Was 2019
Cycles of the NGWS 2024
Who are the Nirmanakayas?
Number, Numerals
22-2-2022: Number Symbolism
Cancer and the Number 4
The Dodecahedron, Cancer-Capricorn and Mystery of Makara
Significance of Number 4
Leo: I Am That and That am I
Planets & Asteroids
Planetary Rulers of the Mutable Cross
Comet Neowise: Approaching Avatars
Aries: Ruled by Uranus, Mercury and Mars
Asteroids Ceres and Hygeia: Virgoan Archetypes
Atlas Comet (C2019)
Black Moon Lilith in Israel’s Horoscope
Hillary Clinton and Black Moon Lilith
Hillary Clinton as Medusa
Mystery of Demeter-Isis and Persephone
Virgo and Hygeia
Hygiea, Ruler of Virgo
USA, Aries New Moon and the Asteroid Hygiea
Aquarius Rulers: Uranus & Jupiter
Jupiter-Neptune: 166-year Conjunction in Pisces (April 12, 2022)
Jupiter in Aries: Ayn Rand and Alice Bailey
Jupiter Moves into Capricorn Dec. 3, 2019
Jupiter’s Entry into Scorpio: Fall of Harvey Weinstein
Jupiter, Neptune, Chiron Conjunction in Aquarius
Jupiter in Leo: A Royal Planet in a Royal Sign
Jupiter in Virgo (2003)
Jupiter in Taurus, New Moon and Alcyone (2023)
Jupiter Ingress into Aries
Jupiter Ingress Chart 2003
Jupiter Ingress to Gemini (May 26, 2024)
Jupiter Moves into Virgo (2015)
Jupiter in Pisces (2021)
Jupiter in Gemini to the Rescue!
Jupiter in Sagittarius: Father of the Sky
Jupiter in Sagittarius: Fly Like an Eagle
Jupiter Ingress Sagittarius 2018
Jupiter in Cancer, Sugar and Revolting Peasants
The Last Leo Full Moon, Jupiter in Aquarius
Solar Storms, Jupiter in Leo and the Pointer Stars
Jupiter’s Second of Three Hits on Dubhe
Jupiter’s Ongoing Passes Over Merak and Dubhe
Cancer Full Moon and the Venus-Jupiter Conjunction
Jupiter Retrograde: The Lord of Love
Saturn-Jupiter in Aquarius: A Peek into the Future (Part I)
Saturn-Jupiter in Aquarius: A Peek into the Future (Part II)
Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius: Star of Bethlehem (Part III)
Saturn-Jupiter in Aquarius: A Peek into the Future (Parts 1,2,3)
Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction in Taurus 2024
Mars in Aries: Influence of Mars’ Explosions
Mars Ingress Aries: US-UK. China-Russia
Mars Ingress Taurus (June 9 – July 20)
Extraordinary Transit of Mars in Aries (2020)
Impulsive Mars in Aries and Instant Karma
Mars in Taurus
Mars’ Entry into Taurus (Jan.6-Mar.4, 2021)
Mars in Gemini: USA
Mars in Gemini: Propaganda Wars and the USA (2022)
___USA’s Mars Return in Gemini (2022-23)
Mars in Cancer Reveals the Uses of Conflict
Mars in Cancer Reveals the Uses of Conflict 2023
Mars in Capricorn: 2018 Solar Ingress
Mars Ingress into Aries (2022)
Mars Leaves Cancer and Enters Leo
Mars in Leo
Mars in Leo (2023)
Mars in Leo – Two Pointer Stars
Mars’ Two-Yearly Transit Through Scorpio
Mars in Virgo, Sun in Scorpio
Mars in Libra: Nelson Mandela
Mars in Scorpio: Applying the Blowtorch
Mars in Scorpio: A Paradoxical Cycle
Mars in Scorpio: Danger for Israel
Mars Enters Scorpio: Crisis in Israel 2023
Mars in Sagittarius (Dec.13 – Jan.24, 2021-22)
Mars in Sagittarius, Mars and the Emotions 2013
Mars in Sagittarius: USA and the World 2020
Mars Exalted in Capricorn
Mars, US Politics and Donald Trump
Mars, Sagittarius and Glamour
Mars in the Horoscope
Mars in Scorpio 2019: Challenging Weeks Ahead!
Mars, Pluto and the Burning Ground (August 10-16, 2020)
Saturn-Mars, Karmic Agents of the Cardinal Cross
Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius
Mercury as Esoteric Ruler of Aries
Mercury, Esoteric Ruler of Aries 2020
Mercury Retrograde
Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius-Capricorn (Jan.14 to Feb.4)
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo
Mercury Retrograde in Libra
Mercury in Libra (2022)
Mercury Retrograde in Sag: Discerning the Truth 2024
Mercury, Ruler of the Fourth Ray
Mercury-Venus: Hermaphrodite: Hermes-Aphrodite
Mercury in Aries 2024
Mercury in Aries (2025)
Mercury in Libra and Obama’s Shift to Diplomacy
Mercury in Scorpio (Part I): The Deep Sea Diver
Mercury in Scorpio (Part II): US Shutdown
Mercury in Scorpio: Deep Sea Diver 2019
Mercury Retrograde in Libra
Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio: Seeing through the Maya
Mercury in Taurus: Vulcan 2020
Mercury in Taurus – Retrograde 2023
Mercury in Virgo (2020)
Mercury, Psychopomp of the Underworld
U.S. Debt: Libran Crisis – Mercury Retrograde
Rare Mercury Transit Over Sun 2019
Mercury Retro: Water Signs 2020, Air Signs 2021
Mercury Stationary in Gemini 2021
Mercury: The Principle of Illusion
Activation of July 5 Eclipse (2020)
Moon: Blue Moons
Extraordinary New Moon of Aquarius-Pisces
Libra Full Moon T-Square: Sun-Uranus, Moon, Pluto
New Moon Eclipse: Jupiter-Neptune-Venus in Pisces
Solar Eclipse Libra 2005
Water Moons and Boundaries
1860 & 2024: Solar Storms and Neptune
Capricorn Christ and Neptune
Deeper Neptune Connections Between Aquarius and Pisces
Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse – Square to Neptune
Master Hilarion: Psychic Sensitivity and Neptune
Movies and Neptune
Neptune and the Deva or Angelic Kingdom
Neptune: Mystery of Water, Blood and Neptune
Neptune, Soul Ruler of Cancer
Neptune-Sun, Identity and Drugs
Neptune in Pisces: A New 160-year Cycle Commences
Neptune in Pisces: Viruses & Deception 2020
Neptune and Spiritualism Neptune, Drugs, Alcohol
Neptune and Music
Neptune and Varuna
Neptune in Pisces
Neptune in Pisces: Global Flooding 2024
Neptune in Pisces Revisited 2021
Neptune in Pisces 2012-2025
Neptune, Noxious Fumes and East Palestine 2023
Pisces and Neptune’s Realm: Surfing the Astral Plane
Pisces, Neptune and Lent
Pisces, Neptune and Glamour (2021)
The Watery Triplicity
Death in Pisces, Pluto and Initiation
Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius
Pluto Bridges Capricorn to Aquarius (2024)
The Sun-Pluto Ingress into Aquarius 2024
Pandemic: Saturn-Pluto, Karmic Reapers
Pluto in Aquarius [2022] (2023 – 2044)
Pluto in Aquarius [ update 2023]
Pluto Ingress Aquarius Horoscopes 2024
Pluto-Jupiter: Spiritual Opportunity for Humanity in 2020
Pluto-Saturn Conjunction in Capricorn (Jan. 12, 2020)
Saturn-Pluto: Opening the Gates of Hell
Saturn-Pluto, Karmic Reapers
Saturn-Pluto: Qassem Soleimani: Declarations of War
Pluto and the Latent Fascism of Nations
Pisces, Pluto and Shamballa
Pisces’ Esoteric Ruler Pluto in Capricorn 2021
Pluto-Jupiter: Spiritual Opportunity for Humanity in 2020
Pluto’s Soul Rulership of Pisces
Pluto and Eathquakes
Pluto Ingress into Capricorn 2008
Pluto, Capricorn and Initiation
Pluto, the Cusp of the Aquarian Age and the USA
Pluto Ingress Chart: Stellium of Planets in Aquarius
Pluto Ingress: Libra Rising
Libra Soul Ruler, Uranus
Saturn in Scorpio, Pluto in Capricorn
Transiting Pluto in Hard Aspect to Saturn
Pluto, Planet of Power 2024
Battle of the Titans: Saturn square Uranus (2021)
Clash of the Titans: Saturn and Uranus 2021
Saturn: Lord of Time and Karma
Saturn-Jupiter in Aquarius: A Peek into the Future (Part I)
Saturn-Jupiter in Aquarius: A Peek into the Future (Part II)
Saturn-Jupiter in Aquarius: A Peek into the Future (Parts 1,2,3)
Saturn-Jupiter Conjunctions and US Presidents
Saturn-Mars, Karmic Agents of the Cardinal Cross
Saturn and Money
Saturn-Pluto: Opening the Gates of Hell
Saturn in Sagittarius: Cycles of Economic Depression
Judgement Day: Saturn Square Uranus
Saturn’s Passage through Capricorn 2017 – 2020
Saturn rules the first decanate of Aquarius
Saturn: Transiting Saturn in Scorpio’s Influence Upon Israel
Saturn: Cycles of Uranus in Pisces and Saturn in Leo
Saturn in Capricorn-Aquarius 2020
Saturn Retrograde: The Lord of Lockdown
Saturn in Scorpio, Pluto in Capricorn
Saturn, Structure and Destruction
Saturn in Libra
Saturn Ingress Pisces on the Full Moon 2023
Saturnalia, Solstice & Capricorn New Moon
Transiting Pluto in Hard Aspect to Saturn
Libra, Saturn, Karma and the Mind
Pandemic: Saturn-Pluto, Karmic Reapers
Sun-Pluto Ingress into Aquarius 2024
Sun: Exaltation in Aries
Sun Exalted in Aries and the Seventh Ray
Sun in Aquarius, Mercury Retro, Britain Drops Rules
The Sun is Exalted in Aries
Sun Falls in Libra
Sun: Leo and its Rulers: Sun, Neptune and Uranus
Sun Veiling Neptune-Uranus
The Annual Solar Eclipse (2020)
Aquarius Rulers: Uranus & Jupiter
Uranus & the Fixed Cross of Light
2021: Uranus in Taurus square Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius (I)
2021 Uranus in Taurus Square Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius (II)
Shamballa, Technocracy and the 84-Year Cycle of Uranus (2021)
Solar Storms, Electricity and Uranus
Uranus in Taurus square Saturn 2021: Revolution of Monetary System
Uranus in Taurus: Revolution of the Monetary System
Uranus “Falls” in Taurus: 84 Year Cycle
Uranus Ingress Horoscope, Taurus New Moon (May 15, 2018)
Uranus in Taurus 2020
Uranus in Taurus Sq. Saturn in Aquarius: Consciousness, Money
Uranus in Taurus: Then and Now – The Rise of Fascism
Uranus, Hierarchical Ruler of Aries
Uranus: The New Cycle of Aries and the Role of Uranus
Uranus-Pluto Square-Dance on the Cusp of the Ages
Uranus square Pluto: Not Finished with Us Yet!
The Last Uranus-Pluto Square: Pisces-Aquarius Transition
Uranus and Money
Uranus: Aries and Revolution
Uranus: Cycles of Uranus in Pisces and Saturn in Leo
Why is Uranus the Planet of Occultism?
Uranus, Aquarius and Sex
Venus and Uranus Rule Libra
Uranus, Sex and the Seventh Ray
Uranus in Taurus and the Underworld
Manifesting Forces of Aquarius, Uranus and the 7th Ray
Uranian Taurus New Moon and Saturn in Aquarius 2020
Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction in Taurus 2024
Leo Festival 2024: Uranus T-Square
Tracing Venus Through the Signs
Venus: Transit During Gemini Full Moon Period
Venus: Timing for the Piscean Aquarian Cuspal Period
Venus Transits of 2004 and 2012
Venus: Gemini, Venus and Love-Wisdom
Venus and Taurus: Light and Wisdom
Venus Eclipse on the Gemini Full Moon
Venus-Mercury: Hermaphrodite: Hermes-Aphrodite
Venus and Intelligent Love
Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius
Venus in Aquarius: Waters of Life
Venus in Cancer (2023)
Venus in Capricorn
Venus in Gemini (2020)
Venus in Gemini (June 23 to July 18)
Venus in Gemini (April 11 to May 7, 2023)
Venus in Leo: Invoking Sirius/Liberation (2020)
Venus in Leo: Invoking Sirius and Liberation (2023)
Venus in Libra: Sex and Relationships
Venus in Scorpio: Spiritual Intuition or Pure Reason
Venus in Scorpio and Syria
Venus in Scorpio and Pluto 2024
Venus in Pisces Esoterically Considered
Venus in Pisces: The Prince of Peace?
Venus and Uranus Rule Libra
Venus-Uranus in Taurus and Trans-Gender
Vulcan, Volcanoes and Mercury Retrograde
Vulcan: Taurus the Bull: Nandi, Vulcan and Shiva
Vulcan and Virgo
Religious Reactionism and Righteousness
Why the magazine is called “Lucifer” – HPB.
The “Lucifer” Word in Theosophical Teachings
Aries, Passover and the Jewish Scapegoat
Atlantean Black Magic
Aquarius and the Fifth Rootrace
Brazil, Shamballa, Atlantis and Lemuria
Buddha-Christ: Blending Moon-Earth Chain Evolutions
Cancer and the Birth of Humanity
Cancer, the Moon Chain and Sex
Capricorn, Redemption and the Scapegoat
Difficulties in Stating the Jewish Problem
Equilibrating of the Moon and Earth Chain Souls
Integration of the Subraces of the Fifth Rootrace
Leo, Individuality and Individualisation
Leo the Fifth Sign and the Fifth Rootrace
Pisces-Virgo and the Fifth Rootrace
Significance of May 20 Eclipse in the Mayan Tradition
Sphinx: Individualisation in Lemuria
Virgo-Scorpio and Sex: The Sons of Will and Yoga
Science & Technology
1860 & 2024: Solar Storms and Neptune
Solar Storms, Electricity and Uranus
Bill Gates and Eugenics
Challenge to the Authority of Science
Gates and Eugenics Revisited
Gates and Science
Mercury Retro in Aquarius: Airlines 5G Concerns
Mind-Reading Tech
Smartphones: Mental Health Effects in Children
Telepathy and Technology
The Spectre of Artificial Intelligence 2023
Seven Rays
Esoteric Astrology & Seven Rays 2019
Esoteric Astrology and the Seven Rays 2021
Glamours of the Rays
First Ray
First Ray: Sword, Symbol of the First Ray of Will-Power
Aries and the First Ray
Aries, Death, Shamballa and the First Ray of Will-Power
Virgo and the First Ray
First Ray and Radioactivity
First Ray: Virgo and Pluto
The Incoming Seventh Ray
Third Ray
The Third Ray and Business
Fourth Ray
Fourth Ray: Beauty and Ugliness
The Fourth Ray Technique of Integration
The Sixth Ray
Glamours of the 6th Ray
The Seventh Ray
Uranus, Sex and the Seventh Ray
The Seventh Ray and the Sacral Centre Revisited
Cancer, the Moon Chain and Sex
Esoteric Perspectives on Sex
Homosexuality and its Origin
Issues Around Sexuality and Gender 2022
Libra and Sex Education
Libra: The Law, Sex and Money 2022
Libra and Sex: The Travesty of Gender Identity 2022
Mystery of Makara and Sex
Mystery of Sex Revealed at 4th Initiation
Reincarnation and Sex
Sagittarius Ventures Forth
Scorpio, the Mystery of Sex & Kundalini
Sex and the Moon Chain Failure
Sex and Relationships (Libra: Part I)
Sex and Relationships (Scorpio: Part II)
Sex and the Astral Plane
Sex Legislation and Child Pornography
Taurus-Scorpio: Desire, Sex and Satiation
Taurus The Bull: Sex, Sound and Shamballa
Taurus and the Sex Life of Bees
Venus in Libra: Sex and Relationships
Venus-Uranus in Taurus and Trans-Gender
Virgo, Celibacy and Sex
Virgo the Virgin: Abstinence and Purification
Virgo-Scorpio and Sex: The Sons of Will and Yoga
Are We Already in the Next Shamballa Impact? (2025)
Green Dragons and the Path of Earth Service
Signs of Shamballa: Mount Belukha
“Santa” Kumara & Symbolism of Christmas
Brazil, Shamballa, Atlantis and Lemuria
Shamballa and First Ray Nations
Shamballa, the 1st Ray and Pluto
Shamballa and the New Group of World Servers 2019
Shamballa and the New Group of World Servers 2020
Aries and Shamballa
Aries, Death, Shamballa and the First Ray of Will-Power
Libra and Shamballa
Libra, Shamballa and the Return of the Christ
Pisces, Pluto and Shamballa
Shamballa, Taurus and Destruction
Shamballa, Technocracy and the 84-Year Cycle of Uranus
Shamballa: Darjeeling, Kathmandu and Shigatse
Shigatse Earthquake: Rumblings from Shamballa? 2025
Signs of Shamballa: Mount Belukha, Shigatse-Gobi Desert
The Structure of Shamballa
Taurus The Bull: Sex, Sound and Shamballa
The Ajna Centre of Sanat Kumara, the Lord of Shamballa
Shamballa, Kalachakra, Matter and Light
Shamballa, Libra and the Law
Shamballa and the North Pole
Gemini, Communication and Telepathy
No Secrets in the Coming Age of Telepathy
Telepathy, Esoteric Astrology and the Etheric
World Events, Disasters & Tragedies
2014: Year of the Cardinal Grand Cross
9/11 & Saturn
9/11: Imminent Revelation of the Truth 2013-14
9/11 Astrological Chart
9/11 Parallels to 2020
9/11. 20 years we will Never Forget
Afghanistan and 9/11 Come Full Circle
Applying Spiritual Teachings to Current World Events
An Ominous Sign? Oklahoma Tornado
Cancer: Management of Earth’s Resources (2022)
Global Capitalists Who Have “Wrecked the World”
Countdown to 2025: Humanity’s Great Crisis
Earthquake in Nepal and Mt. Everest Avalanche
Earthquakes: World, California
Earthquake Japan Jan.1, 2024
Japan Airlines Crash Jan.2, 2024
Esoteric Reasons for Earthquakes
The Forces Behind Earthquakes
Findhorn Fire on the Aries New Moon
Germanwings Tragedy and Andreas Lubitz
Global Economic Crisis: Homelessness and Poverty
Global Refugee Crisis and Homelessness
Greece Train Crash Tragedy 2023
The Great Reset’s Next Phase in 2021: Cyber Polygon
Himalayan Everest Conquered During Gemini
Hiroshima’s 75th Anniversary
Indonesian Tsunami and the Sumatran Quake
Malaysian Airlines MH370: LOST
Mercury Conjuct Venus in Gemini: George Floyd’s Death
The Merger of 1984 with Brave New World
Mother Earth Under Duress: Oil Spill
Non-Recognition of the War: Don’t Mention the War!
Nordstream Pipeline Revelations 2023
Nordstream Explosion Horoscope 2023
Nuclear War Will not be “Allowed”
Occupy the Planet: The Soul of Humanity Takes Charge
Planetary Conflict Between Spiritual and Material Forces
Sandy Hook: Watershed Moment for Water-Bearer USA
Shigatse Earthquake: Rumblings from Shamballa?
Spiritualism, Salvation, War and Floods
Thai Boys Cave Rescue: Rites of Passage
The Current Global Crisis, April 2020
The Importance of D-DAY and Gemini
The Role of Cataclysms in World History
The World Today and the Clash of the Ages
Tsunami Response Morphs to G8-Band8
Tyranny, Totalitarianism and the Four Freedoms
US Firearm Fatalities: The Real Pandemic
Volcanoes, Vulcan and Mercury Retrograde
World Civil Unrest: Leo’s Connection to Revolution
World Crisis and Opportunity
World Events: Seeing through a Glass Darkly
WHO: World Health Organisation Crisis